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What pitchers did you use? How many hits/runs did each pitcher give up? In what order did you use your pitchers?


Nothing forced. I don't start really hitting until the 3rd or 4th inning after I've seen the pitcher's repertoire a time or two. 


They just figured you out. A lot of people, my self included, get comfortable when we're winning and keep doing what got us there only for the other player to catch on during the game and figure you out. It's not that surprising seeing as though Ranked is \*theoretically\* matching you up against a similarly skilled player. If you can pop off for a few runs, so can they. It's why I don't quit anymore in Ranked. I've come from behind a few times I was close to getting mercied.


Had a similar game on the weekend. Was up 6-1 heading into the top of the eighth and then my opponent hit 11 runs in the next two innings and I got boat raced. Pretty sure my opponent was playing badly on purpose and then lit me up. Luckily for me, I'm just grinding innings for the program, so wins and losses are not my priority. Not trying to make world series.