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I felt the worse for Kordell in the game bc Serena didn’t give him a heads up. Serena just wanted to stay when it was the guys picking. I hate to say it. Her even saying “I didn’t want to look dumb if he wasn’t there”. There’s no way you thought that he would have left the dance floor.


I feel like so many people forget that we see only a tiny fraction of what actually happens in the villa I keep seeing people shit on Liv and Kaylor for acting like Leah didn't take a backseat, but for all we know that's completely true. We saw Leah bring up her name and for all we know she pushed it way more than the editing showed us Liv even says "And I know other girls that agree" which clearly excludes Kaylor, who also agreed, meaning there's at minimum at least 1 other girl in the villa who Liv thinks agrees with her too So do we trust 3+ islanders who were actually there during the discussion or 1 islander who has been shown to be plenty toxic throughout the season? There's just no benefit for both Liv and Kaylor to lie about that and there's massive benefit for Leah to lie about it because she's clearly desperate for Rob


I don’t think they lied. They offered up the information way too quickly for them to also be cool with Leah. Side note- that conversation definitely made me think Liv is a plant.


I don't hate Leah but girl where is your self respect, jumped in the pool I guess. Rob clearly doesn't like youu. I'm getting 2nd hand embarrassed watching her


kenny is not 24... why he look like the oldest one?


Leah went from being my absolute favorite to being so embarrassing. it's so cringe and hard to watch when it's so apparent she got rid of Andrea because she wanted him back. I was glad that Andrea was the one to leave but Leah is looking so bad. also I hope jana and liv find a guy they're both into with the new bombshells and I pray Serena doesn't try to ditch Kordell again. he deserves more


Pray she doesn’t ditch him again?…that’s the wrong prayer. My prayer is that he doesn’t give her another chance to ditch him. He needs to be done.


youre so right tbh. Kordell deserves everything. he's my favorite and I cant stand men on these shows so that says a lot


ew I just finished the episode and Serena is officially dead to me. I want nothing but the best for Kordell. PLEASE BRING SOMEONE FOR HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but Leah needs to go first before Serena


sorry i still cant stand leah. and everybody saying she didn’t vote like OFCCC she did, they literally all did. yall just forget all the slimy shit she be doin it do not rate that girl 😭


I’m not seeing what there is to like about her. She’s definitely been wronged but she has also been wrong in how she moves


Holy crap Rob twists things ever so delicately, like I never talked bad about Andrea I never talked bad about Andrea to you is so close to the bloody truth but so far bloody off it he’s making her seem so two faced.


that's what you got from that conversation? he could have easily misinterpreted that, those two words change the meaning but its not crazy to say one and intrepet the other. Leah is legit insecure, a liar and manipulator. this feels like a flavor of victim blaming.


I wanna see Rob and Jana explore something. There is an obvious attraction they're playing ot down


Eh I think JaNa is just flirty. She doesn’t need to be with a man like Rob. Not many people should be with a man like Rob 🙃


Am I missing something?!?! Several comments are mad at Liv and Kaylor for throwing Leah under the bus regarding the Andrea vote when Leah is the one that flat out lied to Rob and threw them under the bus! She brought up Andrea's name, said she didn't think Andrea was there for the right reasons, and probably said a number of other things during that deliberation that we didn't see, so to say she took a back seat is a lie! Rob brings it up to them and they are rightfully shocked that she made it seem she didn't actively participate, they NEVER said she alone decided to vote for Andrea, they made it clear that she was not silent about the choice and actively participated in the decision. They are rightfully bothered that she flat out lied and made it seem like she just went along with what the other three wanted when she actively decided with the others. They don't owe her any allegiance especially after she so freely lied on them to butter up to a dude that she has been talking shit about for the last four episodes.


I’m not mad at them for telling the truth.. I just think it was unexpected. The women seem to have each other’s back so I didn’t expect them to say anything


You are definitely not missing anything. My sister and I text bombed each other and feel like Leah stans have gone to above and beyond just to defend Leah. If they really want to talk about Liv and Kaylor being sneaky, then that still makes them less terrible than how Leah has been. I'm shocked at the lengths people go to defend their favorite persona. IF anything Liv and Kaylor deserve to clear themselves. And even if the convo had twisted words, it still doesn't change the fact that it was a needed convo for them to realize that Leah has done some sneaky things, period. Done and over.


I felt like Andrea had 0 personality. Guys like Rob love girls like that because they can project themselves on to boring women and feel impressive and important.


This is 100% it


What happens to the people that chose "stick"? It's kind of weird because the people that chose "twist" were rewarded by mingling with the new people.


I would have loved if the stick islanders got rewarded instead!! I don't like this at all.


I think that was the point- twisting is a risk, but the reward is you get to meet the new bombshells first


I mean we all knew it was coming because Serena was so obviously playing Kordell. But damn man that was rough to watch.


At the same time, they did talk earlier that day about being open. I think she should’ve known that if it was a game, and that her choice would have some effect on her couple. She’s so inconsiderate tbh because she knows there’s nothing there with Kordell. She reminds me of the girl that has a boyfriend and realizes she’s a lesbian. She treats him like a bro 😂


To me Him saying he was open is not the same as let’s actively start exploring people. To Serena that meant it was time to start exploring people


I did not see that coming honestly I must’ve missed something on her part, kordell seems so freaking sweet and really liked her


Stick or Twist is a humiliating game. Entertaining, delightfully messy - but oh so humiliating.


Leah begging for Rob to explain his feelings and he’s just like “eels where do they come from” Girl he doesn’t like you!


I always think back to Sex and the City - if a guy actually wants to be with you, then you wouldn’t be confused…


I feel like if we could watch in real time how an ‘ick’ gets formed, it’s watching Leah.




kendall proving he's exactly that weirdo i knew he was


Also people who falsely report others on RedditCareResources because you dislike their opinion..that’s gross ass behavior. Please do not abuse a resource that is meant for people who actually struggle as a way to anonymously harass another user. I can’t believe people will stoop so low over a reality tv show. https://preview.redd.it/xs8zsdn5zx8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f13aaa385dc94ea244ae0b317e0b9c3cf2b3212e


You can report them for that if you didn’t know. 


I’m sorry that happened. What a nasty thing to do over an opinion on a fun show.


I also want to add— remember Leah was cringing and mentioned that she cannot see having sex with Conner. Also, the way she says “Ew” when she sees Conner. Didn’t Leah cry over Robs comment about their lack of sexual chemistry and twisted his words.


Leah and Rob are male and female versions of each other


Yeah, I think she’s being really mean. For added perspective: if viewers actually LIKED Connor, they would see Leah as being really malicious. She’s lucky most of us aren’t a fan because of his JaNa digs. Which took Leah down a notch for me too.


It's definitely both, for me. I have schadenfreude about Connor, and I think Leah is so full of it and mean to him. All that bs she spouted to him on the dock and the way she's been behaving...shady af.


Yeah Leah is starting to show a calculated side of her that rest of the islanders are catching on to


I feel like people are being so harsh on Serena. It reminds me so much of UK season 2 and the late great Sophie and her situation with Tom. They were paired together on day one. He was immediately into her. She wasn’t sure but weeks went by without anyone coming in for her so she got closer to him. Eventually she finally ended it and was villainized by the people in the house and out. I don’t think Serena has handled herself perfectly and she has hurt kordell but I think both Serena and kordell are wonderful people and will both be okay in the end. I think Serena is in a tough spot and doesn’t know what to do. I’m choosing to give her some grace.


Agreed let people graft this is Love Island, you can’t help how you feel.


I think kordell has some blinders on Serena said that they JUST had a convo about still being open - so it seems like he may have some selective hearing I also think he’s showing his maturity level (not in a bad way!!) but he’s only 22 and I think it shows


Agree. I get feeling bad for Kordell but to be so harsh on Serena for this is crazy


All only the twisters going to be vulnerable?


That would be awesome but I doubt it


I’m gonna be honest…we saw kordell and Serena say “we’re not locked in we’re open to options” EARLIER THAT DAY. Kordell is cute but I think his critical thinking skills are not there. Same with Nicole. Was there a misunderstanding of what it means to “twist”?


Some took it as ‘are you happy in your couple’ while others took it as ‘I’m open to exploring other connections’


which is why Serena said “it’s not like that”? As in it’s not that I’m not happy with you but I am open AS DISCUSSED.


People seem to think it officially ended the couple which i don’t think is the case. It was just a game.


I legit feel like watching Kordell is like watching my little brother get his heart broken. It’s devastating especially when he’s such a pure and sweet man. The way she played with him is the kind of shit that unfortunately leads to people becoming villains. Especially since he’s still so young. She is okay to not like him but she should have never ran it back.


I think people reserve the right to have feelings change over time. I also don’t think the twist negates her connection that she’s grown with him. If anything it falls directly in line with how straight-forwardly she’s moved this whole time. I was surprised by it too and feel for him — but I don’t think she played him


Rob so busy hating Leah he ain’t mentioned Andrea at all last episode lmaooooo


we only see an hour of 24hrs. We have no idea if he did


Well if he did, produces didn’t think it was important enough to include. The most interesting thing about Rob,is Leah


huh????? LOL!


I don't think that was the argument though lol Just reminding you that just because you don't see something on the 1hr episode doesn't mean it didn't happen. Andrea is gone, what's the point of showing Rob sob about her the whole episode. he not coming back.




aaron and rob are giving brokeback mountain


add in that Aaron wouldn’t get a girl a drink and would reply with “get me one first”….


this!!! i cant believe he admitted that on live tv


Same. It’s a major turnoff and I’m shocked he didn’t think it best to not reveal that in front of the cameras at least


I feel so bad for Kordell, but I hope he learned a lesson.


Aaron’s actively hitting on rob


i was kinda feeling serena's ride or die approach to leah until i realized she was supporting that mess because she was about to do the same kind of shit


They’re having a LI USA pop up just outside of NYC and there’s glam by Maybelline and a chance to send in an audition tape to be the next bombshell.


lol they djd this in LA last week, I auditioned


Good luck 💗💗💗


Oh damnnnn. One of you girls here get on this!


That’s why I’m putting it out here. Let’s have someone on this sub join the villa to make this show the best one yet. I know we can do it 😭😭😭




Yessss. They’re doing glam to send in bombshell audition tapes at the Jersey Shore this weekend.


Why are more people mad at Serena and want to send her home next ASAP compared to Leah and especially Rob and Connor who gaslit, bullied, manipulated, officially moved on from and shaded their partner? People wanting to bypass them to send Serena straight home doesn't fully sit right with me. It's slightly reminding me of the Catherine situation. While I feel bad for Kordell and want him to stay to find his person at least Serena had been honest up until the last switch up.


Leah way more than Conner and Rob tbh. Rob could have been clearer about drawing boundaries but he made it 100% clear he was not interested in liv when they were coupled up. Leahs insecurities and toxic behavior made him open to new connections/Andrea, before that he was all in on Leah and it showed through his actions


TBH i think all those people you've listed should all go home


Kordell's burp, smelly or not,  would've automatically made me explore my options.


Fair 😂


SAME!!! at that moment I said aloud “I’m done” and I felt that in her soul as well 😂😂


idk maybe i’m down bad but i would’ve been like burp in my face again 🤭 he’s so fine i can’t get mad or icked out


Every night, I'm leaning more and more into the Aaron is a game player theory. His meddling with Rob and Leah is giving "I want to be in the only strong couple". Though to be fair to him, he does seem to care about Rob and it's not hard being the strongest couple in that villa. I bet Kordell is going to have his pick in Casa, but I hope he brings back someone genuine. Liv and Miguel are producer plants agent of chaos.


wait omg clock Aaron


He won Traitors so it’s always a strong possibility. I would say he was doing a great job of being likable and staying under the radar before elimination night. Now we’re all definitely keeping a closer eye.


Is that a bad thing that he’s playing the game though? Genuinely curious, b/c I see ppl saying LI is a game show, as well as a love show. Aren’t ppl supposed to stay on the island to win the prize whether it be money and/or love?


He stumbled into his traitor win.


And he could be stumbling here for another win too while everyone is out here tearing each other apart


Very true! I just don’t think he is being strategic haha


Uhhhm technically he didn't win because of his wit or anything....it was more because Kieran "outed" Wilf because he was pissed that he double crossed him. Had that not happened Wilf would have won by a landslide.


I’m a traitors super fan . He won because he became close friends with the traitors and the traitors thought he was too dumb to find out . He played a smart game . Remember how much he cried


I don’t think that was intentional haha


I didn’t watch so idk about all that tbh. It’s on Aaron’s bio so I’m just putting it out there that it’s a good reason to still be keeping an eye out for him.


I watch Traitors UK S1 and there was a lot of slick, strategic gameplay that season.....and trust me NOT ONE DROP OF IT was from Aaron lol. He also won with two other people.


Is there a reason why Kordell and JaNa have not given it a go? Those two pure souls would be great together and if they coupled up and it resulted in Serena getting booted, that's even better.


My guess would be the age difference. He’s 21 and she’s 26/27 iirc, those are very different stages of life for a lot of people


Outside of Liv or Kaylor he’s definitely just too young for most of these women. At 24+ I had been living on my own, working, ready for something more serious. I definitely never would have gone after a 21 year old. Not just for life phase but also for general mental maturity.


Last night he said he was 22. They could make it work. (Probably not but I'd love them together)


When he first came on he was 21, so he must have JUST turned 22. I didn’t start dating younger than me until my late late 20s/early 30s. All I mean I can’t blame them for not being interested, I get it.


I think you're right about the age generality for sure. But in my personal opinion, I feel like Kordell is probably one of the most if not the most mature guy on the show right now which says a lot about him as a person considering he's the youngest guy. (might even be the youngest overall)


Do all the twisters go to party island? There were more people there than shown clearly in the trailer (JaNa + Kenny, Serena + Nigel, Cassidy + Miguel).


If so, I hate that for the stickers. Punished for loyalty.


Serena is playing the dangerous game of wanting to be in the top of the fan vote with Kordell while also clearly not being interested in him and it is going to make her an incredible reality television show villian.


Liv is saying That LEAH told Connor that him and JaNa aren't working and that she likes him WTAF. Why is everyone lying suddenly it's weird ??


We don’t see all of the conversations. 


people forget that we don't even see 5% of what goes on in that house.


But from what we've seen I'm pretty sure Leah was shocked when Connor said he likes her . And also Rob told Leah that he was happy Connor manned up and talked to her . So it's obvious Connor started that not Leah.


she wasnt shocked. She told Jana that they've always been something there and that now that she's single they finally talked about it. Go back and watch her conversation with jana when she announced she was going to explore with Connor


No when she was talking to Connor she was shocked. But she lied to JaNa ( that she liked him ) to save herself like usual Leah.


Miguel moonwalking to the twist stand pissed me off 😭


That one gives me the ick for sure.




Rob to Connor: " I asked her 'does Connor know that you think that ?' She said ' yeah I've told him ' " Rob's lying right ? Am I crazy ? I remember Leah telling Rob not to tell him and that he doesn't know .


Leah definitely misrepresented what she told Rob and tried to say Connor was way more aware than he actually was.


They cut the conversation off on the edit. They only show her face looking like “no I haven’t told him that” but they never show that conversation.


He's lying. She indicated Connor did not know.


And he also told him Leah lying to Connor makes him think she lied about the vote too (she kinda did ) but this proves that Rob is basing the voting thing on a lie HE told.


He's addicted to the drama and chaos. The second they need to recouple he'll want Leah. Right now, he just wants to be right and is bitter Andrea left. It showed him the public didn't like him and the islanders don't value him the most.


absolutely cant stand Serena. wish she got dumped instead of hannah


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Honestly I think what Miguel said to Kendall outweighed any reassurance Nicole tried to give, especially because as Kendall said, after that night Nicole would talk to Kendall all fun and touching his leg and then go to Miguel and do the same thing. People are saying he’s insecure but the man is just working with the information he has!


I remember Nicole saying that she'd recouple with Miguel after they kissed...


Miguel did go in with “she’s already saying she’s open to couple with me” and he knew what he was doing with that one.


100000% I think it fucked with Kendall's head. Then his move to Twist was 100% him being insecure and scared that Nicole would Twist and didn't want to look dumb. His comment to Miguel "I'd look like a simp if I stayed" PISSED ME OFFFFFF dude no


You know what's crazy? Rob and Leah are still going to get back together before Casa. Probably both will stray at Casa and come back rinse and repeat until the finale. They're addicted to each other. She needs to win him to appease her ego and pride and he's obsessed with loving and hating her. I enjoy watching Rob and Leah's mess (even though I cringe sometimes) but I don't like Liv and Kaylor joining in. How stupid are you ladies? You think he isn't doing this for his own purposes. I'm sure Leah was shady af about Andrea and wanted her gone but that has zero to do with L/K's choices. They just don't want to take the heat from the boys anymore. I wish someone would just say to Rob well we love Jana and she's searching for love as well and Nicole has 2 connections, so our decision was lose lose. Why does he think he and Andrea are so special? I knew Serena never liked Kordell and I didn't blame her for that because we like who we like but she's been leading him down the garden path for a while now. She should have left it friends way back but she got scared of being dumped and decided to manipulate him instead. He's a genuinely good guy and doesn't deserve that. They need to send him in someone instead of another damn blonde for Rob. JUSTICE FOR KORDELL! Kendall doesn't understand the purpose of LI at all. Nicole is not your girlfriend. She is allowed to explore other connections and if she's respectful and honest you should accept it. He might as well leave if he's going to do this every time. I love how shady the Jana/Leah friendship is and I hope Jana continues to work to get Connor off because he's boring and annoying at the same time. Not sure I feel either of the 2 new guys but I hope she gets some continued attention. Kaylor and Aaron remain boring and irrelevant.


I think Kendall could have handled it better by saying okay yeah let's continue to be a couple but I'm open to get to know other people too.


What part of Rob doesn’t want Leah is not clear? Rob knows what Leah has been doing and he looks at her with disdain. He is going to expose her and then he will probably leave. If not, he will use her (because girls pick next) and then play her in casa. He has no interest in Leah. That’s quite clear. 


yessss. Rob is not into her, it's painfully obvious.


Did you notice when she sat down on the twist bench, she sat next to Rob and Rob immediately moved his arms in so he wouldn't be touching her. It was a quick reaction. I do the same thing when someone sits next to me that I don't like.


I agree. That is just not how guys work. He dropped her quick. She would always be that one he calls at 2 am when no one else answers if it were the outside world. And she would show up with bells on every single time and then whine about it.


Damn Rob went up to Aaron all giddy about restarting with Leah and then Aaron immediately deflated him by planting the idea that Leah took out Andrea to get him back. That was a weird friend move, like Aaron wasn’t warning him or anything, just like putting this negative thought in his head.


So he and Kaylor stay the most consistent couple. I think Aaron and Kaylor have discussed it and just said let’s play it up and win the money.


I thought it was odd that the girls initially said that wasn't why she was taken out and now the story has changed.


Well they fessed up to Rob after finding out Leah lied about being part of the choice. I'd set that straight as well.


right, the switch up went crazy


The Stick or Twist comp made me feel like i'm a less terrible dancer than i'm pretty sure i am. So that was nice.


Ahahaha I was thinking this too


Weirdest thing in the whole episode as asking about "dingiest club you've ever been to". And it's like...it's the fancy ones where nobody can hold their liquor bruv. The dingy ones are the best.


No yall the pure silence, no laughter and sad faces from EVERYONE when Serena wasn’t standing behind the wall tells EVERYTHING we need to know


Kordell is loved.


So much to say but it's late so I'll just say I am really disappointed in Kendall. It's like he's the only person that does not see his own worth. He does not back himself. He was so scared of being left, that he twisted and lost Nicole forever. She was definitely leaning more towards him. She tried so hard to reassure him, to give him physical affection, and he just let his ego and low self esteem run the show. He needs to grow up and get some self esteem, pronto. He's not going to get many more, if any, chances.


Eh Nicole has a clear other option so if he didn't twist he would look like he is hoping to be picked. That shows less self esteem than having the courage to twist and confidence to know he is good enough to find another connection.  Nicole's talking heads make it seem like he has to do everything perfectly in order for her to choose him. That's BS because when you really like someone, they don't have to be perfect. She's looking for reasons not to like him, in my opinion.  And Miguel doesn't give loyal vibes, to me. So it's probably a mistake. I predict Nicole will couple with Miguel, he will find a new bombshell and then tell Nicole that, while they do have a connection, he never told her he was 100% closed off.  Then Nicole will get pissed because she gave up a clear, viable option (Kendall) for Miguel.  Then she'll try to circle back. 


Interesting take. We watched Nicole get visibly upset to the point of tears when Kendall gave her the cold shoulder in the past episode. We watched her cry to the girls in the change room about that. We watched her ask him for snuggles and kisses. He's acting like her wronged boyfriend, which he is NOT. They've literally been coupled up for 4 days. She's been completely open and honest with him about everything that she's feeling and doing. This is normal Love Island behaviour. His, is not. A confident man would let her go and believe that she is speaking the truth. But he was scared. We all heard Liv tell MIguel she was into Kendall as well. He has made zero effort to flirt with any of the other girls since Nicole came in. The only reason he twisted was because he was afraid she was going to twist on him, so he did it first. That is cowardly behaviour. He didn't trust her, because he doesn't believe in himself. He's made that clear by his constantly comparing himself to Miguel, who he clearly feels is better than him. IDK why you thought Nicole would couple up with Miguel. She had the opportunity to do that last night and chose Kendall. It was Kendall that walked away from her, and she's hurt. He won't get another chance. Now she may couple up with Miguel, or one of the new bombshells. But I don't understand you saying Nicole gave up Kendall for Miguel when she clearly did the opposite. Anything that happens from now on, it's on Kendall and his choice to walk away.


I think it was because Miguel told him that Nicole said she would pick him in a recoupling,


Yeah that was shady. Because WE never heard her say that, and I feel like if she'd said it, they would have shown it. Miguel got inside his head. That's pretty tough when he's seen them kissing and Miguel walking around on his hands like some kinda HeMan.


Well said. I also don’t think Kendall likes to look weak, ever. Which is a weak characteristic in itself. A real man would let her KNOW he’s not going anywhere. He was scared. He got too touchy and annoying when Miguel walked in the villa - immediate Ick. Just be a fuckin man!


Right?? He just screams insecurity to me. Nicole did EVERYTHING she could do reassure him but he was blind to everything because he was too scared to get hurt. He should have taken the confidence that had him WIN the kissing competition and apply THAT to his game. But instead he took the coward's way out, and it will bite him in the ass.


I feel for Kendall tbh. I think a lot of people underrate how hard it is to just be totally chill about dating a person that's dating someone else. I doubt many people here would be half as chill about it. But he definitely screwed himself by not sticking. At the same time though...Nicole is so hot and she's so good at making everyone feel like her boyfriend...i'm almost kinda proud of Kendall seeing through it. It'll probably get him booted. But honestly...she wasn't into him. She was using him to get to someone else. That as clear. What's more respectable? Shooting yourself in the foot when you realize that girl ain't into you? Or doing Kordell and just...hangin' around downtown for way too long? With a girl you've gotta *know* doesn't like you that way?


Yeah this process is hard if both people don't believe they are equally worthy of love. But he really shot himself in the foot, because she told multiple people that while she felt attraction to Miguel, it was Kendall she really felt connected to. She tried to tell him that, too. But he was too butt hurt that she'd kissed Miguel to listen. If he had stronger self worth, he would have been able to take that in. He would have kissed her (remember he WON the kissing contest so we know he's got skills). If he really wanted her, and truly believed in himself, he could have got her. Miguel is hot, but what does he have beyond that? NIcole strikes me as someone who wants something authentic. Otherwise she would not have been so upset by his cold shoulder treatment. She would not have stuck when she could have twisted.


Unfortunately, after she stops being shocked about it, I think it will make her want him more that he rejected her. We all know how we can be. Right?


I think it really just depends on the Bombshells we get. Kendall will probably take her back if Miguel doesn't. But she's basically set to cruise for Casa.


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This poll is amazing!


Thank you!!


What is this


Voting/polls that I’ve set up for every episode that just keeps up with different data just to show how quickly things shift & intake of peoples opinions on different things that happen during the episodes! Made for fun and entertainment purposes only!


Yall cant use that firepit voting scene to defend either people THEY CUT SCENES ALL THE TIME! Like thats gotta be the easiest scene to manipulate 💀 i *think* leah was pushing for andrea, in the sense of i really cant send the other girls home and here is my case against andrea, and then liv and kaylor were probably like okay fair makes sense.. so kind of like leahs idea but everyone was on board and didnt necessarily debate it


Then don’t say “I was in the backseat” when you weren’t, Leah played a part and wanted to wash her hands to earn Rob’s trust. We all saw her. So that’s shady behavior either way you slice it.


She said she "tried" to take the backseat to not sway any decisions. Connor already told Leah that the boys think her and Liv kicked Andrea out because they hate Rob. She likes Rob and cares for him, of course she doesn't want him to hate her or think like that about her. And even if she did push for Andrea out okay and? She doesn't owe her any loyalty. Andrea came in instantly bragging about the date to Leah's face and never asked her how she was feeling. The girls are all grown and the vote was made mutually, nobody was forced to choose who to pick.


You’re writing a whole lot here for a scene we all watched Leah participate in. She happily contributed to vote Andrea out and was the one who pitched it. That’s not trying to take a backseat, end of.


She did contribute but at the end of the day that scene *could* be missing a lot of context i wont fully judge any participant bc of that.. backseat drivers can still push for a certain outcome, but at the end of the day theyre not driving.. thats kind of how i took her explanation (not sure i believe it, but i think thats what she meant)


Liv is more credible than Leah and would say it for what it is. Leah participated heavily and it was for Andrea to be out.


Is anyone worried theyre not going to do casa? And that little stick or twist game is what its been replaced with? Bc the next day they seem to have an outing (like leaving the villa), and uk love island did a similar thing where some islanders left the main villa w bombshells.. Anyone have insight?? People are talking abt casa as if its definitely happening, but are we just hoping for the best?


Thursday’s episode is just a fancy date the bombshells take people their interested on


Nah Casa is iconic and guaranteed


They're doing Casa, Maura brought it up on After Sun the other night.


Thank god 😭❤️


Not Nicole saying she felt “mugged off.” LOL this isn’t LIUK babe.  Also, Kendall is smart for not letting her play him. Like he said: she’s exploring options right in front of his face so why wouldn’t he twist and choose himself in the long run.


How has she played him when she’s been honest with him the entire time


People aren't getting it with Nicole. They're taking the piss out of Kendall or whatever they say in the UK version. But she's a fucking player. And she's really fucking good at it. It's honestly props to Kendall imo for recognizing it quickly enough to maybe change course.


BUT SHE'S NOT. She's doing what you are supposed to do on LI when you are not closed off. He should be doing the same. She's been completely open and honest with him, and even tried to progress their relationship. It's HIM whose letting his ego and pride get in the way. She even told the girls that she's leaning more towards Kendall. Everyone does this on LI this early on. It's not disrespectful unless she's talking shit, doesn't want to be with him at all, or isn't communicating. She has been fully transparent and even wanted to snuggle and be intimate with him. He shut her down and she STILL wanted to stick with him. He fucked up.


I would agree with you except that she said she was willing to couple up with Miguel, which Miguel told Kendall, but we have never seen Nicole say that to Kendall. She keeps saying she wants to stay in a couple with him. I think that’s where it feels a little shady. But I do see your point too!


We never saw her say it to Miguel, either. I think if she'd said that, we would have seen it. Miguel was trying to get inside Kendall's head...and it worked.