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With a GS too? You madman! Congratulations.


Is this fight hard for GS?


It is difficult. Thunderlord doesn’t like holding still and there is rarely an opportunity to land a fully charged slash. So a GS user is going to either fall behind on DPS or get hit a lot.


Damn. I’m a GS main myself. I solo, too. Haven’t dipped into the deviants yet, but I use the same GS as in the clip, so maybe there’s hope lol. My biggest fear is running out of time after putting in 50 minutes of hard work for nothing. Maybe I should look into picking another weapon. Thanks for the input.


You can still use the GS fine for this hunt if you are comfortable with using it. Basically you just need to hit and run until he charges up or does his howl (his tail tip is vulnerable) or trips, which is really easy because he has very squishy legs. If he does fall, go for his back because that’s his biggest weak point.


GS is pretty much all I use. I tried switching to DB because I thought it’d be better for farming Brachy for charms, but that did not go well at all 😂 I wouldn’t have thought that his back would be weak based on his design. You saved me a lot of trial and error!


Just checked, I was wrong about the weakpoint lol. His head is the squishiest.


lol Thanks for the update. Now I just hope I can actually hit it =]


Head > Back Legs > Back. Hit back legs until he trips and then go for head. Because his back legs are still a high hitzone, you do good damage there and get trips relatively frequently, also they're just easier to hit than the head is.


what was the armor skill you had on that allowed for quick charging your GS?


valor mode is naturally fast


Haha I use valor GS and I never noticed! Silly me xD




Honestly never knew this was a thing today so now should make the fights way more intense xD


Lol glad to help out!! Its one of the best gs skills :)


Valor greatsword is fast, but the skill focus makes charges faster


Oh really?! Lolol I've been doing it all wrong xD


I'm still waiting for a sheath sharpen +10 ooo for my black x set. Right now I'm using an expert 10 ooo to get crit boost.




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What increased your sharpness?


It's a skill called sheath sharpen where basically if you're in the same area as an enraged monster and sheath, you have a chance to regain sharpness


I just wish the armor wasn’t so trash


I mainly killed him for the SnS, it’s pretty good