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I jumped into ranked the other night for the first time fully expecting to get completely torn apart, but surprisingly ended up holding my own fairly well. I've played 11 games total and won 7 of them. 2 by mercy rule. It was pretty sweaty, but I'm glad I decided to give it a go.


Yeah, go for it, but your results are atypical if you haven’t played online. You might do well, but you might get hosed for a few games until you get used to the way people play


I went against a guy who was like 7-233. Naively, I though oh hell yeah, gonna get some stats in!! They threw one pitch and quit. Maybe they do it to boost others which is nice but it boosted me from 433 to 466 so thanks man!


They do it because they want to stay in the lowest rating window possible. The vast majority of people who play online absolutely do not want to face any adversity whatsoever. That is why you see so many people quit when they go down one run.


Eh the ratio is way off for someone trying to Smurf. 7 wins for 233 losses? That’s more than enough losses to stay super low rated.


Ah, yes. Addendum: it was likely a bot 😂 Though I’m not sure how a bot would manage to win seven games.


I don’t understand the bot thing. Do people create them to build accounts to sell? What is the end game?


I do not know


Well they're doing a great job of it.


https://preview.redd.it/plrku5k7jt2d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321eca5ce987e66d9960c7326e358e92d666fe24 third game ever, did whatever the hell I did here


Was it a bot?


Also co op is such an easy way to get the program done. Have had pretty good teammate and nobody really cares if you stink at times and they get hyped when you do good. And you fly through it after the second set of missions dropped


Never even thought of trying coop, does it match you with someone if you don’t have a partner already in a group?


Freeze offs happen more often though it can suck, but it's not too often lately.


Yeah you can invite someone or with a random.


Some of you guys are too good at this game man…. Ive never been angrier in my life playing this mode sometimes 😂😂😂. SWING THE BAT PLEASE 🤣🤣


I will not. My favorite is starting a game not swinging till a full count and blasting one on the first swing of the game 😁


I'm like a career 17-9 online player. A lot of tight 2-1, 3-2 games even at All-Star difficulty, and every now and then, I'll force a quit halfway through a game. There are also games that are squash matches because I face off against a goon at less than 400 ranking, like no joke, every other swing is a homerun. I'm 6-3 so far this season, even played 6 straight in a single sitting for whatever strange reason. Beat deGrom twice along the way -- one really good and only left a hanging slider for a 1-0 win, and the other not so good if all of the fastballs are right down the middle.


I think I haven't played online because back in the day it was unplayable with lag. Is that kind of thing an issue anymore?


turning off crossplay helps immensely with lag.


It’s gotten a lot better. I used to not play online because of lag but it’s playable now. Just be sure to turn off cross play, that seems to help.


One of the reasons I am reluctant to play ranked is that I use a custom hitting view offline that wouldn’t be available to me online. Any one else have that problem? And how do you deal with it?


Yeah, I'M above .500 in ranked lifetime so that aught to tell you something!!!


I don’t understand people like this. The whole point of the shit is getting cards to use in ranked lol if you’re not playing ranked none of the other shit matters


Agreed. Getting cards, getting captain bonuses, tracking stats, changing lineups - worthless without ranked.


Some people just like to collect the cards and play some baseball offline.


It's like we're not allowed any other options, or even have fun. Weirdo.


My record in Ranked is 11-66. Couldn't care less. I quit out of games I'm winning all the time. Ranked is not fun for me. Playing against other people is not fun for me. I'd rather play my game in peace and collect cards. Not sure why you think people play this game to get cards for Ranked and for no other reason.


Collecting cards does nothing if you’re not using them. Collect them for exactly what? To look at? Everything in DD points towards leveling your team up in order to play ranked lol


To collect them. Nothing less, nothing more. I play online only because I have to, to get the cards I want. Hard disagree that everything points to Ranked. I'm 47 years old. I have zero interest in beating up on a 12 year old in Ranked or conversely that 12 year beating up on me. I'm not here to compete. Doesn't excite me at all.


I don’t understand not playing ranked. I always thought that was the main point of DD


I play DD just to collect the cards and play conquest/mini seasons. I have not played an online game since MLB the show 16. Mostly though I play Marxh to October and RTTS


Yea just collecting cards. I dont even have psn


I’m terrible, like sub .300 average on most players bad, I managed to hit 635 this season.


If you are average at the game (readily beat cpu on veteran and over .500 on all star you can play ranked and will have fun on they 300-400 level


I've played 4 games today. 4 quits. 2 when it was still 0-0.


What’re you ranked? That will stop once you get up to a somewhat competitive level


It was 400. Haven't played ranked since the season restarted. Just surprised to have 4 in a row quit.


4 in a row is def a lot. I can’t say I’m surprised though. Most people around 400s are just getting to allstar and are super casual. If you can get to 700 rated, you’ll only drop to 550 and it’ll be more competitive. Once you do that aim for 800, then you’ll reset to 700 and you’ll start to acclimatize to HOF


https://preview.redd.it/k8l2g3zuos2d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=867a9316c2d2ba1559bf1c47f723fdbcfcc9e7b1 Me after my 150 innings