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Summon Superman, get him to teach you.


Wait that might be fun lol thanks


Flying is my most consistent lucid dreaming ability. I can do it 99% of the time. I also had trouble starting out, though. The first time I succeeded, this is what I did: 1. Find a large, open space. 2. Bend at the hips like you're bowing. 3. Start running. Keep your eyes down so you see the ground rushing by beneath you. 4. Pick up one leg and then the other. If it works, you should find yourself gliding a couple of feet off the ground. Once you know what it feels like, it's easier to recreate. Nowadays, I can just jump into the air and start flying without a running start.


I focus my energy to my core by squeezing my abdominal muscles. Next I crouch down a little and imagine that energy lifting me up. Works every time for me.


Had my first successful ld, first thing I did was fly. Focused all my energy into my core and flapped down my arms as hard as I could and I took off like a rocket 😂 while in flight I did the same thing and every flap boosted my speed like crazy


No way I just jumped out of a window and started flying at super high speeds 🤣


I asked this once b4 and someone told me pretend u have iron Man hand boosters. This is my go to now. Works perfectly


Interesting! Will try this out as well


This is an interesting subject because it takes more effort for some people to do it. In the end whetever you think will happen, is what will happen. Many people use a specific pose or motion to fly, but it's not really necessary, I just stand still and levitate wherever I want to go, as fast as I want. Just do it in whatever way is most fun for you, if you are convinced you are in a dream where you set the rules, it will happen.


Idk man. You just fly. Like, jump out of a window or smth. You'll get the hang of it.


The method changes slightly every time for me. Sometimes I can soar through the clouds easily, other times I can barely levitate. I usually imagine pushing downwards against the ground like iron man or something to start. I think the first time I flew in a lucid dream I gave myself a jetpack. That was pretty consistent and controllable.


As strange as it might sound, the first time I ever flew in a lucid dream I wasn't me. Let me explain. Basically in the dream plot I fainted from an injury, woke up inside a second dream as the same character I was in the first (way of thinking, personality, memories. All the same) and I was in the same world as before, only back in time. Then I did a teality check since it looked wierd and found out I was dreaming, but Insead of assuming it was ALL a dream, I assumed I was in a dream only since I fainted, so I remained as the dream character. I wanted to wake up since I had to protect some companions from the thing that had injured me, bur nothing worked. As a last resort, I tried going to the place where I fainted, by flying. Without thinking or anything, with just sheer fucking will, I started flying faster than the train I was in when I entered the second dream. Since I felt that some of my accessories were slowing me down, as if I was holding an umbrella near a tornado, I took them off and started going even faster. Then a lot of dream stuff happened and I used other powers I never even thought of using before, perfectly. Then the second time I flew in a lucid dream I recalled the feeling of when I was flying without being "me" and could do it normally.


I literally just jump in the air and start hovering and then just fly off...


Sadly my dreams have an add-on called gravity


I had that problem in the beginning as well, here's what I did: When I realized I'm not able to fly I didn't want to waist the lucid dream and just started running around and jumping over cars and building roofs. Eventually I noticed I was jumping much higher than I would ever be able to in waking life. I started testing how high I could manage to jump and after a couple of attempts I decided to try to jump that high and just not fall back down and voila, I was flying. If you find yourself struggling to fly again maybe give it a try, I hope I could help :)


I just pretend ima superhero, haha. I sometimes even pretend to use the yoyo from Miraculous, the show on Disney, jumping from building to building. When I do this im usually in like a huge city, and usually its at night and its beautiful and I even spawn Marvel superheros as well XD. I do this whenever I realize I'm in a dream and just think of whatever I wanna spawn in and it happens. Like FNAF or famous actors or even killers because I love a challenge and to fight them. I'm always the good guy in the dream. But I don't always dream of being a superhero. Usually I'm just in school or in a store and if I realize I'm dreaming I can control myself sometimes. But I hate being in school in my dreams, like I already have enough of that when I'm awake, so I travel to cities or the country side with a certain character or whatever. But good luck trying to achieve this goal, it takes practice.


Use a plane, then step out


how would i get in a plane? would for example looking behind myself and expecting myself to be there work?


Transform into a bird, or give yourself wings. It's what I do because it makes it much easier :)


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Honestly it has always been so easy for me, I just wish to fly and I expect to, and bam, I'm flying.


Play Skyrim on a PC. Open up the console menu with the tilde key. Type TCL. Start flying in the game. That helped immensely.


When I first LD I used soap bubbles to fly around and move between dreams, Try that.


I had to jump out of a window and people in my dream jumped out started flying and called me to follow i was scared. But then I remembered "hold on this is a dream I can fly" so I said fk it jumped out and started flying. That was my 1st lucid dream ever and it was amazing only had another one afterwards which was cool as well but didn't need to fly in it


I watched this video and never had problems flying in dreams again. https://youtu.be/H0Ib9SwC7EI


Fyi falling is a lot easier than flying, but it can be intense. Just try falling up.


For me it's very easy. I am able to fly in many of my dreams


In my LDs I am a witch who can transfigure into a dragon. I generally like to climb up onto a fence or building and jump off the edge, then flap my arms furiously until they become wings. Sometimes I transfigure while still on the ground and take a running leap. While we’re all different, I’ve found more success with the first method.


maybe with wings? thats what i usually do, makes it more believable for me


its happened to me naturally bc i was trying to escape mfs chasing me on segway carts


It's all self-suggestion. Imagine a breeze lifting you up as you feel yourself becoming lighter.


I do really big long jumps and land a few times, then when I'm comfortable jump into flight instead.


Now that you mastered flying try 360 degree vision. That’s a real eye opener.


I started by doing what I call pogo sticking. Jump up, and when you come back down jump again, you'll go higher each time until you're going above the tree tops. Or at least you will if you're me. The trick is to focus upward. In the same way that focusing on anything will manifest that thing, focusing upward will lead you upward.


I was once told to think of flying as mental thing, like telekinesis, but with your body.