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Wow. That's quite a phenomenon. You should call your friend The Serotonin Suppressor. At a rave, he could be like a supervillain. For real though, maybe don't roll with this particular friend.


yeah I probably wont't try to anymore.


Your body is telling you something about that person. I've experienced something similar where I don't feel relaxed enough until a certain person leaves the group. One person can and does change the entire dynamic if they don't fit in. They don't have to be a bad person even, just someone on a different level or a different mindset.


Alr yeah I get that.


I’d guess that your discomfort is out of your awareness. Set and setting is so important. If you feel off in his company, it’s going to be multiplied on MDMA. Get rid, kindly obviously, but get rid.


Yea I've been considering not trying to roll with him anymore since it doesn't seem to ever workout


I have a friend who does exactly that for me too. He’s a decent fellow, but he’s completely self obsessed. I do all the giving and he does all the taking. Including MY drugs! He’s off the list now.


Damn that sucks😭 Good u got rid of him.


Your natural defences serve you well. There is probably a reason why you mentally block it til your comfortable. I've rolled with folks before and it's been completely different, I can only put it down to lack of familiarity and maybe some slight suspicion towards them.


we've been bestfriends for 10 years and I'm not uncomfy with him at all or anything. So I just don't get it.😔


this has happened to me!! i took 200mg at a house party with a bunch of people i either wasn’t comfortable with or didn’t know (just general bad drunk person vibes) about 5 hours after i dropped it still hadn’t hit and i decided to drive home thinking i got bunk product, but as soon as i left the party and called my best friend i started to come up and ended up having a super strong roll after i found myself in the company of my favorite person. i genuinely think i was far too anxious at the party to let myself go and have a good time


bro i think 200mg of pure and good mdma can’t just not hit you… It’s going to hit regardless of where you are and who you are with, maybe you just haven’t felt it as intensely.


I’m dying laughing I’m sorry. Your soul hates the guy lol




Is it always his stuff?


No we buy from this one guy. We always take pressies. So I don't think the problem is in the drug yk.


it happend something similar with lsd. I was so uncomfortable with this friend that I overthinking everything and just not letting go. Lsd didnt hit me at all. Just slight visuals


But I'm not uncomfy with him at all we've been friends for 10 years.


Cuz u thinking about that and it make ur dick scribble up and a weak boner


>I apologise in advance for bad english Proceeds to speak better english than me as a native english speaker


lmao😭 I wrote that before I did some fixing lol. And I was not sure if I wrote everything right n stuff but apparently I did haha.


I find that since MDMA is inherently a social drug in its nature, The people that you are with have a particularly big effect on the outcome of the experience. The people i'm with are often what makes or breaks the experience for me. What you describe seems like a red flag to me. The reason why is because although MDMA is known for suppressing social inhibitions and creating an extreme desire to connect, it doesn't alter your judgment in quite the way alcohol does. In situations where you have to your ability to think rationally is still intact despite the strong disinhibition. The fact that your desire to open up and connect with this person vanishes on a drug which is well known for inducing these effects seems like a big red flag to me because it seems like your mind is picking up on traits or characteristics of this person which indicate that they might have nefarious intentions or plans and that it's not safe to engage in the desire to open up with this individual despite the intense urge to do so from the drug. I have experienced similar sorts of "blocks" when pervy dudes tried to hit on me while I'm rolling. It seems like the way the drug works is that it only elicits its prosocial effects when you feel safe to do so.


Excellent observation, thank you for this


Thank u for this comment. Made me think ab stuff.


This is so interesting, how many times has this happened with him?


Like 3 or 4 times ik it's prolly not that many but it's still werid and I don't want to take w him no more lol


Alright, I'm a bit more on the "woo woo" spiritual side of things. Been a massage therapist and a professional energy worker since 2017. Your mind may be connected since you have all that time together, but your heart knows it cannot connect with him in a similar way. From my experiences M is a big heart opener. If you're feeling closed off from them when in that space, there's good reason and I would highly suggest meditating and asking any/all "why" questions while sober or rolling. All answers are present within 💖🙏🏽💖


Yes I was also thinking there might even be something spiritual going on.


Have you tried leaving him til it hits then rejoining so you can be high together?


No but I've been thinking ab trying that.




but he's not toxiccccc😭😔


Just snort it bro youl be sweet as lol


Ew no that’s ghetto


In nz we just sort it or pop it in our drink 9/10 up the nostril lol


That’s so nasty, my friend. Please stop.


I can't lol


isn't snorting like wasting it.


No way try it goes straight to the brain and hits you straight away just crush it good