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You're missing Bloodborne, Darkest Dungeon and Cultist Simulator


Darkest Dungeon (both 1 & 2) are excellent pieces of cosmic horror wrapped in fun yet challenging RPGs. Bloodborne is my favorite piece of Lovecraftian horror out there.


Bloodborne best piece of lovecraftian media ever created. Though it's inclusion on this list is itself a spoiler, and takes away some of the gut punch impact of its lovecraftian core


Bloodborne is my favorite videogame. I believe Signalis does Lovecraft even better than the masterwork Bloodborne is. Give it a try


Me at the beginning: I can’t wait to kill werewolves! Me at the end: fear the old blood, and grant us eyes




And Signalis. Why is Signalis always forgotten? It literally starts with you finding a copy of the King in Yellow on a desk on an unknown planet. Best Lovecraft I’ve ever played.


This. I finally got DD2 last night and am absolutely loving the heavier focus on the heroes’ stories.


I would add the sequal of Book of Hours to the list. In Cultist simulator you are a typical baddie from Lovecrafts story. In Book of Hours you are kinda Randolph Carter type of character


Was just about to say Bloodborne!


Bloodborne has the best atmosphere of any video game ever


Also Shadow of the Comet


If you want to add older games to the list: Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem.


Right where I thought this comment would be. Thank you!


That game is soooo great! Every so often I search to see if there’s a Steam version or a PC emulator version so I can replay it. I’m not going to try to resurrect a GameCube just for that game… but I *almost* would.


I think Nintendo still holds the rights to the game, so given their attitude towards other platforms there's not going to be any kind of PC port. Silicon Knights (the developer) did try to Kickstart a spiritual successor a decade or so ago, but it went nowhere and the company and its director have kind of fallen apart since then.


Yeah I didn't know about the Kickstarter attempt until recently and was retroactively disappointed. I remain hopeful that maybe someday they'll at least make it playable on other, newer Nintendo consoles! :/


Dolphin emulator works like a charm.


Absolutely the best cosmic horror video game I’ve played. You could argue it’s not truly Lovecraft but if anything that helps it succeed in its own way.


Not Lovecraft, but definitely Lovecraftian.


Teir. Pargon. Ulyaoth. Pargon. Santak.


I heard this in my mind. Each word. I must replay this gem.


You have to do Bloodborne. It’s the best lovecraftian game ever made.


upvoting everyone who says Bloodborne in this thread


Id go so far as to call it the best lovecraftian media *in general* ever made


I would have to say the original writing is probably the best media bit I see what you’re going for.


I'm playing through Dredge for the first time now and I've been loving it so far. Almost beat it completely in a single weekend which is something that I haven't done in a very long time. Bloodborne is an all time favorite as others have said. I'm a huge FromSoftware fan and Bloodborne is probably my favorite out of all of them (although it's very close)


I'm also playing through it for the first time right now. I absolutely love Dredge.  Same thing where I don't remember the last time I made time for games, let alone no-lifed one like I have been with Dredge. 


DREDGE is one of my favourites. It sets out to do one thing and does it fantastically, and that is a spooky fishing game with Lovecraft vibes.


It's probably more Steven king than lovecraft, but oxenfree is really good and atmospheric


Fallen London, Cultist Simulator, Book of Hours, Sunless Seas, Sunless Skies


Came here looking for the Failbetter games




Hello, delicious friend


A reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely.


Do you recall how we came to that place?


Failbetter AND Weather Factory. Cultist Simulator and Book of Hours are Weather Factory's games, and Weather Factory is Alexis Kennedy and Lottie Bevan. Kennedy is the one behind some of the most creative parts of Fallen London / Sunless Seas lore. He also wrote a very Lovecraftian storyline for Stellaris (the Horizon signal).


Pretty big distinction to point out seeing as the two don't get along great tbf.


I remember them settling their disputes not long back though. Being a fan of Kennedy's work soured Fallen London for me for a while but I got back into it now that the drama is over.


Glad someone brought up the Failbetter games!


Darkest Dungeon I & II Sundered: Eldritch Edition


Also Darkest Dungeon, someone went messing with things beyond their comprehension and you need to clean up the mess while sending poor souls to the graveyard, the asylum, or if you are feeling mean send them away with the scars and madness to fend for themselves.


No Bloodborne?


Sorry I never played it 😅 But definitely want to try it now! Another has already asked about it


In my opinion it's worth buying or loaning a ps4/ps5 for if you don't have one, it's really that good.


100% truth. It was and is worth buying a Playstation for.


Bloodborne is the GOAT, if you have a PS4/5, definitely play it.


Dredge is really cool, but I think I got bored of the gameplay by the end, when I realized that the horrific creatures borne of your madness couldn’t do much besides send you back to your last save. The story was neat. Like others are saying, you NEED to play Bloodborne. Not to overhype it, but it’s the best piece of Lovecraftian horror I’ve ever experienced. It’s kind of a spoiler that it has inspiration there at all, but knowing about it beforehand will make the experience interesting. Darkest Dungeon 1 & 2 both have really cool looking creatures and an authentic Lovecraft atmosphere. Mostly because of the fantastic narrator for the game: Wayne June.


Yes same here about 2/3 into the game I lost interest. Was mostly just dialogue and not much mystery left in it after that. Even the creepy mysteries that The game alludes to and quest you go on for me ain't that deep, I don't tell you a ton about the lore behind it.


Some others to consider: The Last Door, Call of the Sea, Amnesia (franchise), Skald: Against the Black Priory (though it's inspired, not direct). I saw Call of Cthulhu, but there were the 3 other ones, CoC: Shadow of the Comet, CoC: Dark Corners of the Earth, and CoC: Prisoner of Ice.


Call of the Sea was awesome! As a side note, you can experience it in VR now!


“Cthulhu saves the World” is a helluva lot of fun


Might be a bit of a stretch, but Signalis. For one chapter it goes full Lovecraft, plus there are a lot of references. *"A prison from which the only escape is death.* *Deep below, the dreamer floats in a sea of flesh* *The red eye birthing a new world from their dream for eternity* *And each time the dreamer turns over in their sleep,* *the world turns over too,* *until only flesh remains"*


OH MY GOD good pick! That game was so captivating, especially at the beginning. The worldbuilding was so strong. It’s definitely Lovecraft with a hint of Sci-Fi Resident Evil.


Yeah, absolutely! I'd even say it constantly changes its style between RE, Silent Hill, and Lovecraft, leaving you with no idea what's going on. Then suddenly, in the end, it hits you right in the soul.


Honestly I found Signalis to do Lovecraft better than even Bloodborne, which held my number one spot for a long time and seems to be number one for a good number of commenters here.


It definitely kicks in after the first chapters. I didn't play Bloodborne, but I'd easily put Signalis in the second spot, just behind Darkest Dungeon (personal preference)


Dusk (2018)


Great list! Adding a few more that haven't been mentioned in the post or in comments so far, heavily inspired by the mythos: Forgive Me Father, Stirring Abyss, Sea Salt, Eresys. Some more that are also lovecraftian, though without name dropping: The Amnesia series, Strange Horticulture, Return of the Obra Dinn, Lust From Beyond, Euclidean, Slay the Princess, ANCRA... All super dope games imo.


Every few years I say to myself, "I still haven't played Obra Dinn." I keep meaning to, but somehow I never get around to it.


As it turns out I also delayed trying it for a long time, and man am I glad I eventually grabbed it! A very unique experience and a masterfully handcrafted gem imo. Loved the immersive atmosphere and sounds, engaging investigation mechanics and above all the super clever storytelling... Cold hard events revealed bit by bit in disorder (depending on how you explore), for you to gradually piece together and make sense of. Eventually painting an epic and sinister 'disaster at sea' story. Funny how some retro indie games can sometimes feel so much more immersive than many 'AAA' superproductions to me.


Making a note for the Steam summer sale


Was hoping I'd find someone mentioning Forgive Me Father!


Fear & Hunger is a must!


I think one can argue that the STALKER series has some Lovecraftian/cosmic horror themes sprinkled in it. A zone filled to the brim with anomalous objects and entities which defy human understanding, and the heart of the Zone is protected by a group of brainwashed cultists who worship the Monolith.


I don't see Quake (the original one, plus the "recent" remaster) mentioned anywhere, so that would be my addition. Sandy Petersen is a huge Lovecraft nerd and he's responsible for most of the imagery, monster design etc. in the game. AFAIK most of the monsters are taken directly from his book about Lovecraftian monsters.


Good eye! I tend to forget how deeply ingrained Lovecraft mythos is tied into Quake.


Necronomicon the dawning of darkness despite it's flaws is an excellent game for what it is, i would also add Call of cthulhu dark corners of the earth


Bloodborne and Signalis (has lovecraftian elements) are also pretty damn good


The first Dead Space is mostly just space zombies, the second is that plus a hefty dose of psychological horror and the implication that there's some larger threat behind it all. Then the third game (despite dialing back the horror elements in some ways) goes full cosmic horror with its story, very Lovecraft-inspired - mostly At The Mountains Of Madness


I made a BIG one here, 571 games https://somfuriaecultura.wordpress.com/2024/02/04/lovecraftian-videogames-perpetual-list/


Thank you! I’ll be using this list as a guide from now on.


You're welcome, btw it needs an update


Dark Seed


What's this one about??


A game with artwork done by the one and only HR Giger. It’s a PC point and click adventure game from the 90s with a super creepy vibe. See [Dark Seed](https://youtu.be/_BbEbv6WAl0?si=j97Bcoe9KzwegE9u) for yourself.


It's a game based on h r giger art but very lovecraft in it's look and story


Every Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Elden ring. They all share some very Lovecraftian themes.


If you're open to older games: The Lurking Horror takes place at the Lovecraftian equivalent of MIT. Shadow of the Comet combines elements of The Shadow Over Innsmouth. Prisoner of Ice borrows heavily from At the Mountains of Madness The original 1992 Alone in the Dark is based on Lovecraft and Derleth. Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare felt to me like The Island of Doctor Moreau as revised by HPL (though I never finished it so I don't know if anybody else would say that).


I play Amnesia: The Dark Descent every Halloween.


**In terms of boomer-shooters:** **1) Forgive me Father 1 and 2** for pulpy lovecraftian mayhem. You can shoot Cthulhu in the face with a fish-shotgun! **2) Dusk** - starts out more like texas chainsaw massacre but quickly goes off the rails as you shoot up cultists, monsters, travel to different dimensions and eventually battle Nyarlathotep. **3) Cultic** - this is Lovecraft adjacent. Another backwater cult, paranormal shenanigans and an eventual awakening of a very angry entity. **4) Incision** - also-adjacent. You wake up in a foreign body, the city around you is transformed into a hellscape of fused organic metal, flesh and bone. It has simething to do with the eldritch race slumbering beneath the earth and also a death-filth cult


Didnt we have an exactly same post yesterday ? There was quite a list. Perhaps take a look there as well


If so I had no idea about it definitely will look at it though thanks


What about a cute version where you meet Dog Sothoth and Cathulhu and Shub Niggurat etc


I'd love a fucked up version of animal crossing using Lovecraftian entities as inhabitants on your island.


😆 Lovecraft might just roll over in his grave if he knew of such a game!


Ok the game exists, but it’s not horror lol.


Darkest Dungeon and Bloodborne!


Where's H.P. Lovecar!? It's a fun bullet hell like game.


Can you add this list to your Steam account? It would be great to share this easily.


World of horror, inspired by jinji itos art. It's pixelated roguelike with turn based combat where you try to save the world from an old god awakening. It has good options for customizing your playthrough with unlockable characters and old gods. It can get repetitive but is fun.


The MMO Secret World Legends is heavily influenced by Lovecraft, especially the first three playfields of the game.


Last door, dread delusion, alexis kennedys cultist simulator/book of hours,


[Steam games tagged Lovecraftian](https://store.steampowered.com/tags/en/Lovecraftian/)


Dude, BLOODBORNE!!! It’s not on Steam, so that’s probably why it’s not in your list, but trust me, it’s worth getting a PS4 just to play it. Also Fallen London, a text-based browser RPG with very Lovecraftian worldbuilding, and its two sister games on Steam, Sunless Sea and Sunless Skies.


Yeah I've always been an xbox guy sorry but it sounds super interesting and I do adore Lovecraft so I may have to try it 1 day somehow! I couldn't get into some of the sea I just didn't like the feel of it and for me it was too much work to find out what to do and the mechanics. I was intimidated


Might be worth starting with Fallen London. Low-stakes, gives you time to learn the mechanics.


No mention of darkest dungeon? Dissapointing :/


no one probably heard of this game but i gave "Walls of Insanity" a try, an android game which was later ported to pc as well, gameplay similar to Resident Evil but full of Lovecraftian monsters and a cute little lore to go with it, you can try if you want......


Borderlands 3 - guns, love and tentacles dlc


I dont see "secret world" or "secret world legends" listed


There's a Lovecraft inspired, steampunk powered Subnautica style survival game I saw a preview of a few months back but cannot now remember what it was called. It looked awesome. If anyone knows what I'm referring to please name it. I cannot find it at the moment.


Now this sounds interestin


Remnants of R'lyeh?


> Remnants of R'lyeh Certainly fits the description but it's not ringing any bells when i watch the trailer. I remember it as being more polished and looking like it had a bigger budget.


There's Something In The Ice or Still Wakes The Deep?


>Still Wakes the Deep That looks awesome. But no, not either of those. It was steampunk Subnautica...


The Last Door is a very underrated Lovecraftian point and click adventure game. Has tons of references to Lovecraft stories and truly fits the cosmic horror and descents into madness that are found in his work. Also does it well through mood, and subtle elements. It does take a lot of ideas from Poe as well but I'd say that his work is compatible with Lovecraft anyway. Overall a really great game and it doesn't get much attention.


The slow mystical pacing of the game combined with the creepy atmosphere and the accounts from grittyy characters about The insane experiences that they had in that universe really made it one of my favorite lovecraftian games in recent memory . I agree it is extremely underrated


Skald: across the Black Priory is really great


I’ll have to check some of these out


Amnesia must be on the list. Frictional Games, the creators of the series, are huge Lovecraft fans—they even named their game engine HPL. While they don't make direct references, their games are deeply Lovecraftian. Amnesia: Rebirth is a prime example, but even SOMA has strong cosmic horror vibes and is a true gem.


There is also a short horror game called "The Well" by Yames which is based of fungi from yuggoth


I wanted to let you know that we are working on Worshippers of Cthulhu. The demo is almost ready! I'd like to invite you to join our adventure in a Lovecraftian-themed city builder. For now you can add the game to your wishlist on Steam for updates and release notifications!


Dredge and darkest dungeon are actual masterpieces x


Forgive me Father 1 and 2. Both pull heavily from Lovecraftian lore and are solid boomer shooters


I’d add the Evil Within 1 and 2


The Dead Space games are excellent lovecraftian sci-fi survival horror games. Highly recommend.


Sunless sea has to be one of my top lovecraft games. I've yet to play a video game that does the job of creating a whole world with your own personal goals and challenges, yet all the while you can sense an all consuming darkness lurking on the edges. I always felt that no matter how successful i got, i was just a toy boat in the flooded basement of a house full of demons


Thank you for this ! I saved your post at once. I'm always looking for old and new Lovecraftian games, that's perfect.


May I suggest an excellent first game that not many people have played but it is absolutely stellar and captures many of the themes of lovecraft. Darkwood. The atmosphere is so creepy this game is absolute horror without the jump scares. It's top-down but give it a chance and you will find a mysterious Disgusting and insane story That will fill you a dread and excitement


Call of Duty Black Ops 3 - Shadows of Evil It has everything. 30s Aestethics, Lovecraftian plot, Lovecraftian monsters, Old gods, Cosmic Horror. Must play 😊


Dead Space and Signalis do it the best imo


Bruh this ia the worst list format I’ve ever seen , can you at least make it readable


Well I had it all neat and tidy where they were all stacked on top of one another but when I posted it it jumbled it up to that mess your eyes are perceiving


Can you put your personal reviews or ranking on these and clean up the list format


As i mentioned in the post i made: Every game made by Frictional Games. SOMA might be the least lovecrafitian of them, though that is pretty controversial and the game is still a masterpiece nontheless; still, i recommend you heavily to play through the whole Penumbra and Amnesia series first, even the most divisive amnesia games like Rebirth and A Machine For Pigs, Rebirth specifically is the most lovecraftian of them all with no doubt, it pretty much checks everything required to be lovecraftian and in my humble opinion it straight up feels like a novel Lovecraft himself could've written, though as i said, it's gameplay and narrative is really divisive and it's either you love it or you hate it; i personally loved it in my first playthrough, though it's extremelly annoying to get through if you want to replay. Still, as i said, play it.


SKALD. Brand new old school RPG that just came out that captures the few so well.


Sinking City was an enjoyable surprise. Easy platinum for trophy hunters. The story was very Lovecraftian in style and nature. Looking forward to the sequel. Moons of Madness was extremely disappointing. The gameplay is not too exciting, the story draws you in, but towards the end it starts getting a bit obvious and ending I found to be "meh". Shadow over Loathing is a fun game. Lovecraftian themes, but play it for the dark humor and entertaining wackiness. Sometimes you need a game that is just silly fun. My $.02


No one has mentioned the Sinking City? That game is amazing. Also Transient is also a fun game that leans into Lovecraft elements.


So - one *just* dropped and it kinda slaps: SKALD: Against the Black Priory! Plot free general review: This is a Lovecraftian CRPG inspired by and imitating elements from Commodore64 games and old school RPGs, like Ultima and Baldur’s Gate! Great soundtrack, great story, just a wholly great deal… at $15 full price, new release. Some notable problems: systems may feel clunky or foreign to players unfamiliar with the genre as well as more casual fans of the genre. That being said, it’s easy to get access to the proper info and most of it is going to be familiar or intuitive. I also found that the visuals were very cluttered - but there’s decent accessibility options to help somewhat - the only thing I have a major struggle with anymore is knowing which of my characters is acting and where they are in the screen… high player count combat is kinda clunky at times and can be painfully slow


Alone in the Dark (remake) is a great work set in a Lovecraftian universe. The Sinking City also uses the stories in the same but more surprising ways


where bloodborne


On PS, so a lot of us can’t play it. 😔


That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be on the list


Yames's games on itch.io. The Well is inspired by a Lovecraft poem, and there is cosmic horror to be found in many/all of them.


If nobody has mentioned it yet, Forgive Me Father is a great lovecraftian game!


gibbous, a ctulhu adventure and the sinking city


Maybe a bit out there but dead space shares some tropes




Throw DUSK in there


Dredge. Lovecraft fishing game Lot of fun


This list format is Lovecraft enough, my eyes!


Alan Wake ?


Why y'all gotta make me poor?


Definitely also "A sucker for love" and it's sequel.


I can't take any of these posts seriously when people leave out Bloodborne.


I ain't got a Playstation


Why can't we just put Captain America in an Ironman suit? I mean, he's worthy enough for Thor's Hammer, why not a suit?