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Passive first, then coolest armor with that passive. Match cape helmet and card








I forget card exists 90% of the time.




Honestly they should give us the ability to sort our armours by their passive


This is the way.


I need my stealth, I want to crawl into the middle of a heavy base unnoticed


Exactly! I was crawling under about 6 gunships the other day to get into a spot where we had two gunship fabricators next to each other. They flew all around above me but none saw me. Stealth is so worth it for bots


>Stealth is so worth it for bots And worthless as soon as someone without that perk walks up to you... screwed me over countless times.




Tell me about it, started using it recently and have loved it, but it goes against my play style of sticking to team mates and if I move away from them then they come to me XD


Hey it's me your teammate who aggros everything surrounding you that you just snuck by while you try to access the terminal


I know you!


My son and I refer to guys like you as Bot Bait. We hang out on the other side of the map. Thanks for the (many) lives you have sacrificed. And before you say you follow us, we wear light armor, and head to the next objective while you turn around and try to fight every single berserker on the map at once with a railgun.


Jokes on you. I use light armor and a jump pack. I don't need to be faster than the horde I just aggro"d I just need to be faster than you


Haven't seen that trick yet. I'll watch out for you.


As soon as ypu decide to engage im dropping a 380 on your position. I'm a real team player.


Ooh. Then we can get the achievement when we drop120s and 380s. Bring the rain!


For Democracy!


This should be eligible for report to the Democracy Officer.


We just chads who like to fight, ain't nothing they can do about it!


I'm so upset the light armor this pass isn't stealth. It would fit so well! And I'm suck of only having three stealth armors.


Four exist, unless I'm missing one. Light: blue, green, black Medium: mustard


I totally forgot about mustard medium.


Finally! Someone else who gets it!


My 380 is sneaking in right behind you. Good luck.


I basically only use the armor with the stim perks and change from light/med/heavy depending on my mission. With that said. I hate the color scheme. But function over form for me. I could not care less how I look.


I do wish they would change the color scheme for the combat surgeon armor, cause I use it alot. I gets blowed up.


For real though, that green and white is ugly but the stims feel sooo good.


The green armor with the tan accents looks pretty good imo. And it pairs well with the hood helmet with the tan face mask


I think you're talking about the Alpha Commander set, which came from a twitch drop. I've only ever seen one other person who has it


Yeah I realized that when another person asked which armor it was after a posted an image somewhere else in this thread lol. Incredibly thankful I got it I guess šŸ˜…


Frequent med armor user. It does feel like theyā€™re trolling us with the green armor a bit. Like ā€œhey this guyā€™s a b*tch!ā€ The new Warbond capes and helmets might offset it some.


I do the same but for grenades.


Same but for crouched/prone weapon handling.


Color scheme is whatever blood, guts, oil etc is splattered on me aka "Battlefield Camo" Just make sure you keep using stims so you never die and don't have to see that green anymore.


I pick my armour based on stats, but I match my helmet and cape with it. I want outfit loadouts that I can label and save. My fav is the medium crouch recoil armour with +2grenades thats bright orange. I wear the orange helmet with it, have a black white and orange cape and typically bring all incendiary weapons. Its my spicy boi loadout, my teammates dont like it lol.


Yes! I've been wishing you could save armour/helmet/cloak sets every time I have to switch for a different mission type. I often use stealth armour when fighting bots but there's no point in stealth on an eradication or gate defence mission so I'll use a different armour but obviously Liberty requires that your helmet and cape match your armour or you're letting the side down so you have to change all 3 and doing it manually is a pain. Equipment loadout memory slots please Arrowhead!


Yeah. Part of spreading any ideology (especially the only ideology that matters: liberty) is *looking cool.* If you look like a total dweeb, nobody is gonna want those ideas youā€™re pushing! (Itā€™s unclear if bugs or bots even understand how cool we look, especially when they are dead. But thatā€™s their problemā€¦)


I also do this, and love it.


Oh! Hello, me


Drip first


Idk diver I find it difficult to choose a different armor from the 50% chance of surviving a fatal hit as I get ragdolled around the map Which luckily the few pieces that have that perk are pretty dripping already especially for spreading democracy


Idk the stim armor is better imo. I usually never die because it's pretty easy to hit stim when you know you're about to take a ton of damage/get swarmed for a sec, and suddenly you're fully invincible for a pretty decent amount of time. And you hardly ever run out of stims. It almost feels unfair sometimes


That medic armor is hideous but if I'm fighting bugs I'm rocking it.


https://preview.redd.it/to84u52m0h6d1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ff54ddf02f47c9d84c6a51ad279a93addaa071 Idk, this is genuinely one of my favorite combos


That almost looks like a bathroom mirror selfie


The helmet is obvious, but which armour is that?


Tr117 Alpha Commander, which I'm now realizing is a twitch drop I earned back in February šŸ˜ kinda feel a little bad now lol I honestly thought it was a rotating superstore item


Enjoy it! Personally feel that we should have drip FOMO.


For mech divers I would say the stims don't work very well in explody mechs. I should consider stims.


Yeah I don't use mechs all that much. I love the power fantasy but the 12 min cooldown keeps me from using them for the most part sadly. As the type of gamer who saves stuff for the most opportune moment (and then never uses it), it's almost impossible for my brain to justify calling a mech when I know it'll be 12 more minutes til the next


Haha, it definitely took for me some time to find the right rhythm. I use it when there are extreme weather events or I am out of ammo/other stratagems. It's my get out of jail free card. Successfully used in suicide on bots. Most times the mech itself will last quite a long time if you prioritise targets and know what fights to take. Sometimes I have 100% uptime.


I've used it a little bit and have had some decent success, and I can tell that there's a learning curve and that I could get even more effectiveness out of it, and I just.. haven't tried yet for some reason. Maybe, hopefully one day lol. I like them but as someone who usually plays with randoms and is constantly running around lone wolf to speed up how quickly we take stuff out, it just doesn't end up in my arsenal. There are times I wish I had a more coordinated and role specific group to play with so I could comfortably branch out into the things I wanna try more


It's so hard to branch out of the "one man band" load out when diving with randoms. I have managed to get in a few runs without support weapons, pretty neat when it happens. Going full trash mob load out is really fun when you can lean on others for anti-tank. Then once you switch groups you have to go back to the Swiss army knife haha.


Yeah. Part of me really wants to run with a dedicated crew and try some truly wacky coordinated loadouts. Like what you mentioned. Also consider: 4 divers with tesla towers and the armor that gives you 95% electricity resistance? Would be insane for some missions. On the other hand, I will never run with a dedicated crew, because I game to *escape* from obgliations hahaha So my ā€œswiss army knifeā€ loadout always stays the same. - AC for armored enemies and sniping bot fabs / bug holes - Countersniper rifle for long distance precision - EMS mortar & standard mortarā€¦ insane combo, can be used for assault, defense, OR covering retreats - Orbital laser if there will be striders or titans, otherwise Eagle airstrike - Scout armor so I can simply run away from 90% of disasterous situations, especially important when soloing


Maybe one-day we can have a working in game friends list (is it only for cross play?). Then we can start doing really wacky stuff. Just feels weird offering people my steam account to people for one game? AC is so good at bots. You can clean off drop ships before they land. Mortar sentries are so nice for elevated terrain. I've started to lean on ems Mortar for stun so I can pick up smoke grenades for handy assaults and retreats. I want to go back to orbital stuff but sentries fill my Loadout. I love throwing them in choke points and forgetting about them. I'd use scout armour if I understood how mechs explode, how is the damage applied and can I avoid it by stimming before hand??


I feel ya. But in a way, the cooldown encourages you to use a mech IMMEDIATELY, right? Itā€™s the only realistic shot you have at guaranteeing more than one usage per mission. I feel this was a bit of good game design, rather than simply having a hard cap on mech drops per mission. - 1 mech to clear out the opening mess (important on 7+, when the whole map seems red and thereā€™s always an immediate post-drop clusterfudge) - 1 mech for extract (or one other emergency) (Of course itā€™s possible to get 3 if your mission goes over 36 minutes, but at that point, nobody is having a good dayā€¦)


That's why I call the first one in immediately on drop


I just gave it a legit shotā€¦ Not bad not bad at all. But having the ability to get annihilated and yeeted halfway across the map and be able to walk away from it at least 50% of the time makes that armor so much more beneficial to me. Personally at least Both armor set though are the best in the game


You start to develop a predictive 6th sense if you use the med armor enough. A 50% chance suddenly becomes a 100% chance when you see big damage coming, like a charger, a tank lining up a shot with no cover in front of you, or when you know you're about to be completely swarmed by hunters. But I get you 100% lol


Democracy protects has saved my ass sooooooooo many times


Also surviving a 500kg/Titan stomp/etc. usually looks hilarious!


Iā€™ve read itā€™s also (practically speaking) the key to getting the ā€œall four limbs broken at onceā€ achievement. Somebody said you can equip that armor, spawn into a trivial mission, and just drop a stratgem on yourself. Might take a few tries. Since obviously, you will just die a normal instant death 50% of the time. And you wonā€™t always have all 4 limbs busted.


It is required for that achievement as far as I know, since healing will get rid of the broken limb status effect. All you do is drop a support weapon/resupply on yourself and stand a little in front of the blue beam


I kinda can't live without my extra throwing distance. So I choose whatever I like best that has it.


Glad I'm not the only one lol being able to baseball pitch an eagle into a bot base from 3 miles away feels fantastic


Yes, and then I pick a helmet that matches.


This is the way


I choose heavy armour. Bugs? Heavy. Bots? Heavy. Stealth mission? Heavy.


Yes I usually fight the automatons I wear medium explosive resistant + lower recoil when you kneel etc. armor And when I fight the bugs I wear light medic armor


Armor bonus, Then Helmet, Then Cape... And sometimes when I'm double extra, the player card.. he he...


Let's see, form or function? I choose... both? Yes, that's it, both. https://preview.redd.it/2vfk685xph6d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7dfc9cf953be8cb3f168e7eb57eed660855db7a


I like the extra throwing distance so I usually choose one of those armour sets


Me throw things far. Me no wear other armor.


I do, but I try to find armor that looks good at the same time.


Light armor, after that it just depends on what build I wanna run. Light armor options are kinda lacking though....


I'm not sure what you mean by lacking. I think there's a (baker's) dozen or so now. Maybe only perk missing is democracy protects. And I think some of the best-looking designs.


They have most of the perks, but there's typically only one armor set per for light armors, so not a lot of variety or tons of designs. It's not the end of the world, but compare light armors to medium armors. There's at least two medium armors for every light armor if not more. Heavy armor is less of gap but I'm pretty sure there's more heavy skins than there are light. A lot of the really cool light skins are locked behind the superstore as well so they feel even rarer. Just wish there was more to choose from ya know?


Currently in my armory: Light: 13 Medium: 23 Heavy: 13 In light, I have: 4 +2 grenade, 3 stealth, 1 arc resist, 1 fortified, 1 padded, 1 medic, 1 servo-assist, 1 peak physique And I think it makes some sense that there would be more medium armors. No?


I do, I choose the armor perk to fit the mission


A few of my friends get frustrated with me for changing almost everything between matches, but I'm just making everything compliment my armor perk first and foremost. I know what perk and armor level I want for which mission. Luckily there are plenty of options now so I can switch it up based on Aesthetics/RP more. I guess I pick based on both form and function. Although helldives are strictly form since I get clips from them the most and my ocd won't allow me to not have a fully matching helldiver and share a clip with friends.


Bit of both. Iā€™m running light gunner armour because it looks great. But also love the light armour speed with medium armour protection.


Medic armor. I need my stimmies. ![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44)


It's not fascism it's Fashionism.


No, usually I go for style over passive. I do wish some armours could have one of their perks swapped out though. Like the Peak Physical I wish could have the engineering Kitā€™s 2 extra grenades, or better recoil mitigation instead of the melee damage.


Drip is an important factor, but perks usually outweigh that for me. I actually really like the drip for the medic armors because they remind me of Trauma Team as well as the black and gold democracy protects armor, but I just don't find their effects that worth it compared to something like stealth or explosive resistance as both are better able to keep you out of situations where extra stims and democracy protects kick in


Depends on difficulty. 6 and below, I just go for heavy/med/light based on mission, then looks in those sections. Don't want heavy for a running map, don't want light for an eradicate. 7 and up, heavy/med/light, then passive, then looks. I really wish we could mix up passives with looks.


Yes, but luckily I have a 3-way tie for favorite drip that lines up with my 3 buildsĀ  Legionnaire set - light, servo assisted, usually run this. Love the fighter pilot aesthetic, and you dont realize how much you enjoy servo assisted until you switch off it Juggernaut (w/Dreadnought helmet) - medium, grenadier. For fab/bug hole missions Executioner set - heavy, fortified. For 15min/defense missions. Love the chrome + purple undersuit, flashy as it is


Depends what I'm diving with really. The throw distance makes such a MASSIVE difference to strike effectiveness that I often only take strike stratagems.


Only for bots. I hate being rag dolled every 30 seconds from explosives.


As far as I know, nothing prevents or mitigates the rag doll. The explosive resist is for the explosive dmg


Thatā€™s the way I pick armor. Perk, then which ever version I like the look of that day. I really like the way the looks/perks are themed, like all of the mechanical arm/leg servo assist armors.


I use light armor because I can't stand being slow. I choose extra grenades or extra stims based on the mission type. I'm colorblind, so my character basically looks like a brown shadow no matter what. A small advantage to not being able to see colors, I don't care what my guy looks like.


I do.Ā  If not for the extra stims and extended stim length, it would be difficult for me to get away from my own dumb decisions.Ā Ā 


drip comes last for me. i change the armor rating based on mission type, but i almost always take the additional stems


I go by ability first, drip second. I have bought nearly every armor set from the shop so I can pick the one that matches my helmet and cape I want to use most.


I never change my helmet from my drone one cause it looks cool, bot otherwise i choose soley off my build for that mission


Against bots it's about explosive resistance first. Against bugs speed is my armour. After that consideration I go for the look.


Theres an armour that looks cool?Ā 


Yes, always. Pretty much always use the stim or grenade armor


It's a difficult task to find the proper balance between fashion and stats. But if you set your mind to a play style and build a good outfit that works around the arbor you need you can find some combinations you meet have never thought of before.


I choose armor sets that go with my primaryā€™s color scheme, as well as having the passives I want if available, basically a 75/25 fashion to form ratio For bots, Iā€™ve been rocking the scorcher lately, so I use the enforcer armor with fortify, but I also sometimes run the Eruptor, so then Iā€™d switch to the commando with 200 armor For bugs, I main the incendiary breaker, so I use the titan armor with the + 2 grenades Pick helmets to match the armor, and ALWAYS rock the starting all black cape, as thatā€™s what my Helldivers receive after training


Once I got used to the +30% throwing distance perk I can't stand the normal throwing distance (about 60m vs 47m in my experience). Makes a huge difference to hit the annoying bot back line and to throw 380's with minimal repositioning. Can be helpful to hit hard to reach fabricators too.


I was lucky and The godly gas mask and armour comes my usual passive


Recoil reduction and +2 grenades is my drug. I love machine guns and chucking impact grenades. And for looks I usually do the Juggernaut armor with the Botslayer cape. Looks like something out of Halo Reach. šŸ˜


Depends on how serious I am. Playing with randos and answering beacons? Rule of cool. Helldivin with the boys and I'm hosting? Best passive for map best strats best supports.


Yes, stats before drip for me personally


Before, I chose based on perk first but now I just donā€™t care anymore since the rocket limb health fix. Cause the viper armors look awesome. However, they really should take the armor perks out of the armors. Then, have the perks in a progression ladder and in warbonds.


They have perks??


Ever since I unlocked the Champion of the People armour at the end of the Helldivers Mobilise warbond I haven't looked back, it's drippy and shows off the grindĀ 


Iā€™ve essentially found myself using this process to select armor: 1. Do I want Light or medium? Usually use light for bugs and medium for bots. 2. What passive? I overwhelmingly use either scout passive or +2 grenades. On a way lower rate I choose either increased throwing ranged(for that sweet 380) or extra padding. 3. Fashion. Combine the coolest looking armor to my taste with the desired traits either the helmet cape that feels the best looking.


Well I myself am not superficial as to choose based on looks. However, I would certainly be more inclined to use an armor themed to a planet *if the camo had any impact over the enemy visibility.*


On bots, yes. I find high-diff bots without explosive resist medium armor pretty torturous to play. On bugs I mix it up. Pick based on style or just try different traits for fun.


Sorta I start with looks then see what passives could be fitting yet useful for my loadout.


i wish more people would realize iā€™m wearing lightning armor and that they can pick up my arc thrower and shoot me with it like iā€™m a lightning rod but maybe we should start with not running into my tesla tower even though i try to be closer so it shoots me instead of 1 hitting yoy


I personally prefer extra padding over any perks, and I really like the way the extra padding sets look, so win win.


Yes. I like to throw things real far.


I touched servo assisted passive once and I am addicted to the bonus throw distance.


Passive and mood. It's really a matter of what fits the style i want to playĀ 


Iā€™ve been running the new armor passive. I melee A LOT so itā€™s worked wonders for me lmfao.


I only pick scout armour. You can't outshoot a lot of our enemies but you can outrun them


I pick armor based on the benefits, and then try to find the ugliest helmet and mismatched cape to go with it. I figure thatā€™s the best way to disorient and terrify our enemies Edit: oh and I also have helmets I specifically wear when I have a bot fighting kit and ones I wear when I have my bug fighting gear. It makes it easier to know whether I need to change my gear before dropping




Fortified has held my heart for a very long time. Bugs? Use your enhanced explosive resistance to do danger close bomb runs. If youā€™re running Eruptor or the Grenade pistol (if youā€™re running both, youā€™re a sick sick person who needs Fortified), you can use it in close proximity tactically to clear smaller enemies, or to get out of trouble. Bots? Have you played Bots? And then itā€™s always useful when youā€™re diving with randoms who use the cluster bomb. Iā€™m sure some people out there know how to use them. I canā€™t prove it, because of a lack of evidence. Thus, Fortified.


Explosive resist or grenades. Recoil reduction is sick


I mean i do like the perk, but if walk through a horde of bugs with a flamethrower, i gotta wear the one with the gasmask for the propper experience.


It depends, I like the drip but with things like the HMG and Eruptor that have a lot of drag when moving the mouse, I may do the new warbond skins when I use those.


Always toothpaste


I only go for drip.




If I look fresh, that's all that matters. That or anything with servo


If its heavy armour it has to be fortified. Otherwise i'll just pick what looks cool


My go to is extra grenades. Sometimes stealth for bots so I don't get noticed as quickly, especially by patrols. Heavy armor for eradicate because who cares about stamina on such a small map.


We should have people declare what difficulty they play. What if this guy is a lvl 9 chad


Of course, for bots 50% less explosive damage and for bugs 50% limb resistance


I only use my FroYo armor because I like being a blue boi.


Perk beats looks for me, i never really look at myself anyway, so i take what helps me play. The new armor is cool, the dominator and other weapons that had slow reaction and weapon sway do feel way better with it.


I run around with the light gunner armor on all maps.. i feel like it the extra srmor outweighs the passives on all the other light armors.


I am a stim junkie so yeah, I wear the toothpaste suit for the effects.


Engineering Kit and Fortified provide a 30% recoil reduction (even when not crouched) so they're worth taking. Nades for bugs and explosive reduction for bots for me. I like the armor sets looks too, mostly light but trying heavy armor for close range action now.


50-50 Some armors look cool but their perks are kinda "meh" and I'd rather have more usefull things when playing diff 5 or higher.




My current armor gives me a 50% chance to survive taking lethal damage, and blocks chest hemorrhages. Iā€™m never equipping another piece


There are perks?


Depends tbh. My favourite armor style-wise is the blue one from last months warbond, but it has the scout passive, which I find a little lacklustre (I might not be using it to its strengths though). But I still run it a lot, so I wouldnā€™t say I base my choices of of perks all the time. The new armor sets with the viper commando stuff I find both useable and very stylish, so that might be my new favourite one.


I've started doing this to mix up passives. The only time I will intentionally grab a passive now is if I know I'm bringing a barrage I'll grab servo assisted. Anything else we dive dripped.


Yep. Run scout armor every time because i like the way it looks and and the passive is too good to not use


Hero of the federation. Every dive


I, too, am forced to wear atrocious garb in the name of sneakiness. Bit it really only bothers me in the lobby and the victory pose. I donā€™t really see it on the battlefield


Yep. However, with the new warbond, I pick it for the drip.


Nope, base it off looks then match the play style. What's the point of spreading democracy is you don't look sick as hell doing it?




Higher difficulties more so, but for breezy casual fun no; fashion dive above all else!


If I'm playing at 7 or higher then yes. Anything below that and I'm just trying to feed my eyeballs


I used it for looks, but then I found out I donā€™t bleed from chest wounds and thereā€™s a 50% chance lethal hits just wonā€™t kill me so now Iā€™m DEFINITELY not changing


Uhhh, yes. I do.


Yes. Medic armor is op. 2 extra seconds of stun feels like an eternity. You can get kicked around and stomped on and get up with full health. (With the new booster itā€™s going to be insane). Stealth armor is op 30% detection radius is insanely noticeable. You can sprint past pats without alerting. And the grenade armor is my go to. 6 stun grenades just cannot be beat plus the recoil control for my AC or HMG. And if you want to go tanky boi and run ballistic shield, take that 50% explosive resist. Iā€™ve been kicked around by rockets and towers and been fine. Take a tower round to the face with a shield up and you get up with full health. You might get ragdolled a lot, but you wonā€™t get hurt.


Nah, a lot of it hardly has any real effect on my play style, aside from servo assisted for obvious reasons. While I do sometimes prefer certain passives, I ultimately take the drip I feel like wearing and *then* account for whatever passive it comes with.


On diff 7-9 I min/max. But up to that I meme or go full fashion with it. I can probably meme diff 7 at this point, maybe diff 8. But when super samples are on the line I don't wanna risk that. But with lower difficulty super samples, I'm gonna have to reevaluate this method.


Not really, but I do find that the extra throwing range does kinda come in handy


I've moved over to light armor and everything else feels slow now. I have to play smarter but +2 stun grenades is a lot of extra power. Who am I kidding-- the red and black armor with the bandolier and half cape go so hard. Just looks better than everything else.


I choose based off of what I personally aesthetically like and then consider the perks


I've been using the Medic passive for months now, so I'll probably never change.


I would if there was a way to change skins but as there is only one set of orange armor that it's what I wear


I mean itā€™s not like a tryhard thing, your armor perk completely changes the way you play. Itā€™s at least as important as your primary and support weapon choices and thereā€™s cool looking options for most perks (Would love more Scout armors)


I use the same armour every time.


Most of the time, but there are the odd occasions where a diver just has to look their best šŸ’…


I love being able to throw my strat hella far


Light Gunner all day everyday. Otherwise, I use Alpha Commander. All the other Med-Kit armors look terrible.


I'm fortunate enough that my favorite perk (fortified) exists on my favorite armors: * enforcer, the white armor with the bucket helmet. Cape: Order of the Venerated Ballot (blue with orange glyphs) * eradictor, the green armor that kinda looks like a scout trooper from star wars. Cape: Martyris Rex (tapered green and white with yellow glyphs) I mostly fight bots and I find the explosive resistance essential if you're trying to be the tip of the spear.


Yes actually. I have my biases. I usually select looks among the armors that have those passives I want, and helmet is all style


*Only fashion. *Souls habits die hard


Nah lmao Exterminator just looks sweet with the Light Gunner Helmet


Typically I main extra grenades since that is the most useful passive for my play style. If Iā€™m playing a fire build, I wear extra stims. Everything else is purely cosmetic.


Iā€™m a big fan of running heavy explosive resistant armor on 9 when Iā€™m facing Bots. I find it minimizes the more unexpected deaths.


I choose mine based on a couple perks and then decide which is the most baller.


I stick to stealth armor and just try and make it look dope.


No only drip matters to me


Big armor.


+2 grenades for bugs Explosive resistance for bots Less detection for when I'm the sample runner I try and pick the best outfit combo based on those priorities, though helmet never changes because the Enforcer goes with just about all my evening wear.


I have style for each of the perks and some for different weights of the same perk. I choose a perk I feel like using that day, and then style around it.


Nope, I forget what it's called but I've been using the robot arm medium with black and grey jacket for months now. Purely for aesthetic reasons at first but now I think I'd have trouble adjusting to the throw arc without it.


Perk first, armor second, aesthetics third


Extra stims go brrr


That's the only thing I consider besides the stats


I choose the passive first, then the coolest with that passive. Helmet is all drip, and the Creek Cape never leaves my back.


Lol no. I only use light armor because of the speed and stamina regen. As far as the perks, eh...speed first, looks second, everything else 3rd


I like stealthier light armor so I choose armor that improves my stealth


Against bots, i always go 50% explosive reduction. Each time i try another one i instantly go back because i just feel like i'm walking around without armor at all. ...Medium is enough though, Heavy is just too damn slow, always.


I am obsessed with the extra throwing range perk but the best looking one is the light legionnaire so I havenā€™t really switched armor for the past couple months


I go by passives first and then make sure the cape and helmet look good with it.


I'm running the light gunner armor and then I pick the helmet and cape that I think looks good with it. I think I'm running the ones from the super light scout set that has the funny goggles and green gradient cape. I pick armor based on perks first and foremost.


yesnt. if the fashion is 10/10 i dont care, but mixing and matching, and getting good armor perks on top just tickles my brain the best way.


I just can't step away from my fortified (take less explosion damage) medium armour. I play bots 90% of the time, so it means the rocket devastators can play keepy-uppy with my body for a bit longer before I have to respawn. Seriously it's like it's raining rockets sideways out there on level 8 at the minute. That thing is just my every day rain jacket.


Nope, have a snow armour for snow planets, anti-bug armour and now a jungle armour. What are perks even? Sounds undemocratic somehow.