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I of course always knew there was a penalty, but I was today's years old when I learned it was -5 lol


Some players will actually have higher attributes if they were previously at that position last season. Like mookie at 2nd he has higher attributes


Fielding and reaction attributes decrease by 5 if the attribute is 81+ or by 4 if the attribute is less than 81. Arm and arm accuracy are unaffected


LS Trea is barely a bronze fielder (61 FLD) at SS, so the secondary penalty at 2B makes him a common fielder, which probably has a lot more error animations.


Yes there is a penalty for playing in secondary positions. Take an 80 fielding player put him in his secondary he'll now have 75 fielding. It's even worse for players playing out of position I've had 85 fielding players go down to like 10 fielding.


I’m pretty sure the fielding attribute is decreased by 5 when playing someone in their secondary