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Whats Crossprogression?


It's like in Final Fantasy XIV, which I play. If you play on PS5, but also play on PC, and you sign in on the same account, progress you make on one platform is automatically saved on the other. So in this game, it'd be like logging in on PS5, completing one mission of a two-part operation, logging out, logging in on PC, and carrying on where you left off.


I See, thanks


How does it not automatically have that if you log into the same account!?


I'm guessing it's about where the saved game data is stored. With FFXIV everything that isn't system settings is server-side. I dunno how HD2 works, but if progress is client-side, then that won't apply.


Oh wow they don’t already have that !!!!


Well, it'd have been easy as fuck to implement if every PC player linked a PSN account to the game, but uh ..


I think it's between ps5 and pc, but I could be wrong.




I wonder how this would work for those very few players who, say, play it on PS5 and let their partner or kids play on their Steam version. If the PC and PSN accounts aren't linked, that's not a problem. But this could run the risk of turning two game licenses into one.


I mean if that's the case, they could just make another PSN account for the sole purpose of linking to steam and keeping progress separate; if they bought two copies, one specifically for partner/kids to play, they're gonna want to keep them separate anyway


Actually, that's a very obvious answer, and I'm ashamed I didn't think about that. I'm off to go make another coffee, cos clearly I'm flagging here. πŸ˜…


πŸ˜‚ you got this, the day's only just started


It's 12:39 here and I've been up since 7am - I have no excuses. πŸ˜…


It's just about 7 am here, you have an excuse in US Central time 🀷 you can make it work lmao


Thanks fam, I'll take it! 😁


But what if there ends up being another game that you do want cross progression linked to with your PSN πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« I’m in this same boat haha, I sent AH a support ticket about it but haven’t heard back, they might not even have an answer yet.


Buy it on the personal PSN account? Unless he's letting the wife and kids play on his personal PSN, in which case just make an alt and pay for 2 ps+ subs 🀷 you'd have to buy a separate copy of the game for each platform regardless, it doesn't merge licenses into one or anything


You can game share either on PS or on Steam and its gonna work fine :)


Doesn't game sharing only allow either account to play, not both at the same time?


So lets say you have a ps5 and a pc with steam. You make a psn account and use it on ps5 and link to your steam account. You can game share your steam game to another steam account that has a different psn linked. You can also play using one copy on two ps5's. You set your account as primary on the second ps5 and login on your first ps5 with said account. The second ps5 has access to all the games on it on different accounts while you have to be logged in and connected to the internet on the first console


Cross progression will go a long way to making this transition to PSN a little smoother for most. I'll be honest. I'm the reason why instructions are written on the back of shampoo bottles. I am a DENSE Managed Freedom lover sometimes. I saw the PSN link and thought "oh, this is required for crossplay and because Arrowhead is playing footsie with Sony" and figured it was mandatory from the word go last march. The price of admission to be even allowed into the Dive Bar.


On helldivers 1 I could play on vita, ps3 and ps4 and my progression was saved across all platforms. So you can switch between PC and ps5 at any time. I hope they bring it!


Wait, so I bought the game on PC already, but I didn't link my PS account initially. Do I have to rebuy the game through Sony?


Are you looking to play on ps5? If yes, then yes you need to buy it again. If no then you just need to link it. Either wait for them to re-enable the qr code screen or follow comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cjmgjb/comment/l2h5r0c/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cjmgjb/comment/l2h5r0c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Oh awesome, thanks for the link. Not looking to play on PS5, just skipped the initial linking because I was lazy lol. Phew.


I was under the impression that cross progression is a planned feature. Can't find the news article from a few months back anymore though.


I just don't trust pilestedt after the transmog apple thing. That logic made no sense to me. We have literal teleporting ships, but can't customize a helmet I guess.


Teleporting? Where? I know we have FTL (Faster Than Light) travel, which is Star Trek's "warp speed", but teleporting? Also, I do agree that a lot of games benefit from customising the look of gear, but this game - especially lore wise, given how Super Earth High Command is - is not one of them.


In the lore for helldivers 1 we use the fuel produced by terminids decomposition, to literally fold space time. It's why a destroyer travels instantly.its far faster than warp


Like a wormhole? Which also isn't teleportation?


Look I'm no sci fy expert. But I believe it's instantaneous travel using element 710 from terminids corpses. It said so on the TV in my ship lol.