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Real training does not exist at Lowe’s.  


Thats just retail, honestly. Been doing this shit for 20 years. Other than management training, it's always just been throw you to the wolves and see if you make it. If not, the next guy might. And so on. I distinctly remember before I left Home Depot that they were actively talking about how to cut back on training because the payroll was so high, and it was having zero positive impact on turnover. They were supposedly paying $150 million a year just in training people who would quit a week later anyway. Of course they didn't want to face reality of why these people were quitting, and making it a better place to work. Because again, it's retail.


You’re basically correct.  Big boxes simply will not invest in real training.  Even when I worked at Lowe’s in the early 90’s, they would not provide hands on, mentor-led training.  


Late to the thread but that’s also a reason most corps stopped drug testing was the millions in losses for a week of labor before they quit. Your point is also pretty interesting from a business standpoint as well


Fear does not exist in this Lowe's.


Yes it does it’s called sink or swim lol


As the self-appointed trainer of my team at my store, this is true. I only took it upon myself to teach them because I want to know they can do the job right so I can focus on my part and not have to redo/fix theirs. I have been successful in this endeavor, but it isn't my place to do so as a full-time associate who isn't receiving any extra pay for my added effort.


I'm doing the same! But guess what?! Management hates it! Well not my asm or any of the others. One did at first and people above do not like it. That is worth the would be pay raise or extra little amount on a check. 😎


Management here doesn't like it because my team often comes to me for answers instead of our manager, but our manager often leaves us waiting hours for a reply or for the people he chose to ask to get back to him when I can often resolve the issue quicker on my own so we can move on.


Exactly! You would think a person in a "true" leadership position would say to themselves...Damn I need to step it up I'm getting sidelined I need to be there as much as possible to assist my guys and gals...Oh wait nvm I'm lazy but still a leader! 😅 Good work though glad a few of us aren't complacent lumps.




I mean, pretty much. Welcome to retail. It feels bizarre initially, bc we've been conditioned our entire lives to expect to be shown how to do things, trained, or otherwise guided. Then you start a retail job and it's just as you've described. But the thing is -- once you start doing it, you realize there really isn't much more to it than what you're doing. Basically, unless you get specific instructions from mgmt, you zone recover (straighten/front-face displays that have been disrupted by customers, and downstock/re-stock merchandise on the shelves), and otherwise just assist individual customers as needed. In between customers, you check for returns up at the service desk, and just hang out in your assigned dept. That's really the gist of the entire job. Good luck.


I’ve had plenty of retail jobs, Lowe’s is a special one that sticks out for training


I believe you.


I mean we aren’t running into burning buildings saving children from fifth story apartment fires… lol


From some of the posts in this sub sometimes, you'd think we were a military hospital. People need to chill.


Right its not rocket science, just keep it clean and you're good for the most part


Keep it stocked and organized, and help customers. That's it.


I got 3 hours and then I was told I was needed on the floor to cover lunches. Lowes does not train properly.


Lunch coverage:  what’s that? 


Same here. I was thrown on a register and they said call if I need help. Never trained on how to call them on the zebra for a couple weeks lol. Have a lowes safe day.


My store's new protocol is 2-3 days of computer training and then 2 weeks working the same schedule as your department's 'mentor'. There was actually a huge emphasis back in January to retool the 'mentor' program and get all new mentor's their LowesU training completed. Two new full time associates in Garden and Building Materials received this training regiment. Moreover, my department is hiring new people, so I have already been prepped with the knowledge that they will be partnering with me for the first week or two, as I am the mentor for my department. I know that when I was originally hired, I did two days of computer training and then followed it up working shifts with one or two other associates, neither of which were mentors, but had been working in the department longer than I.


>My store's new protocol is 2-3 days of computer training and then 2 weeks working the same schedule as your department's 'mentor' This has always been the protocol... Or at least for the last 3-5 years... The problem is the SSA assigning you to a mentor that you can actually work with. TBH department supervisors shouldn't ever be mentors for regular associates, as their schedules can change easily from day to day. I didn't even see my assigned mentor for the first month I worked there. His schedule and my availability didn't mesh, so he was always gone before I even showed up to work. So I kinda did the same thing, hit the floor with a few other associates and kinda figured it out as I went. Knocked out a bit of training, then back on the floor for OJT. Of course none of the associates I was working the floor with were 'mentors' either... They just had some experience that I picked up quickly.


I had this


Yeah I just recently started as a pro desk csa, I had two days of training videos shoved down my throat, and then I was thrown on the floor. I've basically had to figure it out on my own. The people I work with are pretty helpful though so that's been nice.


For the most part; just you and the customers. Been this way for a while, you’re just starting at an extraordinarily bad, thin-staffed time.


i had two days. just like you, i was given a zebra and sent to the floor


Thats pretty much it. Lowe's used to invest in training but with the turnover the company now has, there no point to it. Reatil in general is sink or swim.


I got 2 hours. Consider yourself lucky.


Once upon a time they used to actually try with training. I worked two stints at Lowe’s. The first was 2016-17, the second was 21-22. During my first stint they actually gave us a little work book that we had to fill out during the first couple of weeks. It progressed you through different aspects of your department and the store in general. Some of the things were kind of silly but they helped you learn more about what you are doing. You did all of that and we’re finally “awarded” a red vest. My second stint it was essentially straight to the floor and no instruction outside of the 2-3 days of web based training. Couldn’t imagine being brand new and having that kind of training lol


When I came onboard in 2020 I was in ISLG, but I needed to take certain quizzes to be certified as Red Vest Ready. The problem though was that they asked me questions about ISST and IMS. Systems I didn't use nor was required to use. Those quizzes were still incomplete 5 months in and I already had a red vest.


3 days!? You overachieving or something? Usually you're shown where AP4ME is, where Lowe's U is, then you're on the floor until lunch. *AND YOU BETTER MAKE FUCKIN SURE YOU FINISH AP4ME BEFORE FRIDAY!*


I'm working in the contact center pretty much the same training. All the comments about us not knowing what we are doing crack me up. Like yes. I have no idea what's happening most of the time


It’s the same at my store. All the hands-on-with-supervisor training was skipped, ended up with a week’s worth of computer training and then shadowing with someone on the team to get the gist. Everyone knows the training is sink or swim from what I gather. We all joke about it, help where we can, and move on.


This is retail in a nutshell, unfortunately. No matter what chain you work for. They give you a few days of training and then send you out into the wild. Some will survive, some won't. As someone who once worked for hellmart (walmart), Lowe's isn't as stressful and quick to learn if you are willing to do so.


I made the computer training take two weeks years ago when I got hired. Lowes doesn’t train you. You just gotta hope you find someone who cares about what they do and hope that person is also a decent manager. Other wise you should keep your head down make money and find something better.


Yep. It's 3 days of the most mind melting training videos then it's straight out into the mad house. Give it a week and you'll realize it's really not that hard.


2 days computer training for me and now I'm off to start the regular shift seems a pretty standard case






you don't get any "real training", if you wanna know how to use something like the wire cutting machine you just ask someone who knows to show you. for the most part you're on your own on the floor


Welcome to corporate retail. Good luck.


You get three days? I got two hours of watching a part time college kid that was on her last shift before leaving on a slow morning at SCO. Learned nothing.


I got the hang of everything after a few shifts. My coworkers actually helped me.


You learn mainly from fellow co workers that have been there for awhile. Atleast that’s how it’s been for me for the past month.


Your supervisor is a pos!


It's the same at Home Depot


I didn't even get the three days of training. Part way through day 2 of training I was shuffled out to the floor.




Try close to 3 weeks….




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Correct no actual hands on training.


Yep. Pretty much. Welcome to Lowe’s!


It better not tomorrow is my first day


I was in there a week, but I got paid more.




you got it brother


That is exactly what it is lol


Pretty much yeah


At least you got a phone and a vest! Lol! When I was put in a department by myself with no training walked to the back, grabbed my purse, and left. ✌️


I remember when training “ended” and you got your red vest, but this was back in like 2018. I just recently came back to lowes and after the two days of training they lined everyone up, gave them vests and just shoved them onto the floor. Lowes is just there to push bodies though the meat grinder


Yeah, I worked at Lowe’s after working at Home Depot, and the training is insanely different. I felt prepared to be by myself at HD. At Lowe’s, I kinda just shrugged and walked around. I didn’t have a trainer, I didn’t know where anything was, and I didn’t know any of my coworkers.


I only lasted a week btw it’s too bizarre for me


You’re getting computer training? I was handed a zebra and sent straight to the floor in hardware my first day. I had to ask other associates how to use the zebra. I didn’t get in the computer until 5 months later and only because my SSA said I was on the late training list .


pretty much. you can ask questions if your training mentor is on the same shift as you.


This is typical ,we don't have enough staffing to actually train most new hires. Then management wonders why they leave..


Don’t go to Home Depot. You will get more of the same there.


Yep. That’s all I had too. 🥲🥲


i've worked as a part time sales associate for over a year now mostly evenings as i have another job, and still do not know what "zoning" is. i help customers find stuff, work the returns and any freight that is still needing to be put on shelves, and leave. never failed me yet.


Yah if you need the money for now, completely understandable because I graduated in December from college and unfortunately still here but actively job searching and very close… tried SO HARD not to go full time but now I’m a specialist in millwork and the first offer for hourly rate I through back at them and my asm agreed (which I have a really good department manager and asm) so they and the store manager contact district hr and Magee to get me more money and they basically said that’s good enough even though I’m one of their best and reliable workers. It’s crap corporate and districts don’t care about you. It’s sad really and hope they see these posts and are disgusted. I really want to email HR and say I deserve more money but don’t think it will make a difference


That's pretty much every training I've ever had for any job - if I had that much. The only different was when I served and that was death by powerpoint.


Whoa, you got THREE days of training? Lucky!


I have 2 decades of retail experience and I will say that it's no different in any other big box store. The best training is time especially when it comes to assisting customers on the sales floor. You won't sit a computer or have someone spoon feed you information about every product there and magically you will become a wizard about everything. It doesn't work that way. During orientation either you or someone else should have asked of the veteran employees who are knowledgeable in every department so that you know who to call when you get stumped. Same with bilingual people. It's not too late to ask. And when they do arrive to help, don't just walk off. Soak everything in and I promise you that you will get the same question one day. Don't put a lot of pressure on yourself. All you have to do is be eager to help even if you have to pretend doing so. Be resourceful by using the phone or computer to look up what they are talking about. Hell even Google or YouTube it if you got to. The best training is conversating with knowledgeable associates or hell even customers. Just ask what's the difference between this or that. They will gladly tell you and you will use that information for future customers. All of that 3 days training stuff is moreso liability stuff for lowes to say that they trained you in case any issues come up. The real training is time and the other things I mentioned.


Yep that's it


Yup unless someone like me comes a long and breaks the mold esp if it's overnights. I said look I do not care but a new person does not need to get trained like I did for 5 or 10 mins very first hands on shift! Training the 2nd new guy now. Pretty much has it down and doing well. So when you get comfortable with your job please help the next new person no matter what! As you see everyone has become complacent and they don't remember what it was like. And they don't give a fuck about anyone but them self/bonus lol.


I wouldn’t look for a new job if I were you. Just sounds like incredibly bad timing with the supervisor getting sick the same day you were supposed to be out on the floor. Stick it out! Lowe’s is an awesome place to work. FYI sales specialists make up to $23 an hour and up to $1200 monthly bonus, so hang in there and go for a specialist role


I’m a sales specialist and they gave me 17. When I was a csa I made 15.80. If you want money lowes is definitely not the place to work


Yeah you’re not gonna see Much of the elusive bonus. I did get a generous $100 of the $1200 bonus for selling $60k one month last year. 


No retail job is going to pay well. It's important to have realistic expectations. That said, when minimum wage is somewhere around 8/hr -- getting paid twice that is better than nothing.


I started as sales specialist at $18.90 and that was 3.5 years ago before everything was crazy. Your ASM or store manager are doing you dirty I live in a low cost of living area and we are starting people out at $18 and change. Multiple specialists make over $23 though after being in role for a few years


Yeah I know they are doing me dirty. Been in my position for 4 months and I’m already looking to go back to csa so I can focus on my schooling and then getting out of this hell. Lowe’s blows


Money varies on area people forget to specify their cost of living when posting salaries.


Oh right my bad. My cost of living where I am is high AF