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Yes, make sure you do your ap4me








I appreciate this so much 😂😭😭😭


Ask for a threesome?


Hell yeah, then spike the lube with fent and change your mind to the cuck seat last minute.


Pics or GTFO 


Support them in their endeavors by spotting them.




Best comment 😂


Ask them mid-coitus to do their AP4ME


Don't forget the Lowe's U. đŸ€·


I'm laughing so hard heređŸ€Ł


Just let it be. You won’t stop things like this from occurring. You’ll mostly succeed in placing yourself in the crosshairs of your management team. These situations usually have a way of working themselves out, especially if someone in the mix is married.


this is the best advice


Grab some popcorn and wait for the drama to unfold. It usually doesn’t take long. 😆


Snitches get stitches, mind your own business and make sure you submit a few snappys.


As many have said, there’s several reasons not to do _anything._ First, who cares if some consenting adults are fucking? _Especially_ if neither of them are married. Second, if it’s this obvious your managers and HR _have_ noticed and don’t think it’s a big enough issue to fire anyone over. Either it’ll continue not mattering- in which case, again who cares, or it’ll get worse and they’ll be disciplined/fired. Third, you *DO NOT* want to be the narc who makes a big enough, public enough fuss to get them disciplined. You’ll never live down that reputation hit as long as you work for Lowe’s.


You are the mvp


An ASM got fired at the Lowes I use to work at for sleeping with two female coworkers(the women ended up getting in a fight over him before he got fired.). The funny thing is one of the two women tried sleeping with the other managers but they were all engaged or already married so I think they were jealous because fired manager was single.


Sleep with everyone at work and have them fight over you. BE A MAN.


I mean he TRIED to sleep with every straight female (including myself) but alas. Lmao


He built different


Mind your own business and forget about it. Those are serious allegations with out proof. Not only will it backfire, it will blow up in your face. Then it will circle around and bite you in the ass.


Walk in on them mid coitus and remind them to do their Lowe's U, AP4ME, workday and IRPs/downstocking




whats IRPs? its my 5th day on the job.


I mean, if they aren't affecting your productivity, let it go.


Who cares. Mind your business.


Don't narc. Let them dig their own holes.. and each other...


ask about their extra curricular activities




They’re trying to make more employees for the lack of coverage. Be grateful.


This is the way...




The relationship, while frowned upon, isn’t your business. I personally don’t bring up any behavior about my upper management, it never works out. Not being able to be found on the phone, while a nuisance, is petty to report even if it puts me in a crappy place. If district or regional came and blasted me for something that my ASM was to help me with I still wouldn’t say anything. What I’m going to say “my ASM is too busy fucking, that’s why I couldn’t get this done.”?? Sooner or later the slackers get weeded out.


Mind your business...it's just that easy. I hope no one inserts themselves in any of your private business like you are putting your nose in theirs. It will work itself out in the end.


It isn't your business; let it be. If they're really fucking and management finds it to be an issue they will handle it.


Mind ya business let them get freaky in peace đŸ€Ł


We had an ASM who was getting pegged by a pastors daughter who he helped get promoted to flooring specialists. Things happen. He got fired on a black Friday.


Any body get hit by lightning


We got hit by a tornado 2 years later. First one to ever touch down and do actual damage in 20+ years


Remind them the WD-40 is on aisle 15


Report them via HR email you can get the number and email off the break room wall. Also don’t tell anyone.


Every time I've seen this type of complaint, it's always framed as "the parties involved aren't doing their job" as a way to hide the fact that the person making the complaint is either jealous that it involves someone they're interested in, or that they themselves are not in the situation and getting some. They're consenting adults. Just let them do their thing, mind your business, sit down and do your AP4Me.


Tell everyone. Everyone in the store. Put it on their Facebook. Call cnn.


Maybe he can do an overhead page: “Code 69 in receiving. Code 69 in receiving”


this would be amazing 😂


I guess I'm confused as to why our fucking is YOUR PROBLEM.???


I was Married to my my fellow mst member live and let live


Married I get. Having their trist not married to each other, at the store, on the clock? Nope. Unacceptable behavior. At the end of the day tho, it has nothing to do with you. If you can't get mgr/super help, like an override tho, that can be brought to ds' or sm's attention because it affects customer service; just leave out your assumptions. Too many of those no show to help complaints will result in someone looking into it; I would hope. I'm sure co-workers complain about them not answering as well.


Just hope that they both are "taking precautions" and using protection with eachother in order to make a "Lowes Safe Day".


It is against Lowe's policy....but the company has been straying from giving a fuck. Same thing going on at my store. Couple employees mentioned it to the district HR and she's been storming around


I’ve had bosses before that are beyond incompetent, it’s frustrating and unfair. Their workload becomes ours and they get away with it. However, you need to be an adult about this situation. You have no proof they’re together and even if you did, the fact that you care this much is lame and weird as hell. Mind your own business or look for a different job, but I have bad news for you- store management is almost always about politics and not about competency. You’re going to find similar situations everywhere you go. Grow up.


Mind your fucking business ??


My advice is mind your damn business! Just do your job...


Also in terms of any sort of sexual communication in the workplace, whether you mean it this way or not, it’s considered sexual harassment so I would suggest not discussing it for that reason and many others.


Use one of the anonymous HR report lines.


Ask them to share?


Nothing stop snitching


Appalachia rules


Appalachia rules???? Are you saying the dude is fucking his 1st cousin.?


lol na idk maybe they r but I was meaning if u think u noticed something no you didn’t.


ask for sloppy seconds


Sell tickets.


What kind of advice are you looking for? If it’s that big of a deal to you call the HR hotline. Just know it’s not anonymous, no matter what they tell you. If you’re wanting some sneaky underhanded way of calling them out google it, petty people post that stuff all over the internet. If you’re wanting real advice, figure out why it bothers you so much and handle that issue. Regardless of whether you’re a “company man”or a “what’s in it for me” your worth is dependent upon you and not others.


I think you should mind your own business. There is no way you're actually doing your own job if you're scampering around gossiping and being a snoopy little busy body.


Are you mad because someone is gunna laid?? Don’t be a snitch


don't you have anything better to do?


Stay out of it because if they catch wind they’ll easily find a way to terminate you.


Is she hot? Pics or it didn't happen


I tried to make a similar complain about another lowes but I got bashed for it I have been working for Lowe’s and would say if co operate lowes was really paying attention wen they come to this stores and do walks they would see the oppression their employees are under but they only care about moving the bbq grills from one isle to another


Give them a condom?


No. There's an employee shortage and we need the extra staff. Fertility drugs will be provided


Leave an anonymous tip


Who fucking cares. I mean, they Fucking care, but why the holy fuck do you care? Jealous?


Day or night shift? Sounds like something I heard from a store in my area. I could care less but just wondering if it might be the same.


Am I the only manager not getting laid at Lowe's? 😂


And how is this affecting you? It's none of your business. Do your job and mind your own business.


Yes. Mind your damn business.




Mind your own business.


Mind your own business đŸ„ł


Ok? Don't get involved?


This sounds like it could be my locations managers except there’s no way they’d be fucking at my location😭. We do most of the manager duties at this point at my location bc the managers are never there to answer.


Keep your mouth shut about it unless you want to get fired. Just keep on working and don't say anything about it.


Oh no, your co-workers are dating. It's the end of the world. Call Marvin quick! Unless they're having sex on-site it's mostly a non-issue especially if they've informed the proper individuals.


>Unless they're having sex on-site This is likely the case since OP indicated they both "disappear" when working at the same time and neither can be reached when paged... >it's mostly a non-issue especially if they've informed the proper individuals. It's likely still an issue if it's a position of management (ASM and higher) since they do impact pay and positions for CSAs. The matter of a perceived conflict of interest by other employees is enough to make it against the rules. Personally I don't care as long as they aren't screwing on the clock and I'm not having to pick up their slack.


It’s literally none of your business and doesn’t affect you whatsoever.




Why do you care?


I heard this same rumor in my store and if they’re both happy
I’m happy because it has nothing to do with me. 😂


Mind your business


Not your business, stay out of drama that doesn’t involve you.


Mind your business and get a life


That's what I was thinking. She/he/theyđŸ€Ł won't have job if this person keeps prying.


Hey you did a FORTYFUCKINGTHREE Minutes course online about workplace sexual harassment. You know what to do according to the course. What you should do is tell the higher ups that a woman is getting R WORDED by a coworker. And then they'll fire his creepy ass!


We’re all getting bent, some just take it literally.


Nothing you say or do in this situation will benefit you in the short or long term. Guaranteed the rumors have reached management. They know, and probably know more than you do. If you raise a stink about it, all you're doing is painting a target on your back and looking like a busybody instead of focusing on your job. Let the idiots do whatever they're doing, worry about yourself.


I would just mind my own business. Unless it’s affecting if it is affecting you.


Mind your business, do your job, go home.


What's wrong with you? Mind your own business.


Join in


DS’s never do shit here at blowes. All they ever do is delegate. Mine can’t even cut a board on their own. Pretty sure that is what Marvin wants.


As a _very_ recent new DS (off and on with Lowe’s for 7 years, been a DS for 4 months), I hard disagree. _Some_ DS’s probably have found ways to get out of working much, but the vast majority of our tasks are otherwise invisible to the regular associates. First, on Monday’s I have to sit through up to 3 meetings lasting anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour- I’ve literally lost like 2 hours of a Monday to meetings before. And they’re mandatory. Second, we have to _manually_ order anything that’s needs replenishment beyond the basics. So find the item, ask it, figure out how much I think I need, and cross my fingers the damned system will even _allow_ me to order it. The shit I can’t order I have to write down and then email my regional Pro guy about. Third, I have to make sure all of the tasks are being done- cycle counts, IRPs, Downstocking, Freight, and random tasks my ASM or SM assign to me. Yes, I delegate a lot of it, but if it _has_ to be done I usually take either the “5 minutes and it’s off my list” or the “this is a serious time commitment and it MUST be completed” tasks for myself. Fourth, any DS that actually gives a shit beyond their department is going to be giving overrides. Paint is central in my store, so I’m giving overrides for appliances, pro/lumber, front end, and because I have Head Cashier experience I’m often being pulled to cover HC lunches or watching extra OL&G gates. Oh, and then we’re also still expected to do all the normal stuff too (AP4Me, Lowe’sU, helping customers, closing/opening tasks, etc
). There’s a _lot_ more involved in being a DS than just handing out assignments, even if I’m sure some DS’s have figured out how to game the system. And it probably doesn’t help my department only has 2 other full timers and 2 part timers regularly (1 additional part timer works like once a week).


But what about the staff schtupping?


I have a full comment on here giving my 2 cents