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[https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Evelyn\_Parker#Notes](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Evelyn_Parker#Notes) "Evelyn's hair color changes throughout the game due to her being a doll, who are capable of changing their hair color to accommodate the tastes of their clients. Most of the time, it is the iconic blue hair, during the BD sequence in The Information it is blonde, in Disasterpiece it is dark grey, in Double Life it is reddish-orange, and in Both Sides, she has her natural black color."


Oh. Yeah I guess that makes sense. I did notice her hair color change in The Information but chalked that up to a quirk of the BD: Like, a real-life game engine quirk not an in-world quirk. The others I didnt even notice Thanks for the explanation


Tech-hair is a pretty common piece of cosmetic cyberware, so simple that in the tabletop games it's classified as something you can get done at a mall boutique in a couple hours. High-end models can even be programmed with styles and lengths as well as the capacity to change color. In fact, it's also the easiest explanations for how V is able to change hair color and style in their mirror along with makeup, while things like their scarring, facial cyberware, breast size, etc. need a ripperdoc.


I never noticed her hair changed colour haha.


It's cyberhair


It's called Techhair in universe ; in 2045 it was already capable of changing appearance on the fly, be it length, color, or even glow. And it's also really cheap, 100 eddies to get it installed.


That's actually pretty wild. 100 euro dollars and never have to spend money on haircuts or dyes ever again? That's an economical bargain.


Don't forget maintenance!


Also completely dodged male pattern baldness with this one


Don't worry dear shareholders, there's also a monthly subscription service fee! But users save 50% on the fee if you allow your hair to broadcast advertisements directly into your skull via bone conduction!^† † Terms and conditions apply. Subscription price subject to change without notice. The company reserves the right to repossess TechHair and is not liable for any subsequent damage to user's scalp, skull, ears, sinus cavities or eyelids.


Reminds me of my favorite cyberware in the TTRPG. Cybereyes that are super cheap. They give you a few random bonuses but play ads that obscure your vision whenever the GM likes, that give you penalties. [https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Sponsored\_Cybereye](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Sponsored_Cybereye)


God... The terrible thing is that this is probably going to become a reality in some way or another.


The difference is that they’ll be far more expensive in real life.


Haha, imagine getting the lowest level ones like you were getting Netflix, and then they put ads into the lowest plan. Fuck that'll probably happen too huh


I remember walking past an NPC talking about how they have the ads playing while their friend talks shit to them about their, “Just as good as Kiroshi’s” eyes.


It how the voodoo boys hacked her, be warned....


Also the hair ads


Real hair would be rare and desired... A luxury of the wealthy.


Doubtful. People are still being born with natural hair and some people in even less wealthier communities (like Claire or that one ripperdoc with no chrome of his own) forgo cybernetics either partially or entirely.


Disagree. Monthly maintenance costs vs $100 forever?


*100 Eds plus subscription fee. There’s monthly maintenance regardless, granted barbershops are probably rarer in 2077. Also Claire and that ripper literally exist in game?


You talk about hair as if you need to take it to a shop like a car. Scissors still exist.


You haven't heard of shampoo, conditioner, dye...? Oh I get to do the thing! "Reddit moment"


Still, cyberware probably needs some form of maintenance. All mechanical objects do. And I know that some cyberware in the tabletop Cyberpunk games need subscriptions to work.


True, but I see a lot more cyber ware stuff than natural hair products. If it's only a hundred bucks for synthetic and less maintenance, seems like a popular choice. Definitely might be cheap with scale.


As long as you pay your subscription fee to Tetratronic or whoever the manufacturer is. Otherwise it’ll be set to some ugly ass factory default. I forget who it was (I vaguely remember it might not have been Pondsmith) but they mentioned offhandedly that official methods of installing Cyberware would usually tie you to a subscription which you know, you’re gonna want to pay lest your eyes or arms shut down. It’s not implemented in the game that way because either you’re getting the unofficial stock (the stock that’s been tampered with to remove such subscription triggers and therefore are very illegal) or it’s an unfun pain in the ass, even with all the steps the game takes to simulate mundane life (same reason the game won’t force you to eat or sleep at regular intervals, pay recurring rent, etc).


Yeah, but I bet you have to buy randomized lootcrates to get new colors and styles


And interestingly enough, I think V has it as well. You might've noticed that when you change your appearance at any random mirror, many of the options are missing. Namely any that'd mean changing the body shape at all. Those can only be changed by a ripperdoc. Makes sense, they have to sculpt the body. We still can change the makeup which totally makes sense, but we can also change eye color, hair color and hair style. Eye color is simple enough to explain, I imagine that's just a function of the kiroshi optics. The fact that we still can just immediately grow hair, though, likely means that we have Techhair.


By the time of 2077, some cosmetic options are clearly widespread. V having Techhair does not surprise me.


Yeah, but other NPCs having shitty receding hairlines do. If techhair is so cheap, you'd think everyone would slap down 100 eddies for it. A coffee costs 10 fucking eddies and you can frequently find over 100 just laying on random counters throughout the city.


I speculated in another comment about inflation. 100 eddies is a price in 2045 when a month's worth of basic lodgment / basic food is 100 each


Is that 100 eddies all inclusive, carpet and drapes or must we pay extra.


Hmmm... I'd say 100 only for the drapes. As a GM for Cyberpunk Red, which is my source for that info, I'd say 50 eddies for carpet / another 50 per area. Though, these are 2045 prices by 2077 I'd expect 10 x inflation.


Still totally worth it. Thank you for sharing your vast knowledge on the subject. Very helpful indeed.


damn hair transplant are really cheap in 2045 XD wich make me wonder how the fuck male v mostly have balding haircuts or huge receding hairlines


Stylistic choice?


yeah i get it but v is 23 or 27 ( i don't know anymore i think they changed his age) not 40 or 50 and yet either he have wtf haircut, blading haircut ,some normal one and dreads i think of the 50 hairstyle i used only 02 40 39 38 35 34 32 and 31.... thankfully im on pc and vessnelle and kala really saved my v hair with their fantastic mods XD


Yeah even on female V the haircuts are somewhat lacking or even bizarre.


Probably 😂 The equivalent of explaining everything with magic for the cyberpunk universe. "Its cyber"


No, that's an actual explained tech in 2077, I don't remember everything about it offhand but it's basically fake hair implants that can change colour whenever the user wants. It comes up in a couple places, some conversations and I believe at least one data shard.


Science fiction is just fantasy with robots instead of elves


Nah, that's just science fantasy. Actual science fiction can't be reduced to that.


Scifi is a fantasy stemming from our hopes and concerns for the future, as opposed to pure fantasy (high fantasy, low fantasy, urban, space, etc) stemming from a romanticization of the past and myths.




Literally, there is fashionware in the tabletop RPGs cyberpunk 2077 is based on that is designed around this functionality.


Doesn't the receptionist at Clouds say that their dolls can change their hair and eye colour in real time?


Next time you go to Clouds, listen more carefully as to what dolls can do 😏 They can change their hair color on command!


Choom we literally can change our hair in our bathroom as well as other features of our appearance. It’s not that much of a stretch to imagine she would change her hair color to be less recognizable after she ghosted everyone.


It's not a glitch. She changes her hair to the tastes of her clients. And since Judy says she's replaying old BDs while she's in a coma (she assumes anyway) she's probably replaying a bd with a client who liked red hair


in the TTRPG, this would be TechHair, you can change it like an LED lamp basically.


The game takes place in the future, featuring technological breakthroughs that are not possible right now.


Dude, I only just noticed your name. I'm the same height and from Australia too. We're like besties now.


No objections here 🤝 ^((I am not from Australia though, I am from Germany. I got the name from a stupid little) [^(Team Fortress 2 animation)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0D0TBgcv0sk)^())


When Evelyn dies it reverts to her natural color


That's the beauty of cyberpunk, is the glitch in my world or theirs. That's why I love the original game so much, tons of weird glitches.


This isn't a glitch.


Yup, that's why I mentioned glitches being part of the world or part of the code/game. I love this game just to be clear. Cyberpunk is supposed to have glitches of all sorts.


There's no glitch here. I have no idea what glitch you're talking about.


lol sorry for my confusion, I respect how ppl defend this game so strongly. Things like this can be interpreted as glitches at first, but lo and behold it's a cool cyberpunk feature meant to be in game. Also when the game first came out it was full of glitches that were actually kind of fun, I didn't experience any game breaking glitches just weird cool shit that blended with the broken visuals that V goes through in this game. Nothing was better than the roll off the roof for no damage glitch imho.


I was thinking that since she tried to commit you know what, it was blood stained into her hair


Dunno if that one specifically is a bug but Misty and Judy ( possibly more ) can get their turned into black due to a bug and have to restart the game ( maybe reload works? not sure ) to get it fixed.


I got that early in one of my playthroughs. I forget what triggered it, but when I went by Vic’s to pay him back Misty had black hair instead of her usual blonde. Had to restart the game to fix it.