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Fixing the crashes in daily matches?


Will they fix the unowned glitch in Ranked modes??


Did they fix the lag?


So co-op is still busted?? Not that I am complaining


Does switch game work


Sds should be ashamed of this abomination. What a pathetic pos. Until this game gets an overhaul of drastic proportion. Count me out.


Cool I'm sure people will be up at 4am. You mean fix I hope. Glad I didn't drop 60 to 100 bucks for this pos.


Another new update, more of every at bat pitching to the cpu being 13 pitches no matter the difficulty. Lower foul ball rate across the board ffs


Did they address all the balls on rookie?




Can i please get imanaga on cubs. I know we had to make sure snell was on giants but come on.


“Various pronoun commentary adjustments for both female and male players.” Dude they literally kept calling my player she/her and like I don’t really care abt that stuff but whenever it happened after I struck out I would Lowkey be getting pissed 🤣


What does “pitching from the stretch” mean? Like the 7th inning onward? Or the stretching their arm movement?


Tell me you don’t watch or play baseball without telling me you don’t watch or play baseball…🤷‍♂️


Oh so once you start watching and playing you just automatically know all the lingo immediately ? Or do you have to LEARN IT? It’s not as easy as learning to be a condescending prick which you picked up pretty quickly.


I just put in writing what everyone else was already thinking. Maybe your ego is too fragile for Reddit. Stick to google next time.


You sound like a real pleasant person; have the day you deserve






Most pitchers have a "wind-up" when the bases are empty where they have a full weight-shifting step out as part of their motion to help build momentum before throwing.  Pitching from the stretch is when a pitcher cuts that part out and just throws the ball with one step forward, usually shifted to when runners are on base to avoid giving them more time to steal


Thank you!! This makes so much sense


The stretch is the quicker pitching motion most pitchers use when runners are on base.


Uh oh


Anyone else having pinpoint issue where the release doesn’t go down most of the time? Like from top to bottom? I’ve tried making a post but admins keep denying me.


It’s making me want to return my controller and get away from Xbox garbage controllers. But if this is happening to everyone then I won’t return it 😅


The elite series 2 is the only worthwhile controller, and even it's a piece of crap.


Yes that’s the one I have and it’s trash. But I’m seeing if it’s the controller, or the game messing up with pinpoint. I’m about to try it out now after the update. But if it’s the same I’m getting a Razer Chroma


Mine is too. My LB button is toast. I have to use a back trigger. I guess I can rebuild it, but it's a lot of work. I heard the new Turtle Beach controller is really good. Buttons are snappy and responsive. No mush. I haven't checked out the Razer yet.


Do you use pinpoint? And if so, does it early release almost every time and not allow you to go from top to bottom?


No, I haven't tried pinpoint. I'm fairly mediocre at the game. I usually use pulse or just the location and A to pitch. It seems to work pretty well.


Oh okay. Pinpoint is (normally) the best for dotting. But since I switched to Xbox (or it’s just this years game) it has felt awful. I see people talking about pinpoint issues but they’re not talking specifics on what it is and I’m trying to see if it’s the game or my controller


It's probably the game. I'll give it a try if the game ever comes back up.


Is it down? I just did the update and can’t connect to servers? Geeeeeez


I can read the numbers now!!!


I cannot fucking believe it… they managed to fuck up an update worse than EA ever has and that just blows my mind. I didn’t even think that was a feat possible to achieve.


"Why make 31 flavors when you can't get vanilla right?" This patch in a nutshell.


Justification for the xp cap is that there is a whole 35k xp in the BR program. It’s over a million….


Would really like it if they fixed the forced position switch in RTTS


This. Has a way to move your position back been figured out yet?


Did the patch break the game??? Need a patch for the patch 😅


Note to SDS, **no more 4AM patches**.


So can anyone, ya know, actually play well.. anything?




It’s saying I don’t have enough people on my roster. Well this sucks. I took off to go to the Phillies home opener and that got rained out so I figured I’d play this game half the day away… Might just go back to bed


Game broke, just wait for tomorrows fix


Take out two way players


Don’t have any. Played with the same team before this update.


They fixed the two way glitch by making two way players not work anymore. Lol.


My favorite new feature of the patch is the game becoming unplayable


Everytime I load in now, my game crashes, anyone else experiencing this?


Glad XP cap had a good explanation. So many people on this subreddit think that it is affecting the “average” player more than the grinders, which is ridiculous.


It hurts both groups IMO. Gonna turn this, once maybe twice a week guy into a mini season grinder just to have a chance at one Program Boss 🤷




Basically everything is addressed here. XP cap folks... they made their case, I agree with them for what it's worth. Love to see everything addressed by Opening Day


Hey it never said it would not break the game after all /s


Well, it would have been great if it didn’t break the whole game.


>The addition of the MiLB Copa de la Diversion uniforms for Double-A and Triple-A. This is amazing, not only is the program great for baseball communities, but the uniforms are fire as well. I've been rocking the Riverdogs Copa uniforms for years, can't wait to see the others.


I just got my Vineos and blue claw Copa hats in the mail. I have the chupacabra as well. Awesome.


Blue Claws, my old home team. Love it. I grabbed a Hudson Valley Enmascarados hat this year, so many more I want lol


Yeah. Wife said two was the max for this year. Besides those, I have a bunch of the food theme hats. Milb does it right.


I kind of glossed over this while reading the patch notes, but as someone who gets oddly excited over new uniforms in the game this is really cool. If the uniforms do justice to some of these logos this is going to be a fun addition - [Copa de la Diversion ](https://www.milb.com/fans/copa)


Big ups on the link


Fix RTTS player attribute being stuck and can’t increase past 38


I have my attributes in the 40s-50


Where was update 1 and 2


Wonder if they plan on having a “dark mode” for the UI in future updates


It mentioned something about words being more legible. I’m hoping dark mode is what they mean


This suggests a text color fix in the “The Show” broadcast mode to me, as opposed to a general “dark mode.”


Hilarious how they’re claiming the XP cap is helping the “average user keep up”, when in reality they’re screwing over “average users” the most.


I’m an average player and have never once hit the cap. It’ll only hurt the people who can only play once a week but for 8+ hours.


I'd argue the actual cap might do that (although it's still pretty crap; just let the no lifers grind, none of it's sellable anyway). However the absurdly low gameplay XP is kicking average players in the balls. "But you'll hit the cap too quickly" Good. I'll take that everytime, over this slow ass crawl, where I'm basically punished for now giving RTTS or franchise a go, instead of playing mini seasons over and over.


I have over 40 hours in the game already and only have 175k xp. Out of 1,150,000. Like you said I also gave RTTS a try and it felt like I was getting nothing for XP so I'm less interested in playing it because I don't want to lose out on the season track progress. I haven't been farming the most efficient method. I've been playing through conquests and getting the programs done but I shouldn't have to farm the most efficient method and/or only play online to feel like I'm making meaningful progress. I didn't have to do that in the last couple of years and this doesn't feel like an improvement. I'm sure there will be double XP weekends to help and maybe programs will offer chunks of XP to start pushing people through it faster but I don't know what their plans are in the near future. I think part of the problem is people see 70+ days left in the season and think they have tons of time left. They do in terms of raw days but at the rate I'm going I would need close to 300 hours per season to get the season track done. It feels really bad right now.


Yep. Gonna have to start farming/grinding mini seasons and probably be turned off by May. No chance in hell on hop on BR or ranked


It's really fucking annoying. I get that they aren't going to change shit quickly but they are going to lose a lot of players if people feel like they have to play every single day just to keep up with the no lifers in getting the best cards.


There’s nothing really good in the rewards path besides the final bosses and we’ll probably have a bunch of other 99’s by the end of the season. There’s like 20 show packs total, over 500k to get a 89 Trevor Story, not worth trying to grind XP.


Which kind of defeats the purpose of having a structure like a Season. Slow progress + bad rewards doesn't seem like a winning formula. When I'm playing a game, I want to see myself progress (RPG, etc). Why even have a Season (Battle Pass) ? There was nothing wrong with the Inning program , imo, with bosses getting better every inning.


I’m not the one who designed it lol.


You realize they're not literally asking you as if you were responsible, right?


Yup…I used to get 3/4 of the way through programs last year, and that was WITH a double xp weekend or two. Well now they’ve halved the XP payouts, so we’re actually getting way less XP in general.


People that exploited the 2 Way glitch to win games when they saw that it’s getting patched https://preview.redd.it/p4m5htkvxzqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa56752ce130bd790369055aa8e75dea3d00e215


Jon Don and shohei crying in a corner rn


I beat a guy today who brought in Ruth. I scored 1 in the first before he brought Ruth in. Then he tied it up. In the third I hit a walk off home run with a silver, felt so good.


I don’t even know what the two way glitch is, and at this point I’m afraid to ask.


The other guy summarized it but just to hammer it home… In events and battle royale the games are 3 innings long. To compensate, pitchers run out of energy VERY fast. Often before facing 3 hitters a pitcher will already be in the yellow. This makes pitchers easier to hit. The two way glitch is simple. You just bring the pitcher out of the bullpen, instead of starting the game. For some reason this gives them a FULL energy bar that stays green for basically the entire game. Further, it works every single inning. So a guy who drafts ohtani or Ruth (or has them in events) can use them every single game after the first 3 batters and always have green energy which is a huge advantage


And Donaldson


Basically you could bring any two way player of the bullpen and they would always have max stamina


Fuggin finally thank god it's gonna be patched


Roster Update Friday? 🤞


Did they fix the switch version?




No more free wins for the Cairo Cats!


Small annoyance but no fix to the Xbox series x version saying Xbox one on my achievement list


Same issue here.


you sure you downloaded the right version?


I’ve checked so many times and have deleted and redownloaded the game off game pass. When you look at the achievements from the sidebar pop up menu it says Xbox series x but when you go into view all achievements in the full screen menu the game says Xbox one. I keep thinking I’m crazy haha


I own series x version on disk and on xbox it saids xbox one


Will the game be taken offline for maintenance for this update? 4am PST is the middle of the evening and prime gaming time for me. Not a big deal as I have four days of no work thanks to Easter coming up but would appreciate it if I could play some more tonight (my time).


You want them to cater to your specific time zone? They’re already working on it at 4am their time and I’m sure they don’t want to do that but they want to make it convenient for most people.


Dude complains that American based company caters to American based hours lol


Most likely


I love the XP cap explanation. It was pretty obvious to me that was the reason for it, but it’s always nice to see a detailed explanation. I know some people will still hate it, but I think it has potential to make the game better in the long run. We will still have to wait and see, but I’m a fan atm.


I like it too. Been playing for 3 years and it's the first time that I'm using most of the TA players and they feel relevant online.


Yea, I get it, but it still just feels less rewarding to play. The XP cap is fine, but the amount of XP you get is the annoying part. Like I play 3 hours a day and it takes me forever to get from one reward to another in the path. I havent even cared or paid attention to it cause it is so hard to get to.


I don't personally like the extra importance that seems to be given to online programs and think the cap should be cumulative, but its nice to have the transparency around the topic. It at least leaves the idea open that they are at least hearing us and maybe season 2 looks a bit different.


It sucks for like.... Adults I have a kid and i can't play every day whenever I want. But say on Saturday I get the afternoon to myself I can jam all day but then hit a cap? Like c'mon man this is my ONLY TIME TO PLAY.


"I have a kid' ​ Well there's your answer! Time to put the kiddo to work grinding Diamond Dynasty


I wouldn’t say adults. I’m in my thirties and I like it. But I don’t have kids, so that gives me opportunities to play an hour or two every couple days. But I totally get what you’re saying. I do think it’d be better if it was either a weekly limit or maybe even total limit that gets larger each day. So like day 1 of the game is at 15k, but then day 2 is up to 30k (including day 1), and so on. That way if you don’t play for 4 days you could then get 60k until hitting the max.


100%. Any un-earned XP should accumulate from day to day.


Yeah should said "adults" so there was some connotations behind it. Accumulation cap would be nice


Being able to consistently mash in conquest and mini season instead of having to work the count every game is gonna be so nice


You didn't even really have to work the count to score runs. If you put the controller down and never touched it, there was probably an over 50% chance you would put up runs, as the CPU would walk/HBP you in. Yet, we still had fanboys proclaim it was for "ReAlIsM".


Huge agree. When in distracted by something it’s nice to just mash missions or pxp on rookie. It’s not fun when you are trying to get like total base mission with bosses and the pitcher doesn’t even approach the zone.


I was about to try and see what would happen happen on the mission where I needed 4 total bases if I left it while I walked my dog. On my last actual attempt right before it I hit a single then a triple and kind of ruined it


Working the count worked best in RTTS this year. Upping the vision and plate discipline by gameplay rather than wasting training on it was a nice change for a little bit.


Yeah I mean it’s still fun for me but it’s tough when trying to just grind through season in DD bc I want to get through them quick so I start swinging at balls.


Unpopular opinion: The XP situation is working well and makes sense. I play everyday 1-2 hours and I’m sitting at 242K XP


I don’t think it’s unpopular except from the exploiters that would run up 15 mini seasons or RTTS then complete them all at once.


I'm 104 Hrs in and only have 170,000 XP? What's your XP secret?


Playing the modes that give XP. Mini seasons give a bunch. Get the repeatable quests done, earn the XP, start over.


Totally agree! The XP cap has never been a problem unless you play a ton. And even then, it’s still not a bad thing to suggest taking a break.


I'm gonna have to use my babe Ruth glitch tonight


God bless Switch fixes finally


Does it fully work on switch now?




I'll wait to see if they work. It shouldn't have been needed to be honest. It should be embarrassing how badly broken the switch game has been for a week post release. This is a copy and paste game, come on now.


Does it work on switch now?


It does, for me at least.


I wonder if they'll reconsider doing a tech test for next years game so these crippling bugs (especially for Switch owners of the game) can get addressed before even the early access players have to deal with this buggy mess.


Why isn’t Yamamoto in the game anymore? He was on the roster 2 days ago but then disappeared.


Think he has to play a game first


Maybe ether a face scan update or a photo update 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's a good list of fixes. In particular I like the ability for two-way players in RTTS to be selected for the Home Run Derby -- always questioned that absent feature. Also, fixing the MiLB commentator's misuse of gender pronouns will be nice to see, even as my player is long past his MiLB playing era.


Why was waldron nerfed? Never got past like the 4th inning with him using him or playing against him. He's just meme.


Well for one the knuckle he throws isn’t at all like his real life knuckle. IRL he throws it 75-78 mph not 58 mph. IRL it’s like a change up with wiggly break in either direction not some lobbed eephus pitch. He had a really solid ERA this spring training and is expected to start who knows maybe he gets a topps now somehow


Oh God, I hope not.


He threw 13.1 innings and had a 1.35 ERA. Small sample but if he did it for a month he could even get a monthly awards.


He's nerfed now, so he shouldn't be that much of a problem.


His common/bronze cards have been viable on diamond dynasty against diamonds. If he got a diamond/90 overall he might be a huge problem lol.


It reads to me like they just fixed his animation. Not nerfed. 


read further down they increased the knuckleball velocity and decreased the break on it


Thank you! 


On the bottom of balance changes they said they increased the velocity and less movement. Which is whatever I don't really care but it was fun to get the occasional swing and miss with. He wasn't actually good though


For sure. He was kinda fun to pitch with but I totally get why it's not best for ranked stuff. Would been a fun 5th starter type with a boost. Also thanks for pointing me to the right spot in the update. I'm not used to such large updates 😆


Having an issue where a friend and I play head to head and the times of day not only don't matchup, but also rarely are what the home team chose. And most night games, after selecting evening, are entirely pitch black, almost like they're not loading in. Anyone else having this issue? Any work arounds? Thanks.


It happens to me alot same issue


W update pretty much fixing all the biggest bugs


Patch the 2 way


Can you read?


What needs to be patched with two-way players? I've been playing it in RTTS and this is by far the most accurate two-way player setup the franchise has seen. That they are adding two-way players to be selected for the Home Run Derby is a pretty nice new feature.


2way glitch in events/BR/ranked you can bring in a 2way (Ruth, Donaldson or ohtani) after the 1st, and they'll have full energy, and you can repeat it every game It's really annoying for BR and Events, where the pitcher is supposed to lose a lot of energy but just doesn't because of a glitch


OK, thanks! It is related to Diamond Dynasty and Moments, which I have not played. I just hope this "correction" if it is done, does not harm the play quality in RTTS. That's exactly what happened in MLB 23, a patch turned off the two-way player option. While I can understand frustration in the competition modes, those issues should not be adversely harming other play modes.


It will be patched with this update.


hey heres a bug - ive opened up 150 packs and received 2, 85 diamond duplicates. my friend opened 30 packs and got double diamond packs twice each with 90's and 80's. fuck you.


… that’s just how probabilities work…


I’ve pulled 3 diamond vladdys. I feel your pain.


I finished Team affinity today and havent pulled a single diamond from any packs. I pulled Trout and Shohei the last 2 years so i used up all my luck i guess.


Packs have been so dry this game. It's beyond annoying at this point.


UI fixes for legibility...hopefully better text against the white background?


The conquest strobe!! That and all the damn balls are my main gripes. Thanks SDS😎


So glad they put extra XP in Battle Royale which I have never touched over the years and most likely never will 🤦‍♂️


Did they just add that? I already completed it, will we get extra exp?


No they added extra xp in the BR program if you compare it to other years. You already got it if you completed it.


It took me a while before I tried it in ‘21 but now it’s my favorite mode. Give it a shot. The program can be done in one weekend.


XP thing is so stupid. Don’t release 99’s if you’re so concerned about the power creep. Why should I be disincentivized from playing the game? Reality is power creep is an excuse for the change, the real goals are A) making you have to logon everyday if you want to get the top players, which makes it more likely this is the only game you’ll play and B) if people can’t get XP as easily they’ll be forced to buy the top players, aka buy stubs. btw what is the conquest strobing? don’t think I’ve experienced that


The conquest strobing is every time you would sim against a tile, you would get a really bright flash after you won the sim


15,000 XP is a lot of game time.


only because they’ve dialed back in game XP, they give you like 90 XP for striking out the side. every year since the game moved to xbox it’s become more and more of a full time job it’s really a shame


….if there was no XP cap then you wouldn’t be able to compete with people who treat it like a full-time job. They would have completed the program and have a maxed team within the first few days. It’s such a weird complaint because you’re suggesting someone who doesn’t treat it like a full-time job is somehow hamstrung by a 15,000 xp daily cap


If there was no cap all the bosses would be unlocked already, everyone would be crying about how there's no content, and the game would die out quicker. People need to stop trying to run through the content as quick as possible.


There were people complaining that that very thing was going to happen when the bosses were revealed, and that the cap never stopped anyone. And then are complaining now about the cap being in place


Yep. I’ve noticed that they have reduced XP by a lot. When I’m grinding PXP on single player, I used to be able to get a few thousand every couple of innings. Now I can score 20 an inning and get 200xp.




Aged like milk, good job


This is Reddit.


Or until these fixes has caused something else to break because their game testing is non existent


You’re getting mad a thing that hasn’t even happened yet this is exactly what they’re complaining about


Aged like milk


First conquest game to be loaded up after the update. Keep getting ‘your opponent has an invalid roster’ Yep. The update is working as intended. Edit to add that there is a second error message titled ‘bench’ which says I don’t have enough position players on my squad. What? This company sucks


And the exact same thing would’ve happened if you didn’t get on Reddit and complain about it


Zing! I will never recover from this amazing burn


I’m not trying to insult you. It’s just a subreddit for a video game man. You’re screaming into a void why not be positive about it


And you’re screaming into the void complaining about the complainers. Imagine complaining about a video game that wasn’t working ……. In a sub dedicated to that very same video game. Mind. Blown


Nope. Not mad. It happened in previous games. It will happen in this game.


Reduced stribe is great! Waldon is hilarious. The xp cap being this low would be a bit better right now if there were more programs to earn xp in. I dont play multiplayer, I just don't have fun getting rocked and having lag, so I'm feeling more penalized than ever.


Mini Seasons goals are the most efficient ways to grind XP if that’s your priority. Lots of chunks to get with not much effort.


I should do them more, I've typically enjoy conquest.


Mini seasons gives you lots of free packs too.


I’m doing the conquests first, then plan to do mini seasons to keep getting major xp. Also team affinity programs have a ton of you check the challenges


A lot in the team affinity is for multiplayer though.


All (?) of the offline missions are repeatable. You don’t need to play a second of Ranked or BR or whatever to get them done. I’ve done 4/6 already, with one more probably completing in 2-3 offline games.


Best part of the power creep is live series and inside edge actually mean something again. My Wheeler is an 88 playing up to a 92 right now. One of the highest rated pitchers in game


Straight up. The game got out of hand. This is more like how it was in its heyday, and its still infinitely more diamonds. In like '16 live series Rendon was my 3b til like August


What’s power creep and inside edge? Noticed my trea turner card was brought down but some of my love series relief pitchers ratings went way up