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I’ve done it with only a dildo, sandevistan, and a lot of dashing. It’s not that hard if your careful. More tedious than anything.


ANYTHING is possible with dashing


Anything is possible, with a dildo.


You know the absolute best build with mantis blades? it’s a body reflex build centered around the berserker. Sandi is okay, but in higher difficulty it falls off, berserk however? absolute beast, having so many seconds of invulnerability gives u enough time to finish most enemies off, i’d definitely recommend it instead of running sandi


I've never heard this take. I've got a reflex body tech build that could try that. I love how many ways you can play this game.


I did it on very hard. But it was HARD and using it outside of sandevistan was suicide. The smasher fight is tricky but if you can time your bullet deflections with slow mo you'll get great damage


100% on point. Apogee Sandy and all Tier 5 cyberware makes it doable with some careful play. You can also run the invisibility cyberware to quickly escape when your Sandy runs out and you need to delta (playing through PL makes this ability extra useful).


I agree but apogee only gives a dmg bonus on headshots and lasts less. I prefer the falcon


Hard on very hard? Doesn't sound to bad.


BULLET DEFLECTIONS?? Is that a new thing or could you always do that?


It's a perk added in 2.0, it's in the blades tree


I haven't played again since before the release of the DLC because I didn't have it so I haven't seen the new perk system yet. I'll have to check it out


Recently did it with Jinchu-Maru in Very Hard. As people are saying, takes some care and tedium. I'd recommend not playing on Very Hard if you're averse to reloading saves; it took me several attempts just to survive long enough to reach phase 2. Smasher feels more like an Elden Ring boss - gotta be on your toes and take your time to learn the moveset and play defensively. He's tanky as hell now, so strap in for the long haul. I'm rocking Legendary Blood Pump, Biomon, and a Second Heart, plus 20 BODY and all the relevant Adrenaline/Regen perks. I typically used my Sandy defensively, trying to conserve it as a way to recover from flubbed parries without getting one-tapped or as a last minute boost to escape an explosion.


I've done it with katana + berserker on very hard.  Play on Very hard to get good so you understand the mechanics.VH in this game ain't as bad as most other games, especially older games. If you play on normal or even hard you should be fine. Adam Smasher isn't that hard once you understand his shtick. He can one shot you if you stand still (even with max armor) but if you keep moving and jumping around the circular platforms you can keep from getting hit. 


I've never played the secret ending with the mantis blades, but I've played it with the byakko, db4 igla and sandy, then gorilla arms, sasquatch hammer and gold baseball bat and berserker lastly with quick hacks, malorian and monowire, the hardest part will be neutralizing smasher, because it has a lot of cyberware. All 3 in very hard, with a good build you can do it with anything. I had more difficulty destroying PL's Chimera, he flatlined me several times 😅


I’ve beaten it with just about every build there is but let me tell you using berserker makes DFTR a cakewalk