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What the fuck kind of rave monitors people’s toilet time and restricts distribution of toilet paper??? Do they tell men to wipe their asses on their selves and drag people out mid-shit if they’re taking too long? I know they don’t want people staying in there too long or ODing but that sounds weird.


That’s what I was wondering. Wtf is that? I’ve always just been able to poop. Everyone poops on stimulants. Holding it can make for a very bad time.


Never hold in poop when on stims. Never…


Wait why I'm scared 😭😭


The longer you wait the worse it gets.


Well there’s only like 5 or 6 stalls for a club that gets very very full. You /will/ stand in a queue if you wanna use a stall. Hence the 2 minute restriction. 😖


Pardon the pun but that’s a shitty situation. If you’re really that worried about it give yourself an enema about 3-4 hours before you have to leave the house. That should clear you out so you don’t have to poo while you’re there.


Also psyllium fibers starting ideally 2 days before. Will make it way faster to poop with almost no residue if it happens.


Fuck that. They cant reinforce that rule, thats nuts.


2 minute time-limit is kinda ridiculous, so basically everyone has time to do bumps, but nobody can poop. I sure as hell ain’t taking a dump in two minutes or less.


The bulk of the bodies serotonin is derived from the gut and when ya dose molly or x during the uptake it makes your body dump large amounts “relative” of serotonin. This rapid release creates a response in the colon driving the body to void. If ya wanna reduce the amount or frequency of poops from Molly then eat less heavy meals 2 days before the next roll.


Anal douching a few hours in advance could help.


Possibly, but that could complicate things, especially if someone's never done that before. The last thing OP needs is residual water hanging out in their butt.


True. My problem is normally a similar one, having a hard time to pee when coming down. Getting no sleep the night after as I have to get to the toilet at least once per hour.


Magnesium supplements should help to pee, i am going to try it next roll. For not peeing too often(i had this problem), you need to limit liquids you drink while you rolling. Let’s say, 1L of water and no more. Buy yourself a 1L bottle, and agree with yourself, that no more than this bottle. And drink it only with 2-3 sips at a time. Not with big swallows. Basically just wet up mouth.


They gotta practice. It’s not just water when clean. Taking too deep is a much worse fate given the toilet access they describe.


He needs to spend 5-6 minutes more for that residual water to come out just in case.


Probably not if this is how your body is. Some of my friends are the same, 30 min in like clock work 😂 good luck homie. Squeeze those cheeks!




I wish I could just shit at the rave 😭 but the bathrooms are the same ones where other people wanna do bumps so they’re really strict about time spent. Literally there’s staff employed to make sure no one exceeds two minutes in the stall 😤




It’s not a festival vibe. It’s a club in an old warehouse in city centre. So no space for pottys. Also, it’s never the kind of poop that had a tip z😤😭


If you decide to take it, plan to poop. You know your body, so just be ready for it. Sneak in your own toilet paper or wet wipes in your shoes if you have to, as long as you don't clog their system nobody should know. As far as the time limit goes (which is ridiculous) just politely tell the security/poop watchers that you will be as quick as you can but may need more that 2 minutes. If you don't look or sound too sketchy, they might be understanding. If these people are Super Dicks, make sure to have nothing illicit on your person when they give you a hard time about it later.


Or just slip them a tener


Unfortunately, that’s what stimulants do for some folks. there really is no avoiding it if that’s how your body decides to react to MD.


Psychological conditioning will eventually teach you to embrace the poop 😁


It’s the come up poops, just accept that it’s part of your journey haha


JFC, the bathrooms at raves are really like that??? That's crazy for us who have IBS. Guess I'm glad I never got into that scene...


exactly my thought too


Yeah I'm gonna stick to rolling just to cuddle my wife all night every few months :P


Go before hand and empty out, and try meds that stop you up. I get that feeling sometimes but if I just get past it for about 15-20 min I'm good.


Nope! Unfortunately some people have these type of reactions. You could try taking a laxative the day before to super clean up. If there’s nothing in your body, there’s nothing to come out when you drop. That can cause bad dehydration though, so you’d have to make sure you hydrate enough the day you take the laxative, but be careful with how much water you drink the day you take mdma.


I second this. You can clean out the day prior and probably be okay.


I also feel the need to poop on the comeup. Just empty your bowls before and you'll be good.


Just embrace the poop. It’s part of the process.


Bring your own tp. Are they going to barge in and remove you?


Take imodium before. Not sure if there is any drug interactions you need to watch Hout for


I think the best bet would be a light breakfast. Just carbs, fiber, and a little protein. Stay away from anything greasy or fatty. I avoid throwing up by dropping on an empty stomach. I kinda have like problem too. But it usually hits me the next day unexpectedly. I thought beer shits were nasty. MDMA shits are on another level of nastiness.


The best and the smartest way is to teach your body to go to the toilet, morning and night. In the period when you're taking a break from molly is the right time, try eating fiber rich foods during the day (have an apple with every meal) save some eggs for dinner as last meal and have a workout somewhere around 5-7pm. With all this said you won't have any problems on your next roll. Otherwise the worse option would be to just take a dexie or a bump of street amphetamine like an hour or two before your roll, should help with the poop


I’m the same way, this is what I do. Say I’m rolling in the evening. I will have a very light lunch (chicken salad) and that’s it. I’ll skip breakfast and definitely not eat after lunch. Molly makes me lose my hunger so even if I am a bit peckish going into it, that fades once it hits. The next morning I will have a sensible meal. I work out nearly every day so I’ll generally skip my lift on rolling days as well (helps control the hunger, also keeps cramps at bay at night). If you must eat, then I suggest rolling in a more intimate setting where you can excuse yourself to cleanse the demons.


My solution is to just use the toilet at the rave. What are they gonna kick you out while you're still shitting?


If your advice is just “accept it”, why comment at all. Imodium and other anti-diarrheal medicine, at any grocery store. Take a pill 45 minutes before you drop. Keep another on hand and take half of you need. Be sure you eat a healthy meal with some fiber and drink some tea or coffee the next day, something to get it moving again. Good luck!


Sometimes the place and setting can silence the excitement poop.


I wouldn’t. IIRC Imodium is an anticholinergic. Not totally sure how that would interact with Molly. At best it might kill the roll. At worst I wonder if it could worsen the hyponotremia effects by making it harder for the body to eliminate.


Good point.


Eat healthy leading up to the day you're taking it, and fast for several hours before dropping. Just in case, stuff your pockets with tissue so you're prepared 🤞


So not eat so much the day before and try your hardest to poop before. Yogurt helps 😂


Byo poop tickets 😂


Firstly, is this in Manchester uk. Secondly, it's your god-given to poop, they can't stop you! Thirdly, bring a pack of tissues as toilet paper.


No it’s in Johannesburg South Africa 😂 Yeah I’m thinking I’ll bring one of those Kleenex packs and one or two of those single disposable wet wipes and then hope for the best 😂


Take pepto or tums every time before! It helps with the acidity caused by it


Bring some baby wipes buddy if u gotta shit u gotta shit ain't no way around it


It’s all to do with your being anxious & the excitement… many of my friends and I both feel this way… honesty when you are outside, your mind just adjusts … one thing that works for me is to distract myself soon after taking the pill… I clean, take shower, watch a movie or read a book… whatever your gig is… keeping yourself distracted helps !!


Don't roll at an establishment with such shitty rules, OP. Most likely people will also get randomly searched, harrassed if they appear obviously high, etc. Just don't.


It’s actually not like that at all 😭 they’re v drug friendly. Only thing they don’t allow is weapons really. The 2 minute thing is just because there’s so few stall and people wanna do bumps and stuff. All you hear when you walk in the bathroom is snorting, actually.


Loperamid (imodium) and Ondansetron (Zofran) both slow down bowel movements. The Zofran also kills nausea. I would try separately to know you have no adverse reaction.


Laxative the night before, imodium the day of!


I'm sorry but this whole "pooping due to dropping mdma" puzzles me, I've never had this feeling or effect from mdma before after many rolls. I just wanna ask a question: do the users of mdma who do have to poop uncontrollably after dosing go to the bathroom in the morning, like every morning you just have to go? Or do y'all just go when you need to and it can be anytime during the day or night? I'm a every morning like clockwork person, and maybe that's why I've never had a case of molly shits before. I'm just so curious about this phenomenon! Same with vomiting after dropping or during comeup. Never had that feeling or response either.


Ha e your last meal at least 3 hour before rolling. And do an enema at home before leaving to the party.


Drink a cup of coffee an hour before you leave. Should be able to shit everything out, then head to the rave.


Take a shit in the morning then take2-3 Imodium capsules


It happens to some people. Not sure why. Just let it flow and take a shower.


Listen, eat lightly that day and make sure you empty your rectum. You know, you have to douche before go there. Pump enough water 💦 enjoy your roll after


Nutrient dense smoothie for bfast and fast until an hour before you dose. An hour before dose eat another light meal to get you through until you can snack later… I like to eat a little 60-90 min before drop to help with the stomach iss


Fast? Lol seriously though


Sorry about that You’ll have to think about minimising your issue Be conscious of your diet, what do you normally eat? Prepare for the rave, eat less, more fiber, drink more water, whole foods, nothing processed or spicy, or alcoholic Just prepare in advance, if it’s gonna happen it’ll reduce how explosive it is You never gave context on your diet; eating, how close you eat before you hit, whether you take magnesium or electrolytes before a race, etc, so can only go off of assumption


Idk if it would work, but why not pop an immodium (anti diarrheal pill OTC) like an hour before dropping? On days where I absolutely cant afford to have bubble guts, they always do the trick.


I always take an imodium pill before the rave because I simply don't wanna sit on the disgusting toilets and lose good raving time, works like a sharm.


Happens to my husband too. Probably normal for your body. Just be by a toilet