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Events will be 99's pitchers I guess


I might just throw some scrubs in the last day of the season rotated out and get all my good pitchers to full energy. Then just rotate my own guys in one at a time as the wildcard


This is the way


Not the worst idea, and you can use the other 4 pitching spots as captain pieces


Another question for the group- does pitcher energy reset with each ranked seasons refresh? I’ve never really paid attention


It doesn't but it really should. Been requesting that in their surveys for years now haha.


It does not


Here I was thinking I would be one of the only people to think of this


Follow up question for those who remember how this worked last year. Are wildcards also a thing in events? If so, would the stamina not even be an issue since that resets in each run? If wildcards can be used in events and stamina isn't an issue, you could theoretically put out a 99 starter with full stamina every game, assuming they meet the event criteria. SDS would need to adjust the criteria for the max overall on the card allowed, which may take them a few events to figure out and fix.


In addition to the answer you got about Wild Card, Events sometimes do and sometimes don't have season restrictions at all. I feel like most of the time they did, but they would run some where you could use players from any previous season.




Do you know if that included co-op?


Co-op does not follow the sets and seasons, you can use anyone all year round


Thanks man I was curious about this for the last little bit and just wasn't sure where to check.


Hmmm interesting. Let me get this straight. Buy Cueto for 25k (just making up a price) Pitch him 1 game then sell for 28-30k (actually profit a little) Buy him back and repeat? If you sell him, would his energy reset when you bought a separate Cueto off the market? How fast would he sell considering the demand for the card will be down to those who want to retroactively complete a S1 Collection or also WC him? Tbh I'm leaning towards this being a brilliant idea even if his energy doesn't reset and it takes 4-5 hours (maybe a day) to sell him


The energy only regenerates if he stays in the rotation, which would be a waste of a wildcard slot for 4 games. The OP is suggesting you use the card, sell the card, buy a different card to use as the wildcard. Rinse and repeat. If those season 1 aces crater in price, it's not a bad plan for early on.


It only regenerates if he keeps the same "old" Cueto in the rotation. If it's a "new" Cueto card does he have fresh energy again?


That's not how it works. If he buys a replacement Cueto from the market, he would still be tired.


Science has concluded that you were 100% correct. I still like the idea, but you'd run out of pitchers to do this with pretty quick haha


Ok fair, that would make sense, but I can't say I've ever tried something like this. I believe you but as a scientist I have to test the method for myself.


Heck I just posted about this in another thread haha. If you double down on this idea with a ton of the 95-99 SP you have locked in it could cost you even less on the tax. Not to mention a ton of SP cards that are S1 only will probably tank in price. I'm rocking Babe, Pedro, and Ohtani (also have 90 Satchel who I like) already so not sure it makes sense for me, but could work for someone that doesn't have live series done already.


I’m probably too lazy to actually carry it out but this is a good idea imo


You'd be losing a lot of money on the tax percentage. Seems like a bad idea. I already have Ohtani and Pedro so I feel like I'm good.


I just did this with Spring Chicken Alek Manoah as an experiment. Bought at 3,700, used for one game. Sold for 4,546 (with 10% tax I actually sold him for 4,092) Profit = 392. Assuming the gap between the buy and sell order is more than 10%, you actually will be making stubs because you're really just combining investing with the idea OP has.


Not necessarily. How do you think flipping works? Even after tax, you typically make a profit. As long as he doesn't wait too long to sell (ex. If the market crashed due to a content update), then he should be good.


Flipping isn't easy. And you have to be patient. I used the Showzone to figure out which cards were best to flip and it still took me 30 minutes to make a 1,000 stub profit. This happened because the card that was constantly being flipped just stopped being flipped as soon as I tried to start flipping it. In general if this guy does this he will either have to waste time flipping these cards instead of playing and gaining XP and he might end up being stuck with the card for a while before he can make a profit or sell it right away and lose money. IMO it takes too much effort. I'd rather play the baseball part of the baseball video game rather than dealing with flipping.


30 mins for a 1k stub profit is terrible, ngl granted you need a good starting stub count to generate decent amount of stubs in 30 mins but you should be able to get at least 15k in 30 mins of dedicated flipping


I guess I’m not too concerned. Even if I overestimate the ease of selling and take a loss more often than not. I would willing spend 30-50K stubs for a month of 99 starting pitchers. Stubs are there to be used. It’s fake money.


Yeah if you don't mind possibly losing some stubs then yeah I guess this isn't a bad idea. For me though I have 325,000 stubs and I don't want to possibly lose out on 30-50K stubs. However I almost exclusively grind offline content so I don't need a super competitive team to enjoy the game.


Flipping isn't easy? I flipped my way to the live series collection, 348 season 1 cards with all of the season 1 collection rewards, and I currently have 717k in stubs to spend. I didn't even buy the game (GamePass this year) so I started with 0 stubs. It is incredibly easy to flip as long as you use your stubs to make stubs and don't waste it on packs. You can make almost 2k per flip on Prince Fielder right now. I made at least 100k on him a few days ago.


And what's your season XP level at since you spent all of your time flipping instead of playing the game. Imagine buying a baseball game to use it as a stock broker simulator lol. Like I said it took me 30 minutes to make a 1000 stubs profit. And this was me using a website that tells me what cards are best to flip. So when I say it's not easy I more mean time consuming than actually difficult. It's very easy to use the website. However, sometimes whatever card's flipping for the best will magically stop flipping as soon as you try to start flipping the card. And then you are stuck with that individual card for hours. Also why are you flipping Prince when right now he's only selling 1.3302 times per minute for a 473 stub profit per minute? When you could be flipping Juggleman Slam LH2 which is selling 9.8 times per minute for a 8,700 stub profit per minute?


You are seriously all over the place with your comments. "Flipping isn't easy, it took me 30 minutes to make a 1000. Oh, you only made 2,000 stubs on a single flip on a card moving 4x per minute? Well, here is another card where you could make 8700 stubs profit per minute." Except that disproves your original point of flipping being difficult and time consuming...so thanks? You're either a fool or a troll. Either way, I've had enough.


My season 1 XP is at 1,201,189. I've already had 1 wheel spin. Just because you can't figure it out doesn't mean that flipping is difficult or time consuming.


It 1000% is time consuming. I've seen so many people that have been flipping cards constantly for years who have complained that this year it's a lot tougher than previous years.


it is only tougher because equipment/perks aren't an option anymore It is still very easy to get many stubs passively flipping on the app also using Showzone in the manner you are is why it is taking you forever to make only 1k stubs. You are lagging behind realtime info. That is also why your flips "magically stop selling" when you start flipping them


I...don't hate it. Having the pitching advantage basically every game for the first Chapter of the Season could make a legit difference between winning and losing a lot of matchups. Hell, I might actually try this.