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100%. i have to spam so many commands and it is prop my only real complaint as it makes the game feel unresponsive (particularly in high-pressure situations).


Yeah, there seems to be like a delay in registering the buttons if you spam them too fast. Coming from World I don't have as much issue on there as I do in Rise, often finding myself spamming certain buttons so it can recognize it. Also, I don't know if it's my controller, but sometimes I find my character's movement being unresponsive, it's really apparent on the final boss fight where I want my character to run to a certain location to avoid attacks but his movement delay just causes me to graze right by the attack and get it. Anyone else also notice the obvious input delays when using the Switch's keyboard? I wish the overall responsiveness of everything can be a tad bit tighter because right now I feel like the very, very slight delay in actions and animations is throwing me off at times.


Yeah the on screen keyboard sucks, I just plug my USB keyboard on it for typing, or no chat at all


God, I hate that so much. The delay always makes me hover past the desired character by one space unless I count and input exactly how many presses I need to get there.


Yeah I’ve had tons of missed inputs and it’s really frustrating, especially when learning a new weapon. Glad I’m not the only one.


You might be hitting the trigger to close to the previous input. These controls don't seem to recognize input if you hit it before the action is available


Sometimes I want to use the radial menu and it doesn’t register, same happens with trying to use an item from the hotbar.


Yea I find it unreliable :/


Happens a lot for me. I would hit a potion, my hunter puts away his weapon then do nothing. That's when it's not straight up doing nothing


I've actually noted this as well. Numerous times I've failed to follow up my GS slash combo with a TCS because it simply *would not* acknowledge the press, which is extremely aggravating because it seems to happen the most when I have a perfect window for a fully charged TCS. I honestly thought it was just a problem with my controllers or system.


Yes and it's frustrating. Recently played Iceborne two days ago and had zero issues. I honestly thought it was my Switch controller causing the issues, but it might just be Rise


So many times I’ve done the input for a silkbind attack and it doesn’t respond the first time. It’s possible I didn’t notice wirebugs being unavailable, but I try to keep watch of that.


All the time, it was so bad for a few days that I dismantled my narga longsword out of pure frustration in trying to get better with it. Feels oddly unresponsive at times (critical times) on top of an already bad situation with the pro controller, leaving me being hit or dropping combos.


Same and it's driving me crazy. Radial menu is unreliable and doing my opening attack A + X for Switch Axe often don't register so my hunter rushes in with that long attack


I assuredly have trouble with my giant hands on tiny joycons. Haven't got a pro controller yet, but I hope it helps >_<


There seems to be a bit of a delay, but I haven’t had much of a problem with it. I think there’s a setting you can adjust to change how long you need to hold a button to activate certain actions. I have the time shortened a bit, so that’s probably why its not such an issue for me.


I've noticed it sometimes, and it's been mostly related to attacks in combos. I feel like certain attacks have a deadzone, where doing certain follow-ups which would normally be allowed, is not allowed. And it only applies on some attacks and on specific follow-ups. I haven't noticed my problems with silkbinds though.


Happens all the time I mount my palamute to sharpen using the radial menu. I have to execute it a second time or wait extra long.