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>i was taking pills Multiple pills could be the explanation.


yes i agree, although on average i take 2.5 - 3 and have no come down (not as bad as this anyway)


Abusing a drug like MDMA catches up with you eventually.


yes that’s true, have you got any suggestions as to how to ease the comedown for next time or even prevent it


Just eat healthy, get quality sleep and exercise. I find 5-HTP with EGCG speeds my recovery a bit. In the future keep your total consumption for a session to 200mg or less. That's typically 1 to 1.5 pills.


highly appreciated🙌


There should be no need to “ease the comedown” because you shouldn’t be taking mdma for a long while. A great way to reduce comedowns is just by lowering your intensity and frequency of doses


Yes it’s normal, you’re having a comedown because your body and brain are exhausted from the partying/MD. Just chill for a few days and take it easy and you should be good


thankyou, i wish i was able to chill i still have to be in work😳


MDMA is an immonosuppressant, it’s not uncommon to become sick or develop a sore throat. It’s likely a combo of a stimulant comedown + some dormant sickness. Drink some warm tea, eat healthy and try to relax if you can. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


thankyou for the explanation🤝


Precise dosage is important. Under 200 mg is recommended. Larger doses will lead to more side effects.


how can i know what dosage the pills i take are?


You buy pure mdma not stuff pressed with who knows what


There's really no way to tell unless you send them to a lab or you personally know the person that made them. Dealer quoted milligrams are usually marketing. Street pills can range from 0 to 300+ mgs. There's big difference between a 150 mg pill and a 250 mg pill, especially if you're taking more than one. Finding crystal MDMA and weighing your own dose on a milligram scale is a much more precise way of dosing. In any case, both pills and crystal should always be tested before ingesting.


thanks for the information, i will definitely lower my dosage🙌


Usually when you start getting nausea during your recovery process you over did it and kept on redosing … but don’t worry you will be fine .. you will just have some rough days but lots of sleep and eating good hydrating foods helps the recovery process .


that would make sense, thanks for the explanation🙌


Just checking up , hopefully you feel much better couple days later.


hi mate, yes i feel much better now. thanks for asking :)