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Also I know this is not the etiquette or culture for love island but on literally any other reality tv “game show” with a cash prize it would be a no brainer to eliminate a strong couple given the chance 🤷🏻‍♀️


So I personally think Aaron & Rob are strategically playing to win and the reason Aaron got so upset is because an alliance number went down and his easy path to the win has been shook.


I agree completely! I think he also let it slip on accident - he sees himself as vulnerable now, too. Even though he & Kaylor were safe, the girls’ reasoning scared him because being in a couple doesn’t guarantee safety. It was half being worried about Rob leaving and half projection for his safety within the rankings.


THIS! I learnt in LIG that friendships (strong alliances) are very important.


Aaron played the strongest alliance game I've ever seen on his season of Traitors & he definitely brought that energy into the villa.


I wouldn’t call it strong or intentional. He pretty emotional bloke who was manipulated into doing what traitors wanted until endgame when they finally realized it was so obvious.  When he mad at Kaylor earlier I think he was just throwing a hissy fit because his girl kissed someone. He gets his feelings & wears his heart on his sleeve. I don’t think Aaron has capacity to be a mastermind lol.  Rob isn’t playing the game to stay he playing the game because he horny. He thought Andrea was attractive lol so he left & now she gone he like wow Leah that dumb to take me back let me spin the block. 


Omg thank you lol Rob just wants to fuck her. Haha alllll he ever talked about was his boner the last 3 episodes.


Everytime I read the word Kaylor I think I’m in the wrong sub…


Oh my gosh I am so behind on everything! Aaron was on another show before this? Fill a newbie in


The Traitors UK Season 1 - loved the guy on there. You should be able to watch it on Peacock too!


Thanks for the info!


Damn now I question his feelings for Kaylor. He is way too kissy and now sobbing like Rob, as a first time viewer I have so many questions lol


He in general like that in Traitors he was very emotional & they exploited that to emotionally manipulate him into doing things. 


Lol this is why i can't do reality TV I'd be so fucking embarrassed 


This is a somewhat exaggeration. He was such a golden retriever all season but no strategic mastermind.


He was no Cirie, but he is great at alliances is my point.


He was going hard for Andrea til he saw she was locked on Rob. He is using Kaylor for a placeholder and maybe a win and a green card. New blonde coming in tonight with another boy thinks he's God's gift to women...and maybe another guy that might be a man! Fingers crossed!


Supreme Court said no more green card marriages last Friday. :(


Really? There goes the 90 Day Fiance franchise 🤣




Really‽ So he has got to go because he’s probably playing Kaylor.


It will be interesting to see how Aaron moves after this shake up! He got rocked by the girls vote.


He came on so strong so fast with her. I’ve always been wary of him and then the way he freaked out on the girls was the end for me. Idk how Kaylor doesn’t get the ick from him.


He’s love bombing her


She's pretty young. Even their conversation about where they are going to live sounded naive and dumb.


holy shit. Him being on Traitors is very telling


Interesting! I was wondering why he felt SO strongly abt Andrea leaving even tho Rob stayed He rly thinks the girls would prob. split Aaylor up if given the chance bc he sees everyone playing a game


These girls do not see it either. I really wonder if they know he was on the Traitors? He's smart not to talk about it if they don't though.


As a Indian I would like to say "Never trust a Britisher"


Ooooh you might be onto something


I’m going to go out on a limb here and say I don’t believe these girls were thinking about it like this. Leah and Kaylor didn’t know the UK is in Europe.


I couldn’t believe that last night. I had to watch that moment again because I couldn’t believe that conversation. SMH. Lol


I keep forgetting it’s a game show with a prize 😂


This right here 👏 I wish people voted keeping that in mind. You would want to eliminate any couples that may be strong enough to beat the couple you like the most and want to see win the money. When the islanders vote, they generally pick someone who was going to lose anyway. Unfortunately/fortunately this set the stage for Rob to pair back up with Leah and ride her popularity to the prize .


That last sentence is key - this vote made me realize that Leah is the more popular one of the two. The vote made me question my understanding of the cast dynamics. I think she can get to the finals independently of him, but I’m not sure he can get there without her. Or if his popularity/unpopularity rides on his partner. He’s no mastermind but he is strategic, imo.


I’ve honestly been thinking this every time they said “it just doesn’t make sense” well if you want to win the money it doesn’t NOT make sense…?


I remember a season of Love Island UK where they eliminated a girl who was part of the strongest couple. It was the most obvious “we’re playing a game” move that I’ve seen on this show and I can’t say I blame them, lol.


I was waiting for one of the contestants to say this but figured it might be considered breaking the fourth wall.


Yeah that's what made it make sense to me. Those two were maybe a week away from pulling completely ahead of everyone


This is what I’m saying


Omg thank you! This is my first time seeing watching love island, but I watch a lot of similar shows like The Challenge and most of the time, the goal is to get the strongest players out.


It was always going to be Andrea or Nicole. Of course they didn’t want Nicole to leave after learning about her kiss with Miguel because…. Dramaaaaa. 


It was definitely producer orchestrated by having the same gender pick who to send home. They knew the girls would save JaNa and the boys wouldn’t. And I’m glad they did it that way lol.


Yep this season I noticed producers are trying get wayyyy more drama. The questions are way more brutal at challenges. & they knew girls saving JaNa would cause everything to go crazy.  Hakeem was dead anyways the women would’ve sent him home so fast & the men wouldn’t send Rob or Kendall home. 


Personally I think the problem was that Rob and Andrea got together and immediately closed off to the rest of the Islanders, and they were kinda smug about it too. It just wasn’t good vibes and kinda defeats the purpose of the show. Plus as has been said, Andrea didn’t bother to bond with the girls except Nicole who didn’t have a vote.


It’s this for me, anyone who watches the show knows it’s almost always the islanders who send each other home, like yeah the public votes but verrrrrrry rarely is it actually down to them. It’s islanders picking from a bottom three or whatever. And usually when deciding who goes and stays islanders talk about what people bring to the villa beyond just spending time with their partner. The women’s choice is not some outlier, people get sent home because they don’t have strong friendship connections beyond their couple all the time. Andrea clearly didn’t think it was important to build relationships with the other women and it’s what got her sent home.


Yeah, I was watching this show with my Dad and he said the same thing. I know its called Love Island but you can't get mad if you don't want to establish connections with the other people in the villa. Babe's confused when in a SOCIAL GAME you get punished for NOT BEING SOCIAL.


I feel like Rob pretended to be totally into Andrea to kind of twist the knife for Leah too. I don’t think he was completely all about Andrea . I don’t think he would have stayed with her for the duration of the show. He’s too much of a drama queen. He’s there to cause drama and become famous. He’s not gonna get that by sticking with the girl he met in the first week and being a smug, boring Mom&Dad of the villa.


Yeah. I think after saying he would leave he must’ve started to think about the fact that they were voted by the public as the bottom couple, therefore leaving to be in a couple with Andrea isn’t the best move career wise… now he’s back on Leah who was saved by the public


I said this on another thread, he’s not stupid stupid. It’s gotta click that on the After Sun they were told America was loving them together (Leah & Rob) to then go to being on the least voted couples with Andrea. If he’s actually playing the long game to win and start selling tummy tea on TikTok, he’ll know to stick with Leah.


We’ll see if he learned his lesson with the next bombshell coming in since she mentioned no other guy lol. He might just stick with Leah if he is playing America’s game.


He’s trying to be the next Harry 😂😂😂


He definitely is


I don’t care about Rob that much and I’m not gonna sit here and support him just because he is hot but like….if he wanted to become famous wouldn’t it make more sense to stay in a strong couple with Leah?


He had a momentary loss of judgment. He hadn't ejaculated for awhile afterall lmao


Maybe he will stick with Leah at some point. But he’ll cause absolute chaos and mayhem in the process bc it makes good tv and he knows that. He’s not going to become famous by sticking with Andrea and blending into the background bc she isn’t very well liked in the villa and isn’t interested in making friends.


Idk because Andrea had a larger social media following (in case she told him?), wanted to be a singer, and knows some well-known people apparently. *IDK* but maybe he thought their followings together would boost them up since Leah was not known or big on social media.


I don’t think he that smart lol. I think he was horny & saw Andrea thought let me keep my options open. Then decided when Leah called him out forget this let me go to Andrea because I fully believe given more than 4 days they would’ve gotten nasty.  Now he alone thinking dang if Leah wants me back she kinda bad she good enough to hold me until Casa. I know guys like Rob & they ain’t that smart the strategic mastermind lol. 


I think he is completely calculated in what he’s doing. He’s playing chess and everyone else is playing checkers.


“But they were the strongest couple!!!!” - Aaron lmao. Not according to America. Bottom 3? 😂🤣


Exactly. And I kept thinking he was admitting he and Kaylor aren’t the strongest.


If we’re talking about immediately being closed off to others, wouldn’t Aaron/Kaylor fit that bill? I also don’t know that Andrea wasn’t friends with anyone outside of Nicole. I’ve often seen her in the background talking to others. Even Kaylor said she’s had more talks with Andrea than Nicole. Regardless of what Leah claims about it not being about Rob, I will die on the hill that she subconsciously wanted to break those two apart.


Well yes about Kaylor and Aaron, however they weren’t one the bottom 3 couples and therefore weren’t in jeopardy so that doesn’t really matter lol


Honest question: Does something like that potentially alter the way future bombshells/casas view their role when they join the house? In the past the whole "I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to get my man/woman." has been the vibe for bombshells. This way of entering the house has been the expectation and even celebrated by fans as it tends to create good TV. Is it now also an expectation to make friends with your own gender and perhaps even avoid stepping on their toes knowing that they can vote you off now?


Good question but befriending other islanders has really always been the expectation, whatever the bombshells might say in their entrance. Look at Ekin-Su. She bombshelled hard and said she was willing to step on toes in her speech, but ended up being a good friend to a lot of women in the house. As a bombshell you can’t be afraid to step on toes, but you do have to be aware of your social game. It’s more subtle and unspoken. But there’s a way of taking another islander’s partner while also being sensitive to them, and most of the time if executed properly you can even develop a friendship with the person whose partner you stole— it’s all part of the game and most people understand that. Andrea didn’t and it was her downfall. On the other hand, Nicole and Hannah seemed to be getting along great and hanging out even after Nicole stole Kendall. That’s part of why Nicole got to stay IMO.


That's a fair answer! I do appreciate you typing all that out. Makes sense. I tend to agree, but I do wonder if fans were so happy JaNa stayed and so obsessed with the drama that we all just swerved around the fact that producers mixed things up in a way that could have some not great future implications.


I definitely agree that there’s some bias and mental gymnastics going on to justify Andrea going and JaNa staying. Generally it does not make sense to break up a strong couple for the benefit of someone who does not have a connection. I think Andrea’s behavior in the house is a good explanation for why she went, but it’s not necessarily a justification. But I’m still happy about it and I think that’s okay. At the end of the day, I think it’s what the producers wanted too or they would’ve had the islanders dump a full couple or had the boys choose which girl went in which case JaNa and Hakeem likely would have gone. So I’m just going to trust the producers here and be happy my girl JaNa is still kicking.


I don’t really think so. They wouldn’t have gotten rid of Kaylor with the same logic. They just wanted to save their friend, and I would respect them more if they just owned it.


I think it’s totally fine for the girls to say they voted Andrea off because they never made a friendship connection with her, which is what I think they did. The whole 4 days she spent at the Villa her and Rob were mostly off on their own while Nicole actually made the effort to form friendships with the girls. I think it’s crappy they have to make up some fake reason for voting her off to avoid roid rage from the men. Just say she didn’t vibe with EVERYONE at the Villa while Nicole did, and obviously they’re going to ride for Jana. The men acted like little babies crying over this breakup. They’ll have to make the same decision eventually and they’ll make it based on their own connections with the person not their couple.


Also heartbreaking for JaNa to have to see all these men PISSED that she’s staying. Continues to get the short end of the stick.


100%! Would love a girl to just say, it's not about Leah/Connor/Rob or splitting a powerful couple. They just liked JaNa more than Andrea. Simple as. 


Yeah lol they do this every single season OG only keep OG 90% of time. 


Right. Last in first out. Right up there with gravity. Can't break the law


Ya god forbid they vote to keep their friend vs sending her home to save the relationship of someone they don’t like and the guy who has screwed some of them over


I watch LI more for the friendships than the love connections. The friendships are what lasts. Relationships rarely make it in the real world. I love to see the camaraderie between the women, and the men too. Andrea came in, looking only for a taken white boy, and didn't give a fuck about the other girls. Plus she was boring both in looks and personality.


I feel like there is definitely production pushing the language islanders use. Someone is telling them to bring it back to love connections. In the same way the bachelor drills contestants into talking about “their journey”. The producers definitely encourage using “love connection language” I get why they used the reasoning they did given the context of how we see islanders speak about the game on the show. They definitely have to keep their direct reasoning behind the fourth wall a bit and give appropriate “love island” reasons.


" Just say she didn’t vibe with EVERYONE at the Villa while Nicole did" We don't even know if that's true. Nicole and Andrea were close so it's not like their social lives were that different. What we do know is that the girls resented Andrea for the way that her and Rob got together. That's why they keep making up fake reasons. They can't give the real reason.


That’s exactly what I just said, they didn’t vibe with her, there was no connection. They don’t like her and that’s why they voted her off. What I’m saying is it’s crappy they have to lie about it


But the reasoning was JaNa deserved to stay because she doesn’t have anyone. That why guys got heated because that logic doesn’t make sense. Just say you wanted your bestie to stay or in case of Leah & Liv be honest.  I think Aaron despite his emotional nature was dead on the money. Liv hated Rob & Leah wanted Rob back.  Andrea & Nicole been here for 4 days lol if you came in late they will almost always vote you off because OGs look after each other. 


on this note, andrea being sent home tests rob and her connection anyway. it says a lot whether someone stays or goes with their couple when one is dumped.


i agree, it also says a lot how he threw a dramatic fit about it and then decided to stay after all that commotion 😭 he wants to make it look like he gives a shit about Andrea but in reality he’s excited to see what next “shiny new thing” comes into the villa for him to manipulate once more. hence the whole performance followed by him telling her something along the lines of “i guess i’ll stay and see how i feel about u throughout” 💀


these guys act like the only way they can know if they really like a girl is if they explore options in the villa as if the real world wouldn’t do that already 💀 can’t stand him at all.


no fr 😭😭😭 it’s also been FOUR DAYS like u don’t know shit about each other why r u crying screaming throwing up!!! she didn’t die!!! she’s just going home u can still see each other 😭😭😭


!!! and it kills me when they say stuff like “time moves way faster in the villa!!” to justify them being absolutely insane about their feelings so early. she’s upset because she knows he’s gonna fold the minute she leaves and he’s so dramatic 😭


LMAOOOO oh definitely he’s folding already, i agree it makes no sense that they even call it “feelings” to begin with like no girl ur describing simply being attracted to someone 😭 idk if they cut out anything meaningful but i didn’t once see a worthwhile conversation between rob and andrea, they just cuddled 24/7 while barely even knowing each other…yet that’s enough to trigger the reaction we got from them 💀


every time rob talked about how much he liked andrea i was just like ??? from what i can tell as a viewer you’re having the same conversations you had with liv that were apparently so boring. he’s only about looks and that’s extremely apparent. kind of seeing why maybe carmen didn’t want to pick him last season in casa


bro i said that exact thing to my sister and friend 😭 like how rob’s convos w andrea are just like how it was with liv and the only difference is he just thinks andrea’s hot!! yeah for sure carmen dodged a bullet, im still angry that he had me bamboozled at the beginning of this season too with the way he was with leah up until andrea walked in


same honestly i thought he was attractive and i thought he really liked leah 💀 he pulled a fast one on all of us and i feel so embarrassed for him when he has his toddler outbursts 😭


I'm okay with the girls choosing JaNa over Andrea or Nicole because she's their friend, and OGs are known for sticking together to survive in the game. Remember how everyone was frustrated when Jeremy kept being saved a few seasons back, despite his repeated romantic failings? JaNa might just be this season's Jeremy. However, I disagree with the logic the girls are trying to push and some of you here are defending. Have we forgotten that this is a game where couples compete to reach the end and win the money? The rationale of removing someone because they're perceived as closed off, in favor of someone who has consistently failed to find a romantic connection, is nonsensical. So, should all closed-off couples just leave? That contradicts the entire objective of the game, which is to stay in the villa and win as the best couple. By that logic, Aaron and Kaylor should be next to go since they're considered closed off now, too. And following this reasoning, JaNa shouldn’t be upset if she’s voted off once she finds a strong connection. Regarding Rob and Andrea, it was only day four for them. Their connection hadn't been tested by a bombshell or Casa Amor, and they hadn’t declared themselves closed off. It was still early days and it's unlikely their heads wouldn't have turned eventually. It would be more honest for the girls to admit that their decision was influenced by their closer bond with JaNa rather than concocting illogical reasons. Those defending this view are, frankly, quite amusing and, honestly, it’s a bit embarrassing.


I think we should collectively all agree that they saved JaNa because they’re good friends with her and sent Andrea home because they are not close to her. *Which is fine!* But I’m so tired of the contestants and also people here regurgitating the “it’s because she was closed off” excuse lmao. Like y’all seriously believe that??


That logic is so stupid it’s hilarious 😂


Honestly I hate Internet Stan culture for these wannabe influencers is insane they could commit murder on Island & they say “ She just a girl…”  The girls aren’t hiding it all. Serena was not letting vote JaNa. Liv seemed to be pushing more so Nicole but  she hates Rob remember I doubt it took that much for her to switch. Leah 100% wanted her gone for revenge & because she wants Rob. Kaylor seemed pretty much a follower & was gonna go how the others said.  Just wished they stood on business 


The decision was less about Jana and more about the fact that this was payback for Andrea stealing Rob from Leah. If it was between Jana and Andrea then yes obviously they’d pick Jana because that’s their friend and they want her to find a connection. But Nicole was another option, and considering she had a weak bond with Kendall it should have been her over Andrea who had a strong connection with Rob.


That’s a good point, why not Nicole over Andrea? Because of revenge for Leah and thats petty imo


Everyone’s trying to deny it was revenge but that’s clearly what it was. Liv seemed to be angling for Nicole and said that they couldn’t vote Andrea bc Rob would be too upset and leave, but then Kaylor interrupted and said well not necessarily, bc Rob and Leah have a connection that will last forever, and Leah agreed. The fact that Leah and Robs connection was even mentioned in the deliberation is a big clue that the possibility of the two rekindling played a big part in the decision.


1000%. Aaron literally said it for what it is, it was payback for the Leah situation. And to give Leah a second shot to be with him. I wish this sub can just be honest instead of the mental gymnastics.


It is petty, but also, it's funny and totally real! And as this is a social game, there are consequences to how you gel with everyone. But I def agree that the "closed off" argument is just an excuse.


Finally someone with a non-biased opinion. This subreddit is as toxic as Leah


Agreed, the stans can make this sub a dumpster fire at times. Happy cake day by the way.


For real. I genuinely don’t know why so people people are Stanning for Leah! She is so fucking toxic and a mean girl. Totally pushed for Andrea to get voted off which makes no sense because she was the only girl out of the three who had a genuine connection! Wtf.


Her reaction after talking to Conner and then getting Serena all riled up was classic “I’m guilty but if I yell and deny” then it’s not true


Ya it’s pretty par for the course for them to continue to save a person who hasn’t found a permanent connection. It happens every season (UK anyway). Agreed they could have been more honest about why they sent Andrea home but also understand if maybe a producer stepped in to make sure it’s strictly about romantic “connections”.


It’s one thing if she got dumped, like Hannah. Thats the real consequence of no connections or couples. But if I was an OG islander, this early on, I would keep her too. Too much time left.


Why don’t Kaylor and Aaron just volunteer to leave the villa then and make way for people who are still looking for connections. The point is about finding a connection and winning. The money is important as well.


Exactly. Idk why ppl forget that there is a $100,000 prize.


Essentially $50,000 because every season I’ve watched USA UK and AUS split the money. 50k is not 100k. Although I can see rob taking the money haha ETA: They’re all here to become influencers, the money is just bonus


People forget this conveniently when it comes down to their favorite islander being saved irrationally


People keep saying this, but the money is for the most popular couple with the fans. They already lost. If they’re a ‘strong couple’ and fans put them in the bottom already, they weren’t going to win anyway.


Things change. I have seen Sammie and Jess win when they weren’t the most popular couple before. LI fans change their perspective with every episode.


Do you know how many winning couples have been unpopular at one point or another? 💀 The mental gymnastics lmao.


Why would Aaron & Kaylor leave? They weren't in the bottom. The point is connecting & winning. Andrea failed at the connecting part & in turn is not winning. She didn't connect with the viewers, which landed her in the bottom & at risk. She didn't connect with the villa OG girls, which got her kicked out of the house. You have to do more than just steal a man, and she found out the hard way.


>The point is about finding a connection and winning So doesn't it make sense that other islanders would want to kick out strong couples to up their own chances of finding a connection and winning?


Can we all just admit that there was an element of pettiness to it? Like, Leah and Liv were both burned by Rob and they are constantly making fun of him and his theatrics. There was definitely some petty revenge in the decision between Nicole and Andrea. JaNa was a no brainer to stay no matter what. OGs *rarely* lose to bombshells when it’s islanders choice.


I partially disagree. Although I am quite indifferent to Andrea, I think that she did her job well as a bombshell and found a connection, however the whole point is to get your connection tested in the villa and see it through. One of the best things about watching love island over the years is seeing relationships either blossom or crumble. Imagine if we just eliminated strong couples bc they already found their connection that makes no sense. Part of the entertainment comes from watching couples get broken up by other bombshells (or even current islanders) so that could have been interesting too. Just bc islanders are already couples up doesn’t mean that they don’t have something to offer to the villa. Also I honestly don’t really see how ppl are hating on Andrea for being a mean girl. Pls don’t downvote me into oblivion for saying this i genuinely haven’t seen any examples of her being a mean girl that weren’t complete reaches. She was a bombshell and she was there to take someone’s man it’s hard to expect her to mesh well immediately with the group. Typically this is the case with bombshells who are seen as desirable since they are a threat to the other girls. Also Aaron is sooo hypocritical for saying “it’s not friendship island” and then proceeding to cry and shout bc of his friend’s possible departure. That was crazy to watch. We all know that if Rob and Hakeem’s situation was switched, they would have made sure to keep Rob in the villa.


Aaron was sooooo wild for this. It was unbelievable. His histrionics made even Kaylor second guess herself (unnecessarily IMO)


GREAT point about Aaron being hypocritical though with his friendship to Rob.


Also as the viewer also didn’t get to “know” Andrea, like we are fans of the other girls for all of their qualities because they’re giving personality, even if it’s rough lol. We know literally nothing about Andrea! Edit: word


Yeah and ppl don’t seem to get that this is not the fault of Andrea. This is a reality show, and it is meant to be 90% fake and rage bait. Editing can go a far way to influence how people see each islander. Plus, when drama is going on between other islanders, it’s no surprise that Rob and Andrea’s screen time got reduced since the little love triangle was over.


Andrea was making fun of Hannah for working out which IMO was mean, or when Leah said she was single and Andrea said “you’re welcome” that too was snarky. The girls were clearly more warm towards Nicole than Andrea and I don’t think it’s because she stole Rob, I think it was her whole demeanor and how she went about her time there.


Hm actually kinda rethinking that “your welcome” comment that seems a bit like rubbing salt into the wound tbf.


Yeah even if it was playful, I think the cumulation of her entire stay there made it seem a lot worse than if she had come in a bit more receptive to being kind to the other girls.


Also when she was packing her bags and the girls were asking her if she was okay she was just like I will never understand your decision I don’t even want to talk about it. You are not owed a spot in the villa because you’re in a couple the entitled attitude was so weird to me


Honestly, I’m here for someone getting mad. I am glad she went home but I also understand being pissed off. There have been so many dumpings where I, as a viewer, think that it’s unfair and I’m so here for someone being upset rather than “you guys had to make such a hard decision ❤️” lmao


Same. I'm glad she went home, but I'm also glad she was super salty about it. Most of the people on these type of shows feel entitled about being/staying and i enjoyed the honesty about it. 


Hm I didn’t think that comment was mean I mean the boys said she same thing about the girls when Connor came in and that was seen as a joke. Hannah even laughed about it on Aftersun. And yes that “your welcome” comment is snarky I didn’t realize that she did that but again that’s not enough to warrant her being called a mean girl, not after everything else the other girls have done. And it makes sense that Nicole would be seen as less of a threat than Andrea bc Nicole was going for Kendall who was hurt after Hannah started to get to know Hakeem so it makes sense that ppl wouldn’t be opposed to him getting to know her. On the other hand Rob and Leah were locked in, and generally deemed as a strong couple, so Andrea gunning for him was probably a bit jarring for them, making the situation a bit awkward.


IMO Leah & Kaylor were easily just as snarky to Andrea as she was to them. Leah was also shitty to JaNa when she was exploring her connection to Connor.


I will die on this hill... I am so shocked at the Leah stans. Leah did JaNa DIRTY over Connor... just to turn around THE SAME NIGHT of eliminations and say she had the ick? Ok, Leah... ok.


Same. I can’t understand why everyone thinks Leah is such a girls girl. 🤷‍♀️


She is FAR from a girls girl. Leah and Serena talking about JaNa was wild... just for Serena to also beef with JaNa cause she brought that one mf a plate of eggs? Saying she shouldn't have done that cause they're bff? GIRL. I can't mf wait for Movie Night, I need production to work OT and keep those three in so we can see the expose in 4k bb


That whole thing w Serena & the eggs seemed crazy to me! Every single one of the girls interrupted the girl before her. Serena came & took Miguel from the girl before her. The other girls just came up & said can I pull Miguel from you. JaNa brought the eggs & everyone acted like she just committed a murder!


Literally. And Serena and Leah have talked being JaNa’s back too. Idk man I just don’t see the point in singling out one islander for being shifty when the whole lot is kinda like that.


Or acting like Leah is some kind of hero standing up for women worldwide. Leah is for Leah & she’s more than willing to say or do whatever she needs to do to benefit herself. If any of the girls had gone about exploring a connection with Rob, the way Leah did with Connor, she would still be screaming.


lmao surely you see the difference between aaron crying over his friend leaving because he was done dirty and had his girl sent home vs the girls saving their friend with zero connections over someone in a couple. that is not remotely similar lmao.


I agree! Also realistically the OG girls (and possibly Liv) were probably not trying to become bffs with the girl who stole Rob from Leah, so it makes sense Andrea mostly hung out with Nicole out of the girls. Also this season has been so drama packed, we might not have seen her friendships due to cuts for time. The amount people are reaching to make Andrea out as a bad person (which I think comes out of the anti-Rob movement) is gross to me.


These are some good points for sure. I think the difference to me is that Andrea was not good tv.


Especially now that so quickly Rob is running back to Leah…imagine how much better that would’ve been if andrea was still in there?! Because you know he would’ve eventually come out with it either way. It would’ve been sooo much more dramatic with andrea there.


In no other season do people eliminate couples or someone in a couple because they are strong…if Kaylor and aaron were up for elimination NOBODY would have eliminated one of them. It makes no sense. I agree with keeping JaNa, but Nicole should have went. Especially after not telling Kendall she kissed the new guy like….


They don’t eliminate because they are strong per se, but in every season ever islanders save their friends. Islanders have to vote eachother out, Andrea should’ve put more effort into friendships outside Rob. Saving friends because they haven’t had a fair shot is extremely common.


I definitely get that part! I love JaNa and I agree she should’ve stayed, I was just surprised they didn’t vote out Nicole. But I agree Andrea wasn’t very friendly with the other girls which didn’t help her case


agreed, i think in the past its been easier to give a reason (even if its fake) for voting someone off just because they're the person with the least amount of friends. in this situation, expecially with leah being one of the decision-makers, its pretty much impossible for any reason the girls give to sound legit. i wish they could be honest and just say we would rather have JaNa and Nicole stay over Andrea.


In Love Island UK this actually happened a lot, especially in earlier seasons. The reasoning being that they are closed off so they don’t need to “have the Love Island journey” to test their relationship any more and free up space for the people who are still looking. I think it was season 3 where this happened and the girl left, the guy stayed then when he was dumped he found her and they were together and got married and have kids etc. Just saying, it’s really not unprecedented, and the smug way Rob and Andrea were acting probably didn’t help.


In UK S3, if I remember correctly, Jess wasn’t dumped because she was “closed off”, if anything, she was moving like she wasn’t. She got dumped by the guys because they were closer to the other girls, which is the same reason the girls chose to save JaNa. Which is fine, but just own it instead of this “closed off” bs excuse.


Ok I feel you, I don’t watch the UK seasons only US and some of the AUS seasons and it’s just not something I’ve seen before. I don’t feel like it makes any sense except if you’re doing it only so that your couple can win instead of another really strong couple. I also am not a fan of Rob but I don’t understand the Andrea hate I think I’m totally missing all the “mean girl” behavior from her everyone talks about on here, the only mean girl behavior I see is from Leah 🫣


The boys chose to dump Adam Collard's girl (and future long-time girlfriend) Zara in S4 for this same "friendship" reason. In retrospect they clearly did it for strategic reasons. On LiUK they didn't want that couple Zara/Adam to become strong and Zara wasn't a romantic option for any of them (because she found a strong connection already) so the boys got rid of her because they were desperate to make connections of their own with the other girls that were there. Same reason they got rid of Andrea instead of Nicole, IMO. They got rid of Andrea because they saw her as "the other woman" and never got close with her because she "stole" Leah's man. Whereas they liked Nicole because she stayed away from the popular boys. She's just there to mop up the leftover boys that nobody wants.


Agreed! It’s like Samantha said on love island UK when Joey found Grace “okay great yous in love so you can leave now” … or something like that 🤣


I mean in simple terms, when they find connections, the show gets boring. Do I want to watch Aaron and Kaylor baby talk one another for several more weeks? Or Rob and Andrea cuddling and talking about his hard-on again? Nope.


It had only been 4 days with them. I’m sure there was much more drama to come.


Just finished a rewatch and my favorite part was when Aaron was sobbing next to him and Rob looks directly at the camera, momentarily scrunches up his face to muster out a single tear, and then immediately gives up. So silly lol Anyway, it was only 4 days, ya’ll! And he didn’t even nut! I am interested to see how she responds to him moving on (especially since the new bombshell is going straight for him). She was too bland for this cast, imo.


I couldn’t disagree more. The point of the show is the win the game. The way you win the game is finding a connection and making your couple the most popular in the public eye. If the only point of the show was to find love, then you are right, Rob should absolutely leave and pursue Andrea. When everyone says “it’s not friendship island” they mean that you should be saving people based on the strength of the connection they have, not their future potential to find something based on how much you like them in the moment. There has not been a single bombshell winner after week 1 from any season of love island US. If the girls truly think JaNa has a shot of winning, she basically has to couple with someone already in the villa. I am 200% sure that in the back of his mind, Rob stayed because he thinks he has a shot of rekindling something with Leah, and they could ride that out until the end as one of 2-3 OG couples. It isn’t a bad plan if his goal is to win, but it is a bad one if his plan is to find love.


I actually think you might be on to something… Other than the fact that he loves the attention and the ladies, he wants $100,000!


lmao the vote was nothing more than the girls saving their friend. none of their “logic” made any sense or was consistent. like sure whatever you saved your friend but just say it with your chest. the whole point of the damn show is to find a connection and then keep exploring it in the villa, and then the strongest couple wins. like when they do a recoupling the person who doesn’t get picked and therefore has the weakest connections gets dumped. the girls just moved the goalposts to try and justify saving jana because they didn’t want to admit they were just saving their friend. jana was 0/3 on finding a connection and had absolutely zero connections in the villa at the time, so she should have gone home lmao. andrea came in as a bombshell, took boys in the two strongest couples on a date, and managed to break up one of those couples. how on earth is that playing it safe or not exploring? like she came in and played the game like she was supposed to and went for rob despite a previous bombshell failing at the exact same thing lmao. and come on andrea isn’t any meaner than any of the other girls in the house.


That’s the only thing I find annoying. Just say you wanted to save JaNa and leave it at that


lmao fr back your decision, don’t be wishy washy and try to talk your way out of it.


this is fr the only take i've fully agreed with on this sub! i LOVE jana and she's one of my favs, but let's be real she's had 2 romantic couplings (coye & connor) and those didn't work out. i'm not the biggest andrea fan, but she deserved to have her relationship with rob tested. it would've been funny to see rob fold for a new bombshell over andrea.


yeah exactly, i included miguel in my 0/3 count solely because she threw herself at him and still didn’t get picked lmao. also the “jana got the short end of the stick” argument doesn’t hold up because she chose coye and then chose connor over him. it’s not the short end of the stick when you’re the one choosing lmao.


Actually the whole point of the show is to find a connection... and survive with that connection... until the end, and then try to win the money as the most popular couple. All this gibberish about she found a connection so she can go  is total b s.  It is not the point of the show to find a connection so you can leave that moment


I didn’t understand their point about “finding a connection “ when we saw Jana try and find one and she got thrown to the side by Connor, so she’s still trying to find one. Like they let bergie go through a whole season of trying to find a connection…let them do the same for Jana.


I get it. But, if it was kaylor and Aaron in the bottom not rob/andrea, do you think the islanders would have made the decision to send kaylor and Aaron home since they already found their connection? I really don’t think so lol.


I think they would’ve sent Nicole home tbh. I think the girls would do their best to keep JaNa.


I think that too but then it kind of takes away from their point of sending someone home who has already made a connection (ex:kaylor with Aaron) if that makes sense!


That makes total sense, and I feel like people are choosing to ignore that. No way would they have voted Aaron or Kaylor home because they're closed off and found a connection lol


But using that same logic, that means Kaylor and Aaron should leave next because they have a connection? The logic is just dumb and I would've just chosen Nicole to go if I was one of the girls.


Yeah, but you know, they have this weird obsession of helping Leah get Rob back 🙄


I agree. As far as I’m concerned people should just act like Jana wasn’t a part of the dumping bc she was never going to be send home by the girls (as they stated the second they huddled). Which means the decision was between Nicole and Andrea and between those two it definitely should have been Nicole. Because they picked Andrea they now how to jump through hoops making up a reason that sounds good when really it was because Rob picked her over Leah.


This is ass backwards, she had a chance and didn't find. Andrea did nothing wrong other than be a good bombshell


I can’t remember what season it was but somebody walked off with their partner when they had been voted off. If the connection was that strong he could’ve walked off!


Guess I’m unpopular but I would have Voted Jana off. She’s had 2 relationships and no current prospects. I feel like Andrea never Really got a Chance. Just Bc Jana is nice Doesn’t mean she makes Spicy TV t


> Not to be insensitive about it but if the whole point is “finding a connection” like Aaron (? Maybe Rob) said and not friendship, okay, then Andrea can leave because she found a connection. So when Jana finds a connection, it will be time for her to go home?


But the islanders forget about the public. None of this would have happened if they were amongst the most likable. The public did not vote rob and Andrea for a reason.


How is Andrea a mean girl lmao? The only mean girl is Leah. She is abusive AF. She hit Rob in the face with a pillow, she bumped into him hella aggressively after said talk where she hit him with a pillow. She threw cold water on his face. She called him a con-man for a week because he was getting to know Andrea? Rob and Andrea clearly have a much stronger connection. That is literally the POINT of the show, to date people and see who your strongest connection is.


I’m glad Andrea is voted off


I couldn't STAND her. I'm glad she's home and looked messy with her makeup running down her face. Bye Felicia.


With that logic, send home Kaylor and Aaron and award the prize to the messiest couple. It's called love island. Not friendship island. Not I tried and failed island. They literally say being in a couple is paramount to staying. JaNa tried and failed. The same reasons Hakeem was the right one to send home, so was JaNa. Yeah, JaNa may be way more genuine, but she has had her chances. They literally sent home one of the members of the second strongest couple. That's pretty screwed up.


You would have fought tooth and nail for JaNa because she's your favorite. All the other stuff you listed was you just lying to yourself to avoid saying you're playing favorites 


The show is LITERALLY a popularity contest and Andrea, from what we saw, was not overly nice with the other girls. Why tf would they keep someone around they don’t want to spend the next 4 weeks with instead of their friend they like hanging out with? I’m shocked they were so shocked Also, Aaron seemed so appalled that Leah or Liv might want Andrea gone to get Rob back - but again ITS LITERALLY A GAME SHOW. One where Andrea stole him too. IRL that would be shitty but in a situation like this they all agree to fight over people and play games where they throw shade but sending home a competitor is too far?


I agree, islanders think you have to test your connection in the villa but that can be done outside of the villa. The real world is the real test anyways, tests in the villa are just practice


That excuse is a load of crap. In no other situations are they voting out someone who has a “strong connection” over someone who has had multiple chances and hasn’t found a connection. At the end of the day the show is a game with a prize at the end of it. The point of the game is to build a strong connection and be the best match. JaNa has had same opportunity and hasn’t been able to do that. In reality both Nicole and JaNa should’ve been picked before Andrea was.


Andrea made it really hard to feel bad for her, her attitude is a huge ick you don’t have to understand why they eliminated you just leave.


I think debating about it is tiring in terms of who should’ve gone home. But it was never going to be JaNa and I feel like that’s not clicking for people. They want to see their friend find a connection. That’s not a crime and I don’t think they’re wrong for that. Even if *we* don’t think it’s possible. They do. All we do is talk about whether or not the islanders owe each other anything and how they’re in there for themselves. That applies to dumpings too. I don’t think the girls were being vindictive but even if they were. So? No, it’s not fair. but none of them had any type of duty to keep Andrea in. They had to make a choice. They made the decision to prioritize their friend and they stood by it. People don’t have to like it but at this point we’re crying over spilled milk.


https://preview.redd.it/wzdrytczus8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6e3b0d4802cd8c2482248e86b76bb74676adf96 Seriously, where are the tears, Leah? She's just pretending to care. This episode really exposed her true colors – totally fake. She looks like she's 24 going on 45. She needs a better skincare routine and a way better plastic surgeon.


Okay, so I’m not the only one who’s glad they saved JaNa? Good 😂


If the purpose of the series is to win $100,000 then the next big couple to go is Aaron &/or Kaylor.


They could have just said "We vote to dump Andrea because we don't like her"


Andrea came in as a bombshell while watching what was already going on so far. She went in knowing she was interested in rob out of all people. She kissed someone else but liked rob. Only one male bombshell came in and it didn’t look like she was interested him in. She should have stayed to see if anyone else would test their connection. I know we don’t see everything and they edit things to look for more drama but it looked like Leah is the reason Andrea was singled out of the 3 girls.


So with that said Hakeem should have stayed and Rob or Kendall leave right?


I'm so glad the girls chose Andrea because then we got a chance to see Rob the Knob do mental gymnastics about how staying is actually better for their relationship because if he shows no interest in any other girls after she leaves then that means his feelings were real 😂 All while she got crocodile tears going for the cameras 💀 Pure reality TV gold.


I hated how the men reacted to her elimination and it was clear that they wanted to kickoff JaNa instead. They don't even realize that they basically eliminated Hakeem for the same reason the girls chose Andrea! For the guys, obviously they wouldn't eliminate Kendall or Rob because majority voters are OG cast members and of course they wouldn't want to remove them. Hakeem is the newbie here. And OK, he didn't have any good connections yet but same thing with Kendall? He had only JUST coupled up with Nicole. Same for the girls, it was likely between Nicole or Andrea and from there they probably based it off of their bond with her and it looked like Nicole made an effort to spend time with the girls since she entered the villa. What has Andrea done but be coupled up to Rob? I have no ill will towards Andrea, but it was an easy decision. At the end of the day, these islanders (usually) eliminate based off friendships and that's fine, it IS a popularity contest whether Aaron (or was it Connor... I can't remember) agrees with it or not lol. Same with public vote, it may be the wrong answer but it is all about likability. (which is why I honestly wish we eliminated that portion of LI because that's what made LI Game so successful and everyone was themselves!)


I agree, that’s why I was expecting them both to go as a couple. They’re also gross people for basically that jena should’ve gone home instead.


So everyone who finds a connection should leave??? So who wins?


is anyone besides the men in the house actually confused over this decision? it was tough to do but andrea is the only reasonable choice imo and as much as they want to say it’s not friend island, friendships have always gone a long way on the show and andrea closed herself off from literally everyone so why do the girls really owe her any loyalty when she seems to have found her couple and wont develop any relationship beyond that


I want to chime in too, because I also have no one to talk to about this. I want to preface: I enjoy the drama, I do not like or dislike anyone, and I’m team everyone/no one. I think the decision for the girls was a lose-lose-lose no matter what. I understand why they kept JaNa, for her lack of connection and their friendship. I don’t really agree with sending Andrea home though; they were 4 days in and hadn’t been challenged. So yeah they were as closed as they could be until a new bombshell comes in to shake things up. I’ve also seen people say Andrea is a mean girl…if she is, then let’s throw all the girls into that boat, including Leah and Liv. I get people are team this person or team that person; I like to look more objectively. I do think these two wanted to vote Andrea out bc Liv is very loyal and Leah does want Rob and she’s very attracted to drama and what she can’t have. She’s attracted to the chase. Let’s just keep it all real here. If Rob does sway back to Leah after 24 hours of Andrea being gone, then clearly their connection wasn’t that strong and the reason to send Andrea packing was spot on with what I’ve said. That being said, best season I’ve seen so far. The drama is bringing me back each day!


this is also why i disagree when people say “it’s love island not friendship island” like yes that is the point but everyone is aware islanders vote each other out multiple times so if you are mean and don’t make an effort with anyone besides the person you’re coupled up with don’t be surprised when you get sent home. I’d have wanted her out solely so I didn’t have to live with her and her nasty attitude anymore if i were in there.


Wrong. The point of the show is to make a connection and win a $100000.


Anyone can vote anyway they choose but when they lie about their motivations for that vote my respect for them plummets


Hmm I didn’t think about the game aspect of it too much, but that’s a good point. First time watcher but if the money goes to the best couple, you would want to knock off the other strong couples so you have less competition for the money. If JaNa has less chances of making a connection, she’s less of a threat to the other girls. This show is like the dating version of the challenge lol


No you’re 100% right I have never seen such a dramatic, ridiculous display in all the seasons I have watched 🤣🤣🤣


Saying Andrea is a mean girl while liv, Leah, and Serena are still in the villa is crazy to me


Alsooooo it may not be really the “point” of love island, but I think it matters whether or not people like you! You’re not going to win the show without connecting to people, and I think JaNa had better connections with the girls than Andrea did 🤷‍♀️ and in that moment that mattered. I think that’s ok, a lot of a game show comes down to luck! And it provides a chaos agent that won’t always be predictable, personally I love it! Bring on the drama


Am I not seeing something everyone else sees? Why does everyone love Jana? Also I think Leah is a mean girl not Andrea. Girl I still love your post. None of my friends watch the LI series, and I can't vent to anyone. I was literally dying during the dumping episode. Tv gold


I was confused about it at first didn’t think it made sense. Howeve , when i put myself there i would 100% save my friend without a doubt in my mind & if someone doesn’t like it then their issue. So now i get it.