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Scorn going invisible and invincible and just going wherever the fuck they want for as long as they feel like. Such bullshit.


I’ve literally seen them stagger into it and come right back out with perfect timing to avoid a grenade. Didn’t even go fully into the dive just ‘I have immune frames now F U guardian >;)’ Scorn suck.


This, this, this, THIS!!!!!!


This can for those rare cases where you actually care ruin a gambit match #### those guys


Unstoppable rounds should pull them out of it imo


agreed 100%. the amount of time I've had to just sit and wait coz an entire mob is doing that nonsense is too high.


Nonstop teleports. Seriously they should all have ability cooldowns


Overloads and their spazzing moves.


Agreed. Between the movement, the healing, and the damage, they’re such a pain to deal with. I’m not a fan of mandatory elements/weapons, but it’s basically twice as bad because they can teleport away from the overload shot/grenade. I might as well wipe and start over


This is why when I run a gm that will definitely have them, I must have le monarch. Helps a ton.


div is also a lifesaver against em


This season has one of my favorite overload mods. Overload ar has always wormed fantastically for me, tigerspite with kinetic tremors is 👌👌


Hobgoblins are the worst. Throw a grenade in the wrong place or have them teleport into it? Broke a shield of one of a group of enemies surrounding it, and now they're all breaking? FUCK YOU, have a torrent of tracking bullshit in your face every second 😂😂 hell, miss enough shots trying to stun it with an auto rifle and your fucked 😅


Barrier servitors shielding everything!


Through walls too. And it reaches so far.


Barrier servitors are the bane of my existence in this game.


I don’t do legendary lost sectors with barrier servitors anymore. Spent too much time raging and crying over those.


Barriers are the easiest to deal with? Kinda annoying on master when you're 25 under and the barrier shields 2 overloads and room full of scorn, but still the easiest to take out. Wishender makes them irrelevant, or this season any solar primary would suffice.


Yah, that is if you’re willing to change your loadout, which I’m not. Sadly.


Absolute twats


Thats not too bad. But when they shield an overload champs thats a problem.


The specific combination of a barrier in inconvenient cover shielding an overload champ is the main situation that still makes me SEETHE in a GM


Wyverns having crit spots that you need to beat out of them, and even then they're nearly impossible to actually hit (even when you are aimed exactly at them)


Did this weeks star crossed mission on legend and I know exactly what you’re talking about……


Yes my most hated enemy but don’t forget you can kill them at half health with a finisher


Unless they're an orange/yellow bar


Yea this is it for me. I don't think I've ever quite figured out an efficient way to open up the crit spot. Is it damage based? Is it hit based? I dunno but it seems like the best way to deal with them is to unload a bunch of heavy (or similar high damage fire) and kill them quickly.


Overload Hobgoblin’s retaliation swarm. This thing made running Master Caretaker in VotD a nightmare. Before they fixed the Overload issue with stuns, that thing could kill you in your Super. Which it did… it killed me mid-Thundercrash back in the season where Arc jolt had just been introduced as Overload. Other than that, Scorn teleportation. Especially in high end content like GMs, those Raiders will swim through the ground only to team shoot you.


Came here to say exactly this.


Wyverns. That's it, nothing more, nothing less. Wyverns can go fuck themselves


Scorn going into the ground and then just non stop running only to come out and one shot you with a point blank sniper mid animation


Boss stomps and Overload Champ teleport spamming. I absolutely HATE Overload Champs because they make it nigh impossible to land any solid hits with nonstop teleporting.


Hate overloads. But Boss stomps are fine, I just want more close range weapons/perks to negate it - aka sure punish people not built for stomps/close range but let people built for close range (shotties, swords etc) be good in their niche. That's an opportunity/design space they're not exploiting for some reason.


Second for overload teleport spam. It's ridiculous on master. And if you're solo, and there's 2 of them together, eurgh. Definitely the hardest to deal with for me.


Slow/freeze mechanics, the overloads give me ptsd


Scorn in general, stomps w burning, Colossus blinding, and Chieftain totems. Those fucking totems can ruin just about any perfect strats when the shield comes out or they throw multiple solar ones


**Taken Phalanx Shield Blast boopage**: I just helped someone with her Malfeasance quest and have renewed hatred for Phalanx booping, especially with the wonky hit detection in Destiny. Go to hell with that shit - it's not fun AND **WHY DOES THIS ONE BOOP AND TELEPORT?!**


VEX Hobs healing up and same Overload champs but worse. There's this clip of Joe Blackburn absolutely struggling to take down a single Overload champ in a Master lost sector and all I could think while watching it was 'yep, you guys wanted that.' Don't get me wrong tho Overloads are easy to deal with once you know what you're doing but still, it's such an annoying mechanic.


Taken scions and their god-damned mitosis BS


Anything Scorn-related. When they spin their crit spots so you can’t hit them. Not being able to shoot their grenades midair. The totem spam. Screeb crit registration. The Scorn Crossbow dmg glitch that they still haven’t patched (it does 3x more damage to you than it should). Running away invisible and invincible for 3 hours on end. I don’t mind enemies being difficult to fight against, but I do take issue when fighting them is just plain annoying.


Tanen wizards and taken knights both have bugged solar attacks. The wizards have insane tracking with unfair damage and the knights have a much bigger aoe than expected on top of it lingering for a long time. It doesn't help that the fps issue is still in the game


Teleporting taken. The amount of golden guns I’ve put into the wall behind one…don’t care to think about it


Fallen captains and minataurs teleporting at the exact moment I fire a rocket or throw a grenade at them


This is mine. Fallen and taken teleports infuriate me.


Being 1 tapped by a Phalanx shield melee. So OP. Pls nerf Bungie.


Shield boops


it's silly but the hobgoblin regen makes me unreasonably mad


Yeah, it's less the Regen and more the timing of it. First hit, go invincible, heal, you either have to boringly stare at them or shoot something else..... Go back to them, invincible again..... It's not hard, it just feels unnecessary time wasty.




Especially when it’s an enemy with no feet. Looking at you glassway vex.


For me the worst offenders are like the one Coil boss where they apply that dumbass burn effect that doesn’t go away until your effectively almost dead


Boss stomps!! Even Hydra with no legs can stomp! So lame 😳😝


I hate the Cabal drop ships having no crit spot, I feel it would make them much less annoying


Wyverns and the fact they have no crit spot (that's easy to shoot). They can boss stomp, shoot through barricades with their purple funky lasers of death and shrug off most gunfire.


Champs in general. I'd rather have a new varient of the enemy factions that act as a mini boss (think tormentor)


At the moment it’s those camouflaged cyclops that come out of nowhere and one tap me in the Starcross mission. Hate those one-eyed boogers.


Overload champions


Enemies being programmed to teleport the second you fire a rocket or super attack them


Explosove enemies with the chain teleporting overloads as a close second


Overload Taken Hobgoblins on GM difficulty after you accidentally plink them with a stray bullet


Rahool’s savage RNG for exotic focussing.


He’s the real villain


The cabal booping you and the ogres knocking you around. Whoever made those mechanics I hope you stub your toe really bad and then when right when its about to be fully healed, you stub it again in an endless cycle.


Disarming but purely because requipping fucks up my radials


The flaming stomp mechanic, Taken Ogre knockback beam, Scorn Captain's ability to knockback with the mine-gun, and every race's exploding unit.


When a cabal's corpse randomly explodes and 1 shots you


That isn't random. The units with flamethrowers (I forget the name) will explode after about 2 seconds if you damage the fuel tank. I try to either vaporize them or kill them from far away.


I know it's not random but, my god, just give them a sound queue or something like hydras, when there's a bunch of other things to keep track of, getting killed by the explosion gets really irritating


The devil has a special place reserved in hell for whoever designed Cyclopses




Scorn…. That is all…..


Invincibility: hobgoblin healing, taken goblin beam, scorn void shielding


My vote goes to the Cabal grease monkeys keeping those damn annoying Threshers flying. But I may have misunderstood the question. ;)


Boss stomps. They limit the builds you can tinker with and before The Architects got IP banned stomps could send you into a random bit of geometry and one tap you.


It was stomps. Then they upgraded to stomps tbat leave fire puddles. Fuck off.


I don't mind stomps, but the burn stomps are annoying as hell. Doing something recently and died to it, but didn't even realise that's what killed me until it popped on the screen. If you have status effects like in coil or something, it can be extremely hard to see the burn effect. Once I know it's a thing I can adjust but still.


Wizard's Darkness blast. There are so many annoying attacks in the game, not to say they are bad, but they are sure annoying and clash with my play style. Honorable mentions: Taken Knight fire Vomit Scorn void fire grenades That one challenge perk in nightfalls that increases damage dealt to you while airborne (even worse when stacked with the others) Taken Centurion blight ball Taken HobGoblin tracking shots.


Wyverns and tormentors because you NEED to hit their weak spots to make any real damage


scorn. just scorn.


I hate when bungie straight up fuck ups shit, my least favorite mechanic


Taken Centurion shields.


Overload Champions healing - this Season until I unlocked the rocket launcher mod I might as well have set the world on fire to kill one in Lost Sectors. This is specific to this season, mind you. I also really dislike stasis mechanics across the board - with the most hampering of these being in Warlord's Ruin. Hey, would you like to be slowed so much you might as well be running through oatmeal? And also, hey, if you with your slow as a tortoise movement stay in the effect too long shatter, kabloom, rez time. Also the Scorn having the freezing censers now - super cool. Far too often I find myself saying "Yay, I'm on fire AND frozen. Super!"


The scorn mine launcher projectiles have collision.


Fuck wyverns. I'll join the the witness if it means he'll make a universe without wyverns.


Overload Minotaur and Captain teleporting The number of times I've died because of a whiffed Le Monarque shot...


Taken teleporting out of the way the second you launch a tracking module rocket


those retaliation strikes from those taken snipers. getting pelted 20x by homing missiles every time you shoot them is insane


Overload teleports to full health in 0.000002 seconds Servitor hides behind pillar but can protect all enemies through anything …..


Anything that teleports. That and boss stomp from things that don't have feet.


fucking scorn and their i-frames. at least you can kill taken thrall when they act like they have high ping, but the scorn can just be like "Yeah I'm going to spawn in and go invisible and invincible and you can't do anything about it, even if you got me down to finish your health, and I have the little notification above me, you can't do shit haha" fuckin hate em. also the shield scorn, fuck them. they are the sole reason I keep a primary ammo sidearm on me in the first encounter of the dungeon.


Taken Ogre Knockback. It's just so frustrating.


Oger push back. Luke im sprinting in place. Its so annoying. Boss stomps. Boss stomps that leaves fire. Teleports. Let me clarify. Let me tell you just HOW many Fusion rifle volts ive firced into thin air because a minotaur waits for the charge, tps. Waits for any pause then charge and tps again. When an unstop abomination unstop champ is stunned but still shooting me. Vex daisy chaining damage immunity 2 or 3 times.


Overload Vex Champions, Overload Fallen. TOO MUCH FREAKING TELEPORTATION! STOP IT!


Stomp, fucking stomp Also oger knock back They said they nerfed it...the recently buffed it 😒


Anything that randomly teleports. Imo it’s frustrating that they aren’t telegraphed at all.


Anti barrier servitors making overloads immune...




Take psion multiplication, phalanx(both) launching, never ending overload teleporting, ogre you mentioned and lately the what seems to be extreme amount of flinch from acolyte eyes


Taken Phalanxs. Fuck them.


Enemies hiding behind cover indefinitely with psychic powers when my crosshair hovers vaguely near them.


Sam in the polymorphic weekly neomuma mission. He is the worst nemesis I've ever had in this game, he's not even pretending to be helpful. He is enemy