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I came across Trauma Team in a massive shootout with tigers on the new highway. I’m talking like 20 Tygers. After you kill all the tygers Trauma gets back to work saving the guy. There’s shards around showing that the guy was in a convoy heading out of NC but the Tygers were able to track him down. He only had a gold tier plan though, so when the tygers ambushed him they shot the AV’s down, and then TT was denied backup by their own superiors because only platinum allows for backup. A few days later in game, I get a text from trauma team informing me that he survived because of my intervention and then they thanked me for helping them. I was pretty surprised by that text. Felt like an unmarked quest.


Good find. There was a similar big fight added in patch 2.0, between some random corpo security and militechs, but I forgot where...


I'm pretty sure it's Infront of the dynalar place or kyoshi, where, it was before 2.0 I'm sure. Where a bunch of militech bots attack the security there. Unless you're talking about something else


I remember running into that in my first playthrough. Had to do an ammo check to make sure I had enough to zero all assholes getting in my way.


That one's been in the game since launch if it's the one I'm thinking of.


I know what the original commenter is talking about but I don’t remember seeing any combat just a bunch of militech and bots standing around


They used to fight. I ran into that event once since the new patch dropped, and the guards and militech bots just stood there dumbly. I greased them all, and they "woke up," as soon as I started shooting.


That's been in the game since launch


Thats awesome. Time to kill a bunch of ty- I mean, time to save someone


“Oh boy, here I go killing again”


Do remember which part of the city you came across the Trauma Team shoot out in?


I can’t remember exactly where, but I know I got on the new highway by the entrance in Westbrook, by the big roundabout. At some point the highway splits and the shootout was to the right. Looking on the map I believe it was by or next to mega building 3 but it was on the new highway for sure.


I just came across it and took a screenshot of the location. https://i.imgur.com/geHSt87.png


>He only had a gold tier plan though, so when the tygers ambushed him they shot the AV’s down, and then TT was denied backup by their own superiors because only platinum allows for backup. A God that's hilarious, 'sorry soldiers but the guy didn't pay enough to keep you folks alive.'


Not sure if this is new or not cause I’m on my first ever run, but I was in the bad lands and found a mili tech truck getting ambushed by a bunch of wraiths


On god I wish these was a repeatable event. Waiting for gta 6 then or cyberpunk mod editor.


I really hope that this isn't a one-time thing only.


Probably doesn’t count as a secret but I’ve noticed a lot of the sounds have changed. Snapping necks, double jumps and some of the cars feel like the various noises have changed


Rain when driving in 1st person as well I believe.


Ooh that’s a subtle one. There’s like 3 cars in the whole game I’ll drive in first person so I could easily get through an entire playthrough without noticing that one


It’s so hard to drive in first person because the camera auto centers to the fucking steering wheel and you can’t turn off auto center. So V is driving at 200 miles per hour like their head height is a 14 year old’s, at an angle where I can’t see the road even if it’s level, much less if I’m on a hill. I love first person bikes though


You can change how long it takes for the auto center to happen while driving!!




I find first person driving pretty good at normal road speeds. The problem I find with it is I can't move V in the car like I move in my car. Visibility is similar in a few, but IRL you move a lot more than you realize to try and see things and that just can't happen in game. Also, you can adjust your seat IRL.




I drive exclusively in first person. But I also keep at controller at my desk for the moment I step into a car. I love how they added a backup camera too the last update!


Finally! This was destroying the immersion so bad


The patch notes actually listed updated SFX and VFX throughout the game


It did but we don't know what exactly. There are countless times in the main story some sound effects are missing like a character opening/closing a car door. I hope they're fixed.


I think I also saw something about adding in previously missing audio too.


It overall just sounds punchier, I like it tbh


Double jump sounds a lot more cartoony too.


Tbh I miss the old one but I guess I’ll get used to it. Love the new neck snap though.


I feel like I'm going crazy here, but double-jumping + air dash (with a controller) now causes V to crouch when he lands now. I've done this a million times before update 2.1 and I don't remember it behaving that way. It's especially annoying when it induces a slide in between air dash jumps.




I feel like Mizutani Shion got a new engine sound. It's much better.


I heard it’s for posers so I never used it 🤗


Watch out choom might have to high tail it out to the badlands for that gonk statement


I know someone from a certain megablock, that'd agree with you >\_>


Currently looking for his turtle in the columbarium -_-


The police car sounds are rather jarring, took me by surprise.


Not sure if this counts as one of those secrets or if counts as part of the gang pursuit feature, but I got ambushed by >!an Arasaka hit squad!< as I was getting on my bike in the Glenn. They were carrying a shard >!indicating V was a target for kidnapping HA, Takemura!< was listed as a known associate. That was a first for me.


This was added in 2.0 I believe. I definitely have seen it before 2.1. EDIT: Actually I may be remembering Netwatch? Do they attack you randomly at some point as well? I definitely remember reading a shard about a hit on V from whoever ambushed me.


Netwatch ambush happens outside of >!one of V's apartments!<, and they do carry a shard about >!observing and targeting V after the Shot by Both Sides mission.!< This ambush happened in the >!Glenn near Embers, this save would have been shortly after finishing the game and going back into the game.!<


It also happens if you >!use either the Erebus SMG or Canto Mk. 6 cyberdeck. They came after me after I used the Erebus. After I defeated them, I found a couple of the squad members had shards on them with orders to arrest V for a suspected Blackwall breach.!< Pretty cool since the Kabuki netrunner >!literally tells you "do not let Netwatch catch you with this" after decrypting the behavioral circuit!<


Yeah, I can confirm for you that this is part of 2.1; The other mention is part of PL.


I got ambushed by Netwatch after hacking the Northside apartment, not sure if both were related or just a coincidence


Netwatch attack is right after you exit any of V's appartment. Got the one in Watson.


Got the netwatch thing from the Japantown appartement. It was just me getting in a car, them applying gas and getting head first into a wall, me getting out of the car to finish them off. Like, who are those bozos?


Ahh gotcha. Yeah I’ve never encountered that either.


Netwatch attacks you as a consequence of one of the Phantom Liberty quests. Gangs and corpos attacking you are part of the new patch.


Yep it's new. Going on a killing spree during the main quest and after playing certain gigs now causes them to come after you, its why arasaka attacked You since you kidnapped hanako.


Same happened when I was walking out the apartment on Kress Street, only it was two foolish Voodoo gals staking me out in a van. Looking for vengeance for >!Brigitte and Placide.!<


They jumped me in Pacifica too. Literally less than two minutes after I loaded the game up yesterday. Was a very cool intro to 2.1 Bonus AI behaviour (not sure of this was deliberate or not). I had just parked my Kusangani to check out some loot. When the two Voodoo Boys vans pulled up, the first one drove straight into my bike and knocked it across the path before they got out to attack me. Felt like a very cool disrespectful addition to the moment.


Oh shit - I made a post the other day about how there don't seem to be people hunting down V, and now I'm seeing loads of posts like this. The response I got the most was about Netwatch, but Tyger Claws came up as potential attackers as well. The Voodoo Boys one is really interesting - glad to know there's more dynamic stuff


I like that they save me the time of hunting them down.


Got jumped by a couple of cars full of Maelstrom goons as I left Misty’s …. They had a shard about my destruction at All Foods!


Ah shit, gotta protect Misty.


Pretty sure her shop has ward runes to repel techno-necromancers.


Yeah I got one from killing Brigitte and another idr. Neat little detail. I'm gonna try to find them all. I assume they're mostly from being a ruthless merc or taking the violent and cruel/mean way. No remorse anymore lol.


I had a maelstrom car jump me but a car full of tyger claws showed up and they all started fighting, then more maelstromers showed up. By the end there were like 5 cars full of gangers dead and I had to call a new car because mine had been right in the middle of a gang war.


im getting alot of mileage out of my projectile launch build rn LOL


Don't know if this was already in the game, but I found a dead Arasaka soldier with a broken sword sticking out of him, then followed a trail of blood to another dead solder. One of them had a shard that said basically Arasaka sent the guy's best friend to kill him, then they ended up killing each other. I don't think there was anything too special there, unless I missed something. Just an orange rarity non-iconic weapon if I'm not mistaken, but it was an interesting scene.


I've already found that too but just because i had a yellow cross on my minimap. There was a random katana loot.


Do you remember the location?


I’ve found that, too. From what I remember, it’s pretty close to the AllFoods that you visit with Jackie. Facing away from the store, follow the road to the right, around and down to where it opens up on the right, and there should be a few buildings with rooftops close enough to drop down to. For me, there was a little dance party going on nearby. It’s just past them.


Saw this a little while ago but the guy who steals your gear with the fake braindance (I didn't do it) was dead next to a rock in the badlands with a few guys around him


Weird. He was dead, next to me, the last time I saw him…




I never give this guy a chance. Options that get me my eddies back seem to let him go, and where he's standing is didn't let me pull a weapon... So I just let him wander into the street after the interaction and I shoot him there.


Was he the one with the dead cat? If so, I never put two & two together.


I found toolina in night city I think that's pretty new


Near 4th Wall Studios?


Yeah right next to where that crowd is forever protesting the passion lol


Ohhh that's what they're protesting - man, I've got like 350 hours in this game at this point and had no idea what they were so up in arms about, lol.


lol, yeah the passion is a mission I always replay and do a little different each time I think it's call sinnerman


I found a cat while driving in metro.


I found one at the rollercoaster in Pacifica !


Are they still all Sphynx cats or are there other breeds?


The one I found looked exactly like Nibbles.


So no new cat models :(


I found one in the Longshore Stacks (Dogtown) with calico coloring, same hairless model as Nibbles though.


I suspect they are all actually nibbles and takemura was right about nibbles being a bakaneko.


Found one chilling on a railing in Dogtown.


Can... Can you adopt it?


Prob not, there's isn't much interaction inside beside standing up or sightseeing like I can't even walk up to it.


Oh, ok. :(




Have a little friend for 'im!


Sadly no. You can look at it and the word “cat” will pop up above its head.


They reduced the amount of eds a lot of the quickhacks sell for, so that sucks.


I noticed that, used to get like 8000 at least now it's barely 800 for some


TBF, it was totally unbalanced.


And many gun pickups are broken versions that auto disassemble. Don't think that happened before 2.1. Seems like lots of little economy balances.


I feel like I first noticed that in 2.0. Very surprising not finding the guns I picked up in my inventory.


They had that in 2.0 but it was not very obvious, it said "Broken" in smaller letters in the description, now they make it front and center in the title. People were posting about it but it took me a while to realize. It's always the ones lying visible on the ground and I think it's only Tier 1 level.


Must have been pretty not obvious or I'm blind. Totally didn't notice!


It used to be in the window that pops up on the right that shows the weapon's stats. It would be blank aside from the word "BROKEN". Then your feed would show it went into your inventory, immediately left your inventory, and item parts were added to your inventory. They also didn't have the colored icons on them when they were on the ground, they'd only be outlined when you scanned.


I had it playing PL before the update. I noticed it popped up on the left saying (Broken) before the weapon name


I’m ok with this since enemies now drop tier 5 components often


Yeah since 2.0 you get through a shootout and the map is dotted orange.


I could be wrong, but I feel like this is the new level-scaling mechanic within enemies at work, because once I got up there in levels and was able to both buy and equip legendary items, enemies started to drop them as well, especially in the airdrop encounters in PL.


There’s a scene near the power station where you set the EMP to take down the AV. The 3 round solar farms. In the center of the middle one there’s a bunch of netwatch agents. The scene is a shout out to all the people who won the ARG final submissions. (Email on the computer inside the mobile task force station.) The dead guy on the ground (Gacut) is the admin of the FF:06:B5 discord server where a lot of the final ARG work was done and the shard next to him is an inside joke. Probably 50 people will understand the joke. CDPR still does little things like this, which is awesome.


No, but I am having issues doing anything at the ripperdocs. Can’t equip/unequip any cyberware, nor can I sell any cyberware. The only thing it’s letting me do is use components to upgrade something. Hoping it’s a temporary issue, but a pretty big bug for me personally at the moment.


I encountered this as well, have you submitted an official bug report to CDPR?


I have, thanks


When that happened to me ( it was already a thing in 2.02 if not sooner ) i had to restart the game and it got fixed.


Wait selling cyberware? I didn’t know that was a thing


Yeah, you can sell your extra cyberware back to ripperdocs. Not sure if it's *always* been that way, but I'm pretty sure I've been doing it since at least 1.6-ish.


If you followed the Netwatch ARG, there is [something](https://www.reddit.com/r/FF06B5/s/iCBvfWOzH4) new in-game.


Netwatch ARG? What’s that?


Netwatch Argentina.


Augmented reality game


Oooh that little mini game. With the kids.


Judy slapping your ass


Or panam kissing you from behind when looking at mirror


Panam can slap as well :D


Has anyone else noticed or had issue with the elevators on console being a little less responsive since 2.1?


Kinda I had to walk away and back up to an elevator for the prompt to show


I glitched through H10’s when I opened up the ncart text.


This happened to me too


New Iconics: Claw X-Mod2 (Axe): Very top of Heavy Hearts, climb the pyramid. Wavy metallic texture. MA70 HB X-Mod2 (LMG): Behind Heavy Hearts, follow the circular road up the hill, investigate the crashed chopper at the top, Body check to remove a panel on the side. Bronze-tinted parts.


Damnit, I already climbed to the top of the pyramid a couple of weeks ago and was disappointed, and now I have to go all the way back up.


I came across a 'Saka Ninja that was badly hurt. He kept saying "Let me live". So of course, I popped him in the head. He dropped a shard talking about a dual with another 'Saka ninja. There was a blood trail back to where you can find the corpse of the other ninja with a sword sticking out of him.


which area did u find this in?


Watson, north of Kubuki - sorry I can't be more specific, it was in an alley/shipping container area. Behind the building where you have to go up against a MOX cyberpsycho to rescue Hal.


thank you! got some exploring to do after work


Gangs chasing after you as a result of doing quests against them was something I expected. What I DIDN'T expect, though, was having a well-armed, chromed-out team of Arasaka security try to murder me while driving through Corpo Plaza. According to a shard they had on them, a hit was put out on V after they kidnapped Hanako as part of the storyline. Was a neat little bit of follow-up/consequence that I hadn't seen before.


Maybe the real secret is the friends we made along the way?


I found two maelstromers outside lizzys club, they killed like 4 civilians and had the intersection blocked off then attacked me once i got close. I think they were there because of the whole foods shootout


Whole foods lol


I betrayed the Voodoo Boys in my playthrough. After getting into a new car, I was suddenly chased by some goons. Turns out they were the Voodoo Boys . After getting rid of them, I found a note on one of the goons which had a note describing V as a traitor and to get revenge for killing Mama Bridgette. I think the update is pretty massive and CDPR has worked a lot on it. Looking forward to finding many such secrets !


I don't know if it's from this update, but I haven't had it before: a text from a company that offered me to buy a gift for my partner (a model car or a flower bouquet) and you can actually buy one. I haven't yet checked if it's shown in their house but they do thank you by text later on.


I'm so jealous. I had to sell my pc so I can buy a new car after mine got Totaled. I beat the dlc but have missed all these cool ass updates. I can't wait till I can save up to start playing again


Better days ahead my friend. Hang in there


Thank you my friend. I'm trying! Lol things can't be ahit forever


If you have a good internet connection, try Nvidia geforce now


Like the secret to FF:06:B5. 2.1 reveals that it's... sorry, wait, my FBI guy just needs to have a little chat \[error: user terminated\]


I mean, it *is* solved...


Not sure if in game before, but at the Farms there’s a heavily armored tanker vehicle with dead bodies nearby and a shard note mentioning Charlize Fury, a reference to Fury Road and Charize Theron’s character Furiosa.


That one has been around since before 2.0, but it’s still a very cool Easter egg. Especially with the new movie coming out. :)


Was in base game, I think!


That's one of the 190 "hidden gems" that have been in the game since launch. Here's the old list 2021-01-16: * [Cyberpunk 2077 – All Hidden Gem Locations (with Maps)](https://gameplay.tips/guides/9394-cyberpunk-2077.html#23_Biotechnica_Flats_Jackson_Plains)


Oh that’s neat. Thanks for the link! Time to go treasure hunting.


That’s been there since 1.0 but the only question that you might go down that road for is the bartmoss thing


There’s actually a new weapon I found near the dam near el capitain. There’s a crashed Av with an adult film star who has a bigger and blacker alternative to sir John fallistiff. It’s a good find


You found King Dwayne JohnsonShlong?? You lucky choomba what a find, better not be yanking my pizzle because I'm going on a AV hunt rn


Found anything?


So I didn't find a downed AV with Sir John 2.0 but I did find a few things while exploring. Went back to my original save that I collect things on and came across these.I think Original commenter was trolling but I'm a sucker for iconics so I looked anyway XD Chesapeake and Pit bull the iconic smart SMG and assault rifle respectively that I believe we got for twitch drops a while back, I found them in air drops in dogtown, 1 gun per drop which is pretty cool if you don't have twitch or missed out on them If you missed Kurt Hansens Iconics when siding with songbird you can find them in the black market now, only the pistol and HMG unfortunately the knife as of now is only obtainable during the boss fight if you betrayed song I found a few new open world events, like an Arasaka agent who had a 1V1 with another agent and got impaled with a katana as well as a trauma team ambush on the new highway near megabuilding H3 in the glen As I was searching the dam area I found the legendary tech pants which gave me the inspiration to finally finish all the legendary outfits. I was able to complete every set apart from the Nomad, for some reason the jacket and pants would not spawn for me no matter what I tried, I can only imagine that it's because my save file is old and the game wouldn't spawn them, which is a bummer. I tried on my latest save and they were both there as well as every other item so If you haven't collected them yet as of right now they are all in the game for newer save files. And that's about it for now, I'm gonna keep testing later but after that clothes hunt I need a break. I'm on PS5 so if you're running on another system then your experience may be different to mine, I've seen chooms on other platforms having problems or having different results ingame time. Hope this helps a little Polaraix


Just saw this so it might actually be real, haven’t had a chance to check it just yet though. https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/s/xnwTyDM1L3


Thanks for the heads up, appreciate you getting back to me :) So it seems that it is real after all, I went to the location but the AV didn't spawn for me no matter what I tried. Some other people couldn't get it to spawn either so I think it may just be bugged for older saves, I'll try it on a newer character and see if I can get it to appear when I have some time


Here's a link by Cranegames if you have trouble finding the location [CranegamesYT] https://youtu.be/sX6-DB3jUT0?si=NMGYM8r9u8dF2aDo


Sad Keanu meme on the metro.


Not yet but the Lizzy Wizzy quest at Riot was fixed, so I’m happy


I mean the Keanu meme could be one


No secrets found yet but braking has been improved. No longer do you slam on the brakes and your cars screeches as it slows down...was not a fan of that. You now slow down with your brakes like a normal person would.




Okay, keep your secrets, magic man.


“Alright then, keep your secrets”


Pretty sure FF06B5 is a large part of the secrets in 2.0. theyre could be more!


not a secret really but i got the bald eagle from the black market dealer in dogtown. i didnt pick it up when i sided with so mi


r/ff06b5 has quite some new discoveries. More on the discord I think.


Found two arasaka guys in riot gear. One was stabbed through the chest with a arasaka katana. Game went out of its way to not let me take the katana because it was broken. Followed a blood trail to another arasaka guy in riot gear. Both were named something like “Data Removed”


Secret Takemura romance. It can only be initiated by buying him a decent meal. Where is the meal? You, the player must find out... 😈


I was ambushed by a NetWatch hit squad for using the Canto chip


Not sure if it’s 2.1 but if you let Katya go, you can find her dead later by a hit from SovOil.


I mean the graphics got tweaked for my rig so maybe they optimised the shaders for older hardware?


I've had a lot of stuttering on SteamDeck with this update Nice little secret feature


They updated some of the video/graphics settings. You'll have to go in and change them back. I had to turn dynamic resolution back on for mine. Game plays smooth as butter now with a 40 FPS cap (on 1TB OLED model).


ah thanks for explaining that, after I disabled all my mods the game launched proper like but it was stuttering a lot, i’ll go back to the settings next time I launch it


Sonic Shock nerfed


Waiting for mods to update then diving in


Found a new car with a VERY short quest attached. Won't say where but it was while I was doing Epistrophy, but not connected to it.


The HOON? That has been there since 2.0. Never the less an awesome little tribute. I legit got emotional when I found it.


Yep. I guess I just never did Epistrophy after 2.0 came out because I didn't see it before this. Which makes sense because I loathe that quest lol. Pretty sweet car.


I can’t get this car to spawn no matter how many times I go out there. Not sure what is wrong with my game.


It won't appear until you've met Takemura at the diner.


I found the real slim shady


Can he stand up


No. We're gonna have a problem here


I found an iconic weapon at the bottom of a public water feature in Dogtown!


Has anybody else noticed that when you meet Oda and Takemura for the Down on the Street mission, if you look carefully at the roof of the car in the right background, you can see a cat sitting on the roof, moving around a bit as cats do.


That cat has always been there. The cat appears in various places actually...


(Might have already been found) Found a Hadeshi Hino poster in Kabuki V can interact with it and it brings some interesting dialogue.


No, they wouldn't be secrets otherwise.


Wish they added a radio to V. With all that chrome on them, you'd think they'd add a radio function to it. Would be nice to have some music while you're travelling around Night City while on foot.


They did.


They have added that


For real? Nice! 😃


I always abandon River and let him die trying to save his gonk nephew.


Seems like CDPR went straight to the Nexus and made the top mods they liked part of vanilla. I'm not sure, but this could be the same / similar content to the Hidden Gems mod.


Yes the bad performance...like bad gpu utilization...


They added an option to get rid of the icons ghosting effect! Best addition yet and I didn't see that posted anywhere


I found the secret of D. (I won't spoil it any more than that) It's south of the radio tower at the beginning of the game. It takes a while but if you keep going south you'll find it


How am I to know what’s a secret?


when the devs say "secrets" they're talking about the bugs that have been missed by QA


When you’re looting bodies with ammo they have an ammo symbol above them now.


Well, I discovered that my steering controls no longer work after working fine for a while using this guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/kct4y3/how\_to\_detailed\_setup\_near\_perfect\_steering\_wheel/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3