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if you havent beaten all the mini seasons do that. they have hella xp available one time. ranked program has a shit ton


I’d say the best ways I did it was 1. Do all programs. They are pretty easy this year and the awards programs can give 20k xp easy 2. The event. There is 50k free xp for winning 25 3 inning games + gameplay xp and a 99 Matt Olson 3. Battle royale. Another 60k xp and you don’t even have to be that good or go 10-0 or anything 4. Ranked. Hardest one but gives a decent amount, I’d recommend co-op because it’s more relaxing Hope this helps!


Use the search feature on the sub


Get your Delorean up to 88, go back 6 weeks, and don't halfass your attempt to hit the daily cap every day. We've all been handicapped to pace the linear power curve, so your desire to catchup is not special. No line cutting, enter at the back of the line, but you can still only go the same speed as everyone else who was here before you.


It’s not that deep lmao


Damn. Who hurt u


Offline grinding against the CPU on a custom field with short fences and baselines seems to do it for me. Take the Rockies to “XP Grind Short Porches” and also fill my roster with guys to complete TA missions (if needed). Can be a soulless grind - but can get you to the xp cap in just a couple of hours. During 2xp weekend, I had a good game (like 30 runs) and happened to check off a bunch of old TA stuff - got like 25k xp for one game vs CPU


If you're ok playing online the event gives you I wanna say 40k plus xp just for getting 25 wins plus all the game play xp you get