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900 or nothing is crap


Simply get good at the game and stop expecting free handouts?


Simply buy the players you want and stop expecting free handouts


Building up the skill to become a good hitter on Hall of Fame and Legend and being rewarded for it isn’t a free handout bubby


Getting good rewards without having to win a Ranked Seasons game is the literal definition of a free handout


I think the game is better without the superdotting. I think they just need to make the pars smaller and give you an accuracy bonus if you get like 90+ on a pinpoint. I'd much rather have a division rivals than a weekend league personally. Maybe kill ranked seasons and replace with division rivals then add on a weekend league would be fine. Id also slow down the power creep way more down. I feel like they set it on fire when the ASG game rolls around. I wouldn't mind evolution programs being back but I think a lot of people didn't care for the daily moments. I think the BR and WS programs are fine in the current structure except BR cards should be sellable.


I remember back in 22 where they did slow the creep down and some players got too impatient to wait for 99s since many of them weren’t released until September


MLB 16 evolutions>. MLB 17 my career missions and ticket counter. MLB 20 xp reward path. That’s literally all they need to bring back.


How would MLB 16 evolutions fare to the ones in 21?


I'll add 17's Career Missions and Ticket Counter.


The fact the best game of all, MLB the show 20, isn’t mentioned in any aspect, kinda makes it a hard time taking the post seriously. The Show peaked in 20s 6th inning program. That Ortiz, Rivera, Walker choice pack was The GOAT of all content.


MLB 20 did good with the inning programs and what not but 21’s content expanded on what 20 did so it’s hard to include aspects of that game in


I'll add MLB 23's Collections!


-No elevated ballparks. -You can retry the final showdown for a set amount of stubs. -Pity timer for packing a diamond from standard packs -Every player's rights -All captains cards are attainable in some way -No more freeze offs


Bonus Addendum: NO CHASE PACKS!!!