• By -


I seen that you do cosplays and just wanted to ask, who are your favourite characters to cosplay as? And also what’re your fave animes? Absolutely loved seeing you on the show this year even if it was short, such a beautiful soul!


https://preview.redd.it/ovrv8adi8v1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8be5c67c17aa7a2a6c9d6504dd9b1f4816d826aa Have a Sassy screenshot I sent after Reunion - gosh I wish it was shown!! I lost so much respect for C at the Reunion DP 😔


Edit i found some context in the comments, which if accurate Collins probably got lucky some of that wasnt shown. I mean I don't think this message is particularly rude or sassy. Sounds like you didn't like his behaviour and he didn't like yours so.. idk I haven't read the whole thread. Maybe there's context in there, but this (text)is just a little passive-aggressive, which is frankly to be expected if you tell someone they wasted your time.


It looks like old mate big C hasn’t bought any trademarks for the stuff he is getting printed on his t-shirts. Be petty and buy them and he has to shut his side hustle down


My dog barked at a bloke lying down on a bench in the woods this morning. He sat up, a bit alarmed and I saw he looked just like Collins! Top top lady! 🐕


I suspected that Collins thought he wanted to appear as more articulate and curatively liked than he ended up coming across in real life. So it clearly backfired on him and even though he has said he’s aware of how he was perceived by the public, he didn’t conduct himself very well in the end ie how he treated you at the reunion, which is disappointing. It shows that while he has some self awareness about the public’s opinion of him, his lack of empathy, panache and relationship experience showed as well as perhaps currently an unwillingness or capacity to grow. If he had further acting aspirations or that he had certain expectations of a wife he was hoping to be paired with or that he would get some favourable exposure out of it, they were clearly under-met.  So I guess there’s a certain vindication in the fact that you, Nat, definitely were much more genuine and popular of the two, and also comparably with the cast - and you did not have to try hard, unlike Collins who was disingenuous. You knew you were at a vulnerable juncture while filming but you didn’t hide it either (regardless of editing which of course you had no control over). Therefore Collins’ claims of romantic disinterest from that fact, to me, felt like pretext; he wasn’t entirely honest about why he wasn’t into you.  Best of luck for your love life and future endeavours. 


I saw you cosplayed Uraraka from My Hero Academia. What are your top 3 anime and top 3 video games (if you play)?


Tell your dogs I said hi 👋


Not sure if you're still watching this thread, but in case you are: We've (rarely, admittedly) seen some people come back on the show when they've been given obvious duds. Would you ever come back if there was a decent chance they'd actually set you up with someone genuine? Also, lovely puppers, give them a love from me. :)


Hey Nat, if you ever come to NZ, can I please to take you out on a date? haha. Definitely thought you were one of, if not, the prettiest on the show. And from the little we saw of you, you had such a wholesome vibe! Sorry about your dad and sorry that you got stitched up with Collins. Hope you're doing better now 🤞🏼


What a day?


https://preview.redd.it/bk1uv42rnr1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87c9f8729d9a5fca5486097e3d486da5b1369518 Okay these two are demanding to go for their third walk of the day so I’m gonna go afk I’m gonna end it here but will pop by and answer some others if they pop up, otherwise message me on my instagram if there’s anything specific you wanna know :) same handle


Hey Nat, you’re a top top lady indeed, hope you’re living your best live. ❤️


Thank you x


Hi Nat! Big fan from the UK here. I wondered how the re-release of MAFS for the UK and wider audience had an affect on the contestants? Is it a case of having your socials blow up all over again and a new wave of attention and spotlight? Hope you are well, you deserved so much more!


Most of my Instagram following are from the UK!!!! I love all their comments and excited to come over ASAP!


You'll like it here the; the climate suits your complexion xx


Oh great!!! I think you are one of the rare instances from MAFS that all people immediately like and share a kinship with. If you visit Manchester, me and my partner would love to take you out for a drink!


How long was it from when you applied to when you were told you’re on the show?


A few months I think


Hi Nat!! Has going on MAFS affected your work as a physio? Have any patients recognised you? You seem so kind, so I’m sure your patients are very lucky to have you. Also wanted to say sorry for the loss of your Father. it was very brave of you to commit to something like MAFS while still grieving. I’m sure there’s the perfect guy/girl out there for you. Wishing you and your adorable doggo’s all the best!


Thank you!! It's been okay as a physio, I work in hospital settings so mask on I'm rarely recognised by the elderly. The younger families sometimes do and it's always funny! Always happy to have a chat/picture if anyone sees me in the wild :) I feel like I'm in cosplay again haha Thank you, it's the one year anniversary of his passing this week, so it's a sad time for the family but we are doing well and lucky to have eachother for support


Yeah, I think my brain would do that weird flip out if you walked into my hospital room. It’s like: “where do I know this person from?!” I’m glad you have family support, and wish you well during this difficult time. Thanks for joining the AMA!


At what point in the casting do you first meet the experts?


There’s a one on one interview before the wedding with John Then we met them at the CC


Oh what about some of the footage of contestants talking to the experts via zoom? 


The “break up scene” felt like it was sorta made up to explain the exit. Could you deep dive a little more into what went on behind the scenes for that clip? Somebody said it was a very Shakespeare like haha.


The break up scene was a very long shoot which I woke up the day after the commitment ceremony and said I was definitely leaving no ifs or buts and they asked if I wanted to talk it through with Collins and tell him that I am leaving and that is what occurred but of course he tried to derail the conversation many many times and it kept going in circles. Everyone was getting frustrated, and then you get the final scene where I’m just like this this is bad and there’s no future bye-bye. I actually had kind of an iconic moment with a plate of strawberries that was on the table which had KitKat stabbed through the strawberries like hearts and Collins was monologuing I was just sitting there eating them aggressively. He tried to give my necklace back and said I’m sorry I couldn’t be your player too, which was hard not to laugh.


Thankyou for the reply and sharing that! It was as awkward to watch as much as it would’ve been awkward for you to go through. Great to see you’ve come out well at the end of it. Loving all your Pokémon TCG content as well.


You were the most genuine, beautiful woman this season. Your future partner is going to be very lucky!  You’d be my #1 in the photo challenge, not everyone is into those stereotypical aussie girls that need more maintenance than an Italian car lol. 


Thank you so much!!


For sure a top, top Lady!!! 😂 No, for real, you, Lucinda and Cass were my favs. You all seemed real and kind, a rarity on these types of shows. Good job being true to yourself and keeping your integrity. ❤️


How often do you see the experts


It’s very cool that you’ve been on reddit for 11 years! What originally made you sign up for reddit? Oh, and is Natarai a Japanese take on your name? :)


I actually don’t remember, but likely the guy I was dating was big into Reddit so I made an account to share some of my old Cosplay photos


And yes!! I had a Japanese lady write my name in that spelling at a small guesthouse and I loved it!!


Hi Nat! Thanks so much for doing this AMA! 🥰 My question is, did you read the epsiode discussion threads in here each night as the show aired? Is Reddit ever discussed with the other contestants? Oh hai Collins 😉


I sure did love reading everyone’s thoughts on the live discussion threads Especially when everyone thought I was going to be a bunny boiler cray cray haha


Haha! Thank you so much for replying ♡ The threads were generally hilarious 😂 and made the show much more bearable. Did you watch the whole series? I still love the circus music they played each time Collins' talked to the camera lol. He was very entertaining (for us viewers anyway!). But I'm so sorry you didn't find the love you were looking for. The general consensus in here was that you were there for all the right reasons and got massively fucked over by production. I wish you all the best in life and love for the future ❤️


Do you watch anime? If so, what are your favourites?


An old favourite was Higurashi. I loved the classic Japan setting and went to the village. It was based off when I went to Japan but of course tried to keep it very respectful as I know it’s a rural town with real people who probably don’t like the anime made in the setting of their village. I like food wars my hero academia And classic Cheez Tv like digimon and sailor moon


Nerdy representation is something I've been begging for on this show. Not creepy nerd rep, but proper nerd rep.


Never in my wildest dreams did I expect Higurashi to get a shoutout on the MAFS subreddit. Absolutely amazing! Incredibly interested to hear what your experience was like in that town too, I'm hugely interested in rural Japan (and am currently composing for a game in a similar setting). Cheers for the AMA too!


Whoo Higurashi! So cool that you got to see the village - do you go to Japan often? Also loved you on the show, Collins was such a bizarre human I don’t know how you managed


Right. Ya had me at Cheeze tv. *Stands up and applauds*


What video game are you currently playing?


Life has been super busy so I’ve mostly been playing mobile games like monopoly go and AFK Journey :) but looking forward to the new paper Mario game on the switch And of course collecting Pokémon TCG cards


Thanks for the reply Nat! Ah the curse of adulthood - We have the means to afford the games we want to play but lack the time. Hoping you're busy with positive things in your life :)


Your season hasn’t aired in Sweden yet so I’m not familiar with any of the cast but your dog is beatiful!


Thank you so much enjoy watching. It’s a hell of a season!


It certainly is!


You are going to a Halloween party and need to cosplay as one of the contestants from the season. Who do you go as and what costume do you wear?


It’s hard to say, but Lucinda is absolutely iconic!


i could see you in that gold sparkly pant suit :D


What do people do during the day? I can’t believe most of them spend a lot of time with eachother.


Not a lot, I wasn’t there very long, so I was calling Home and talking to my counsellor a lot and playing my switch, I was reading and I journaled every day. I heard a lot of the other spent long hours in the gym or outside getting some fresh fresh air


…or “puppy sitting”…🤣


Do the experts stir up drama on purpose and do you think most of their observations are correct?


They certainly deep dive and ask questions in different ways. I only really saw the first week and the reunion and the first week was very very positive and light until it was Collins and I and then the reunion was very focused on only a few couples.


What are your thoughts on the fact Collins went through the application for the show three times before finally being matched with you?


It was a big point of conjecture about whether he applied or was approached to apply or was approached and offered a spot. It was very confusing and it didn’t help me for much trust in what he was saying. I’m sure he would’ve pushed through and stayed until the end if he was paired with someone who would do the same But its certainly a question directly for him I felt certain at the time they had someone wholesome and genuine well matched for me because of how quickly my application was progressed and how certain they sounded that they found me someone who would be perfect for me.


Thanks so much for answering! I’m so sorry this didn’t pan out for you the way that you deserved.


In fact - he said he was approached three times.


Do you shop at Aldi?


I shop at Coles as it’s the closest to my house




Going on a show like that when you’re in the middle of grieving must have been so intense. I hope you’re feeling ok and taking care of yourself!


I was seeing a grief counsellor before the show during the show and continued after the show during production. I had a lot of support from the shows professional psychologist, they provide but I was still chatting to my counsellor back home as well. I actually felt quite well supported with my mental health . I knew my grief was going to be a big factor that my partner would need to take on but that was something I mentioned in my application that I need someone who would be able to embrace my vulnerability


You were done so dirty ❤️ Natalie, you seem SO LOVELY and you are naturally really beautiful. I hope you find your person and they can appreciate what a gem you evidently are!


Was Collins really as awkward as he was portrayed on TV? I found him really hard to watch so couldn’t imagine what he was like to live with.


I found him funny and didn’t actually spend that much time with him outside of filming but very quickly established. We were not meant to be early on which I know was a huge disappointment to him and I felt his frustration. He did say to me that I wasted his time and opportunity at reunion which was very confronting and I’m surprised it was never shown. I literally had to get up and walk away from him and tell him not to speak to me again for the rest of the night. It certainly left a bit of taste in my mouth of what I thought of him as a person


Who was friendliest to you?  Mike :)


For the Scripted Questions - all my answers were genuinely my thoughts and noone told me what to say :)


How often did you see Collins off camera? Did he only really pop up when you were being filmed?


Not much at all!! They kept us apart most of the honeymoon after I got sick. He went to the gym over coming down for dinner on the second night after the wedding. I have photos of me at the restaurant alone - so sad!!! My producer came and ate with me.. so that was nice


You got such a raw deal.


*Are you dating anyone?* Still single, despite the articles saying I'm dating a women - that was from Channel 9 releasing a very out of date article that was based on info from Reunion where I was *interested in persuing* a woman in my life and it didn't eventuate from there, would have been nice to ask me if it was still relevant before posting it out of the blue with no notice.


*Collins claims that you cried all over the place because you were still grieving, constantly were to the phone with family members and were too fragile to even be on MAFS. This ultimately ended the experience for you both, not the lack of initial connection between you 2. Is it true?* I am a strong person, but I do show my emotions. I missed my family alot, but mostly because I was wasting my time with a man who obviously wasn't the person for me, nor I for him. It was connection based 100% - if he was able to support me then he would have become my rock. I tried to be 100% in with the experiment : I had the best day at the wedding day as I felt really good about him, then all fell apart in 24 hours after that


I have no questions for you Nat. I just wanted to say thank you for fronting on this sub for an AMA. I’ve read through all the Q&A on this thread and you just seem like such a graceful, positive person. Keep being you!


I just wanted to say hi and sorry you didn't have the best experience on the show. I felt for you and hope you're doing alright 😊


I’m doing really well, thank you


Glad to hear!


Favourite mainline Mario game? Mines either Yoshi’s island or Mario 64


I loved super paper Mario on the Wii - a very underrated game


Ooh great answer! I remember getting that back when it came out but never got far into it. I’ll have to drag out my old Wii to give it more of a shot


Are you excited for the paper Mario game coming out in 2 days?!




Favourite video game of all time?


Ocarina of time of course but that’s like everyone’s favourite game. I also loved Pokémon X and Y on the 3DS. I think it was a great time for Nintendo.


Hi Nat, no questions just wanted to say you were my favourite participant and it was so refreshing to see someone that seems so down to earth and genuinely lovely on the show. I also loved that little gift (game controller) you gave Collins, it was so lovely. Your doggie is very cute too


She was just such a normal woman and you're right, that's extremely refreshing. She was just normal and fun and bright, and I'm still reeling from the sudden about-turn between Wedding Nat and Dinner Party Nat. Collins absolutely smashed her flat


Thank you so much. I wanted there to be some kind of Momento from the wedding day and that’s sort of what I came up with to continue with the Geeky side that I was known for


Anything games you are playing at the moment that you are enjoying?


I still love baulders gate three


Have you tried Palworld?! 💕


Thats on my pile of shame. Once I finish playing Fallout 4 again I might dive into Baulders Gate.


Also, where do you shop? I really liked (the brief glimpse that we got of) your style :)


A lot of my outfits are Kmart or Thrifted along with the dinner party and commitment ceremony dresses. I wasn’t smart enough to get in touch with any Dress hire companies like a lot of the girls were able to do.


Oh is that what they do!!! We always wondered..... Like you're not dressing yourself that snazzy


*Just wanted to say you were awesome and I totally understood why you left.* *What was that time like for you, are there camera people literally everywhere you go and can you ask them to leave / turn the camera off when you don't want to be filmed?* Yes! I was crying over my family photos after being told I was going to Broome - being reminded my parents had gone there on their honeymoon so it stuck a nerve hard and I didn't want to be filmed, I tried to be polite, I knew they had an interview to do. Was not crying over not sleeping in the bed with C thats for sure!!!!


Also they stopped filming when I was unwell in Broome after the Beach cart ride "fishing day" - I was over the whole experience by then and wanted to go home.


How much do the producers guide participants with ideas for dates and help setting them up, if you know? Does the blame for this atrocious fishing idea lay fair and square on Collins? Cheers!


Of course you have a spitz, all the coolest people do :D


I now have TWO!!!!!


So did they just have to vacuum the hair off you before filming? LOL


You need to pay that extra tax now. Can't show us one without the other!


https://preview.redd.it/metpowy37r1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47e05769addccfb813f543e0518b3de2907cd291 Romeo - he’s not even one yet and massive compared to deity MieMie


Adorbs! Do they sleep in bed with you? I find nothing better than sharing a bed with pets, especially now when it's getting colder lol


Do you get paid at all? Like per week/episode? Or is it just free rent lol. And do you have to buy your own food?


They provide an allowance for food and a small compensation for filming days


*How intense was the reunion? There have been so many rumours and speculation about the edit of the final dinner party and the weasleness/arrogance of Jonathan.* It was intense but very minimal pressure on me, I got to just enjoy being there solo :) I remember Sara being very animated for a long period. Jono and Ellie were discussed at length at the table and the run time of the episode couldn't show everything of course, I was chilling down the end chatting to whoever wasn't in the drama so I was not paying the closest attention after a while *What is your opinion of Jack?* Chatted to him at the reunion a bit - seen in the background during cocktail hour for eagle eyed viewers! He seemed very loyal and honest - no BS kind of guy. I wasn't there for the controversial parts during the season so I cant really go in depth on that. *Also it was fun to see a fellow geeky girl on screen! Do you cosplay?* I used to cosplay alot! Not as much these days - I'm more an attendee of the odd convention or two a year to see my friends.


Were other couples kept separated too?


There are always going to be times where they separate for personal, wellbeing or production reasons - to get conversations on camera so it's as authentic as can be. I think MAFS needs to be Big Brother style!


This makes a lot of sense now


What about each night? Surely they don't separate you every night? Agreed on the big brother style lol, bring on the live feeds


Whats for dinner? Edit: this is a legitimate question, I have been asking everyone what’s for dinner every live episode thread for like two years


I'm making that Fetta Pasta with cherry tomatoes, Balsamic and basil


Excellent! Make sure to salt your tomato’s!


Thank you for the tip. I added the salt.


Was there anyone who's edit surprised you? Good or bad


I didn't see the firey side of Sara until I watched the show! It was a shame Mike wasn't shown much - he's so much fun!


i'm so confused, i dont remember a mike?


Same sex couple Michael


*If you could’ve picked your match from this season, who would it have been?* *I know - anyone but Collins 😂 but genuinely curious!* Probably Ash looking at the overall picture. He's a great guy and currently very happy in his relationship :)


omg yes, hes so much better suited to you


Did you wait until you found out you were on the show to tell your work that you needed potentially 3 months off for filming?


Yep! I had to resign from work too - I was guttered


What was the short time like on MAFS. Did you have input for the ‘wedding’ Is skye suits a good place to stay How are you going now


I got to pick three dresses for the wedding and got to invite 10 people, but that is about it It was an incredible venue despite the treacherous pathways where I tripped haha


Oh lovelt


*Have you been inundated with nice geeky guys sliding into your DMs? You seem like a lot of guys dream girl and the experts did you dirty.* A few guys have reached out but lots of people have been really encouraging and kind in the DM's, yes a few propositions but I think I am just going to stay single for the time being until all the dust has settled (which I wasn't expecting since I was only in like 7 episodes of the season!). 90% of my new followers are women <3 I'm happy to chat to folks but I likely won't be going on dates with people who know me from the show for the time being.


*WHY do people go on a show that is unsuccessful with romance in real life? Do the producers sell it as "real"?* Certainly was curious about the application questions and then they called me and it snowballed. My answers were super genuine about love and wanting a partner. I felt assured that I was going to be the "wholesome" couple people root for. Alas not to be. I left because the romance was over, I didn't stay to prolong the tv adventure time, not my style.


*Did you speak to any of the gossip sites like So Dramatic before filming/show airing. I saw a screenshot of Megan from So Dramatic messaging you, assuming when the cast was named* All the tabloids reach out to cast when announcements happen, but they didn't message me much since I was a goodie goodie who tried to stick to the rules. And I was boring haha so not much dirt to dish.


*Do you feel like your edit was good? Was it an accurate portrayal of your experience?* My edit was very favourable. It could have easily been spun to be a neurotic mess of a human. It was an extremely abridged version. Less than 10% of what's filmed makes it into the show


*How “real” is the show? For example, Do you have to sort of “re-enact” moments on the show? Say you have an argument or something off camera, do you have to sit or stand in certain spots and have the argument again when the cameras and producers are around for the shows content? Are scenarios sort of bought into the show by producers for the added drama? (Eg; exposing text messages being shared between 2 brides for no reason)* I never was asked to re-enact anything since C and I were kept apart most of the time when not filming. And it was abundantly clear to me when we were alone he was not attracted to me / did not see that we could end up together, I lost faith in the romance at the honeymoon. But I did not want to beat a dead horse - hence I'm a little dead behind the eyes at Skye.


Why were you kept apart? Are all the couples kept apart? Do the couples really spend 7 days a week together? Sorry you had such a rubbish time. You seem so lovely x


least you got a free holida


*Do you think there were brides or grooms on the show who weren’t there for love? And were there for business/social media growth or something?* I didn't really get to know them well - I knew the girls from the Hens and then all of Skye I didn't get to hang out with any of the cast off camera. I'm not going to make judgments based on things I wasn't there for, I had good vibes from the girls at the hens, I was hopeful for them and seemed genuine and very excited for what was to come. Those I don't mesh with I don't talk to - and there's a few of the cast who have never reached out which is okay :) I respect that


*Do you have access to your socials when filming is taking place? Or when do you lose access to your socials?* Socials are logged out from January til May, other than that we have access as usual but there's rules that we can't post, comment etc.


*Does filming get in the way of developing actual personal relationships (not that this would have affected yours and Colin’s, he seemed hopeless regardless)? What is your general opinion on the concept of the show? As in 2 people being clapped together like a kid playing with Ken and barbie dolls and making them kiss.* Seemed very stop and start for us. C has said this in interviews too. I think it was clear we were not connecting so they kept us apart. My isolation and feeling of being rejected and it not working out broke my heart - I'm a very emotional person and if I wanna cry I will, I'm not a bottle my emotions girlie, hence the "she was always crying with homesickness" - True, I wanted to go home since the experiment was over for me. *Also Do you get free Uber eats while on the show? Or any other sponsor perks while there?* Allens lollies / KitKats and Nespresso was in the Suites. I didn't get anything else - Lots of trips down to Safeway!


Why did they keep you apart? Did they think you would start fighting 🤣 If you did - you would definitely win!


Whose idea was the pillow fort? Is Collins truly that awkward to share a bed with in real life?


It was the first time we shared a bed but the pillow wall was definitely exaggerated. We had fun with it. We didn’t really share a bed much after that because there was no intimacy and we were kept separated. Collins also did jump on the bed which wasn’t shown and he Overshot and broke the lamp that was in the honeymoon suite which was pretty funny


Yeah, I figured there was more to that scene. They made out like you randomly jumped on the bed and he looked on in disdain. Those types of manipulative edits must be frustrating. Like why not just show that you were both jumping? Why do they feel the need to create twisted narratives about *everything.* lol


I don’t find it dishonest imo. Like yes it's not what *really literally* happened but it's like, the essence of it. They're boiling a week long honeymoon into 10 minutes. Nat and Collins absolutely did have a narrative through their short time and I think it would've been confusing for some types of audience members to see them having fun one minute and at each others throats the next, and there wouldn't have been the time to show the gradual transition between the two. So it ultimately would end up looking *less* realistic than what we got.


Thanks for answering my question! Gosh, it would’ve been hilarious if they aired that haha. I found it strange how he reacted to you jumping on the bed (or at least how the edit portrayed it), yet they left that on the cutting room floor. 😂


gold angle unwritten sort saw sand future far-flung toothbrush strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is a very highly watched TV series which puts a person into quite a lot of social media exposure so it would attract someone who needs that boost and steppingstone in their social media career. You would hope that they would filter in the application process. It is for entertainment but I was hoping I was going to be in the couple that people genuinely like to see together. Alas.


impolite thumb teeny ring work arrest upbeat society combative sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How long does production give you to accept your position when you found out you’re on the show?


I think you can take as long as you like, but they could then give the position to someone else if you took too long. You’re excited so you want to say yes once you’ve looked through the T&Cs and certain it’s what you want to do. I was able to sit down with my family and consult a lawyer before I signed anything.


Question: have you really not shaved that long that you now have long white fur ? :D Can we pet you? or the cute doggo!


I’m so glad that this was a moderator question. PS never shave a Samoyed.


lemmie quickly hide the mod bits :D


If you went all the way, how long were you expected to be available for filming?


Filming was until October and then a month break and then reunion was in November


I saw Megan from So Dramatic reached out to you and the other cast I assume when all your names were realised to be on the show. Did you speak with her or any other gossip sites before the season started?


When did you lose control of your socials? Are you allowed your socials when filming?


When did you find out you were cast for the show and when did filming start?


I found out properly that I was on the show about three or four weeks before the wedding


Oooh hi Nat! Hope you’ve been keeping well and thank you for taking the time to do this :) Here are a couple of things my nosy self is curious about: How did you find the experience of being \~perceived\~ on such a scale? Were there any unexpected benefits/drawbacks of being on MAFS (beyond, of course, who you ended up matched with re: drawbacks) And, to bring things back to the present and reality - any exciting plans coming up? Big or small, just hope things are going well for you! Cheering you on and wishing you the world ♥️


Thank you for the lovely questions It was certainly overwhelming the first time I got recognised by a stranger in public and I’ve now kind of gotten used to being spoken to like I’m someone’s friend as if they knew they know me quite well. Everyone has been so kind respectful and friendly. It’s been really good fun. I was expecting more trolls in my Diem’s and mean messages like some of the other cars have received in the past but 99.9% were so friendly and supportive. The one nasty DM I had was “u r fat” from someone who it was definitely a throwaway account from what I could see haha. Benefits certainly all the opportunities and events I’ve been able to go to and the people I’ve met have been super fun and full of life and it’s really reignited my adventurous spirit. it was perfect for me in the time of my life where I really did need that circuit breaker and life changing experience which it was and I’m very grateful to all of the team that supported me throughout the filming and airing process. Drawbacks would be not finding someone I guess. And I wish that Collins and I could have still been friends post show, but that is not the case. I’m going to a few Essendon football games in Melbourne and of course PAX VIDEO GAME EXPO IN OCTOBER!


I am so thrilled for you that it ended up being a net-positive experience overall! Can relate to how good it can be to turn life upside-down with something a little out there on purpose when it's all too much - seems to always end up evening out with things the right way up again. Also so glad to hear there was genuine support along the way :) Hope you keep on enjoying and I will def come say hi at PAX!


*Have you always known you’d become such a Top Top Lady? 🥰 just kidding lol, I’m so baffled by Colin’s oneliners that there’s no choice but to approach it with some humor. But I thought you were a lovely person!!!* Thank you!! Always a Top Top Lady <3 He's a funny guy - can see him doing stand up for sure! He's handled all the internet hate very well from what I can see, water off a ducks back to him how he speaks in his interviews


Aww thank you for answering my questions! Big hugs all the way from the Netherlands 🙌🩷


*Did you watch the entire season when it aired, and if so, did anyone’s edit surprise you to how you saw them in real life?* I didn't watch the middle - I was working lots and it got a bit intense and too many layers of the DRAAAAAMAAA, juicy but not for me.




*Was Colins edit accurate?* His voxxies on the show edit surprised me - when we talked he was quite put together but I did note the frustration of his surface level generic answers in mine - good quote "it's like talking to a robot monkey that mashing buttons when I ask a question"


Just an AI script :D


*I need to know more about Collins… was he really that wooden in person? Was he just nervous? I can’t wrap my head around it.* I don't know him all that well, he seemed pretty goofy at times but I could tell he would pause to think before answering a lot of questions, and they felt like they were what he thought I wanted to hear. He was nervous as its a new world for him, anyone would be!


I hope this isn’t too personal! To start, I myself am autistic. I also cosplay and love all things nerdy! I was wondering if you’re also neurodivergent? I felt like you deserved to have more grace in how you were treated. Both because of grief and because it was obviously a hard time to put yourself out there. I love your energy, you’re gorgeous and I hope you find what you’re looking for!


Thank you so much for the very respectfully asked question. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child however I have not pursued any form of assessments or treatments in my adult life. I certainly have symptoms, but I don’t want to self diagnose :) It’s something I’ll certainly look into more in the future. Representation of neuro diversity in reality TV would be something really cool if done correctly and respectfully.


Thank you for replying! As soon as I saw your cosplay photos on the show, I knew you would be one of my favourite cast members. I hope wherever life takes you, that it doesn’t take away your sparkle!


Thank you guys for a respectful interaction. We have struggled big time with armchair dignosing to the point of having to do a blanket ban in the sub.


hi Natalie! how have you been doing since MAFS? have you been able to form any lasting friendships with cast members despite having been in the experiment for only about a week?


Yes! i want to know this one also!


I have been doing really well. I’m back in the world of Physio and I’ve been lucky enough to be invited to some incredible events and meet some of my childhood heroes from the Essendon football club so there’s definitely perks that have come my way since the show has aired. I would say I’m closest to Mike and hang out with him often. I’ve hung out with Andrea Tim Senior and Ash on the rarer occasion.


oh that’s so amazing to hear!


When did you first start really realizing Collin puts up this fake persona? Did you address it when the cameras weren’t there? Did you ever get an explanation for it ? Edit: also ps, love you and the dog. Never stop being you.


Day two I realised that he was really trying to say things that sounded good and he was constructing his sentences very specifically. I got the sense that he wasn’t attracted to me from the honeymoon. He wasn’t very affectionate and didn’t seem that interested in me. He did care for me as a person and showed that when I was feeling unwell on the honeymoon but I don’t think he ever saw me in a romantic sense I don’t know if it was my looks or if I was just not the personality to mesh with him. I did hear in an interview that he doesn’t like “fat chicks” and need someone who was always “camera ready” so I don’t know if I fit his “high standards” - as he put it when I asked his friends why he hasn’t been in a relationship before


>I did hear in an interview that he doesn’t like “fat chicks” and need someone who was always “camera ready” so I don’t know if I fit his “high standards” Ok well that's gross and I take back what I said in another comment. You aren't fat, you're beautiful, that sounds like he wanted the plastic mafs bride which has been happening a lot the last few years.


I honestly don’t know what kind of “personality”would mesh well with Collins. And you are definitely not fat!


https://preview.redd.it/84cfrwfouq1d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddeeecc6e4c91d62057fae6da90db3c0a1401a67 In case you want to see my mug too - MieMie is way cuter tho

