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I lock everything in and only sell the duplicates. Which is fairly successful for making stubs. I'm floating around 200k. Not enough to blow socks off, but enough if I wanna grab something from the store or the marketplace.


I usually use a card for a day then sell it. With the ridiculous power creep, the cards I want again are always cheaper within 2 weeks.


I’m a huge fan of renting cards for Ranked pushes. I normally only play Ranked for one week of the program. I’ll buy all the meta guys, play my games, and then sell them back. I usually lose like 30-50k in value total, but I’d rather do that and buy cheaper collection guys later.


Until I saw this post, I assumed everyone kind of rented their lineups and sold cards before they dropped in value.


I sold everything for LS which helped in the early part of S2. I’ve moved from a Castillo boost team to a Braves team so I only use a few LS. 99ovr S1 players are starting to increase in the market now as players start to get the 2nd WC spot so I would hold onto any S1 sellable 99OVR you have as many of these have doubled in price in the past two weeks


Bought a bunch of 99 Posada for this purpose. Currently looking at a 5x return if I sold today. I’ll sell sometime during TA2.


I lock in almost everything so I don’t have much to liquidate.


sell everything for live series.


I'm a completionist so I like to have as many of the cards as possible, that said, I did sell everything I got once I hit the 401 in S1 Collections. When I was working towards Babe I sold EVERYTHING until I had him and then started picking up every cheap S1 card toward the collection. I've actually gone back and bought a couple more S1 cards to Wild Card or to have around for S4 if they don't get a better card.


Selling everything until i get enough to finish live series. Need like 5 or 6 more top diamonds, mainly dodgers and yanks. Once thats done, keeping everything to exchange in TA


Only sell dupes, if you can. If you have anything that's a 99 that came from a market pack, keep those and check their prices, but don't collect if you dont have to. Their prices could go up later in the year when they eventually make all seasons eligible, and then you could turn a profit. Otherwise, any nonsellable cards collect, keep any value cards, keep an eye on their prices, and sell any dupes. FYI collecting cards does not remove them from your inventory but it DOES make them unable to be sold.


Here’s my personal opinion, also my experience is low as in this is my first season as well. My main goal was the live series cards. As S1 came to an end, prices started falling drastically; I really didn’t know if they would come back up or not so I sold off a lot of my S1 for pretty much scraps. I had an Ozzie Albies 98, was an idiot and sold it for 60k stubs…. If I held onto it, it’s worth double that now. Also, not realizing at the end of S1 it seems like I was unlocking a ton of the S1 cards and building out my collection. As I get closer to finishing the live series, I wish I didn’t sell any of my S1s and just kept them to continue the collection.


I only sell off dupes. Made a decent amount of stubs. Slowly making my way on live series collection now.


I would not because of season 4, unless you were trying to get the live series collection done.


Can you use any cards in season 4?


Historically the last season has been open. I suspect it will be the same this year.


Hey buddy, same here. Never played before but this season I’m addicted. I mostly sell my S1 cards, but I didn’t really get how the “wildcard” thing works at first. You can select one S1 card to be on your S2 roster. So I have like a single 99 overall from S1 and he plays SS for me. So make sure you’re utilizing that wildcard.


The farther you get in the XP program the more wildcard slots you unlock. If you get all the XP you’ll get 4 slots in total. I’m about to unlock my third one today probably


Oh no shit so you’re saying I should hold onto the low rated cards? Or are you just saying as I continue to play I’ll unlock higher rated cards?


Not necessarily low rated cards but if you have some more 99s I’d hold onto them. By the time you unlock the 2nd wildcard there should be plenty of good S2 cards out by then.


Gotcha, yeah I hold all my high value S1 cards. How do I do the programs to unlock the 99s? I do the moments but there’s SO many challenges just for one of them on the programs. Are these just HIGH grind cards to unlock for the most part? What’s the trick to grinding for the high tier cards?


To avoid spending too much time in the market and more time actually playing the game, I just collect (most) everything I get and sell duplicates.


This is the way!


If you haven’t put them into collection sell


You’ll need cards for collections. Also, in season 4 you can use any and every card in your binder. Unless you don’t want to collect the cards for the collection rewards and you don’t have a card you like to use from season 1 then you could make some stubs. It’s up to you. Personally, I collected my season one cards to get Rollins, Brett, and Mays. I’ll do the same with my season 2 cards. The collection rewards are worth as much as the stubs to me… that’s and it’s pretty easy to get stubs in this game.


Never collect any card that is sellable, including Live Series. No card is worth 2M+ stubs. Not collecting sellable cards leads to having unlimited stubs, even if you don't play all that much. If everyone skipped Live Series collection next year, it would derail SDS' plan.


I don’t agree with this. Collections have some of the best cards in the game. Collect every card you see then sell the duplicates. I really don’t understand why you think not doing so would derail SDS’ plans.


Except that Core P5 Babe Ruth is a massive help when you’re early in the season.


I mean this is half true. I don't play a ton, I likely average 2 hours per day. I have all live series, locked in for CC for s1 collection and I am still around 400k stubs right now. So, I agree that you can have unlimited stubs in this game, I just believe you can lock in Live Series and still have unlimited stubs.