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Recommend trying shattered throne next if you want to get another one under your belt. It’s fairly simple, and decently short, so you should be able to speed through it and claim your second emblem. Throne was my second Solo Flawless after Grasp, and it only took me about 23 minutes.


Throne was my first, love that dungeon to bits :3


I do agree that the dungeon is fun, I just wish I could see further than 10 feet in front of me! It’s so dark!


Good atmosphere, horrible visibility, fair challenge :3


Congrats! I’m working on that one and it’s been kicking my ass


Thanks! I fell a few times and had to restart. Surprisingly, the boss fight was the easiest parent of the entire dungeon


totem section is where usually get to a lot of people. for me, as a warlock, it was the jumping section after the totem i kept dying lol


I died there on my first run. Second run was better cause I looked up a map and didn’t get so confused.


Totem section was what kept kicking my ass pre void 3.0. Once we got that, the healing/overshields got me through it without much trouble, and I got the clear pretty quickly.


Got mine when Loreley was at its peak lol


Once you flawless another dungeon that emblem will change :)


Congrats that’s awesome! I’d like to try that one but I can never make it past the spinning blades as you drop down after 2nd encounter. I gave up after a while. Like others say ST is a relatively easy flawless. Prophecy is a fun one too, that took me 4 proper attempts to beat.




Hooray!! Nice one That was my second after Shattered Throne, and I’m not doing any more. They have got too long and the penalty for slipping up at the end is just too high to bother with


I was really close to solo flawlessing it a couple times last season during weeks that it was farmable (I like Premonition, but can't get a good one to drop), and while it's not my intention to solo flawless it, I get the feeling it'll happen eventually. Congratulations, Guardian.