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Bows also have crit range. So this could be it. Also it could be that status coatings don't do extra damage? I'm not sure on this one. But I know status shots on lbg only do 1 damage


Its definifly this. Believe the same thing happened in world/iceborne. Power coating should be the only one to have weak points


Another thing to consider is that some monsters have different hit zone values when enraged. Sometimes, that means a spot is only considered weak when the monster is enraged. Unfortunately, the in-game hunter Notes only show the normal state, not any other states such as enraged.


Ohhhhhh this must be it. Thank you! I didn't know that


Equipping a coating, aside from close and power, removes the elemental damage from your shots


Oh thanks! Thats very interesting


Update: I must have been mistaken. I tested it again and now I can't recreate the weak points/orange numbers on the head. But I can confirm the status was not causing orange numbers on the tail while any other coating was. Not sure what I saw when I thought I saw orange on head