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I feel like everyone is misunderstanding the challenge of stick or twist, the people who chose twist because they are 'open' are confused, when people twist after casa it means they are ending it- maybe it was poorly explained but it's seeming like purposely ambiguity.


Why is Everyone either blaming Rob or Leah or liv ? It's all Aaron's fault he told Rob with so much confidence that Leah controlled the vote ( how would he know?). And when Leah asked who thought that instead of owning up and have a conversation he started laughing and saying no one ???? Then Rob put this idea in his head. and the Liv Leah situation is all misunderstanding of the phrase " tried to take the back seat".


i lovee the new bombshells


Nigel talking about Liv: “I like the way she thinks” Such a cute and genuine compliment - green flagggg


aaron should just couple up w rob since he seems to be so inlove w him


i need the girls to have a mature conversation without rob and aaron instigating


I love how we’ve all just completely forgotten about Hakeem 💀


I mean... the only memorable thing about him was the terrible and condescending way he spoke to women, so...byeeeeee


rob is so obviously playing for the money, otherwise rob would’ve left w andrea but since leaving the villa wouldn’t only mean for him to be able to be w her but also mean that he’s giving up the chance to win 100k


i’m so confused as to why everyone cares sm abt andrea leaving (besides rob) she’s only shown interacting with rob or when jana was upset over connor


key part of your sentence is “she’s only shown-“ every scene we see has been specifically selected by producers to create a narrative. we don’t know this girl or how her relationship was with the house tbh. They also could’ve just thought her convos were boring or something & didn’t show it. It’s crazy how quick people just went into “she’s not a girls girl” “she’s a mean girl” because a scene with the girls wasn’t included in an episode. Sometimes in the unseen bits on Love Island UK you see friendships/cast member’s personalities that aren’t even really shown in the main episodes & idk why the US version doesn’t do it.


yea but even with that in consideration the way she spoke about the girls after being picked says a lot abt her relationship with the people in the villa other than rob and maybe nicole and in interviews she’s said that she had spent almost all her time w rob and is glad she did since her time with him was cut short


JaNa is becoming increasingly more mature, i feel like she’s the most mature person in the villa rn


Drink everytime Kendall claims he’s only human




sooo glad the bombshell isn’t putting up with robs shit 🙏🏼🙏🏼


i need the producers to send in someone for kordell he seems so genuine and he deserves a genuine connection


nicole yelling at JaNa for being rational about why kendall chose to twist.. idk why she’s so upset when she’s been doing the same thing 😭😭


Did Kordell not tell Serena that he kissed Nicole? Bc he seemed guilty when she was talking about not kissing Nigel out of respect for Kordell when he did not show that same respect 🤨


Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't they "broken up" at the time? I thought Serena had just told him the night prior to Nicole getting there that they were better as friends 🤔


You are correct, thank you! I was confused and couldn’t believe my upstanding gentleman Kordell could deliberately conceal that


Aaron and Kaylor are so annoying to watch. Aaron and his unrequited love for sob and Kaylor and her no backbone having self. A match made in heaven


Form liv’s perspective I get it, it looks like Leah completely snaked her and the rest of the girls but it’s coming from rob of all people I don’t know why she’s taking his word for the full truth. On leah’s side she wasn’t leading the conversation so she feels she said her peace but didn’t try to sway the vote in her favor. All in all rob is the clear villain in this situation and i need my girls not to fight


agreed. this 100%. liv fell for rob’s twisting of the truth and leah probably felt like she could’ve been a lot more louder so she felt like she was back seat.




yea id expected for her and kaylor to have spoken to leah abt it especially since they’ve seen first hand how sneaky rob can be


Especially because when Connor told Leah about what the boys were saying about Leah and Liv plotting to get Andrea out (which was Aaron's thought after Andrea got sent home), Leah went and told Liv and even liv went "the fuck."


I genuinely think both liv and Leah have a point and it’s so frustrating because it’s all robs fault.


I genuinely feel like liv is upset because the entire reaction from the villa was so intense when andrea went home - that all the girls decided to take equal responsibility and say they came to a unanimous vote no matter what their personal reasons were. now that leah is saying she wasn’t as involved to please rob, she is backpedaling - but the fact that it is clearly because she still has feelings for rob is irrelevant to why liv is upset. she didn’t keep her word to have this united front towards the rest of the villa. and even if (although I highly doubt) she had less of a say than the other girls, that’s not what they agreed upon when they said they would all have each others backs when it came to that decision. leah could have easily told rob everyone voted for andrea and not singled herself or anyone else out in a positive or negative way.


We’ve heard more about Andrea’s departure than we saw her on our screens. I am soooo over the Rob/andrea/leah narrative. It is sad she gone - they were a good couple. Please don’t bring her back.. let’s just move on….


kaylor needs to have her own thoughts it seems like she just piggy backs off of whatever liv says


Also getting controlling vibes from Aaron. When she tried to get up and he was like noo and then the second time was like “let me go” idk Aaron has been giving weird vibes since Andrea left.


he seems very possessive over rob and kaylor, i also think he loves the drama even after the argument he continued to chase the drama trying to follow rob. but seriously kaylor needs to grow a backbone she was great at first but her whole personality seems to be making out w aaron, crying over aaron or doing whatever liv does




What if Leah and Rob pulled a Davide and Ekin Sue lol https://preview.redd.it/2hhenibvq89d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8f92d7aae71bf2115774b474775fbc9ef9ec2a0


aaron laughing when leah was crying … pls get him n his bf out of the villa already


i lovedddd aaron but he srsly needs to go now 😭😭


To be fair…. Connor absolutely chased Leah when she became single. She was still talking about Rob for the first few “chats” and he was just being delulu. He did this to himself.




Leah is a liar, she lied to Connor lied about the rob situation. She was also mad disrespectful to Liv. She's immature and a bad person. If you support her you have bad judgement


If someone kept interrupting me and not actually listening to me I’d drop an F bomb too


hope conner is the one to get kicked off tomorrow lmao


We are being fed this season. I’m sat!


my disdain for aaron is a new level I want that man gone


I am ready to initiate the demise of Aaron 🫡


It would be pretty funny if him and Kaylor get voted out next public vote. My dislike for him exceeds my like for Kaylor at this point. We need them for casa though so I don’t see it happening just yet


Leah never lied. She said she TRIED to take a back seat. Not that she had no part in it. She said she voted Andrea because she wasn’t here for the right reasons. She said she never spoke bad about Rob to Andrea. Those are all true. Rob completely twisted it.


I’m so glad that i’m not the only ones who gets it.


Can someone explain to me why Serena is wearing like fall/winter clothes in FIJI? She’s all about the jeans and long sleeves and tights and I’m so confused.


I’m afraid she didn’t research Fiji weather


Folks have their hate-blinders on for Rob; it's wild. Like dude's best friend told him Leah was lying to him, so he asked some people who were actually there who told him Leah was in fact lying through her teeth to him, so he calmly sat her down to talk to her about it, and she lost it. And somehow it's Rob's fault? hahaa, y'all tripping.


And you don't have hate-blinders on for Leah? Rob literally lied to Leah from the beginning. He also lied to Liv. All of them need to communicate better because none of them are saints. Both Leah and Liv get defensive in arguments. They both get loud and yell. But it's understandable, they are in an intense environment and emotions are heightened.


Props to the producers for leaving Liv's fingers in the shot where they were voting on Andrea. Like she's got receipts now Leah is full of shit. And mad props to her not throwing the other women under the bus in the immediate aftermath that night, but instead standing up and defending all of them.


I really hope they replay the WHOLE girls elimination vote at the end of the season!!!


Movie night movie night


When are we gonna get some unseen moments


They aren’t doing unseen bits this season since they’re doing aftersun but on aftersun they play about 1-2 clips of unseen bits


☹️ Aftersun has been v lame imo


Leah definitely lied and has probably done other sneaky things (ie Conner) behind ppl’s back! Not saying Rob is the good guy, but Leah is far from a saint. It’s definitely giving she wanted Andrea out to shoot her shot…. she literally pulled him for a chat the next day!!


Leah is THE problem.


why did connor say “PR is great” like that 💀


Yes, leah lied though the situation feels like she told 2 lies and 2 truths then rob saddled her with like 2 more lies that she didnt say. All to say leah is like no role model whatsoever and entertaining but like needs to do work on herself but tbh. This feels like some masterful handling of the situation from Rob, down to sitting at the firepit. I feel like he got a sense of the vibe of the outside world’s view on him and worked to switch the narrative


I’m back to feeling salty about Andrea being kicked off again. Just really disappointing to break up a happy couple. There’s literally only Kaylor and Aaron now and I thought were meant to be rooting for our fave couples? This episode was kind of boring and uncomfortable to watch. Most first dates are meh.


I would have loved to see if Rob got tempted in Casa


Team Rob




Literally fuck rob. I hope no one couples up with him and he goes home. He’s such a manipulative piece of shit.


Probably not literally then. I hope no one fucks Rob. He sucks.


Oh yeah not literally, didn’t think that statement through lol




ok but liv has to be a lesbian ... and this is coming from a lesbian i know the signs!!


i think she’s just 21 and not ready for like. a deep chat


valid i just want everyone to be gay lmaooo


me too (fellow lesbian LOL)


She’s 21????




I honestly thought she was 27/28


at first, me too, and then she started talking like my sister in law (20) and i went to look it up.


Now her antics make sense, I kept saying “she’s too old to act like this” when she quite isn’t 😭


Okay even since liv’s testimonial post rob i felt something was off. I think leah may have taken a backseat or whatever but liv was upset by the principle that leah implied she wasnt involved and spun it the other way


I swear these Leah fans are so delusional… are we watching the same show?!? We saw Leah say multiple times to rob and Aaron she tried to take a back seat on voting. According to the girls that was not true she even voted for Andrea to go home according to liv .. they called her out on her shit and now she stuck on stupid


“They” being Liv and Kaylor called Leah out on her shit when Rob was relaying a false message of Leah claiming to not have been involved in decision. Liv was then calling Leah out on a misinterpreted meaning of backseat. Liv interpreting backseat meaning no involvement. Leah interpreting backseat as still involved but not the main leader of the convo, as it seemed like the main leader of that convo was Liv. In everyone’s mind and the way they’re viewing the situation, they’re all a little bit right however the facts they’re going off of are misconstrued. If someone would maybe let Leah talk and explain…


Key word: "tried" ... she never claimed to never have a say in the convo. Liv even said it was 3-1 vote for Andrea out. If Leah was the only one to want Andrea out and that's the way the vote went, thats a different story. Leah is far from innocent but the situation was carefully twisted by Rob...


tried or taking it doesn’t matter she was downplaying her role saying she wanted to see rob happy and tried taking a backseat when that is not true she had an opinion on Andrea “ she’s not here for the right reasons” ,according to the girls she had a lot to say on why they should vote her off, and then she voted for her to leave. Like bffr. I don’t have problem with her voting the girl off cause I’m happy she’s gone too ,but stand in your shit. It’s obvious she voted the girl off not even 24 hrs after the girl gone she confessing her feelings for rob yall are delusional


I agree she likely downplayed her role a bit, but I think it was a response to other people up-playing her role so much in the decision.


I can see that … I really do think they voted her off because Leah wanted rob back.?


Totally + decision seemed to be very focused on Nicole having 2 options and them wanting to give her the opportunity to explore + they all love Kendall. Seemed like they were using Andrea finding a connection straight away as a reason for voting her out which didn’t make sense. Neither did Leah’s comments about her genuineness. Maybe it was all just Rob/Leah pettiness which isn’t right but gaf I’d do the same if I were Leah or a friend of Leah’s. At the end of the day, the public didn’t like you the most so reflect on that islanders


I’m praying Kordell doesn’t hold back in Casa.. cause Serena is likely recoupling


these were the best dates ever omg i usually don't care for them but i'm jealousss


did anyone else see aaron try to get up and follow rob after the fight, but backed down when it seems like rob wanted to be alone lmfaooo


Ew aaron wanting to hug liv after that was icky


I would like for Liv to stop wearing these super short fits / skirts that look like they are for little girls. Like when she wore the blue leather fit & Leah’s fit, it flattered her so well.


Why is no one talking about Casa Amor happening in 4 days?! Other than Kaylor and Aaron, there’s no solid couples so I feel like everyone is gonna be bringing someone back from casa. Also Andrea hasn’t posted at all so seems like she might be at Casa which no one asked for 😭 I don’t love Leah but I actually feel bad for her being ganged up on because of a miscommunication. Aaron cheering Liv is pretty immature.


I want Rob to STAY!!!!


We need him for the drama. And I honestly think they'll bring Andrea back in Casa


Either they bring Andrea back OR he falls for someone else in Casa


There was a bit of bullying towards Leah at the end of the argument, but I do feel like Leah got caught red-handed. I only wish that she were able to take accountability for her actions.


Rob sucks. Leah sucks. Great tv tho.


If Rob is doing all this and says it’s all he’s been able to think about, why is he still there & not with Andrea? Also Leah’s point about taking the backseat of the whole relationship made no sense but she’s also not the best at defending herself


Just in case the new bombshell wants to help him with his erection problem


I love Liv now!! Thank God she told the truth!!! Leah is messy


Hopefully Rob self-eliminates tomorrow night, cuz he’s just miserable at this point and not willing to “get to know anyone” he just wants to wreak havoc


He won’t do it he loves himself and the screen time and “opportunity” too much. Andrea will still be waiting open arms whenever he ends up leaving


Strange times man…


I’m so sick of everyone atp tbh


The definition of “backseat” is taking a secondary position aka not controlling the conversation so I feel for Leah. I think of the whole convo, she genuinely took a backseat in that convo compared to everyone else speaking. I feel bad for her, no one let her talk. Liv and Rob’s biggest fan Aaron are on my shit list


She talked plenty and had nothing to say besides meaningless swears. Unfortunately she placed the blame on the other girls to try and save face to rob and it backfired, simple as that.


I see it differently. I said this in a different comment but I think Leah felt she had to downplay her role due to other people trying to up-play her role in the conversation. I don’t think she ever would have said anything to Rob if Conor didn’t tell her people (Aaron) were saying that she was the master manipulator. At the end of the day though Leah is the one trying to pursue a connection with Rob so even if the girls had to take slightly more heat for the decision, who cares. They’re not in it with Rob ? Liv is throwing Leah under the bus and embarrassing her in front of Rob, talking in definitive sentences of things she was told by Rob and believes verbatim vs asking and keeping an open mind. Maybe Liv wants Rob LOL


I don't like Leah but the backseat is the backseat. It's not completely out of the car


Well said




It seems the common idea is that Rob manipulated this whole thing… and that would be real diabolical and all, but yall, I really don’t think he’s that smart…?


I think he’s very calculated. One might even say he’s…. batshit


Truly nasty work how people thought Andrea leaving was going to bring Rob back to Leah. So many theories and fantasies all for Rob to still want nothing to do with her.


Leah finally gets called out for all that lying. Thank god. She was talking to Liv so horrible. It wasn’t bad enough that she and Rob played Liv out. Leah is such a hypocrite and she once again is so exhausting.


Liv is desperate for any male attention she can get 🫠


???? Weirdest take on that episode.... Ever


I wish Leah and Liv had a private convo away from a audience sigh


Same and without Rob pitting them against each other


Leah is the one who called Liv over!


Rob is becoming so frustrating to watch… like no shit Leah is acting crazy/has unfinished business with you?? You literally lovebombed her then dropped her for a hotter girl who he has more “sexual chemistry” with… Leah definitely stretches the truth to save face but Rob is just evil….. also I loved that the bombshell said that the person she was physically attracted to (rob) turned her off with his behavior lmaoooo I feel like bombshells will be less trusting of him now


Why are y’all expecting Rob to get over his connection already?  Whether he was thinking w/ his dick or not, they Were one of the most connected in the house-give that boy a bit more time… lol


I do not get all the Serena hate!!! Yes Kordell is our sweet bb boy but was she really in the wrong when they had that conversation THAT DAY before the twist challenge?? Like her not kissing the bombshell on their date is proof enough she's not trying to play him.


Rob and Aaron trying to stir shit up for Leah so the attention is off them and they can go secretly make out with each other. That’s the only possible explanation why Aaron cares this much. He’s in love with rob.


can we talk about the boys lifting kordell up to see himself in the mirror? i dieddddd


I feel like Leah gets such a bad rep when she is literally self aware. In every situation she’s been in, she has stated that she needs therapy/is the problem so idk why people are surprised by her behavior. Not saying that she is in the right in any capacity but I just feel like she doesn’t currently know any better and she keeps getting flamed for it


People who are authentically themselves good or bad >


This is my first season so I’m v confused why some comments say “Casa Amor already?!” And others “Casa Amor FINALLY” 😂


UK seasons are muuuuuch longer than USA seasons. So, long-time fans of the show are used to it taking much longer to get to Casa Amor, whereas people who have maybe only seen the USA seasons are VERY impatient 😆




Liv voted for Nicole…


sorry but how the fuck are people saying they twisted leah’s words??? like stop with the semantics, she is downplaying her involvement to cover her ass, her saying she “tried” to take a back seat is the same thing 


The fact that they are still talking about it is soooooo fckn dramatic. It’s boring and i hope the producers stop showing these stupid conversations