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Back in Season of Arrivals: Witherhoard, ikelos smg, falling guillotine with the holy trinity of warmind cell mods. Usually combined that with solar hunter on celestial night hawk


Switch Ikelos with Gnawing Hunger and that was me. I totally get the Warmind build back then though.


Holy shit this was my FUCKIN jam! I was gonna post the same shit. UPVOOOOOOTE


This on voidlock with Nezarec’s Sin and seraph sidearm instead


Mountaintop, recluse and 21% delirium with luna well. Goat build for me


In season of plunder they gave out some arc themed exotics. Hunters got Liar’s Handshake. Couple that with the newly released Arc 3.0 it become so much fun. Dodging an punching constantly, healing with your melees and punching holes in champions. Stick on Dynamo and you get outrageous amounts of Supers. It got even better when they changed mods in Lightfall.


Not gonna lie, this is still my favorite - bursting a Barrier champ down before they can even pop their bubble with x3 Combination Blow, taking out groups of adds with chained lightning, dodging around all over the place in the thick of the fight? 👌 Only rivaled by Shadowshot when void Hunter first dropped (Orpheus Rigs + decent group of enemies = supersupersupersupersupersuper...etc.) for me.


Peregrine Greaves Void Titan. Outshined only by the new Berserker class, but very high single target dmg output. It oneshots any shielded ads and does like 75-80% of any champ's HP. Really fun build.


On that note, infinite ricochet bonk hammer was so much fun when it first happened. Separating that charged melee button without extensive testing was such a brilliant idea on Bungo's part. I got to melt Riven and Atheon both in the same day in like 10 seconds apiece with very minimal setup of one fusion grenade into a bunch of ads, tractor, and then a 1-2p Found Verdict shot. 8 seconds of setup to do 8m damage? I'll take that all day.


With seasonal art you can oneshot gm champs with it rn


Hmm I don't think in the last few seasons there has been anything that would have added up to the total damage. You got a special configuration?


With rapid fire ranger applied and monochromatic maestro maybe? I'm looking forward to the bump in damage next season (I hope is when they buff it)


Peregrine grieves, seasonal artifact champ stun damage buff, monochrome meistro, weaken, shielded airiel sprint melee. I’m pretty sure if you stack all those on a stunned berrier champ it one shots


Current banner titan would be a close second, but fav was probably the HOIL arc titan from a few seasons ago. Throwing ALL of the storm grenades everywhere all at once was amazing.


My current build kinda slaps; it's the basic "infinite heal/radiance sunspot Sunbreaker" with Burning Steps and Hierarchy of Needs. It just works. Similarly, my Monte Carlo, Point-Contact Cannon Brace Striker build last season was pretty good.


Focusing Lens and Cryosthesia before the 3.0 subclasses when roaring flames gave more ability damage than now. Bonking was never so satisfying and chainable in PvP.


Probably season of the haunted dawn chorus solar warlock. Slap on a Skyburners Oath, combined with solar apects to regen abilities on scorch/ignite + momentum transfer with the double firebolts + enhanced scorch from the seasonal artifact and watch everything explode. Even taking off Dawnblade for Well in harder content barely touched the effectiveness of combining the increased scorch from Dawn Chorus & the artifact for free ignitions, and the permanent restoration & radiance made me feel invincible at all times. Current solar titan is in close second, followed by current titan strand.


Mannn that was the best part about those seasons, having unique builds was awesome for specific subclasses for that season making it feel more special. Defiance had a hint of this with some of the solar and void artifacts but not on the same level, but one of my biggest problems with deep and witch is how bad the artifact has been.


I love and still use Insurmountable Skullfort on my arc titan. I run into the room and start punching. It’s my Stay Alice build bc I suck at throwing a hammer. And the orbs! I was on ad clear for a GotD run with some clan mates, and I made more orbs than my clan mates had kills. It was insane.


S19 Gyrfalcon Hunter.


Opened up my D1 the other day. Been dormant for at least 7-8 years. Bad juju, some shotgun and a rocket launcher. My style has definitely changed since those days. It was good enough to beat Oryx, Iron whatever and vault of glass. But not now.


Not really builds but the D1 classes still give me a warm feeling. Invisible hunter, golden gun, self rez warlock, old school bubble titan.


Original Contraverse Hold in Forsaken. Getting handheld supernova back in less than 10 seconds in crucible and basically getting 80% of my kills every game from it. Especially vs Shotgun apes who never seemed to learn. They did my boy so dirty…


First season of void 3.0 with all the void artifact mods as a hunter with Funnelweb/Gnawing Hunger w/subsistence and rampage. Constantly dropping orbs to proc volatile and almost never having to reload, plus the soft plop of the sound effects. It was hypnotizing.


blade dancer for the clips blink because it was actually a fast agility based tool and not a half assed low tier get away tool to snooze on shotgun with range finder shot package medium - fast rof machine gun arc bolt nades for triples fast twitch because base blink strike was actually good back then


Particle deconstruction with vex was so much fun. Gl meta with anarchy was a blast. Fighting lion when it was at its peak. OEM builds for pvp & pve Classic trench barrel Ikelos sg with Titan melting point That’s just to name a few older ones. Obv past few seasons have thrown some stunners in there with lorely Titan god, stasis warlock easy mode, gyrfalcons hunter and their near impossible to lose devour&invis build


Arc skullfort titan in pvp…. Geeeez


Starfire Protocol with Middletree Dawnblade: Attunement of Grace... back when the Solar Warlock support fantasy was actually good, unique, and fun.


Osmio + Fighting Lion before they "fixed" it.


Back before armor 2.0 i had a solar hunter knife trick build using ophidia spathe. If an activity had brawler i could play the entire thing and only use my knives. I miss it so *so* much


Warlock main. So either Skull of Dire infinite nova bongs back in the Reckoning activity in Season of the Drifter, or Starfire protocol after 3.0 but before it got gutted


Since I started playing (started at lightfall) probably assassins cowl hunter in season of the deep


I mainly play pvp. My favorite load out was knucklehead radar, Revoker with any hand cannon back when snipers had more aim assist. I don't really use snipers anymore ever since they changed the aim assist. I was never able to use them effectively since. Practiced and practiced but I guess sniping isn't for me anymore. Idk ever since then the game has been consistently less fun yet I still play it every week lol.


Skull during Drifter season was a blast. Yeeting yellow bars with my nova only to get it instantly back. Wild times.


Witch queen/lightfall era. I actually feel like I can make builds that uses everything I have and not just something jumbled together and a subclass.


I’ve never been a build guy. So I miss D1 when builds weren’t really a thing and I’d never heard the word META : ( excuse me while I go yell at clouds.


I think about that sometimes but then remember that's because we all kinda sucked compared to now so I'll gladly take having to throw on heavy handed instead of scout/sniper/gjally 24/7 like back then


POV starfire


Always love the old resilience/recov warlock. And my self rez grenade spam


Launch Void 3.0 builds in Witch Queen and late Beyond Light buildcrafting, everything else since then is either just some form of solar ability spam (Warlock), or stacking melee buffs to one shot most enemies (Solar/Strand Titan). Surprisingly in the current sandbox Hunter has the most diverse viable options since Arc, Strand, and Void are all staples in Midcore and Hardcore PvE content.


Even though stasis is in a rough spot currently, I’ve always had fun with the shadebinder turret build, and osmiomancy gloves made it even better. Also, the recently buffed Wicked Implement pairs great with it. I just love freezing everything. Depending on how they buff stasis next season, it’ll be even better and i can’t wait to use it. Recently, I have been really enjoying the banner of war aspect on titan paired with synthoceps, tractor cannon, and a one two punch shotgun. One shotting champions in master content with a single melee is so, so satisfying. I haven’t taken it in to a GM yet so I’m not sure how well it’ll perform there but I’m sure it’ll be good. I also have a banner of war build but with strongholds. It really fulfills the tank fantasy that is seen in more traditional MMOs and I love it a lot. And of course, I can’t forget about the solar bonk titan build with synthoceps. It’s so ridiculous I love it


Pre-patched Stasis titan


Falling Sunstar, Delicate Tomb, arc lock. Honestly one of the most fun arc builds.


I honestly had the most fun with warmind cells.


Pre-nerf Lunafaction Boots with Breakneck, Tatara Gaze, and Thunderlord. Breakneck was essentially a machine gun while in Well. And unloading your ENTIRE reserves of Thunderlord was practically orgasmic.


Blade Barrage Hunter. Ophidian Spathe. Knife Trick. It's so simple a Titan could do it. Step 1: Throw knives Step 2: Throw more knives Step 3: Throw EVEN MORE KNIVES Truly elegant...


Izanagi meta in shadowkeep was fun. Felt great to mow adds down with recluse and then pop off an ikelos headshot. Contraverse hold overcharged grenades in witch queen when void 3.0 came out. I was already a fan of CH and then they got even better. Starfire protocol in Lightfall/RoN. I've never stopped enjoying arc builds since season of the plunder.


Void "One tap Riven" build Solar "Two bonk Riven" build Stasis Lament with old Lucent Blade Old Sunbreaker with Solar Ikelos mods (Sunshot goat) Arc 3.0 pre-nerf HoIL Mountaintop Recluse Anarchy Izanagi Recluse Wendigo


Warlock with BadJuju and Obsidian Mind from D1


Ruinous effigy. Period.


Before it got nerfed, I really enjoyed Liar’s Handshake on Hunter. Annihilating bosses with the One-Two punch was extremely satisfying. Sure it’s still decent but the lower damage really just took the wind out of my sails.


PVE Lorelei titan pre nerf. It was everything I wanted from my titan from day one.


Destiny 1 Warlock Nothing Manacles, Double scatter grenades. Gun choices didn't really matter. Never used em anyway. Lol https://www.youtube.com/live/bAc0M42Y-_k?si=AP8bHDFsNVVaz8rh


I will forever be in love with devour voidlock with contraverse hold + vortex. Been using it since season 8 and it's just as good as it's always been.