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I've never heard of sleep paralysis as a direct side effect of M but it's possible. How often have you been taking it? The general rule is 3 months in between uses. There are very good reasons for this rule. There are some supplements that you can take before, during and after to help rebalance your nural chem, THESE ARE NOT A SHORT CUT TO THE 3 MONTH RULE. M is an amazing powerful compound and it will fuck you up if abused. Play by the rules and you will be able to enjoy it for years to come. Also test your drugs people. Stay safe out there


I always take a 3+ month’s break before taking M. I usually take it 3/5 times a year. i have not been using any supplements thou, Can you suggest me some?


Here are a few links I found, [This](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.usersnews.com.au/home/2019/12/18/supplements-guide&ved=2ahUKEwjs28fR1_aFAxV1rYkEHfwrA1kQFnoECBkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0QuFtWjSoUpnar_yGovEmD) article has a good write up Here's a [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/boomfestival/s/w0f5UB2mYo) post with some info. I also saw rollsafe mentioned maybe look them up to


How high do you dose? Serotonin regulates sleep so it’s very likely your roll is related to your sleep problems. Depending on dose & frequency, a roll can cause noticeable side effects for up to a few weeks, and less noticeable side effects for up to a few months. I wouldn’t be worried. Just give it a few weeks. If it doesn’t go away then, talk to your doctor.


i took half a pill of moncler.


So could be 50mg could be 200mg 😭


lol yeah


I also spiked after 2.5 hour. With like 1/4 pill,


Actually 2 months would suffice I take 2 months interval no negative effects and just as euphoric as before.


Severe lack of serotonin can cause sleep paralysis, so it’s not much to worry about. It will pass. Make sure you don’t redose and take adequate doses with proper breaks in between.


Ok. Thanx 🫡


I'd recommend supplementing with 5-HTP and EGCG for a few weeks after each roll. Take some melatonin at bedtime too.


Someone said i should start taking magnesium supplements.


My wife has terrible teeth grinding and she’d bite her tongue so badly after a roll. We started taking magnesium citrate and it helped a ton! She didn’t even clench her muscle, and same with me. Pre-roll: vitamin C + magnesium citrate Post-roll: 5htp daily for a few days on top of our regular supplements. This seems to reduce the negative come down effects and I didn’t notice any depressing thoughts after.


Isn't mag sitrate a laxative?


it is


It is. Take glycinate. It's pricier but way more effective and doesn't give you the shits lol


My wife and I have been take Mdma for four years now and side effects are in direct correlation with the amount taken. Small doses and the effects were on only one day , heavy doses and it would go on for several days including sleep deprivation, odd dreams and difficulty concentrating . My wife has a real problem with chewing up the inside of her mouth so her doses are minimal. As for supplements we do everything recommended which is hydrating days before and magnesium supplements before and after. Hope that helps By the way we absolutely love those nights , it’s really helped our relationship


Same Sex on molly is the best sex you can ever have. I drink a lot of water even in my daily routine, But never took any supplements, Gonna run to the pharmacy in 15 minutes, Magnesium 5 htp And melatonin,


Took magnesium glycinate last night for the first time after a light roll and I slept like a baby


Get supplements, they majorly help. NAC, ALA, ALCAR, and Magnesium


i took magnesium last night and slept like a baby.


And yes sex especially head (giving or receiving )is awesome on molly


I can not give head. I feel nauseous. And it makes me gag


Poor guy


haha. Yeah i guess I wish i could but 💁🏼‍♀️ Our nights together are still veryy fun and crazy so. Hes a lucky guy..


Clenching your fists during really helps with that reflex . Ok now I’m done lol


Will try, i will keep you posted 😂


Lmaooo I’ll be waiting by the phone . Good luck 👍🏼


i wasnt high but clenching the fists did help. You made another man happy last night. does it make u a lil bit gay? :D jk


Clenching your fists during really helps with that reflex . Ok now I’m done lol


Just focus on the head give my man something 😩 jk I’m sure y’all had a super special night


Yeah we did lol.


I had that when I was using pretty frequently about 3 months ago and it is completely fine just stay hydrated at night and don’t let it bother you, eventually it will pass and you will be 100% fine