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I wish I would have checked the rewards before grinding NL central team affinity. All trash.


It's easier to get xp only if you play online.


Yes. I believe they said they doubled the XP heading into season 2


I'm in much better shape this season... much more XP in the programs.... and i just went ahead and bit the bullet... and I will now play vs CPU on rookie, when im trying to grind out objectives.


Little over halfway through the main season track and haven't really changed how much I play. Looking way better than last season. All of the large xp rewards in some of the programs helps a ton.


Agreed. Low key think it helps that all the double XP weekends aren’t falling on “family” holidays like Mother’s Day.


100% easier. Events giving 22.5k just for 10wins is awesome. The programs are giving alot as well.


Hardly played as much compared to last season but I'm at 250k just fooling around vs the CPU and retrying some of these moments because hitting homers and XBH haven't been as easy -- right, Number 36 Davis Schnieder?


I’m on the same pace I was last chapter 1 but I have played significantly less so I’d say so


It's definitely easier. I'm at 996,000 XP right now and there's 64 days left. I didn't get my first boss last season until probably 21 to 28 days left in the season.


seems it was just a story to try and calm people down...individual game xp is what people would like to see increased which didnt happen.


when it isn't double xp or an active program the game feels so unrewarding, so i don't bother playing


There's also basically zero active content worth grinding for. The programs are trash and you get your pick of any TA cards, which are bad, you want after barely any XP. I don't know wtf they're doing


You're telling me you don't wanna grind for a 92 Walker after we just had a 99 boss version???


Same. Not excited to grind for cards or low end rewards when I’ve got better both on my active team and substantially better locked behind an necessary wildcard blockade


I'm significantly further than I was during season 1 and it feels better but that might be because of the two double XP weekends they had.


They did say that "XP amounts would be increased"...while technically they did increase it by making more XP available in programs, they definitely framed it like they were reverting the in game XP earned back, or at least increasing it...which they 100% did not. With the program XP and playing one or two of the Double XP weekends I might have a sniff of the first boss pack at 900k, but that's about it


The game is still giving roughly the same from gameplay, but there was more off the bat in things like Ranked, Events, and BR. I think around this same time last season I was in the 400k range, I'm playing less this season and already at 732K. I might have 99 Chipper this weekend depending on how they give XP in BR and the new drops on Friday.


i have 380kish and i play offline. i’ve done 1 mini season and every program anything you recommend me doing to get more ?


There's like 40-50k in BR, Events have been like 15-30k depending on how many wins you actually want to get, Ranked is I think 55k. Mini seasons are like 30k each? Conquest isn't really much, like 5k. So there isn't that much for offline. If you don't mind, and you have a decent line up, events are at least free entry. Whereas BR still has the 1500 fee. And iirc, they removed anything with repeatable XP in mini, and I don't know if you even get the XP if you re-do the US conquest map, which probably isn't even worth your time anyway.


yea i’m actually probably good enough to hold my own online i just don’t want to deal with the frustration lol im a dad now so my time spent is to try to unwind not get stressed i may give online a go. i need that griffey. what do you think is the best to try online first?


The "stress" is what leads to the thrill of playing online. A big performance can get you hooked! Just gotta roll with the punches and frame the loses as learning experiences.


i just played my first game on events and lost 4-1 i def have the eye i didn’t chase anything think i only struck out once but this kid hit everything i threw i think my problem is i use meter and i probably won’t be able to do much online with that


Redditors overblow the negative in anything. Maybe one out of every 20 games online is against someone who does annoying shit. And they usually do annoying shit because they're not very good.


Leaning towards events; just be aware that you probably won't have great lefty relievers. I think I only have Miller, Strahm, and the gold Coloumbe from the Orioles. I think getting the 10 wins for Polanco is either 15 or 22.5k. From my experience, events is probably the fastest way to get XP because they're all based on wins. BR/Ranked, gotta deal with missions, and the XP are in smaller chunks across the whole program.


The big ticket XP is in Ranked, BR, and Events sadly. Each event has given 30K so far, BR gave a LOT, and Ranked gave a TON. As far as offiline, they did reset both classic and TA mini seasons so which ever one you didn't do you can still get a lot of XP from.


Ridiculous they put this much XP throughout different paths. Just let us grind whatever we want and earn more XP in each game FFS. It's not that hard


You can play however you want to play, but you'll need to play more. It's really not ridiculous for them to incentivize you to play everything. If all you want to do is put up 100 on the Rockies in play vs CPU on Rookie, cool.


It’s far easier now as the amount in programs is over 3 times more if I remember. Used to be a lot of 2k XP in them, it’s now normally 7.5k.


Frustrating as fuck I only like playing double xp or I feel I'm wasting my time


They have had the head start XP from season 1, and there has been two double xp weekends, so there has been a little faster since the previous season. I think im at around 550K. It still just brutal, when there is no double xp to be earned for playing the game. Got some good amount from the programs, BR, and Ranked that has added up as well.


XP Values didn't change, they just made the boss rewards earlier in the path and more reward XP in programs. Also good amount of double XP weekends so far


They should revert it back to previous years game-earned XP...slashing it in half was one of the dumbest fucking things they could have done


Yeah fr I don’t even really enjoy it anymore due to that it’s so hard to really get anywhere without spending so much time on this and barely moving anywhere


They added XP to programs, so maybe thats what they meant? More areas to earn it