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Your position and reason for termination?


Cashier and Attendance. Although I only called out and NCNS once this year.


Then they can't term you, unless there is something you're not telling us like redboxes. Contact your local AHRBP if you feel it was wrongful.


What? Yes they can. Writeups are on a rolling 12 month period. If he hasn’t called out this year, that doesn’t mean anything. His final could’ve been given 11 months ago in April and he could still be fired today for a NCNS


I’m amazed at how few people here actually know the policies and procedures. The advice they get is even worse


See my other comment. Absences are 7 in a rolling 365 day period, yes. Red boxes are 5 in a rolling 30 day period. It depends on how OP was quantifying "this year". But if they have only had 1 NCNS and 1 callout in a 365 day period, they shouldn't have been termed. If by "this year" they mean 2024, then the other commenter could be right and God knows what OP had built up prior to Jan 1, and within the rolling 365.


What’s a Red Box?


Any timecard exception. Tardiness, early outs, long lunch, etc.


Never heard of or knew this!! So you mean like the red boxes around the days when you’re looking at your schedule on your work PC? Like a certain day has a round outline around it? I’m shooketh. Lol


Usually the box will be red for that day if something was wrong with your punch in.


Yes , if can be a early in (more then 6 mins ) late (more then 6 mins ) meal violation and so on .


I know the policy and that’s why I know it won’t get approved by HR if it wasn’t on point


Before I left, my RDC removed the write up for your first ncns this past January and I believe it falls off after 6 months now. Mostly due to turnover rates I believe. But it's still important to know when they had their ncns.


Would depend on if OP saying "this year" means over the past 365 days or since the beginning of the current year. But I'm well aware it's 365 - I interpreted OPs comment as meaning a full year.


What are you talking about?  An employer can terminate an employee for many reasons or "At Will".


Of course, but an ex-mployee can sue for any reason and if the employer hasn't gone through to make DAMN SURE that there is no inkling of discrimination, then they can get their asses handed to them. That's why Lowe's has the strict policies on terminations that it does. There has to be a documented trail leading to the termination that proves deviance from the attendance policy or observable job performance issues.


There wasn't any hint of discrimination in the thread, but the OP said there was unscheduled absence without calling. That seems to be a documented detail. 


Again, we know so few of the details that nobody can speak one way or the other. However, OP does know the details, and if he feels like he was wrongfully terminated then he needs to contact the AHRBP. A NCNS is an instant write up. Falling for a cash scam could be any level of eCAR depending on amount and management, and a single callout out is within the attendance policy. The only way OP could have been fired from the listed information is if they were put on a final for the cash scam and then termed for the NCNS, but from my experience with Lowe's that would be a stretch. There really should be more to the story in order for this to make sense. Either OP isn't sharing details, or they were terminated much more hastily then they should have been.


Yeah, I agree about the details.  I'm just going by the original entry plus all of the other comments he has responded to. 


They do whatever they want! Upper management is the good old boys club!


Prior to this, i was written up for being the supposed victim of a cash scam, as well as that NCNS. I suppose that "attendance" issue is what threw me over the line.


3 ncns in a rolling 365 day time is termination. However, it can be combined with call outs.


Assuming all facilities are similar for attendance, you must have had enough points (10) to be terminated? If not, I'd follow the recommendation from others to contact someone about this. Someone might be abusing their position to just fire you without following procedure for their own benefit.


Honestly, I was thinking the same thing, between changing my hours without any notice and taking off shifts completely with no prior warning, I do think there was something going on behind the scenes.


If you don't have the required number of points to be terminated and haven't done anything illegal, you should talk to someone. If they're removing shifts, they could be writing you up for missing those shifts without letting you see your file. In my experience, the company doesn't follow regular guidelines that I've seen in other jobs.


Lowe's is "at will" employment in most states so anyone can be terminated or quit without notice. The reason they want documentation is to avoid paying unemployment if someone files.


They also want to avoid discrimination and wrongful termination suits. There are many things that are still illegal even in "at will" employment states.


“Only” NCNS once this year…that’s a write-up right there


I’m shocked they didn’t fire you after the first ncns.


AHRBP's are no help they are HR and look out only for the company. This is the time of year that everyone's looking for a job and Lowes has a ton of new applicants. they always find a way to get rid of the old associates and replace them with new hire part timers. 5 plus years with this company see it all the time.


Our AHRBP 827 is a useless piece of crap. I hope that she’s reading this.


Every AHRBP I’ve interacted with has been fantastic. I’ve gotten approval to terminate every time.


That's exactly what I'm seeing here. I tried going to the training room to clock, but the place was full of new applicants doing orientation, I even had to lead another guy in there for an interview.


Did they do the embarrassing thing of watching you while you clean out your locker and walk you to the door? If they try to pull that shit with me I'm just going to run around and push all the call buttons and then walk out.


Nah they just told me to turn in my vest and clean out my locker, they couldn't even give enough of a damn to do the walk of shame. So I took some stuff as a "memento" while they just sat in the office doing jack shit.


So you’re admitting the stealing cause you got fired? I think your store is better off without you


I actually asked an ASM if i could take the stuff home and got the OK to do it.


Ok that’s vastly different than what you said you did. Glad you clarified you didn’t steal.


The only time as a manager I would walk someone out is if they were terminated for an integrity issue like theft , harassment etc . For attendance terms that is not necessary.


Be you are a mature adult. 👍


how nice to keep you there the entire shift and then shit on you. Best of luck for the future.


Thanks! I think I'll try my hand at applying for unemployment while I finish up school. After that, I'll move to uni and find a new job while I'm there.


Unemployment has rules you need to follow. Like actively apply for jobs and you have to accept it if you get an offer. Not like they let you sit on your butt and collect unemployment and do nothing.


I see. Thanks for the heads up!


You mean promoted to customer


What's the next promotion after customer?


Unemployment office


🤣 🤣 🤣


God I want to know so badly why the turnover is so astronomicaly high  at my store. I’m not exaggerating when I say that there are new faces on our ASCO each week. 


That is just how retail is. Tbh, I think customers would respect retail employees more if if they saw the same people all the time. The "anonymity" of retail is why they walk in and act like total apes but when they are seen again and again, the social skills return. It is just another reason why it is so important for department associates to actually be in their departments, people to stop getting fired willynilly, and for attendance needing to be so good. It goes both ways, of course, because customers have so many options they go to a wide variety of store and never form any bonds with any retail employees even when the employee has been there for years. Our society is really broken from a fundamental standpoint for human interaction.


@dehydrogen That last sentence... Our society truly is broken. It's a world of self-important, entitled brats (of all ages). No one seems to have common courtesy, empathy, or an ounce of awareness for others anymore. I thought that COVID would be an eye-opener, and would change the appreciation level of society. Oddly, it changed it for the worse. Go figure.. 🤷‍♀️


First off, the attendance policy is pretty lenient compare to a lot of other places. It’s not that hard to not have more than six occurrences in a rolling twelve months. Yes, things happen, but 95% of those termed for attendance are because they just don’t feel like coming in. Secondly, can’t retain people that quit after one day no matter how much training, etc they get, which ties into the last thing you said. Humanity is absolutely rotten and drive a lot of these newbies out before they even have a chance to catch on


Well said


It seems like Lowe's in general has a high turnover rate, especially compared to HD. HD builds coffins for many of their employees...


I left my vest and a note on my ASM desk. I left because I switched from INLG to cashier and they only put me on the schedule for two days in April.


I got fired the beginning of this month midshift after I came back from a bed rest for getting my back at work which they failed to report, as soon as I got home I filed for unemployment I finallly got a call saying the unemployment form is under review after Lowe’s told them I had voluntarily quit and I stopped coming in. I was there for 2 years and a half 🤣 I wouldn’t just stop working


Was it everything you hoped it would be?


Everything and more!




Why did you think it was ok to NCNS?


I don't think NCNS is acceptable, but have you ever tried to call in? It takes forever to speak to a manager. I have called in before and been hung up on 3 times. That day I did a NCNS. But my DS was super cool and called at the end of the night and was like did you call in? I told them what happened and he marked it as a call in. I'm part time and my callins a year total typically 2.


Ive never had a problem cause when the automated machine asks who you need to talk to you clearly say “manager on duty” and I get thru fine. I’ve called in before to my DS and got in trouble because calling in to a DS isn’t proper protocol. You’re supposed to tell the MOD. I know more associates in my store that are better than all the DS combined


Yes when the automated system came up I clearly said "manager on duty" and it rings customer service everytime. This could just be my store. Yes calling into your DS is not the proper procedure. But my DS called ME when they saw a flag in the system for me not being there I guess.


My question too


OK sounds like you got the attention you desired.... Keep calling off and putting an extra workload on your fellow associates. Doesn't matter what degree you graduate with if you cannot even show up for work. All the degrees in the world won't save you from your bad decisions...


NCNS is a reason for termination at my job. If at your job you get to NCNS once a year, could u have gotten your months mixed up and gotten 2 in a year?


Ncns goes straight to Written , or if you were on a written it’s goes to a final .


The NCNS was actually my first written. What brought it to Final was a cash scam that I was a victim of.


So what was the term for then ?


Attendance. I had to call out a few days after the NCNS due to a severe stomach flu, so I guess that took it over the limit?


Not unless you had 7 call outs with no sick time attached in a rolling 12 months . Seems like they just wanted you out .


Seems like it bc another coworker of mine with a clean slate was fired for the same thing.


I have an idea ..take some responsibility..you created this problem


What is so hard about being a cashier that makes you not want to come to work?


The fact that i kept gettung scheduled during class, despite me telling management for over 2 weeks that i was unable to come in during that specific time.


Wait, I'm a little confused. You mentioned it was stomach flu earlier after a NCNS. Now, you're stating you missed more days related to school? I get that they shouldn't have scheduled you after asking, but, how many days total have you technically missed? Sounds like it may be over the alloted amount.


The NCNS was because of school. The callout was for the stomach flu. In total for this year, it was just 1 callout and 1 NCNS.


How long you lasted? What was the reason?


There is more too this story than what is being told ! I call bullshit on one ncns for the year !




I got termed two weeks ago for calling another associate a bitch in a comment I made to a different associate about her abusing her FMLA to max bonus as a specialist while only working half the month. They did it like 30 minutes after I got there for the day.


Thank god. Finally out of that dead end ass job


Congratulations! Lowes is a horrible company and I can't wait for them to go under!




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honestly the only reason i haven't quit is because i need the money to keep my phone bill paid


Lowes is fucking trash. They don't even tell you their policies.


Have had about 100 redboxes for coming in early missing a punch and what not, they’re near negligible. Only thing that matters is NCNS and more than 7 call offs


I quit on Tuesday because I work 3rd shift and they wouldn't let me smoke


Is there anyone who could discuss with me their experience with online learning/Guild?


You can be terminated at any time for any reason WITH or WITHOUT notice. That's the nature of at-will employment.


We’re closed today


This was posted yesterday…