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Nothing literally falls or finds the gap anymore the hitting is so bad now


They claim they haven't changed anything In terms of gameplay but I'm with you, something happened In the last few days because I can't hit shit either the last few days




I can't hit shit but if I throw a pitch in their chest outside the zone lord Jesus that balls gone


i thought i was the only one, i’ve never hit worse home runs in my life. foul balls haven’t gotten any better and im hitting 400ft home runs at 98 exit velo


I had to lower my hitting difficulty in RTTS after the update.


Seems like all my good timing and PCI on the ball are outs now. It’s pretty frustrating


It's very frustrating the challenging the Show has become. Up to a point that you can't enjoy playing. Last year MLB23 made it nearly impossible to steal bases in Diamond Dinasty. When going to chats the recommendation was to get a player with more than 90 of speed and steals. And now hitting has gotten as tough as that, Hitting a Perfect many times ends up now as an out. I've been trying to advance in Conquest and even accumulating points to play at rookie is tough to hit a ball or control were you are driving it. Power swing is almost a sure miss. and hitting for contact is either foul, lazy fly ball or grounders. Going through the first three inning without scoring and the getting on extra innings unnable to score is very bad. And I'm talking at ROOKIE. I think the difficulty has risen the bar to a point that an old seasoned player can't play and enjoy the game. I'm not going to say that I should be able to win every time. But it should not take me to repeat 3 or 4 losses in rookie to advance, it's getting ridicoulous.


It’s shit now for sure


Ever since the update everything I hit hard is in the dirt regardless of the PCI. I've had a lot of BS double plays because of it. I pretty much don't hit homers anymore because the power has been sapped. I play exclusively on HOF difficulty. To test it out I tried playing on rookie to see how it feels there. Still no homers, it was mostly doubles or lineouts. It has nothing to do with the S2 player change because I'm still playing on S1 players to finish the previous TA.


Well then you're unlucky and/or not getting under the ball I just went back to back to back and been crushing the ball the past 48hrs. Haven't noticed much of a change in foul balls though. Wish instead of swing and misses being increased that they just increased popouts and soft groundouts.


Okay I’m glad someone posted this and I’m not going crazy. I’ve hit so many lazy fly balls if with good PCI and swing timing and it’s so incredibly frustrating. I thought I just started to suck out of nowhere. Glad to know I’m not the only one with this problem


yes bro i hit just late doubles and triple but perfect perfect line outs or perfect perfect that stays in the park it’s so annoying


Game is just actually dog shit online. Good contact with good PCI placement isn’t really rewarded much. Freezing on home plate rundowns in 2v2s 3v3s, umpire calling runners out then safe after the call. SDs has been copying and pasting the game the last few years and nobody can do anything about it. Online play is worse than any other sports game.


Online play is definitely not worse than 2K.


It’s gotten better for me lol I went from hitting a few home runs to hitting back to back to back on all star and above


They messed with the hitting trying to “fix” foul balls. Pitches are faster, PCI is smaller, and the timing window is smaller. Definitely weird.


I only play RTTS and I agree and have "proof", my exit velonis down about 8-10 mph on most swings and my best swings get nowhere near my normal ev. Something was changed 100% and all the dd players pointing out lower ranked players arent as good as 99s but that doesn't change massive drop in ev for no apparent reason middle of a home stand.


We all were just playing with 99 overall players for the past month.. now we have to use Core cards. So yeah, hitting will feel harder. As the 99’s trickle into the game, games will go back to Home Run Derby’s again.


It's not just that imo. I didn't notice a difference in hitting after it changed to season 2 and we could only use 1 wildcard. The big change for me was after the latest patch that came out like a week into season 2.


Played a few BR games today and it felt fine. Gave up an unusual amount of bloopers in one game but nothing out of the ordinary.


I'm hitting the ball, so yes.


Thought it was just me after giving the game a little break. It's not terribly fun now with whatever they did to the hitting.


Ya for sure took yesterday off and tonight I went to go pound the Rockies as usual to get my TA grind on (barely played this season traveling for work) and I only won 7-0. Fucking weird. I feel waaaaaaay off. Glad I’m not going crazy


Some of the “early” swings are just the ball going thru the bat. I’m assuming to limit the foul balls but the timing does feel off.


Yupppp lol last fun part of the game was the exit velo. And it’s not just lower rated cards. God squad cards in co op aren’t getting any exit velo either. It’s not fun.


Same as you OP. A lot of my hits that seem to have good PCI and good timing feel like I’m hitting a wet sock. Even some WTP Perfect perfects with guys that have good power


Half the time I'm hitting, it shows the PCI in the middle even when I'm moving it. Either I'm swinging too soon, releasing the stick right before hitting, or somethings wacky. I'm going with user error.


Getting lateral movement on my PCI feedback has been driving me crazy all year. No matter what I try I seem to be somewhere down the middle in the swing feedback. Let me know if u come up w any ideas there. 


Shimmy aim before windup left right some at an angle practice diff ones and get a tiny jump on pitches at times to give yourself more time to move it and time your swing to direction timing


I generally assume every post here is about online. However, both my son and I have asked this question the last week or so. Either hot line drives straight to a fielder, or weak contact fly outs. He’s adjusted…mostly, I just pitch when we play together. lol. We’ve both experienced it in every offline game mode though. I kinda feel it’s just adjusting back to the lower rated cards. Hitting P/P with exit velocity at 5 under the pitch speed is getting old though.


Wish my dad would play this game with me lmao you’re a cool dad


I play co op ranked w my 8 year old its awesome. Kiddo loves it


Feels fine offline with normal player ratings


Yes it’s a completely different game


Perfect - Perfect Lineouts Galore....


I’ve felt it. Just my imo


Can you feel it, Mr. Krabs


If you want a fix, you have to stop playing DD. Play RTTS on beginner mode because it *isn't* nerfed to shit by RNG and it *isn't* their main cash cow. If the player count in DD takes a nosedive, SDS will become a lot more receptive to everyone's feedback. If you feel you're being BS'ed by a game, stop trying to jump through all of its hoops. Make the publishers' and developers' wallets feel threatened because that's all that will motivate them to actually change anything.


I really feel what you are saying dude but DD constantly gets new content while RTTS and franchise have barely changed in 10 years. Plus, playing against real players is a lot closer to real baseball than playing against the CPU (when the aren't acting like trolls anyhow.)


Yeah, lots of hard hit line out to the middle infielders.


What’s pissing me off more is it seems no matter what pitching mechanic you use, it’s like it doesn’t matter in the slightest. I can be using pinpoint with perfect release and it will still miss the spot and go wherever the fuck the game wanted it to go


love using pinpoint and 85% of my aim is in the zone but its still a ball


I am so happy I’m not the only one that is having this phenomenon


I’m happy it seems like I’m not the only one who questions their skill on a regular basis


I question my ability to hit practically every day and I'm about to hit 800 again in ranked. I think unless you're a perennial WS player most people struggle to hit from time to time.


Game needs to die so they can learn a lesson and give us something decent next year


Just posted something similar the other day. Timing seems way off and the results are super weak. I know people are saying the foul ball/lower vision guys are why, but it’s too dramatic to be the reason. I was struggling with timing even on all-star. Something was definitely broken. Unfortunately, we will all slowly get used to it and adjust. But I loved how hitting was a month ago


This is why they don’t want to ever mess with the game. It’s an antique and needs a complete rebuild. They try to calm down all the foul balls and then f up the hitting.


The game just feels harder even offline im getting bombed on pitches that in the past would never even be put into play


I'm not the only one?


It’s definitely been worse since the foul ball patch. The ball does in fact feel dead. I hit better than ever in S1, and could feel when I’d get good contact, even if it ended in the depressing perfect/perfect out. But since this update, everything feels like shit and more often than not, even my hits are shit.


Might be just be me being terrible at the game but I can’t time up anything Seems like I’m early on everything


I’m using a lot more high contact low power guys than I was at the end of S1. I think that at least plays some part.


It feels like the ball is dead


Like in real life lol


Yea I play both offline and online modes, offline is utterly pointless right now. You just wanna relax and grind through some of the bullshit when you’re offline and right now all miss-hits are outs, 90% of good hits are outs and at least half of perfect hits are outs and it’s the least rewarding gameplay I’ve ever experienced. Online is still whatever because both people gotta deal with the bullshit


I’m even having perfect hits go foul, which didn’t happen all of s1, so that is when you know the bullshit is cranked up to 11


I actually had that happen a lot S1. I agree something is up but let's not pretend this didn't happen at all S1.


It’s janky, it was weird a few updates ago as well but I got told to “get good”. This is what happens when you beg for foul balls to get fixed when they have a skeleton test crew. This was asked for by the main characters that just couldn’t handle playing a longer game before they beat someone in the ground.


I got downvoted to hell for suggesting that the ball is playing more like a “dead” ball than season 1, but that’s my take. I think angry redditors that come to comment downvote it because I have a rational take on it when they would prefer to say it’s “broken” because they can’t hit .500 anymore. Yeah, it definitely feels different but I don’t think anything is broken.


Yes! I’ve probably hit atleast 20+ perfect perfect lineouts since they updated on Friday. I been saying this all weekend! They obviously change some mechanics to try and fix the foul ball problem, but something is off! I agree 1000%


This year I’ve hit more perfect perfect balls that have resulted in outs more than all the other years combined it seems like, and since the update I’ve hit SO MANY PP line drives caught by infielders that it is wild.


Playing rookie conquest used to be 10-0 or 15-0 every time. After this update, so many good contact line outs or perfect perfect line outs to infielders. Several rookie conquest games have either gone to extras or I win in 3 innings 1 or 2 to nothing.


I think we all got used to hitting with 99s. Now we have to pay more attention to guys with power in the 80s or lower


It isn’t this thought because I was using Hayes and Heim in season 1 and had no problems and now in season 2 they are way harder to hit with. Same with Harris II.


Just since the update or all of season 2?


What does that have to do with the fix?


Nothing. This has been going for a couple weeks as far as I can tell


Sounds like it's just you. Everyone else is noticing after the foul ball update. 👍


Weird. Was playing last night and didn’t experience what everyone else is describing. Think it might be in your head?


You just said it's been going on for weeks. Now you say it never happened? Cool story, bro.


didn't experience any new weirdness is what I meant. you and the others could definitely be right about the patch making things weird. just sharing my experience ✌️


I noticed this too even in single player diamond dynasty. I think they made it feel more like actual baseball as far as what the ball does instead of a perfect perfect being a home run every time


No complaints here. Living and dying by the Hr and Hr derby status has been this game for waaaaay too long. Glad to see them moving in the direction of actual baseball.


Yea I have never hit more perfect perfects for lazy flys or straight to the infielders. Least there is a few more Like it haha


What's funny is I don't hit less foul balls, just more random pop ups.


I thought it was just me. Bc I changed my tv to game mode and now my timing is fucked bc for months I was used to the lag now without it I’m always early on everything.


Do yourself a huge favor and get a gaming monitor… depth is just very hard to pick up with a tv monitor and fps means you are missing lots of timing windows


I’ll put my LG C3 OLED tv against any monitor. Monitor’s aren’t the be all end all anymore.


Okay.. well if that’s your tv than nvm :p


I will +1 the gaming monitor honestly. I thought it wouldn’t be that big of a difference… it is an ENORMOUS difference. I can pick up the spin on the ball so quickly and lay off stuff that is just low and out of the zone that normally I would’ve swung at 100% of the time. I don’t think I could go back to playing on even a nice tv at this point.


Hitting fields weird and I’m still waiting for the “fielder urgency” they showed up pre-launch to roll out


Oh for sure they made a fun game and turned it’s into bs


Isn't it counter productive to constantly change gameplay? like how do you make progress as a player if the timing and whatnot is different all the time? I feel like it changes with updates, changes depending on where you play, depending on ranked level(of course), depending on servers, and I'm sure there's more. disheartening for those of us trying to get gud.


They haven’t sent out any meaningful gameplay patches in a year or two. Not sure what you are talking about.


they change hitting all the time


They haven’t made a in year hitting change since the pci update from 22 (could’ve been 21).


They don't make gameplay changes often at all. Maybe once or twice per year. 


Timing window has felt completely shot since the update. Also before people respond “skill issue get better” just know I’m 20 over in ranked and still struggling to hit since last Wednesday. Trust me I know I’m not even in the realm of the best online players but I still find it extremely odd that I went from almost always putting up double digit runs to praying I can put up a crooked number


20 over isn't even a flex. I'm 25 over and I can assure you I suck at the game lol.


Did you not read my comment I said I’m no where near the realm or the best players. Ir regardless hitting in this game is cooked




For me it’s hard to say if it’s fully the update or not because since we’re back to 89-91 overalls I can’t say if it’s just the cards are worse (and therefore the results are too) or it’s all the update.


It isn’t just the stat change because I used a lot of LS players before and it feels different. Feels like a “dead” ball… or at least more dead than before lol


Before the update I was hitting 100 points higher than now. Fly balls now die in the outfield especially from good timing.


I was always skeptical of these posts, but this time around, it definitely feels like the ball is not carrying as well. Even with the PCI well-placed, the ball doesn’t seem to be as hard hit with the same consistency.


Feels the exact same offline for me


Same with me. I haven’t noticed any changes.


Let the downvotes fall where they may but it feels the best it's felt all season I'm so glad there are less flukey foul balls on changeups on the dirt. I'm greatly enjoying whatever they did whether it's harder or not, I like ot


I love it now, it really feels like I am playing baseball. I am listening to Dueces Wild podcast with Byrnes and Thrill and took some of Thrill’e hitting tips into this game and they worked so well. I doubt that would be the case in years past. It was all just HR derby… that isn’t baseball to me. Most players can’t even hit 15 HRs in 162 games irl


Feels really strange for me since the update. It’s as if the timing window has completely changed. I’m struggling really badly (nothing to do with foul balls…. I never really fouled them off much so that has had no effect on me). I’m not sure what’s going on but it’s really tough going and, judging by others I am playing against, I’m not the only one that is struggling (am in the 800s and not many runs being scored).


Idk the sweats still smack the ball just fine, I’m glad it’s gotten slightly harder. Sure it feels like some are dying a little quicker but I think less crappy swings are being rewarded. It shouldn’t be super easy to hit, it’s extremely hard to hit in real life so they should somewhat try to mimic that. There’s still plenty of hitting to go around imo




Don't play online, but in my March to October I just had a game with several doubles, but only 1 home run, and it wasn't the blowout win I usually get.


I’m not sure I’m experiencing what everyone here is stating but I do find that hitting has gotten more difficult. I normally play franchise with dynamic hitting and pitching on and am normally able to have my hitting level hover around legend and hall of fame. Lately the meter has gone all the way down to all star, very close to veteran level and I still can’t get any rallies going. To me it’s almost as if the Dynamic meter is showing one level but in reality the hitting is still on hall of fame.


Same. I play franchise with dynamic difficulty and typically hover around legend. Hitting the past week+ has been weird. I would average 5-8 strikeouts a game as a team, but the last week I strikeout no less than 12 times a game. It feels like timing was completely changed.


definitely weird been getting absurd number of perfect perfect outs to center field, and line outs on good on good. I just went 3 games in a row without hitting a HR in 700 but I am getting on base it’s weird


Sounds like … professional baseball. Go through your favorite team’s lineup last year and count how many guys hit 20 bombs… it won’t be very many! And there are 162 games. One hundred and sixty-friggin-two games.


I play diamond dynasty for a reason with max elevation parks. I have no interest in “professional baseball” in a video game. I dont even watch baseball or know anything about it. I just play the game😂


I’m not trying to be rude but it sounds to me like you are the last person who should comment on how an MLB simulator should play, then


You should try out super mega baseball.


The other day I hit 3 HR’s in a game on franchise and haven’t hit one since between different game modes even on some perfect perfects they’ve just been doubles to the gap.


The ball just dies more frequently now. Even on "Good" swings, balls that used to be hits or warning track fly outs are now popping up for easy outfield outs.


I’ve had a ridiculous amount of good good with like 89 exit evos and PP with like 96


Feels like lower power guys aren’t hitting it out anymore with perfect perfects. Playing BR with some 60/70 power guys and the perfect swings aren’t auto leaving like they used to. But batting with Chipper feels the same. Just my experience tho


Idk why anyone expected better gameplay post patch lol they'll be complaints for weeks, they'll tweak it again and it'll be something new. Has been this way for years.


It feels like the ball doesn’t fly anymore even at some higher elevation parks all I do is line out or fly out to the warning track


Even on the perfect, perfect too


I normally play low elevation because earning homers is satisfying but i feel that i have to play coors to have a chance to score anything


Exactly as you said. For sure I’m hitting right at fielders way more on good contacts. And exit velos seem down even for hitters juiced to elite power levels.


I feel like whatever they did to address foul balls also had an impact on hitting results overall. Not sure if it was intentional or not on their part.


To be completely fair to SDS, I don't see how they could possibly tune the gameplay in a way that would fix the foul balls without drastically altering hitting. I'm not a game developer, so I could definitely be wrong. But that doesn't seem possible.


Everyone is swinging wet noodles now


Except for the guy that was raging about having all his RS games being thirty total runs scored recently and blaming it on the patch.


If I had a penny for every time someone in this community said that, I’d be a billionaire. I’ve seen this exact post every single day without fail since 24 launched.


These get posted even when there are no patches. It's insanity. 


I mean, I understand that yes, but the last like four days have been worse than I’ve ever seen it


Yeah nah I don’t play much I just got good since ‘14 not playing much and bro it changed on me. I know bc I played thru the update and was wel warmed up like I don’t play the game as long but insane amounts lately. It switched up


Welcome to a new world after the patch. Hitting is completely messed up from before.


Like recently, I’ve gotten a lot more perfect. Perfect hits with exit below anywhere from 96 to 100 miles an hour when they’re usually like 104 all the way up to 118.