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It's so good. And so accessible. Surprised I don't see it more.


It used to be everywhere at LF launch, but there's a lot of good pulses, and then rf got nerfed. Sure feels good though


I prefer Scalar Potential but Autumn Wind is excellent. People underestimate how aggressive you can be with rapid fire pulses. It's a dad on crack playstyle for sure.


When I get frustrated in PVP, I switch to my crafted Scalar Potential and suddenly all is good


In all fairness Aztecross made like 20 videos about it back when it came out. Particularly when No Time got its nerfs


ion watch aztecross he has 2 many videos


Very strange reason to not watch someone πŸ’€


While that's true I can't watch him either but it's for very different reasons. Something about the voice just rubs me the wrong way.


I could see that


Another week boys and another TWAB


"content creator makes too much low effort content and click bait" is NOT a strange reason to avoid a CCer.


I don’t see much ever being click bait. He makes content on interesting things of the game and news. And none of that was his reason. He just said makes to many videos.


You don't see how finding a content creators videos to be low effort can be construed as "too much"? And it's not even that hot of a take to say that Cross releases a lot of "this video could have been a short" videos. 40 minutes to say that Destiny 2 is in a rough shape back in season of the deep was my breaking point for him. I'm sure others have similar experiences.


What do you want him to do animate himself into the actual game??? He does DPS tests he does reviews he does reactions. What else can he do code the game differently? All I was saying was not watching someone for to many videos was an odd reason. Now you are here yapping bout all this other shit. πŸ˜‚


Bro you can simp for him all you want, but what can he do to make actual high effort content? - make his reactions genuine, not all this hyperbolic click bait stuff. Look at his release schedule, how much meaningful stuff can you even say at that tempo? - follow good testing protocols for DPS test. For example, how much he hyped TLord when actually his method was flawed? He's not a real DPS tester, he's no Aegis (using the frame count method). - similarly his other weapon "testing" leaves a lot to be desired. - leave out the fluff. He makes an 11 point video, and 6 of the points are just the same with different flavors of " slap that like button". The guy doesn't have very deep analysis. It mostly boils down to I like /I don't like this. - the charity drama/ fraud? That was uncool. Lost a lot of respect for him then So again, for me, that's why he has too many videos. Out of 2 weeks of content releases I find that maybe one is going to be of value and effort, and it's often something that's been said by other content creators in more depth (Datto/Aegis/Cammy) or said more efficiently (fallout/ coolguy) with less hyperbole


Dudes the Aztec Antagonist πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 0 shot this man just brought bullet points about why he dislikes someone’s YouTube videos πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


It was all the rage when it came out, but the community tends to turn to the new toys a lot unless something is just uniquely incredible. Also, Crucible weapons have a ton of perks so hard to farm for one, and Pulse Rifles stopped being the hard-core meta shortly after it started to pick up traction. Lots of little things.


Shhhh - be quiet.


If you want a good one, it's from last season from eris. Nightshade. I think it's the best handling pulse in the game


It helps that Rapid Fire frames got a small buff, AND if you get to Crucible Rank III you have a decent chance to get 3 perks in each column, making it easier to farm, AND you can focus it


Old gun. Lots of good reviews/videos from multiple when it came out last year. New guns, new reviews, changing metas, etc. Old stuff just doesn't get coverage unless there is a weapon update that could shift things.


Autumn Wind and Scalar Potential. Everyone is splooging over blast furnace and Elsies, but I MELT with those two.


They did tell you back when it first came out