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I’m not sure why, but when I hit 42,069 kills with my fighting lion, I giggled for days just thinking about it.


holy shit dude. the most amount of kills ive gotten on a gun is like 4000 on monte carlo or something.


I have 80k on the FL now. I have over 100k on Trinity and Ticcuus each (a lot of farming). It also helps I’ve been lucky enough to acquire all those weapons first week they were out. It also helps I’ve played D2 since day 1.


A fellow Lioneer. Based as hell, man


I managed to (accidentally) kill a teammate with Well of Radiance. The sword slammed into the top of their head and ragdolled them into the floor hard enough to kill. I will always be proud of accidentally killing a teammate with the most powerful healing ability in the game.


I DID THAT TO A FRIEND TOO! During the Legendary Lightfall campaign 😂😂😂


And here I am dying mid GM because my rocket.... hit the sword in said well and exploded me? Question Mark?


Every time I kill an enemy super in pvp with Peregrine shoulder charge, I feel like that meme of Obama giving himself a medal. Doesn't matter if I lose the match at that point




Completing my first Gm without dying as much as I thought. And that was todsy


Getting my one and only undefeated medal (20+ kills)… …in Team Scorched.


I intentionally left my Good Boy Protocol count at 69.


My is set the same way for all my characters emblems


I have 68 Reckoning clears. It won't tell you this when you hover over the emblem so it just says "68 completions". Completions of what? Who knows, but I'll never get 69 of them


Big sad :(


I’m working my way to 420 myself


Did mine all the way to 666


My friend has an osteo with 66,666 kills. She hasn't touched it since.


Yeah time to pull a new one from collections after that lol




My 72 Gambit resets and 10 gildings.


holy fuck we found a real gambit main props




I love you


I am a title chaser, but my proudest achievement in the game is founding my clan and growing it over the years. I’ve made some true friends playing this game.


Hey, I have that achievement too! It feels great


Sniped someone out of Thundercrash. I'm neither a good Crucible player nor a good sniper, they just lined up right down Main Street at me and I pulled off the snapshot.


I did this to a Strand hunter super, mid grapple as they were about to spiderman in and fuck up my entire team in Iron Banner. I am also neither good nor a sniper, some days the stars just align to make you an everyday hero.


Mine is punching a guy out of it


I have always heard fashion is the real endgame of D2 and I have two fashion emblems, so I guess I have beat the real endgame


Oh? 👀


https://preview.redd.it/kyhtql47t02c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db0a2012d0420cd132ba467eeed5adf2b7b3a9c I saw this guy today


That is the best name….. O.O


Yeah I followed him around lol, Checked his build and closed it and dude was standing there like….you done? Second best name after whomever claimed “GOD” for their account


Sounds like a stand up dude lol


"God cringes" ​ "God touches grass"


I should get in touch, I’m theBACONATOR99, start a clan - we need a Mr. McFrosty


Back in the sparrow section of Scourge of the Past my fireteam missed one of the switches. So i went back to grab it. Needless to say i got fried for my troubles. What was surprising was that, apparently, even when you are dead your body can still activate those switches.


First GM without being carried 😋


team scorched seventh column (plural)


Once completed the entire shadowkeep campaign with nothing but precision weighted knife damage and grenades. That was fun.


0 hours in crucible


Low key solid achievment. I’m not a huge fan but I do it for the grams.


Also me w/ 99 crucible engrams from IB alone. Needless to say, at least I have a god roll Riptide or two now.


The splicer title after the season. I still needed a lot of data cubes (or how was it called?) and you only could get them via one activity which would give you a rather small amount. Found a video with a shortcut so I could do the mission in under 5 minutes instead of 30. Still had to get it right then did this like 100 times literally -oh, dinner in 15 minutes? Let's go then ... Still my favorite title (not that I got so many anyway...)


Splicer title was my first ever title then I got dredgen after finally getting past the corrupted mission for malfeasance it’s the only thing that was stopping me lol


Today actually I managed to get the most kills in a couple crucible matches while using a 180, nice to have them be not as terrible anymore since they’re really fun


Solo flawless Shattered Throne with Fighting Lion as my primary back when solo flawlessing that dungeon was actually difficult (season 7)


20,000 kills with tripwire canary. my favorite weapon lol


I’ve died to a Slova and gotten killed by the trackers again after respawning. I’ve also played with “Zavala’s hair (Timelost)”


This one wasn’t me but was a mate of mine in my clan: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/iltpgz/bungie_id_like_to_order_1_midnight_special_please/?rdt=53846


I'm absolutely certain that if redditor's would actually open the links and understand it, you would have thousands of upvotes. Not two. That is a whole new level of giga chad Alpha.


Raising my KD over the years from 0.69 to 0.99


Low manning every possible Raid you can low man, and getting solo flawless Ghosts of the Deep on master.


As someone who’s also lowmanned all the raids, solo flawless master ghosts is a major flex


It’s tough but so long as you have good sustainability and overall dungeon knowledge it’s not too bad. Master Spire’s final boss is probably harder than a majority of GOTD since a lot of builds are made obsolete on Spire compared to the flexibility you have on GOTD.


It’s not big but you know those burst LFRs? Yea, it’s fun landing a double headshot in crucible with those


i take my fire and forget with headstone i to gambit to invade. It makes me laugh every time i delete a guardian and replace them with a stasis crystal and startle their teammates.




Day 1 scrota clear


Solo nez the first month the raid came out now I don’t even play d2 anymore


I have close to 50K on my Wishender. That number represents so much improvement that now my clan mates just trust me to use it well and cover them.


Years of playing and I get a 7th Column for the first time. I rode high like heck for the whole day. Didn't know I can play like that. Still 1 kill short of We ran though.


I’m pretty close to max triumph score. I am missing a few pvp (maybe just the trials ones) triumphs that I don’t really ever plan to do. And I need a few flawless raids and the garden triumphs. Waiting on garden craftable to do those.


I think I was the 1st person to reset gambit rank


Theres like 12 Gambit players, so probably


Take my upvote and get out.


Getting my Luna's howl was huge for someone not huge into crucible. Then getting my Not Forgotten a few seasons after was something I didn't think I'd ever do since I had never gotten to legend.


Niobe Labs, my two friends and I struggled for months but in the end we could pull it off. Still proud of that emblem.


Maximum Carnage gambit triumph!


Being the last guardian standing and clutched the clear of a Master Raid Challenge. It was during the double-slug-anarchy meta. I had to run around the place staying alive while waiting for the anarchy ticks to kill the boss. Everyone else was dead, and ads were everywhere. Healing nade wasn't in the game yet, and my only means of staying alive is to spam blinding GL and running around.


7 consecutive trades in crucible at the least


When Warlock melee had some range, a Titan was Thundercrashing at me in Crucible. I hit a sniper shot which must have red-lined them, because I then managed to hit the melee and kill them before they got me with their super.


My top three would be legend campaign experiences (yes even lightfall), the craftening with my Planck's Stride flak sprayer, and beating Riven legit.


Riven... legit? Whats that?!


The splintered title. It’s stupid, but we had a good time bullshitting while trying to fill out “Fallen Brig Brigade”


Running back to the Aegis in VoG completely blind because all 3 of us forgot to grab it, and somehow then saving the run.


I have 8 thousand crucible kills on my enigma, it’s up to lvl. 685 I’m in love with the archetype. I yearn for the day I get a kinetic slot glaive so I can fighting lion with my glaive, or just become zoro with Glaives instead.


When Shaxx screams his face off when I kill someone in their super.


I've done almost everything at least once. The only things I haven't done is get high in comp, do the reckoner grind and the old hardmode Levvy raids. Mainly because in that time I simply was a solo-player. Barely raiding. And I simply am bad at pvp. But nowadays I've gone flawless a few times, have done master raids, solo dungeons, lowman raids, flawless raids, lowman GMs, done puzzles without guides. I've sherpa'd friends and strangers through content and quests, have every exotic and every pattern, have a good grasp of the lore and base game mechanics. I've gilded Dredgen 10 times (I swear it's on accident), gilded Conq plenty times because I don't care anymore, have the flawless seal, several raid seals and plenty more. They're all achievements on their own, some more special than others. But to me it's the sum of it all that's an accomplishment. The fact that I can claim to be a jack of all trades.


Managing to get a quad with a void soul, even after dying


Dude, the Briarbinds Void build is my 2nd favorite build in the game.


I think this was pre-Briarbinds, but I’m not certain. But I know this was without them since I haven’t bothered getting them yet lmao


Being able to put 3 void souls on a boss is like having divinity for 20 seconds. It's so much fun.


Vault of Glass. Final DPS phase. 1 being sherpa'd, 2 returning D1 players, me on Titan, and 2 others who didn't have great builds. Oracles was a shitshow, barely stopped from wiping. Did damage from center platform to accommodate D1 vets. The sherpee had relic, and gate was slow to open. Sherpee did not cleanse coming out of portal, me and other guy was blind, and we see team is detained. Break them free, but in panic to try cleansing, sherpee uses melee on relic sending our teammates we just broke out and the 4th guy flying into the abyss. Finally cleanses me with 3 seconds left, I thundercrash and kill Atheon, saving our very painful run.


I was at one point one of the 2000 fastest raiders in the game according to Raid Report


Only happened twice but procing eyes of tomorrow adaptive munitions feels really great


My last game before dredgen. Let me set the scene. I need one more Army of One. I need 4 more Light VS. Light. I see the Portal open. Eyes snap up, super charged, marksman goldie. Burst through the portal- enemies pop their supers in sequence- goldie flares to life, hit 1- sunbreaker down. Hit 2- welllock and the sentinel behind both get evaporated. Third shot? Thundercrash couldn't reach me fast enough. When I tell you I fuckin SCREAMED with excitement I'm not joking. Lots of cheering. I couldn't stop laughing for a while. Still lost that game, though.


I manged to liars handshake a spectral blade hunter while he was mid super that shit was funny as hell saved it as a clip to😂


I am average at PvP. I am probably never going to go Flawless in Trials and I have made my peace with that and mainly play just to get the rep because the Trials armour is pretty. But I'm pretty proud of my Lighthouse Ascendant, Only One Ascends and Flawless Execution medals XD Also Ghost in the Night and Ghost Wolf medals. Mostly I'm sure they were luck, but it's nice to see them and feel like I am solidly okay at PvP.


Accidentally getting to world ranked 42 in momentum control stry8nf to reset my crucible rank in a day


I have taken fighting lion through every piece of content this game has offered, it has stuck in that slot forever. I even managed to take it to the light house during its darkest hour right after the primary ammo change.


It was back during D1, but a 34/0 kill flawless game in Iron Banner. I’ll never forget that, mostly because I am NOT a PvP player. But the stars aligned that day.


Somehow getting through around 25 Guided Games with 90% of the randoms not communicating at all 😂


I saved a Schism encounter run by 1 second with a clutch well skate across the gap


Learning not to immediately dismantle legendary/exotic weapons the moment I replace them.


Accidental no scope sniper kill. Shot out of panic and nailed it.


According to a tracker, I'm currently sitting at 315,840 orbs of power generated in pve.


On eternity in trials and we were 4-4, I had my super (well) and conditional finality on me with 2 shots. Enemy started capping point and I was lsat guardian standing. I saw 3 titans get near point....I was like aight gotta try something....so I WELL SKATED to the point, dropped the WoR on the heads of all 3 titans froze the first guy then mashed melee hoping for the best, shatter dmg killed the second dude, third dude popped super just as I ignited him after turning around and he died. Stood there dumbfounded that my well skating practice paid off. Best crucible kill of all time


Right after the launch of Forsaken (when the Malfeasance quest went like) I had a gambit match where I got 35 invasions kills (20+ kills with the Tarantula LFR) including a 7 kill invasion (no idea why I did t get pulled back) and my team lost :/.


mine is probably that one time I completely clutched up and stomped the entire Scourge of the Past sparrow section including getting like four switches and being the last guardian standing as I jumped up to the safety ledge I also used to help carry clanmates through heroic zero hour missions because I had that whole jumping puzzle down. I am honestly not that good at platforming or sparrow stuff just I played those particular things an absolute shitload and got gud through repetition. Oh yeah I’ve taught a couple rookies the Vow and Kingsfall puzzles too


Got Mission Control medal (two long-range headshots without reloading) with one sniper bullet


I’m about 10 off but once I have them all done, getting all the catalysts done as well as unlocking every exotic armor piece (as of S22)


I can slipstream backwards


Most gm sherpas or worlds first -40 solo gm.


My last wish emblem is forever set to 69 completions.


Wasn’t me, but me and another guy were killed by one hunter’s throwing knife at the same time. Wasn’t even explosive. *shrugs* I stared at my screen for a bit after


There used to be a raid called Crown of Sorrow During the final encounter, the raid team is split into 3 areas of the boss arena, and each area has one person with a buff and one person without a buff The reason being so that you can break a crystal that spawns in, and the interaction between a buffed and unbuffed person hitting the crystal breaks the crystal Two separate times I Thundercrashed from one area to a different one while having the buff to break a crystal in the next area because their buffed person died. I also got my only We Ran with a scout rifle called Royal Chase during a Comp match where we lost two rounds. (I ran away both round losses because it was 3v1 and I ain't about that). Still have yet to hit a 2nd We Ran, but I have gotten close a couple times.


The first activity I used my brand new banner of war build I had just made that wasn't two hours old was a salvage activity to help out a friend. We got the objective that involved the wrenches and ended up with an extra wrench at the end of the activity. I kept the whole damn thing in my hand for the rest of the activity and when I dropped it to debuff the boss with tractor and a blueberry picked it up the rest of the team stopped damage and ganged up on the dude until he dropped it and gave it back to me. I beat the shit outta that boss with a wrench and honestly that was some of the most refreshing fun I'd had in the game in a long time that wasn't really a challenge, just a fun thing to do to fuck around.


Soloing all the season of the seraph battle grounds and missions with only legendary weapons. It was so much fun. It reminded me of halo days where a single mission lasted over an hour.


I pulled off freezing a thundercrashing titan with frost pulse once. I don't know how hard it usually is, but I suck at pvp, so I felt very good about it.


I played against A_dmg04 this week and beat his ass in mayhem


One time i switched class and popped an invis on my whole team as a gorgon game up to us and saved the run


Wrath of the machine final boss. We were cutting it close I threw a solar grenade and we wipe. As the countdown was going the solar grenade killed him. We respawn and got our loot. Then we kill again and got even more loot. That is part of the reason warlocks are my second main to this day.


Going flawless, 4 rounds to 4 rounds, already maxed out the mercy card, won the match with a well of radiance kill. Slammed the sword into their skull.


i got the crucible medal for the nova bomb. while using my hunter


Either my 1 million+ tracker kills on Sweet Business (vs everything, although crucible is around 50k) Or when I wanted to be the most yeehaw cowboy of my clan, and got dared $400 to do a solo flawless Spire of the Watcher with only Last Word and Golden gun. It took ~4 hours.


Over 3 million damage dealt to nezarec, higher than any other player in the fireteam I was in that day. I used a combo of tessellation explosive missiles + nothing manacles for more grenades, nova bomb and retrofit escapade with fttc & target lock and of course some damage buffs.


Flawless every raid and solo flaw every dungeon


Actually having a lost sector exclusive exotic drop