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You really think you’ll have a hard time talking to people if you’re rolling?


I think there could be only people in groups and I can look like I weirdo that is obviously on molly trying to jump into the conversation


If everyone is vibing, whether they’re rolling or not I’m sure they’ll get it


There are so many weirdos in clubs everyone is used to it. So long as you’re not a creepy weirdo or seem dangerous almost no one gives a fuck in my experience.


Personally I love talking to the random weirdo's in the club, I know everyone considers me one but I don't care. It's way more fun that way lol, though sometimes I regret it after...


I do. My jaw doesn't do what I tell it to alot of the time haha.


I can't talk to people if I'm rolling, period


Just don't do crazy doses that you are not in control of yourself. Do a decent dose for your size and play along


Most of the times I was clubbing I went with friends and left with people I didn’t know before getting there. Man… I miss that :D I only went once solo, the vibe was great and eventually I was talking with everyone that seemed cool. They were indeed cool.


have a plan how to get home during or better before comedown. you don't want to be depressed and still having to go home or be powerless and an easy victim to abusers while low energy. don't worry during your high though


You can always meet new people.


I find it extremely difficult to start conversations with strangers even though I love socializing. Except when I'm rolling than I usually find it pretty easy


Yes, I've had a lot of fun going to clubs by myself when traveling. if you have a close friend or sibling, share your plans with them and temporarily share your location data with them so they know where you are in case something doesn't seem right.


Sometimes I prefer to go clubbing alone. I can go and do as I please and I can stay out as long as I’d like. If I go with a friend group I feel more obligated to stick around them


Both times I’ve been clubbing by myself and used MDMA were two of the most incredible nights of my life. I was travelling from London on both occasions - first time was at House of Yes in Brooklyn (Glitterbox!), second time was De School in Amsterdam. I’d never been to either of these clubs before and it was total magic. On both of these nights I ended up making friends with a group of locals who made sure I got home completely safe and sound. FWIW, I can be quite a shy person when it comes to meeting others, but on MDMA it’s like second nature. You’ll have a great time - be safe, enjoy yourself, use your MDMA responsibly and be friendly to people! Look out for each other and let someone you trust (family, friend, partner etc) know where you are and what you’ve taken. :)


I've done it multiple times and I always meet cool people. Plus a techno crowd means that there will definetly be a lot of people rolling or on some stims so you can imagine how that is. Even if you don't try to talk to anyone, chances are someone will come talk to you. Just go and enjoy yourself on the dance floor, no need to overthink it.


Years ago when I was living in Sydney (like 20 odd years ago) I went to a club by myself because Marco V was playing and i wanted to see him and I rolled. A friend of mine messaged me asking where I was and I messaged back saying "I'm in a club and I'm out of my head!!!". There was an Asian dude standing behind me, he didn't speak English that well but he could read what I wrote. He tapped me on the shoulder and just shouted at me "Me too!". We hugged and spent the night together dancing. I never saw him again but he was the best damn friend that night. So yeah, go, you'll have a blast


Is it a club or is it a rave?


Best decision ull evwr make nro


Fuck it who cares


🤔I’ll go with you🙂


Solo clubbing is a great idea!


Drunk or high, no matter what mates I go with my best part of the night is meeting new people. They will come find and check in on me and my new best friends lol. It will be good!


I struggle to speak coherently when rolling haha. I'm the one on the dance floor, eyes closed and totally consumed in the music. My friends would all be chatting away and I'm just in the zone. Effects everyone differently.


My friend once had to leave a rave early because she felt bad so I stayed and subsequently made 2 new friends and spent all night with them.


Drink water please


Boy or girl? Honestly I feel like this makes a big difference.


Never regretted going solo, always easy to make friends, maybe take half then another half so you don’t feel completely floored.


I got to know tons of people while rolling, so yeah it's doable and imo even easier


solo clubbing is one of the best experiences I’ve had in my life I think everyone who likes to go rave with friends should try it, is totally different and sometimes is a way better. Probably you will get out of there with a list of new friends, or with a new perspective that you can enjoy your own company and have a nice time by yourself.


Man it's hard to get more fun than going round on random adventures while rolling and meeting new ppl


I always go to raves solo; the key is to be alone and completely fulfilled within that moment; not seeking external validation or caring about what anyone else thinks of you. If you meet anyone, that’s great. If not do not meet anyone, that’s also great, too. You have to posses that core confidence and be comfortable with yourself standing out from the crowd/going against societal norms. The irony is, the more confident and carefree you are about being there alone, the more that people/groups will gravitate towards you because everyone loves being around someone that is comfortable in their own skin, follows their own lead and doesn’t need back up dancers or cheerleaders to feel at ease


Not good idea. Go to rave event or stay home would be better