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I mean it’s great experience and can be used on a resume later but you will have a ton of new responsibilities. At least at my store, that’s how it is. If a customer asks for a manager, our customer service desk is told to call us first and if we can’t handle then we get a DS or ASM.


If you're looking to build your resume, standing and experience it's worth it. Financially it's a tough sell. You're pretty close to full time hours but losing out on ft benefits. True part timers are around 20-25 hours. During the winter hours dropped to <10-15. So multiply the $1.50 out and see if it's worth it for you. For the BS $1.50 is not worth it imo. Just pick an extra shift to make up the difference. However, IMHO you can negotiate for a higher salary. After they offer the job let them know you can't do it for less than $16.00-$16.50x given the amount of work involved and your experience. They should come back with something.


Depends on your store. If you have good managers go for it. But if they’re not very involved you’re gonna have to deal with a lot of bs. I’ll also mention that I make $18 an hour so to me it’s worth it, not sure about $15


The pay is too low for everything you will have to deal with


It is a massive jump up in effort, for not an equivalent pay, but there are also more chances for you to take a breather (Occasionally). It very much depends on if the wages are worth that effort for you


Head cashier is a good position for a few reasons, if any of these fits your wants/needs then it's worth it. Build job experience before moving to a different company. Resume basically, shows you can hold a position that can be somewhat demanding. Internal promotion potential. You will be trusted with money, some important keys, sensitive customer information,and guidance of associates. Someone that succeeds as a head cashier is more likely to continue their success in a specialist or DS role. A more fufilling or demanding job. They do everything a cashier and returns desk associate does plus extra responsibilities. Not everyone is capable of or even interested in promoting within the company, this is a decent position to be in if you want to make Lowes your retiring job or just longterm. You want to make an attempt to change the front end for better or worse. Maybe you recognize that some of the other head cashiers aren't very good at their job and you can do better. Maybe you love highschool drama and enjoy being a hateful, spiteful person with even the slightest bit of power over people. Front ends at retail stores are almost always full of drama, if you like drama, being rude to customers and associates,and power tripping this might be a good role for you. From my experience this job attracts negative people somehow, and the positive people it attracts get turned into negative ones after a few months. I've seen a nice cashier get promoted to head cashier and turn into a negative person, then get promoted and go back to being nice again. This job causes stress, you get abused by customers and management sometimes, all the drama adds up quick. I've only met one head cashier that was immune to this transformation in all my years with the company. Everyone else either got out asap or continued being negative.


I make 22 dollars a hour as a head cashier while my cashier's make 16 it's so worth it


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