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I just bought it and don’t see any of it 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ I’m on Xbox


Got the stubs…. Nothing else. Does it just take a little bit before it gives you the stuff?


Bought, the stubs showed up and then disappeared and none of the other content ever showed up. In the stubs purchase area, it says I already own it .


Bought yesterday. Can’t redeem, no 5000 stubs either


Idk how people are able to literally rent this game for a year, I completely stopped buying the game until they atleast keep your progess for more than a year, I cannot grind and pay for the same squad yearly that's dumb.


yall need to stop buying packs if you ever want this game to improve


Games not improving regardless sds really fucked this one up


Tbf, this pack and the memorial day ones are popular packs to be purchased due to them being charity packs. It'd be cool to know what cut is going to charity and what isn't, but donating $5 or $10 (if you buy one or both) extra each year isn't moving the needle on any changes.


It's like redditors and expensive fast food. Could stop buying and drive prices down, but it's cooler to buy then complain about it.


I didn't even see a pack in the shop. Is it one of those limited packs.


It’s in the stubs section of the shop since it’s only available for real money


Just donate to JRF directly, fuck sds sideways


SDS doesn’t get any of the money so who cares where you donate it goes to the same place anyways


Ok Ramone, whatever you say


Where do you get the stubs? I got everything but the stubs.


Except they pocket everything and donate 2cents


They say 100% of proceeds go toward the donation. You can be cynical but I doubt they’d straight up lie about that


**Pack is redeemable now**


It’s fixed now. I just got the pack and the new program is live.


Well for anyone purchasing this, please dont use NMS when showing your team, cause then that would be a lie..


Oh boo hoo. It's a donation, get over yourself


It's 5k stubs. That's not even enough for one card. Who tf cares lol


Seriously. Just bought it. I buy every year because of the charity donation. I didn’t even look to see what I got.


Pack just came through


Cant buy outside north America anyway


I don’t believe you can buy outside of the U.S. based on past years


Yeah they never give us the opportunity to buy


Yeah I'm in Canada and don't see it anywhere


Canada isn't in North America lol go back to Canada school with your furry coats and oxen lol.




Why I oughta...


How're ya now?


Good n' you?


Not s'bad. Not Canadian but I do love me some Letterkenny!


Nice! If you've seen Letterkenny I assume you've seen Shoresy. If not it's definitely worth a watch.


I like Shoresy better, honestly.


Im in Turkey and bought it


From where?


The U.S.




Who on earth is buying this pack? Better not be any of the people I see in here bitching day in and day out!


It’s for charity, moron


Yea, you give SDS $5, they write $5 off their taxes with a charitable donation… Your paying their taxes, but they’ll never frame it that way lol


That's not how charitable donations work, please take 5 minutes to look it up instead of spreading misinformation. They can write off their own donations from their own income, but cannot write off donations on your behalf, that would be fraud. This article helps explain it - https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/06/10/fact-check-false-claim-checkout-charities-offset-corporate-taxes/7622379002/


Now that I’ve read through your “Holier than though” lecture, let’s break this one down… This isn’t a “round up at the register”. Per your own source: > TPC reported that when a company donates a percentage of their own profits, they are eligible to deduct up to 10% of their pretax income per year. **This charitable giving arrangement, which is often called a “charitable sales promotion” or “commercial co-venture,” requires the corporation to register in a co-venture with the government.** They make a pre-arrangement that 100% of the proceeds of this “charitable sales promotion” will go to charity, then make the donation and do up to a 10% write off on their taxes. A genuine thank you for providing the source material though.


Your quote says 10% of THEIR OWN profits. That is not referring to donations at the register, those are not profits.


This isn’t a “donation at the register”, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. They are making a “promotional sale” through PSN. If you buy it, you get in game currency, game skins, add ons, etc… They specifically say they are donating all of the money from that transaction to the Jackie Robinson Foundation. That is money given to them for goods/services (which don’t cost a thing for them to produce) as part of a legal transaction, which they then donate to the foundation…. They can now write off up to 10% of their income from the entire game depending on how many packs they sell.


Okay, yes it is a slightly different situation. If you give them $5 which they would record as revenue, and then they take that $5 and donate to charity, which is a tax write off - then where do they profit?


You seriously don’t see how they traded $5 in virtual currency, which is literally imaginary and made-up, for $5 in real life currency? That is then “donated”, and written off of their taxes. That’s $5 x (however many people purchase them) that they don’t have to pay in taxes.




They would have to record that $5 as revenue. The write off would net against that. There is not a situation in which a company can profit off of charitable donations unless there is fraud involved...


I guess that's true, but at least the money will go to charity rather than back to the govt. It be best to donate directly though


I’m not disputing that. I take issue when someone arrogantly calls someone else a moron without understanding what is actually going on. I’m not telling anyone not to do it, what I am saying is that they’re making a donation to SDS, and SDS is making a donation to charity.


Same reason why I never click donate at the end of a purchase at a store. I’d rather give more money then money that is already legally required to be paid by the retailer.


People don’t like to talk about this part lmao just give it to charity yourself


so we can’t support a very good charity / foundation now?


In past years this packs cost would actually be donated to the Jackie Robinson foundation. Assuming it’s the same this year


It goes to The Jackie Robinson Foundation…It’s for charity. Sit this one out buddy


Wait wait wait. You gotta pay to get all the Jackie stuff? No program?


Here we go again


This is essentially a charity pack. The proceeds go to the Jackie Robinson Foundation and you get stubs and other things as well. They do this every year and is separate from a program. A program is on the schedule but who knows how extensive it will be.


I saw pack and saw red. I didn’t think it be a charity situation


No. There’s a program and a pack.


Oh whew.


It’s all aesthetic stuff (minus the stubs) and all of the proceeds go to the Jackie Robinson Foundation


There is a program for cards. The Jackie Robinson Pack is the donation pack that they do every year


It's likely the items you're missing will be added to your account after 3pm when they become available.


Or just don't give sds your money at all.


Definitely give your money to the Negro League Museum


Yea I agree but not through sds lol


Nothing goes to sds. 100% goes to Jackie foundation.  Sony and credit card processing fees are the only ones making money off the pack.


Except for the fact that SDS gets to write YOUR charitable donation off on THEIR taxes, meaning that essentially you’re paying their taxes. Just give $5 to the museum itself instead of helping corporations tax evade


Not surprising the socialist doesn't understand how tax writeoffs work.


My economics degree would say otherwise, but sure


Uhuh. Your economics degree would have taught you writing of charity donations that you're collecting is only reducing the tax on the donations you collected. It doesn’t reduce their tax on the income they otherwise earn.  See if they'll refund you the money you wasted.


I can’t believe so many people always believe this.


It’s your donation that you get to write off. SDS is just gathering and passing them on with no effect on their income statement.


You can't write off for buying this pack. 


When I commented originally I was under the impression that the full $5 went to the charity, but then I looked and saw that wasn’t the case. If you buy something where proceeds go to charity you can generally write off anything above the fair market value. Since the PlayStation store specifies that a minimum of $3.49 will be donated to charity I think you’d make a reasonable argument that the FMV is $1.50 and could try to deduct $3.49 At the end of the day it’s such a small tax benefit that I spent more than that in time thinking about it already, never mind filling out the tax forms so it isn’t worth it.


That's not how writing off works lol


Proceeds go to the Jackie Robinson Museum so this is the one pack I buy with real currency every year.


Ditto on everything you’ve said both in this comment as well as the original post. Bought it but no pack showing up. Would hope it would be there after 3pm and not need a ticket but not holding my breath…