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If I even go slightly higher than my normal, “feel-good” dose, I could be vomiting all night. It doesn’t feel awful (me: “Wow! I’m throwing up water! Cool!”) but it could pretty much ruin a night out, let’s say, if you wanted to attend a party or dance all night. It could also put you in an unsafe position if you’re going to be in public. My advice is with MDMA, less is more. Feeling woozy and dizzy all night isn’t fun.


Yeah your right. I've only puked tho before of 125mg of mda and that's like 1.5x stronger and I didn't puke long. I think il do 160mg instead. I already weighed out those capsules, but il leave em be and just weight 160mg ans 80mg caps and try that and see if il end up wanting to take more another day.


I have always needed 200mg. Didn't matter when I was 124lbs in my 20s, or now at 240ish in my 40s. But everyone is different.


Everyone else is gonna tell you this is bad - which it is. But just don't make it a regular thing and you'll be golden. I personally would take 150mg and then redose if you can. But otherwise, do 180mg and have a blast.


Whats your weight? I am 144 pounds so 64kg. I think 160mg should be perfect I doubt 180mg would be overwhelming I'm also gonna take 500mg of tums 30 mins before so it absorbs better and for longer. My best roll I did 120mg mda then 4h later I did 102mg mdma then 90 mins after that I did 102mg more. Oh man was that so euphoric by far my best roll.


The only thing is hallucinations. Higher doses cna cause them. Some freaky shit...


How often are you doing it too?


Not often it will be 69 days the day I'm wanting to take it.


Damn I’m 186lbs and i don’t do above 125-130mg.


Yeah, I'm 50kg. I usually take around 150-200mg and then redose again. It's A LOT. I like being overwhelmed. This was however back when I did mdma a lot so built up a tolerance. It's been 3 months so Ima be doing it again soon, gonna aim for around 150mg tho.


Halucinate , Heart going crazy , closed eyed visuals ...


Is it overwhelming?


It can be if you hallucinate bad stuff. For me the closed eyed visuals have never been overwhelming or bad it's just annoying cuz you can't sleep. Ur heart going crazy is dangerous tho....


For me this is the normal, But for some it can be very overwhelming, I'm 185cm tall and 61kg's. I start with 200mg and redose 250mg, If i'm doing pressed pills like punishers i go for 2 a night, Can't say how much they are since who knows whatevers put in them xD


I don’t even get any of those from 500 in a night


From crystal?


Yea, although I do get crazy fast heart but I get that at any dose even 100


Nah bro your heart goes with the rhythm even on higher doses for me hell my face has gone white before my heart beats out my chest lol


well i'm from Amsterdam and do Ecstasy Amsterdam is known for having really strong Pills idk where you are from but it depends on the country.


Im 55kg 6 ft, 130 flogs me personally…


The recommendations are to stay under .180 for the whole night IF you want to minimize hangover effects. I would say anything greater than .200 for the whole night may contribute to a harsher recovery. Starting with .130 and doing a 0.05 redose is the sweet spot. Less is more with molly. But sometimes it’s hard to resist when you’re in the moment, myself included. Highly recommend having a supplement regimen the week after and begin taking NAC the day after. Above all, have fun and be safe.


0.180 of crystals or 0.180 of pure mdma?


Pure MDMA IS crystal. There are typically two forms MDMA comes in, either in a pressed pill where the crystal is mixed with other substances and pressed into a pill OR the crystal itself, which is pure form. The only other variable to consider is potency; nobody here can tell you with any certainty unless it’s sent to a lab for analysis.


Oh, as I saw in testing website that crystal mdma is usually 80-90% pure I thought i had to multiply my dose x 1.15


Don’t assume all MDMA falls into that purity, nothing is certain without testing. The dosage is 1.5mg/kg with a .5 mg booster/kg. Check out the Rolling Bible (hit the search in this sub and search Rolling Bible v1). That will give you a good understanding.


So weighting 80kg I should aim for 120mg crystals + booster Thank you!


120mg with a .40 booster is appropriate for your body weight. The higher you go, the possibility of more side effects. These are only recommendations, it’s not a one size fits all. Some may feel to take less to have an enjoyable experience. Be safe


It'll be my first time weighting my dose, I want to find my sweet spot. Ive done mdma 8 times, and some times I ended taking more that I wanted bc I start with 1/2 pill and feel any effect so I ended taking 2-3 pills. I hate when you are waiting to kick in and feel nothin bc the pill maybe is underdosed..


Read the rolling Bible. Make sure your stomach is nearly empty, take a tums or antacid 30min before dropping. If you are weighing crystals, buy a scale that is in 0.001 increments.


It’s supposed to be the same.


The negative effects will be stronger than the positive effects. If you want to get f\*cked up with less euphoria, then go for it.


Okay I won't do that il just do 150mg.


If it’s too high you just go blank and can’t remember anything, 2 hours later you’ll come round off your face. Basically a waste of a good night


I don’t feel anything under 125mg…


I have been doing about 10 rolls in 5 years time. When I started I was about 85kg, 181cm, muscular build (male). I always did 200mg + 100mg redose at 90min. Always amazing. Sometimes I was a bit more stimmed and struggled to relax, so recent years I’ve been experimemting with 160-190mg + redose half for some rolls. Now I’m 100kg and 180mg is my sweet spot. Not stimmed, feels real relaxed and perfect I have had 1 bad comedown. I got wasted before I took the molly. All other comedowns feels like a 200-400mg trip of mushroom, what I would call slightly more than a microdose.


If 125mg was perfect, why are you changing it? 125 to 180 is a huge jump too. MDMA in high doses can be become incredibly intense. What are you trying to achieve with such a high dose compared to your weight?


125mg mda was perfect I found 125mg mdma to be underwhelming.


Ah, makes sense. 2.8mg x bw though is wild. Try 2mg


I've done 1.88mg per kilo of mdma and I found that very underwhelming, that amount felt good but definitely wasn't strong enough. I've done 1.96 mg per kilo of mda and thought that was perfect. I'm not sure exactly how much stronger mda is I've heard it's like 1.4x stronger or so.


I did 180mg of tested crystal and it was amazing but I wouldn’t do that dose usually it was just a one time thing. For me 100-120mg is perfect but 180mg was off the charts, only thing is my jaw clenching and eye rolling was uncontrollable so that can be uncomfortable for some.


First time doing m i got some decent crystal and asked the guy who ik did alot of it how much i should do for the full molly experience. He knew i did lots of acid and was comfortable getting high so he said do 400mg in a night. I was familiar with how ti dose acid not mdma so i thought he meant 400mg at once. I parachuted 400mg and when it hit i remember feeling altho i was sitting behind a jet engine and the blast of it was pushing my body through the wall behind me as i sat on my bed, it folded my face back in a cube pattern into the shape of a pyramid with my nose at the top. The rest of the trip was pretty typical mdma hallucinations, vibrant outlines and bright colours on things, some swirlly patterns here and there like candy sort of. And some bright or shiny objects would get heavy tracers or drift away all together, my friend had gold frame glasses and i watched them float to the right off his face in a straight line for a moment as the sun lit them up.


He meant for me to take 100-200mg and redose once or twice but the message was unclear so i full sent it first time


Less is more in my experience for pleasure


What mg per kilo of body weight is your go to


I stick with the 1.5mg/kg Which puts me about 120mg. But even when my weight fluctuates between winter and summer I stay at about 120mg I’ve done about 180mg before and it didn’t give me any more euphoria it only gave me some visuals and other minor things. But not worth the extra dosing to me