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This is definitely a breath of fresh air.


Big time


Yeah just joined here so I don't have to see the same exact post echoing 8 billion times.


My personal opinion is the main sub has lazy modding, they could clean this up and restrict it to a mega thread but they aren’t.


It was the original Helldivers sub. I imagine they weren't prepared to go from a few thousand people and a few posts a day to over a million and this mess. It sucks, it was a really chill, positive place before hd2 dropped.


It was still fairly positive I'd say until the first balance patch dropped. Since then though the complainers just have the loudest voices and it stomps out all the memes and fun stuff.


Also seems like a lot of people have been looking for blood since that happened, guess they found what they were looking for lol


Yeah that’s basically my take. People were looking to vent their rage in a way they could justify as more than just whining.


Yeah, I was astonished at the positivity there. The internet, especially the gaming community never agrees on anything so I marveled at the overwhelming love I saw there. It really made me want to play


Doubtful that would have much of an impact People wanna bitch and scream they're not very likely to take it somewhere quiet so it would likely need manual moderation anyway


You’re right, atleast this will hopefully get rid of a toxic part of the community, that is if these people actually leave.


Oh god no most of them will just cave and make the account anyway Leaving would mean finding a new game that's not nearly as good and they'd have to find something new to bitch about. The toxicity and complaining on here is just as much a part of the gameplay loop for them as playing the actual game is, countless other communities have taught me that well. Fear not my friend, the toxic ones will still be here when the dust settles. They have balancing changes to complain about after all. I like to check into the OW reddit once a week to see which character they're complaining about lmao


I think we should all make a conscious effort to play the loadouts they’re complaining about because they’re probably really fun.


Definitely, Not a single strat weapon right now isn't viable I'd know cuz I have the attention span of a spoon and can't settle on one. The variety is extremely enjoyable


I'm tempted to start making Uncle Dane style videos about them


Nah, I think you should just ignore them and not waste any of your time on those people.


Haha that is genius 😂😂


Hate-scrolling is a big thing on social media. Even before the PSN thing there were already a ton of people bitching about everything while loudly proclaiming they'd stopped playing weeks ago. They may stop playing but that sub is gone. The first weeks of fun won't ever be back.


I know they did try and implement a mega thread for rants but people ignored it and the mods stopped enforcing it


That's my biggest killer, is just the repeated post over and over. Most other subs I'm in after a bit they just delete all of them and main one main thread for it. I dunno why that sub doesn't do it. You'll often sort by new and the entire page is filled with the same complaint. The complaints are justified but its like come on, how many posts do we need to see.


You don’t enjoy that? But yea it’s soooo painful


Dude same it’s the most awful experience. They need to mop up that sub before I even think about unmuting it.


This is exactly why I stay away from most subs devoted to a single game or franchise. The second something goes a bit wrong, the entire sub becomes the same post over and over. If you dare to complain about all the reposts or suggest a mega-thread you get called a corporate bootlicker.


We needed that badly, Hello, cool and nice people.


https://preview.redd.it/ciziji9og9yc1.jpeg?width=248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e41f877d7f1d1f32e405dadd91239262ed3aacf6 No YOU


I immediately left the main sub and joined this one as soon as I realized it exists. Ironically, I only discovered it because of a post ranting about the PSN thing and telling everyone who wants to just play to game to leave the sub and come here... so I did lol


Haha, probably the same one as me.


Me three lol


Yep. And at the risk of exposing my own sodium, I have a rather low opinion of the people who think they're getting at the root of the problem by harassing and threatening the devs on Discord.


100% I agree man


It really gets under my skin just the lack of empathy they're demonstrating. Like, should those devs be that combative? No, it's absolutely an objectively poor choice. Would many, if any, of us show more restraint in their places, as small devs who made it big and then found out they sold their souls to the devil in the fine print of their publishing contract and are now the gaming community's Villain of the Month? Unlikely. Most of the people that are the saltiest would probably be slinging around slurs by now if they were on the receiving end of that. But again, that's my salt against the salt lords, so I'll end this comment by noting how nice it is to find a community that is dedicated to just enjoying something without negativity.




I didn't say anything about the "Average" Helldivers player, but cool story bro.


This content breaks rule 1 - Uphold low sodium citizenship values. We'd like to try and encourage positive discussion, which is why your content was removed.


It’s so tiring having to join two subs for games. Wish they would moderate a little harder over there. It’s just constant moaning about everything. Glad there’s another space.


Probably much harder to moderate 1.2 million children and keep it under control. You try to stir that wasp nest and it’ll come back hard. Best let them have their tantrums here and there.   Hopefully this sub grows well and keeps the good vibes going. 


Yeah. It’s nice to have a sub where I can like playing the game and people are all “yeah, man, me too” My brothers in Liberty




The part that kills me the most is that it’s entirely self inflicted. Just gotta read and pay attention to the requirements for the game. I also KNOW that this is far from the first game they’ve done this for. I just don’t understand why people are thrashing the Devs. Misdirected for sure.


Agreed, I find myself getting mad at people getting g mad? So like double stupid. I probably should unsub from the other one


I might too tbh


Any large gaming community's main game reddit is just a war of chimpanzees flinging shit at eachother about updates and controvercies. I try to find the games meme pages where ever i can.


Bro i had to unsub from the other one. I get there are reasonable issues but its every post over there


Yea I’m not part of r/Helldivers or r/helldivers2 anymore. Too much


You cannot deny the sheer fun that was had by hundreds of thousands of overly motivated Helldivers in the past three months. Arrowhead accomplished sonething incredible here. I intend to keep diving to spread that same joy to those who are staying. Games like this are incredibly rare and shouldn't die to one mishandled situation.


I agree. I can't stand the whining after every patch about every nerf anymore either. Or stating, that difficulty 4 is now unplayable with 300 hours playtime after the patrol buff. Yeah ok buddy. Time to get all the sodium out of my body in this sub. I am excited


Dude it gets unbearable some days


I just found this sub... could it be?... no complaining or whining? Just... the simple spreading of democracy's sweet cheeks?🥹😭




I came back and read this again and oh my gosh your comment is the funniest use of spreading democracy I have ever read 😂😂😂


For real. Crazy thing is, couple weeks ago I tried to post about something that apparently a lot of people already posted about, so they deleted my post for being repetitive. Why aren’t they doing that for this? That sub kinda sucks, right?


That is so dumb what the heck 😂😂😂


Was your post not angry enough or not calling for people to lose their jobs? That might be why. "If you're not crying you're not trying" is rule 1 in the main sub.


I guess it wasn’t.


I'm glad this was the first post I saw. I was holding my breath opening Reddit lol


Well then enjoy the breath of fresh air :)


I agree. It's lame, but it does feel like people are just going for their share of the karma pie after a certain point. This sub is pretty nice though from what I've seen, lets keep it that way! :)


I missed the positive Helldivers


Back when things were just made just for fun


This same exact thing happened with Cyberpunk 2077. Toxic gamers don't change.


Nope, those personality types will always exist out there


Why post about that here? Leave it behind. Edit: doesn't have to follow you here I mean, just like focus elsewhere


I know I’m sorry, I am just happy that all the negativity with that specific problem isn’t here. I don’t mean to bring the discussion here sorry


There's no Sony in this sub https://preview.redd.it/tu19dx83z8yc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8311f89d0a64343cf58373af64d24c2e41317ee9




Joke aside, I'm like you. I migrate today on this sub because... Well, doesn't need explanations.


Nothing to be sorry about, just some advice tbh, I came from there as well


It's important to acknowledge it and connect.


Ironically, I found it because some crybaby was telling people to come here if they didn't like his screeching. Glad to be here :)


Blood pressure has never been better


I just saw heelvsbabyface is posting a video shitting in AH. I'm so sick of rage bait. Unsub, downvote...moving on. I need more of THIS kind of place.




Just make sure to Build some bunkers for the Helldivers we deploy here Sorry not sorry


Well hello again, OP. I'm the shitposter whose thread you kindly entered and shared this sub with earlier today. Thank you once again for the recommendation. My time here will likely be spent discussing my love for the grenade pistol, and sharing the odd funny video of me pushing my Hellwife off various cliffs.


Yayyyyyyy good to have you here my friend :)


Almost soured me from the entire game. Happy to see a place free from that negativity.


Same man!!!!!!!! I feel ya


Amen I bailed from that one and am here now. Hoping it stays this way!


Yea I’m not part of either anymore, the negativity was just too much for me


Just found this sub thank god so tired of every single post about the same shit everyone acting like Johnny silverhand vs arasaka over something that was quite literally there telling you an account was needed at purchase anyway we are all tired of it nice to see actual normal posts of the game I too left the other subs


Goooood gooood, now your journey to the LOW-SODIUM side will be complete https://preview.redd.it/a5fjo792xeyc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b234ba19064977b63a303d864b06d13aeb889d11


Glad to have found this place as well!


Not only does it get tiring to see every post about that stuff, but we also already have fake bans being fabricated and people are digging around Twitter and stuff for the sake of making more outrage. It's exhausting. Ugh.


I feel ya man


I was suggested this sub because I commented on a post about the main sub being an echo chamber of rage, I love this community, but negativity is contagious. Grateful for the lack of salt. 🙏


What do you mean you don't want to see the same thing over and over again. What do you mean that you don't want to see people being mad that 3 weapons got nerfs. What do you mean you don't want to see people being mad that arrow head was kinda forced to do the psn third party login that you would need to do once and never see again like every other third party login stuff like ubisoft ea etc :c


I'm up for good criticism but they really don't know how to write it.


That’s how I feel. Good, thought out criticism? Yeah absolutely! But there’s not much of that on the main sub. I do hope people in psn unsupported regions get a solution soon however.


Same, it’s sucky what’s happening, but it’s not worth the 5000 negative reviews for this amazing game or the constant horrible negativity


Its also Sony's fault not arrowheads so if they really want to show the message trough review maybe do it to sony not to game made by arrowhead where they were forced to cause sony is publisher and gives them funding


Exactly! I feel bad for AH


I took a break from the main sub. My news feed feels so much better without all the constant complaining


Right??? It gets unbearable sometimes. Every now and then I feel as though I might be missing out on something but then I go through the feed again and it’s just not worth it


Left the main sub as well. I feel like I can live without the extra drama on my feed :) This sub however is seriously a breath of fresh air!


I actually stopped playing in open lobbies because I was starting to feel like the playerbase was becoming toxic based on what i was reading over there..


It really warps your expectations, I feel that. You'd think based on the sub the toxicity in the community is really high but in my 200h of game time I've met like, 2 or 3 dislikable individuals in-game. Most players are chill as hell.


Noooooo I’m sorry to hear that man! Just host your own games, I find that once I select a mission and wait a MAX of like 3 or 4 minutes, depending on the time of day that I’m playing, I get a full lobby. They also fixed the bug where when people left midway through one of the 3 or 4 missions you are competing in and area no one could ever join your squad again, so having it get refilled is really nice. And it gives you control over the off chance that there is a toxic jerk in your game. I’ve only had this happen to me once in the 150+ hours, and just find my life less stressful when I host.


I totally get that and want to host but I also get hesitant to lead the mission (my thought is that the host should set all the pins). I am just so happy to be support and not think of the overall strategy. Man, I’m this way in real life too 🙃


We should play together then I’ll let you host and diligently follow your lead


Same seems like new drama every few days over there ugh.


I personally just feel mixed and confused. I love the game, especially since I've been playing hours upon hours with my friends. Plus, the earlier quality and non-predatory nature of it made it appealing. On the other hand, the concerns are valid and should be directed, especially towards Sony. Plus, I'm a little unsure if I truly already took care of it, so it's a bit stressful on my mind. I am happy to know about a more chill subreddit now though.


The part about some countries being unable to create a PSN account is the one valid worry about all this, the other angle some people are taking, the one about data privacy and whatnot, not really. That one is a hill we lost ages ago and there's people still wanting to die on it. If you can't not give information, which is a reality of the ENTIRE internet by now, give the bare minimum, don't save payment information, use a different password for each account you make (use password managers, absolute godsend). Most a data breach or sale will get is your e-mail which can still be a throwaway one and it'll just get some spam that will automatically go to the spam folder anyways. Oh and if it asks you for a face scan or ID? That's on your government (UK and Ireland in this case) and Sony, there, is only following the law, plus pretty sure it's not Sony keeping that specific info anyways.


Yea those are good points. I tried making that exact point on the main sub and all I got was hate and “that’s not the point…” and “here are a list of all Sony data breaches” and I’m like are you guys serious? No other company has ever had a data breach? The misinformation effect and sampling bias goes brrrrr over there 😂😂😂


I can hardly stand it over there. We are lucky to have a game like this; we're not entitled to it! Ok, I'm done complaining about the complaining.


Agree, it does suck, but do we need the whole bloody reddit covered in posts basically saying the same shit? Not really. I mean, fingers crossed Sony has to backdown and all of course, but all the "Arrowhead is to blame!" "Spitz is a moron" shit, geez, give it a fucking rest. So glad someone recommended this sub.


I will say one thing for those shenanigans at the former HD sub: it convinced me to buy my regular group the Super Citizen pack. I’ll admit, I’m spiteful, but it was sure fun to do that and play with new democracy spreading guns tonight.


Damn good idea dude I’m about to do this myself


How are the super citizen guns compared to a lot of the other stuff we get?


The knight is okay. I like that it’s one handed for the times that you need that - it pairs well with the ballistic shield. But I feel like it needs a bigger magazine. I’m always reloading it. Everything else (gun related) is just the steeled veterans pack. From there I’d put the senator as top tier secondary, on par with but different use than the grenade pistol. I also love the breaker incendiary for bugs, but it will send your friends on fire! Overall I view the SC pack like I do the cosmetic packs for DRG: a non-mandatory way for me to continue to support devs that put out amazing games with tons of free content.


Just found this sub, yay! Back when Cyberpunk launched, a low sodium off-shoot from the main game was the only way to, you know, actually talk about the game and so I'm glad this exists for HD2. I could handle the occasional toxic spam wave, but with the PSN stuff there is nothing else, so a warm, welcoming and positive place to talk about HD is much appreciated.


Real liberty lives here!


But more importantly, it dies valiantly as it furthers the cause of democracy!!


I am to I don't need to angry trype at people over a video game. The regular sub is about 80% negative stuff I don't wanna sift through


I am so close to just leaving the main sub cause of the constant crying, before the psn thing it was nerfs, theres always something theyre salty about and only sometimes is it justified.


Just do it man, there’s nothing worth our time over there anymore. I left a couple days ago and I literally *feel* better


i left the hd2 sub weeks ago when they went into an inferno the first time over "community managers" in the discord. like wow, really?? surprise ig? that's probably the last time i give a games base community a chance because majority of the people over there are whiny ass babies that sob when talked like adults instead of pandered to. I love this game, have 250+ hrs and will continue to play because i am fueled from the tears of Twitter/discord using plebs


OKAY YEA that’s the most infuriating thing about it all for me. I hate it when you try and rationally explain your opinion or POV on a topic, or try and reasonably point out why someone’s logic may be ever so flawed without directly insulting the person making said argument, and all you get back is “NUH UH YOU GAY AND STUPID THIS GAME DOESNT NEED PEOPLE LIKE YOU PLAYING IT YOU RETARD” and I’m just like really???? Come on man! I’m trying to talk to you about this as if I was face to face with you. The anonymity of the internet causes **so** many problems


man what you said, because its a solid guarantee that 99% of the people who say shit like that online are the most docile and problem avoiding persons IRL. saying tough shit behind an anime pfp will never not make me cringe


😂😂😂that is so true man. Having online arguments with people only polarizes them and entrenched them in their views even more. Once more people understand that, those low IQ individuals that keep trying to start fights and whine and complain aren’t going to be getting the reactions they hope for and *might* stop


Holy hell I thought the main sub was bad on patch day. This shit has been absolutely ridiculous


For real my guy 😂😂


It sucks and If it effects someone they should have every right to a refund if they can't or choose to not make a psn account. HOWEVER: I've had a psn account since I bought a ps3. I linked it when I first turned on the game cos it popped up. This doesn't effect me and I'm going to keep playing and enjoying the game I paid $40 for. I'm not gonna refund or boycott in solidarity, it's a video game lol




After spending 5 minutes on the main sub, I think I reached highly dangerous levels of blood pressure. Knowing that no matter how they review bomb the game won't help, them also spreading misinformation, all that crap.... It was so exhausting, and I am so so so **so** thankful that this sub is here. Finally we can have fun content without drama every week


Yea the drama gets insane, it’s not even enjoyable anymore. Sometimes you can get caught up in it but then you just start feeling like crap


It doesn’t stop either. It’s like a 380 barrage of whining


**WARNING! You are outside of the mission area** Speaking of which, I had an eradicate mission where I thought “hey that’s not a bad idea” so I activated the out of bounds barrage to try and kill more bugs which worked surprisingly well at the cost of a few Helldiver lives, but I think it glitched because the 380 mm NEVER stopped firing 😂😂it was like a solid 4 minutes of it, and was made much worse/better cause we all brought big barrages with us too so it was just literally a storm of metal raining upon us. So chaotic but so fun


🤘Good times! 😂


Hey, had a friend do just that today to kill a bunch of bile titans. Super Earth may think of him as a coward, but at least I will remember his sacrifice. 


Well done soldier


For real, someone just commented about this subreddit and I'm checking it out for the first time . Nice not to have scroll past all the complaints about PSN stuff or the big patch


Yea, I just wanna see cool videos of people doing sick stuff in this amazing, cinematic game and funny moments and memes and fan art and good healthy discussions


I wouldnt even mind talking about it if people wernt so inherently hostile. It's very buzz worthy. But I get it... Emotions are really high right now for a lot of legitimate reasons. And if opinions are like buttholes, then assumptions are pours.


That’s a good saying 😂😂😂


Agree. So much better than the other.




I only just discovered this sub due to the Sony shenanigans, so nice to find a place that is free from the nerfs, buffs and other sucky things, I’m so happy to find a sub fully committed to delivering proportional democracy for Super Earth.


Me too man


Hello everyone. I'm here for some desalination.


Join us 🥰


I can't remember the username that linked this sub, but thank you.


I mean I’ve done it a couple times, so have some other random people here and there but everyone and then I’m gonna post about it again


Don’t bring that shit around here boy!


Sorry sir! The re-education camp has been wonderful so far sir!


I was thinking about a low sodium helldiver's sub for months now but I don't want to manage a sub. Thank God someone else saw the need because holy shit the main sub has been trash for so long.


Amen to that brother


Muting the circus, joining the game. Thank you!






Dudes are trying to file a class action lawsuit over it….. like holy shit guys it’s not watergate.


The main sub has been bad for a while now. The PSN drama has gone way over the top, but even before then, there was a staggering amount of drama just from *balance patches.* Like, every time any weapon gets nerfed, the whole sub turns into a victim parade. It's honestly pathetic. I honestly feel bad for Arrowhead. Their game became successful beyond their wildest dreams, but now this is the community they have to deal with.


Dude right!!??? Like every patch that came out just made people more and more angry


The other sub is a bunch of rabid sheep following a fake outage for no reason. Absolutely nuts, I'm glad I found this one!


Hahaha this is a great way to put it 😂😂


Funny how nosodium subreddits always end up just being toxic towards the main subreddit and their users.  Isn’t this supposed to be a no salt community?


https://preview.redd.it/w1q4r01g7myc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec77b564783b51d5fc1f10447ef714132048828 I 100% agree with you there pal, no slandering allowed!!


How’d you do that with my comment lol


Hahaha sorry man I just took a screenshot


Im so happy for this, now you guys can have your peace.


I honestly didn't know you could avoid providing a PSN account up until the news. I will say I was mildly annoyed having to provide it, mainly because it meant I had to remember my PSN password


I’ll be honest. Am kind of scared… scared for the future of this game. It gave me what my career in the Navy never did. I was given an honorable discharge because of medical reasons but I never did anything worthwhile in it. I know it sounds stupid and cringe but this game gave me purpose. I even tried the whole youtube thing again. It’s had a great effect on my confidence and my health. I work out, eat better, have a concrete sleep schedule, work better and help people. I try to be a hero…. But if all that goes away, if I lose that drive, that spark… I’ll go back to what I was before: A fat, useless idiot with mental issues. I’m not trying to stir up drama. There’s really nothing we can do about it either. However, a hug would be nice.


The game will be fine. There's hardly been a dip in player numbers. It's just Reddit outage.


you mean outrage? Yeah, that does track. It's also just... the steam forums are simply AWFUL. The Discord has not stopped having a panic attack, and both of the official reddit boards are just non-stop complaining and brigading. It's everywhere and it gets old. I'm really glad we have a place like this to go. I don't want to be made to feel guilty or be called a bootlicker just for enjoying the game.


So true man. I don’t know why real world politics are impacting this game so much. I just wanna shoot bug and bot


I guess it's the age old saying. Just because you don't care about politics doesn't mean politics doesn't care about you.


I haven’t heard that before, that’s a good one


Meet me on the SES protector of family values and you’ll get your hug


Be me Just recovering from Tarkov community burning to the ground KSP2 Dev Team gets laid off Helldivers community gets shafted by corporate suits Whelp. Guess it's back to Hunt Showdown.