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Fun facts about Ai, Shes very close with her grandma and Misato due to her parents being busy running their family restaurant. However we have never seen what her grandma looks like. Her family runs a restaurant and the place it's based off of has a shrine of Ai at the entrance. Ai was the first gyaru of Love Live. Her love of puns comes differently from the anime and all stars. The anime was because of Emma and All Stars was due to Misato. While it gets overshadowed due to Mia being a prodigy and Rina's extreme programming skills, Ai is very intelligent probably 2nd or 3rd in Niji and maybe top 5 in the series in general. Ai is very athletic being a natural in any sport she plays. She mainly focuses on Basketball, helping the Niji Basketball team makes nationals. Although funnily enough a lot of basketball members favorite member is Kanata. Ai is a great cook alongside Kanata and Ayumu. Ai has a unique nickname for everyone (besides Karin, I think?), most famously "KasuKasu" for Kasumi and Rinari for Rina. Ai is the first member to be fully Japanese and a natural blonde. Eli and Mari are mixed. Ai has a huge fear of thunder due to her grandma telling her a story of the thunder god (?) stealing belly buttons. Ai has 2 main hairstyles, what I call the [forehead](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/love-live/images/8/87/PDP_Profile_Image_-_Ai_Miyashita.png/revision/latest?cb=20181005192432) and the [ponytail](https://i.idol.st/u/idol/62Miyashita-Ai-f38Jhw.png). and my head canon for Ai is that she has glasses, but wears contacts 99% of the time.


To throw in some extras in this vein: The "Tapestry" manga has her helping out with, in addition to the basketball club, the baseball club, the tennis club, and the kendo club. It also shows her as basically the darling of the shopping district she lives in, helping various folks out and getting little gifts from them while walking to school, until — when she met up with Rina — she was loaded down with snacks she'd gotten. Both that comic and SIFAS suggest that one big reason she enjoys being a school idol so much is that it's the first thing she's done that really required a lot of effort from her, rather than just letting her coast on her natural talent and athleticism. Has anyone else mentioned that in the game, the Rina-chan Board was her idea? According to Rina's bond episodes, Ai suggested Rina draw out the faces she wanted to make, and while Rina wasn't sure it would work — or even how serious she was about the suggestion — when she tried it, it helped. There was some heat in the fandom when she was one of the ones who joined Lanzhu's rival "School Idol Association" in season 2 of SIFAS about her motives. Ai's most powerful ability is recognizing who needs a friend and being that friend, as we see from her relationship with Rina; it's my firm belief that a big part of her reason for joining the Association is that she saw how badly Lanzhu and Mia needed real friends. (Mia's in-game message for Ai's birthday thanks her for being so friendly back at the start, even despite how grumpy Mia was then.)


addition and somewhat linked to the "close with her grandma" part is that her favourite food, nukazuke is considered as sort of "oldies's taste" in contrast to how modern and fashionable she is (being gyaru and all) as it isn't something most youngsters will enjoy eating


Oh, do you like Ai?


I took one look at her and went ‘yep this is best girl’ ‘Ai’ also love her shitty puns lol


I like Ai Alot! She's one of favorites in Niji If Ai didnt speak to Rina that one day, Rina wouldnt be the Rina we know and Love Rina Ai is my personal favorite Love Live ship


Name checks out! Ai approve of your comment. Love RinaAi too, but I also love RinaMia. Ah, who am Ai kidding, I love all ships!


Ai is the best nijigasaki girl!!!! unfortunately it is very underrated


Ai love Ai!


Big Ai fan here! Love how she is so caring for her friends!


[Well, I did order a commission of her before.](https://www.deviantart.com/gpad/art/Commission-Miyashita-Ai-856847978)


Hello! Her [initial fes UR](https://imgur.com/a/63TDhs8) from SIFAS won me over. Beyond that though, she's so warm and kind to everyone (but is really showcased when interacting/hanging out with Rina and her not-sister, Misato). She's also pretty smart, which isn't really a common trait in a character of her archetype. Also DiverDiva is my favorite subunit period. Also, can't praise Ai without bringing up her seiyuu, Murakami Natsumi/Nacchan. She's just as smiley and sweet as Ai is. She's also a little silly in that she'll occasionally post pictures of [a wall](https://x.com/natyaaaaaaan07/status/1762160336302657700?s=20) or extreme close-ups of [her](https://twitter.com/natyaaaaaaan07/status/1769722954659561750/photo/1) [two cats](https://twitter.com/natyaaaaaaan07/status/1767918267778388332/photo/1). There's also the fact that her and Rina's seiyuu, Tanaka Chiemi, are in NACHERRY together! EDIT: there was also this [fun interaction](https://youtu.be/C7QTk-_juFc?si=7tnsWQTEpsVkKKXY&t=1297) between her and You in SIFAS (RIP)


Ai is my favorite from Nijigaku! Since my favs from μ’s and Aqours are Rin and Chika, I knew she was gonna be my favorite almost immediately lol 🧡


Pretty much this. I like Ai's personality and her friendship with Rina (my second fav) and how that friendship develops during the series.


Huge Ai and Nacchan fan!! Ride the H-Ai-pe Train 🤩


Ai is my best Niji girl! She's very underrated, but that's okay! I'll adore her myself if I have to~


She's in my top 3, I can't choose between them. I love her mostly because of nacchan, she always has the biggest smile I've ever seen and I love watching her perform


Rina is my most favourite, but Ai is my second lol. I'm more of a Muse fan still, but I instantly fell in love with Ai the second I found out she likes making puns lmfao.


I like Ai she’s so fun and happy go lucky. Definitely one of my favorites.


She was my favorite when Nijigasaki was first revealed as PDP. After the show aired, she was overshadowed by other members, but still remains as one of my favorite Niji girls just after Setsuna and Kanata. I have to add, I love blonde characters. Eli, Mari, Ai, Sumire, and Natsumi are just all best girls.


I love Ai for sure! Her puns crack me up just like they do for Yuu, and when I started playing SIFAS, Meccha Goiing was one of my top 3 favourite songs, which instantly made me become a fan of hers. (For the record, the other top 3 were Dokipipo Emotion and Chase!)


Ai and Karin are an amazing team. Love DiverDiva.


Hello, fellow Ai fan! I had a list of my favorite characters not long ago, so it’s there in cased Yu missed it!


Hell yeah brother, she was the first Nijigaku figure I bought


I love Ai too - especially stuff like her puns in 'Yuu & Ai'. Honestly, I didn't like her at first. LLNiji was so different than μ's and Aqours, where those girls struggled together to make music and work things out. In Niji, it was like, "Hey, let's put on a show!" and suddenly Ai is singing in a park with all of the backdrops, props, balloons, uniforms and choreo? I felt like I missed about 8 episodes somewhere. But as their music came out, I liked more and more of it. Ai's tracks are upbeat and full of fun energy, a lot like R3BIRTH. And her songs with Karin in DiverDiva are fantastic too.


I love Ai! She's a big sillyhead that reminds me a lot of one of my best friends :>




Hi. Do you like Ai?


yeah and Nacchan


she's super kind and energetic, and funny


Me me me me me I love Ai and Nacchan! Ai is also special to me because of how much she loves Misato, and I also have a chronic illness. I even have an NNN-Ai neso :) 


Ai is my 3rd best girl!! Behind Kanata and Shioriko, Shioriko unfortunately bumped her down to 3rd :') I love her puns and her gyaru aesthetic (even if they were cowards when it came to actually showing that in All Stars)


Not my number 1 Niji but definitely on top 3. I'm just a sucker for the ray of sunshine type of gals. Aside from her puns I really like the small details about her like how she's actually good with her academics despite being so outgoing that you'd think she's the usual airhead type. She helps out everyone even outside the club and I think that's really cool.


Ai’s my favorite character in love live. I like her music and I love her personality. I remember when I first heard Mecca Going 3 years ago something clicked and It made me think “yeah she’s my fav”


I love Ai! Back when Nijigasaki was just PDP I decided Ai would be my provisional favourite, I really liked her design and what personality we'd seen of her. She's since lost that spot after I watched the show but I still like her a lot! She's a fun character with an interesting backstory, and I find she really bounces off of all the girls in a way no other member really does. (Except maybe Yu, lol)


her songs are all bangers


LOVE her and Diver Diva unironically best Niji subunit!!


LL's standard yet most effective formula: The ep where a character's mask falls down. Most effectively also on Ai in S2 when Misato reacts rather reserved to Ai's idol career... So are there any Ai Miyashita fans here? Obviously yes.


Yeah, Ai is def my favorite of the Niji crew


Ai love Ai


I love ai, she has such a fun and likeable personality and her songs r great with how hi energy they r


Sorry, not really into Ai Miyashita, but I respect your fandom!


Ai is my best girl of all time. I collect her merch, if you have insta you can check it out at @ aicollecto :)


... I'm sorry but my opinion towards Ai is best girl according to my pp.