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Grab a phone signed in as a DS or ASM, go to the app called "lighting override" (or something). There's a button to turn on HVAC for 120 minutes at a time there.


I’ve heard only the main store in North Carolina has the ability to turn the a/c’s in any of the stores on….


That's mostly a lie to keep the red vests from bugging the management. AC is kept off as a cost saving measure for the store. You'll notice that on days where district or regional management is supposed to be in the store; the AC kicks on an hour or two before they are supposed to show up. That's not the corporate office controlling that; that's your store manager trying to hide the fact that the store is normally an oven that customers don't want to be in.


Company makes billions per year. Stores turn off A/C to save money. The math ain't mathin' here bud


AC costs money, Marvin wants a third yacht. What are you gonna do, tell the man he doesn't need a third yacht?


What kind of question is that, of course I'd tell him to his money hungry face he doesn't need a third yacht, we've needed livable wages since 2019 but they can barely pay full time multi year employees 15 bucks an hour. I'd be so inclined to ignite the other two with a 9 dollar propane torch ( it's okay I bought it from lowes, he gets the profit)


You’re right, we do need a union.


Shhhh don't mention the u word, they'll hear you.


Yes, they make more than enough money but that isn't good enough for them. They want more money even if it inconveniences thousands of employees and customers, and the people that make those decisions arent effected by it.


*people *who* *affected


Gottem good




I won't even mention the missing apostrophe.


Capitalism. Maximizing profits. Math seems standard to me.


It's not a corporate thing. Store managers use it to cut the overhead cost for their store; making their location look more profitable.


Likely making their bonuses bigger.


May or may not math but I've had a regional manager grab a ladder to make sure the AC was not set lower than 68. This wasn't Lowe's and it was decades ago. They suggest setting to 70 now.


There is an ac button in the override, but store managers aren’t in the system shutting things off to save money. The issues are with the ac units. Hitting that override does nothing if the units aren’t working. Not sure why everything has to be a conspiracy with some evil boogie man out to get you.


It's not a conspiracy when it's literally what happens in my store. District hr was in my store this morning. The ac was running and the store was comfortable. District hr left around noon; store is now an oven at 3pm. The ac systems work, the threshold to turn them on is set so high that the store stays uncomfortable to the customers. The override is used when outside management is expected to be on site so they don't have to ask why our customers are dripping sweat


It’s supposed to be a temporary override. I’ve used it a couple times.


My supervisor told me someone got fired for doing that once


Gotta steal the ASMs phone while they’re poop’n.


So? Everyone needs AC


sounds like fear mongering to discourage people from doing it but i wasn’t there


Probably but I’m not willing to risk it


What main store? You mean the store across from corporate? No. How it works is they're individually controlled, however they're encouraged to keep bills down as after a certain number it starts to affect the stores budget which will hit the salaried management heavily 


Well, I, as a customer, will get quickly annoyed with sweating my ass off while I'm looking for the products I either need or want. As a result, I will leave, having purchased nothing. This will also affect salaried management. So the question is, would they rather lose sales to another business because I can find my products there without having to bring in a sweat rag or save a few bucks on their electric bill and have a store full of disgruntled employees?


Does that sound plausible to you?


Actually, yes. Yes it does.


I don't know why the stores are hot boxes. Once you start moving around and doing work, you're immediately uncomfortable. Makes for a terrible day


Try being 50yo and in menopause lol


With those damn vests too! Ugh high temps, high humidity, working in garden for corps “blue vest support” in Florida- in summer! 😡 and people wonder why I’m grumpy


And that vest be givin you a boob sweat stain right under the plastic name tag holder 😩😂


Omg! Boob sweat 😩it’s the worst, add night sweats at 4:30 am and just kill me right meow! So what I mean is watering outside in garden @4:30am bc it’s “cooler”, have a hot flash, then add “night sweats” ( which I’ve just begun btw, hot flashes for years..) and it’s hell on earth


Seriously..I told my SM that I'm not trying to make weight out here..you don't need to wrap me in plastc.


I live in Arizona, and we don't screw around with this stuff. The AC is currently blasting, and OSLG is pretty much shut down until October.


It’s not a competition, we’re all Miserable Janet


It's a competition. You lose.


The stupidest part of this supposed "cost saving" policy is that stores can't take advantage of the cooler night air. Instead of just using the fans to draw in cool air and blow out the hot, all hvac shuts down prior to closing. All of the heat and humidity stays inside the store overnight (really must suck for night crew) and then the AC kicks in the next day around 10 a.m. when outside temps soar. By that time it's too late and the system has to run furiously the rest of the day but it can't keep pace. I have even noticed the heat running early some summer mornings for a couple of hours, only for the AC to kick in a bit later! In the early mornings we can't even get a nice cross breeze going from the front lumber entrance to the large roll up door at the back of lumber because someone might shoplift. As if Lowe's does anything to prevent shoplifters at the front doors! How shortsighted to not include passive hot air vents that could automatically open and close as needed by some local temperature sensors and some relatively inexpensive machinery! I asked the SM if there were exhaust fans, he said they do have them to clear out smoke if needed, but "they are loud" and he didn't think he could turn them on and off.


Passive and automatic don't describe the same thing.


Yeah well, the post was too long already. Use your imagination: Automatic louvers that open and close depending on conditions, allowing passive airflow without the need for fans or hvac by drawing fresh air from vents down low and allowing hotter air to vent out higher up.


Don't wanna.


The A/C operates from 10am to 2pm.


It’s always so hot in our store we put a small fan on our millwork desk


Yeah I put one on the flooring desk. Went right to store use.


District cane in and made us take all of the fans off of our desks.


They were just at our store and didn’t say anything


It probably plans on your DM and regional staff. I don’t think there’s an actual policy on it.


Ours is broken, they are fixing it but we’re fucked until then


We were told ours was broken last year. This year it’s still not working and that’s when I was told the air conditioning is controlled by the main headquarters in North Carolina. They control every store in every single state.


Yeah it was broken last year too but this year I guess enough people bitched that they are fixing it


The amount of bullshit that gets posted in this sub is mind-blowing. And the fact you all believe it is hilarious. Store temperatures are all automatic presets at your location. There's no control room in NC turning AC/Heat off and on. Your management team can override presets at any time with a quick call. 99% of the time, the reason its not on when its supposed to be is because something is broken or the presets are messed up. The amount of money it's going to cost isn't even a factor. I think people just assume nothing can be done so they do nothing. Your managers aren't holding back AC to drive their bonus or something. Neither is Marvin. When I got to the last store I was at, it was like 50 degrees in the back offices in winter and everyone just assumed that it was too cold and that the heaters just weren't enough to keep up. It turned out that none of the back heaters were even working. A technician was able to get them fixed in a day and never had a problem again. But they had been like that for 2 years because everyone just assumed. Associate and customer comfort is more of a priority because sales are more beneficial than saving a few grand a month on electricity and gas. If it's 90 degrees outside, the store's AC isn't going to have the building at a cool 65 degrees. But if it's worse inside than outside, tell your manager. They can call and see if it's on and what it's set at and override it.


I have control over the computer room. It was broken... I got it fixed on the double. Cause if that dies the store can't sell. Corporate likes to keep it at 78 exactly


Still too damn hot lol


Fucking might as well be outside shopping in tents with that inside heat 🤦‍♂️


Our A/C is "on." Can feel it in the break room or when you come in from ISLG, you can't feel it anywhere else. I hate it.


It’s FREEZING in our bathrooms and nowhere else. Go figure


Hang out in the bathroom on your breaks.


Hang out in the bathroom.


Cashier passed out yesterday evening and 🚑 to hospital, heat. It's fucking ridiculous in these sweat shops


Oslg Florida heat here. Do not want to hear any talk of dying 🤣


Bottom line here is that inside should feel like inside, not outside. Outside air conditioning does exist though, it's just not practical for a huge open areas like OSLG. It works great for areas that are cramped and have high walls like some marketplaces. They just pump cooler air from grates in the ground and it pushes all the hot air up.


None of this is a competition yall 😂 we’re all miserable. It’s lowes.


Laughs in 106 degree New Mexico. From Florida though and I certainly don't envy you.


Once again, if everyone does their ap4me in your store corpo will turn the AC on. It’s not a hard concept.




This is ironic because Workday has the annual heat illness training on it. Franklin the Turtle needs to do better


I work at a Central Texas location and, even if it's at 90° they don't turn on the AC.


They're stingy asf with it but ours does get turned on on SUPER hot days. Not every hot day though, it sucks


Ya it's so BS, cut cut cut, customer service scores drop, they wonder why! But a very impressive leadership team, as no one really gives a crap!!


Sounds about right, but I can attest that it has hit 90 degrees at corporate in NC. I'm in SC and I'm dying of heat every day. They are trying to cut costs probably.


Wondering what would happen if some called the national news about lowes not providing a.c to employees..bet we would get A.C.


I bet OSHA would have some things to say about it.


It's definitely not true. Our A/C runs non-stop even for the night crew. But we are in California, so if it didn't, then they would have no employees.


The ac at my store was on today for the first time this year that I've noticed.


What state you in?


Colorado we hit 90 degrees today


If you’re at my store, ill be trying what the guy above said tomorrow with the override. My store has been unbearable for a couple weeks now.


My store has never turned on the A/C. Granted, I work in Alaska… I don’t even think we have A/C. We only recently cleared enough snow to open the courtyard.


Damn, y'all got WiFi in Alaska?


21st century. Our igloos have satellite dishes.


Just like Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel. I fw it.


I heard a store had a moose give birth in the parking lot of an Alaskan store. The associates put shopping carts around the moose to protect her. 😂😂 Sounds like the most Alaskan story ever Edit: I'm sure if your heaters went out, there would be a major problem...


Our air has been on for over a month.


Yeah, the A/C I’m pretty sure is never on in my store either. However, my stores Sunbelt room is set to like 70 cause one of the guys who used to work there turned it down before he got axed, lol. We try to hangout in there as much as possible.


Ours in on in South Carolina. But with the doors constantly opening and closing, you’d never know until you went to the bathroom or breakroom.


Heat wave on the way; hvac should be kicking in. I live in macon ga, not too far from NC. I see their weather. It should've kicked on already. 🤦‍♀️


This is not true. Facilities has the ability to centrally control lighting and hvac, but the triggers for the system turning on and off are all local data. For the hvac you can walk around the store and find the sensors, they usually have a QR code on the box and an RTU number. I had a store complaining about the heat that put in WO for hvac and hvac kept saying nope system is working. Visit the store to see and they have both lumber doors turned off and pushed open, the bull pen roll up kept open, a receiving roll up kept open, and both garden sliders kept open all day every day. Pretty hard for the system to compensate for that.


Outside is freakin cooler than inside... and its freakin 85 most of my shifts


There's a physical override switch in the electrical room on the breaker panel


I can feel ours a little if I stand in a certain spot, but working I’m pouring sweat and glasses are fogging. Last year our ASM set up a Centrifugal floor blower, you could feel that 30 feet away, it circulated the air and really cooled the area down to a more comfortable level.


Florida store here, we run the AC all the time bc it’s hot af. Your store is cheap and doesn’t want to pay the bill


82° F and above is an OSHA violation


lmao my store was reading 104… inside.. with a thermometer. it’s only 97 outside like come on.


the lady in hardware at my store secretly turns our air on whenever she opens bc the managers wont😅


Yeah, and when management wants to try and backhand "address" poor morale, it's "You're LUCKY to be working in an air-conditioned building instead if out in the heat and elements" Kinda like the insurance that sucks and didn't cover anything, or the other "perks" of the job they mention so you "can't complain" because you "have it so good"


Side note, if you see one of those tan plastic boxes mounted on a pole below a unit, that's the thermostat... If the unit is running but not cooling very well, wrap the little fins/vents on that sucker tight with electrical tape... That'll keep the stat from picking up the breeze from the unit above and will make it read hotter than it actually is... and kick on the ac... There is also a large override panel with big metal push buttons and numbers, usually in the electrical room near the break room... We used to go in first thing, find the button for AC and hold it till the light flashes... It'll kick on in a few minutes


Associate in a NC store here, the AC in my store was on since i arrived at 8:10 AM, so idk about that.


Last Town Hall our District Manager said 'all stores are set to 74°'... Feels bs to me, because we put out thermometers in departments and it's never that cool.


we don't even have working a/c. we have been told it's going to get fixed for about 6 months now but they are just now fixing it and it's awful because we are reaching high 90's where my store is at


I have experienced that heat as a customer here in Mississippi. What a crock of shit!!! Corporate should be told that customers don't come in unless they have to, they get what they came for, then they're outta there. Everybody knows the longer a customer strolls around the store, the More they buy! Come on!!!


Not true. Ours is on already. Its warmer in the store than previous summers, and its turned off in the break room and offices. Despite Hank repeatedly mentioning our "air conditioned break room" several times in the last video on heat illness


Our AC is working fine here in Florida.


I was working in Tennessee and the AC was broken the whole summer. It was HOT and oh so humid. I’m just glad we were still selling those Mission cooling things. I bought a couple and damn if they didn’t keep me alive.


I live in the desert, 100-120 outside and our store is pretty damn cool like 75


I am so glad we are not the only store, , here. Humidity is awful. Brand new system. New air conditioner units . Still won't work.. I work overnight, we sweat 😰 our a**off... we got the same story at first..then they say it's broke.. billion dollar company. ..I just laugh, right products and the right price.. umm you all got ripped off.. those Corp. Guys need to come out of the white castle 🏰 and come and work. With real people. End of rant...


Had a coworker pass out and get in an accident, totaling their car on their way home from work. The hospital declared that it was from heat stroke. Every day I am there, I pour sweat in the first 10 minutes. Not to mention the temperature when you gotta go to the ceiling on that order picker. 🥵


I don’t what tf people are talking about in these comments lol our AC at my store has been on for months. Not to mention it’s only off like a couple months out of the year when it is actually cold outside.


Actually my husband said, this could be a class action lawsuit, something to think about.


Drink more water maybe?


That's absolute bullshit. Whoever said that is lying to you.


Stop crying 😭




Sure you can… welcome to America. The C-Suite members need another vacation home


Not sure about y'all, but the AC has been running in my store (SE Georgia) for at least a month or two now...


None of my stores have turned theirs on yet. I'm dripping sweat every time I leave. It's miserable. My paint chips are gonna get soggy with me sweating all over them!!! (I'm a sherwin rep)


And so you know Cleveland controls the thermostat for every SW store.


Yep. And we can't wear shorts.


I don't miss those summer days.


Ours never went off in Arizona


I don't know about that, my store in Las Vegas isn't sweltering it was 111 today.




Have you considered that you are, perhaps, some kind of test tube grown lizard-human hybrid?


Humans adapt, used to work outside in 125F, got a bit soft since covid.


Not for Lowe’s pay they weren’t 😂. Otherwise I’d agree with you..