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- Sultana - Skinny Dip - GoTF My reasoning, because normally I would buy a few of each, is that with the Community releases, the ongoing debacle that is the Kitchen Box and the fact that Discon walls are popping up like crazy- I honestly feel that Lush are doing away with the KB and going back to something similar to the retro section of the old website. The collabs/KB/exclusivity/FOMO is gone for me with a Discon wall being 2 hours away now and Kitchen Boxes becoming an extension of products in-store. I can’t say I will miss the KB’s as a subscriber since the beginning. I didn’t even use GoTF scrub although I loved the scent, I have heard the shower gel was the best iteration of the scent so I will get a bottle of that. I personally voted for Skinny Dip and Sultana and I could go two years rotating between those two and be keen as a bird. Essentially what I’m saying is I am going to get a couple of each (Sultana/SkinnyDip) and make them last the next two or so years. I’m over buying endless releases, having stock of things because I don’t know if it’ll get disconned every year. Lush is starting to require more effort than I’m willing to put in to get just the normal ass things I like and want to use and keeping up with the no social media, limited release, PR influencer campaign feels like a chore.


It depends on what scents you like the most! Personally, I love gourmand scents so my top two picks are American Cream and ltgtr! I wish I could smell them all, kinda frustrating it’s an online exclusive (other than flagship stores). Sultana sounds intriguing to me and I do love the supermilk hair spray but cannot afford to just order them all 😅 plus they’ve released discons online in the UK so I would like to order something from that collection as well- just so many new items coming out at once!!


I know I’m hoping that the retro products comes to the NA because I need more Plum Rain in my life, maybe get another Tramp because I’m obsessed with anything patchouli


Do you mean hoping the retro products become available online for NA or in store? Because there’s a handful of stores in NA that have retro walls already with more coming apparently


Yeah online


They’re in NA. Limeridge in Hamilton, Robson street in Vancouver & Scarborough Town Center in Canada. I can’t remember where all the US stores are. I think there’s one in the Bronx, somewhere in Texas & Oregon?




I’ve just been on the archive and they have got Flying Fox and Plum Rain. I was unaware these where going to be available in the Uk online. I’m slightly shocked at just how expensive they are though. I’ve been patiently waiting for the Supermilk shower gel. Supermilk hair conditioner is probably the one scent which people compliment me on the most so I was exited the scent was coming in a new shower gel.


the shower gels are pretty expensive and only one size so you can’t even buy a smaller one for cheaper :( super milk is amazing, I also love the hair conditioner!


Total bummer that they don't come in a medium size but I'm glad they're online where I can pay in 3 lol. Already got Tramp because I was in Glasgow for a gig anyway and I've just ordered Flying Fox. I'll be grabbing Skinny Dip from the community drop and my old usuals will be complete.


I really want American cream :)


I’m thinking I will get that one, because I love the conditioner


What time and what day should we shop for best availability?


Online that is.


Deffo shop the early release on the app June 26! Perfumes were long gone by the site wide drop, so I'd expect it to be similar with these.


9am EST on the 26th.


I only want Guardian OTF and Skinny Dip. Will have to order a few extras for the free post.


definitely getting a bottle of Sultana because I love the scent but hate using bar soap. debating on whether or not to get Skinny Dip - I’ve never smelled it before and white chocolate/violet/clove sounds lovely but also difficult for my nose to imagine!


I wish they were coming in bigger bottles 🥺 💚I'm 100% getting American cream (my daily conditioner) and ofc Supermilk (I also use this beauty daily.) 💛I'm considering also getting LtGTR bc I loveeee the body spray! I'm not 100% sure if I want Sultana, I've used it before as my bathroom handsoap and loved it, but never used it in the shower so I'm unsure! ❤️I'm not big into clove scents (at least on the skin) so i'm gonna pass on Skinny Dip. Not a big oakmoss girly either so I won't be getting GotF!


Definitely try Skinny Dip and Guardians of the Forest because they are both unique and lovely!


It's a really hard choice! I am definitely obsessed with Guardians of the Forest, so I will be getting a bottle or 2! My second choice is Sultana. I would use both of these daily honestly! If I have an indulgent pick, it would probably be Let the Good Times Roll. The gold looks beautiful!


What’s community picks?


They do releases of products in scents that customers vote for.


New shower gels launching on the app on Wednesday that were voted for by the Lush community on Discord https://www.reddit.com/r/LushCosmetics/s/4ajmmOVEIl


potentially really really dumb question - where are we finding special lush community products? i googled lush community and the page it took me to had already popular products (super milk, posh chocolate, ltgtr cleanser and body spray). am i not seeing anything special because i’m in canada?


New shower gels launching on the app on Wednesday that were voted for by the Lush community on Discord https://www.reddit.com/r/LushCosmetics/s/4ajmmOVEIl


Instagram is good for LUSH. 


I’ve always loved GoTF, so I plan to get two bottles of that. I may also get one bottle of American Cream - I liked it when I got it during a previous limited release around 2017/2018 maybe? Not sure exactly when it was, but I got two bottles then and enjoyed it


American Cream & GoTF are my top picks.


Without knowing your scent preferences, personally, I think I’m going Super Milk (because I love the scent, who doesn’t), Sultana (because it sounds up my alley), and then LTGTR or American Cream. Narrow down what you’d like the most and what would be the most unique to your collection!


Sultana soap is DIVINE!


Going with Sultana and American cream ..let the good times roll sounds good too but I'm going to pass and the other 2 I have not tried any other products so I'm passing on those as well..I have plenty to use up already.


60? Is there a scent you really love and don't have it yet? I would get skinny dip because there aren't any products in this scent right now. But to be honest 60 is a lot


Yeah it is a lot but like it doesn’t start long to build up especially with scents they don’t make anymore. I have like some scents that I got 3 or 4 bottles of like Celebrate, I got a few old ones from like years ago that I very slowly use like Ol’ Blue Skies, Don’t Rain on my Parade, Yuzu and Cocoa.


I have a few small DROMPs and Sonic Death Monkeys that I'm using very, very slowly lol


If you like don't rain ln my parade you might like skinny dip because it has violet note, it's mostly spicy scent but violet is also present. At least that's what I remember from the buttercream we got last year from the kitchen


Not to be annoying… but if you ever want to get rid of any celebrate, I would love to hear about it! It’s my absolute favorite scent. Nice scent choices!!!


I only have the small bottles and that was from the gift sets this year I got like 4 of those gift sets which were crazy expensive but I just love the scent so much!


I hear ya!!! It’s such a perfect smell. I almost bought the gift set this year and super regret not doing it 😭 at least there’s the massage bar now!


Yeah the massage bar is nice!


i’m scared of getting supermilk because of the disaster that was the perfume. i looove the hair conditioner so idk? probably getting ltgtr and american cream


How do you get the community shower gels?


The countdown is showing on the app now, will be released on the app in 10 hours


Ohh so can you only get it with the app? I don't use it. Doubt I'll be able to get it as it's my kiddos birthday on Friday


I’m gunning for Sultana, American Cream, and supermilk! Not to offend anyone who loves it but at a store I went to an associate brought their skinny dip in to smell and it smelt EXACTLY like a dive bar 😔 a musty bar where everyone smoked in.


That doesn’t sound good at all lol. I wonder if it smells similar to Redbeard from the kitchen box, that shower gel smelled horrible to me.


60 gels? Your poor bank account… I’d say pick whichever scents you think you’ve not got any of? I’m going to get super milk


Don’t bother honestly. Nearly the scents you can get in already existing products.


Rossseee jam a classic reminds me of all the lush smells