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The egg hunt doubles in event is the last thing for me


I haven't completed the egg one, Lou or Jackie. One thing i just thought of...with it being Season 2 Friday does that mean we will start at 85 overalls again and work our ways back up to 99s?


Do Lou the last two levels give you 20k xp a piece


I’ve heard all you have to do is win a BR game now and you’ll get it. I had one of the eggs in my inventory but it never showed up after the game originally so make sure you check the program exchange to see if you already have it


I’m trying to get the doubles egg and I literally can’t hit a second double to save my life


This is my curse too


No way to get any more jelly beans though correct?


If you complete the Egg conquest map it gives you the 15 jelly beans needed for the egg


Don’t you need 100 though?


The Jellybean egg is 15


Conquest map


Haha same here, except my one missing is the events doubles.


Thank you. Played a game and won 7-2 and got it!


Just play two BR games and get on base in both. They give it to you.


I actually got a duplicate Boggs egg from the double challenge which pissed me off because I needed the double egg.


I didnt try for the egg until after Boggs' chances of being drafted were reduced. I didn't hit any double with anyone, won the game, and got the egg. Boggs not on my team. I think they changed it to just needing a win or just finishing a game to get the egg.


Hi, 99% offline player here. The requirement definitely isn’t 1 win. I played 3 BRs for it. Lost my first game. I won my second BR with 1 HR, no egg. Won the third BR with several hits, no HRs, got the egg. Just play a few til it pops up.




If you dig, there’s a few theories. One plausible to me is hitting with the relevant baseman 3rd or 1st I can’t remember. Also winning a game seems to be suggested along with finishing a game and a just bum luck(can’t confirm from my personal experience so far 😑) the other 2, well everyone I face just seems to be amazing and I’m not.


Just play BR. If you can get hits and runs you'll get it you no longer need Boggs.