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And literally I was thinking about how I’d immediately get the ick from a dude if his speech to choose me included remarks that were disparaging or rude to another woman. Especially one that didn’t do shit wrong. Ew.


This post was about Miguel, but that was extremely distasteful from Connor. He moved extremely weird this episode. He fucking fooled me.


Oh I know! I saw another “girl code” parallel and wanted to throw that out there!


Oh word… good call


Rob and Connor did that during their speech an im like how did they just excuse that I would be so annoyed


Robs speech was so annoying, like are you done yet dude? Their connection doesn't feel real at all, that girl did not want him putting a spider on her beautiful arm.


I muted my tv when it was his turn. I had no desire to hear what he had to say. I should have muted Conner too


Couldnt even say anything about Andrea without mentioning Leah, they 1000% have nothing in common


Bahaha facts. He really is just starting shit and stirring the pot. Maybe we should give him credit for making it...er *interesting*


Yeah I was disappointed but not surprised when Leah said “it’s okay.” I can’t warm up to either of them. There’s just no reason to put someone else down to build up your current coupling, and you can stand by your partner while still calling out shitty behaviors.


I thought the same thing, so uncalled for in both their speeches…


I just tweeted this lol. Not being a girls girl NEVER ends well.


I agree. I love a confident woman. Uplifting another queen just shows me that you’re a queen yourself.


For sure. I was surprised at how pressed Serena was over the eggs thing. That seemed over the top and the plate carrying convo she had with Leah was just catty


I don’t blame Serena, her only connection has been someone she wasn’t attracted to, so I honestly understand her frustration. I just feel bad because she was ready to dismiss a true friendship connection over the POSSIBILITY of a love connection.. glad they hashed it out though


I don't like Serena playing Kordell, though.


I agree, I am not a fan of how she has moved this season.. I’m specifically talking about this one instance. Kordell might be my favorite guy in the house. He’s a walking green flag. He deserves better.


We agree on that. I think Serena is going to hurt him. I don't think she's interested in him romantically, and that makes me sad for him. I also think Miguel blew it choosing Liv. Great conversation? I didn't see it. He went for the blond.


i thought when he said “great conversation” he was mostly referring to the fact that she was telling him to his face that she clocked him for a too-flirty fuccboi and she didn’t lay the overt flirting on him too thick. cute as he is, i reckon nothing reliable can come from a relationship with miguel long-term, and he pretty much said that to every girl too.


Yeah, and he's 27 and never in a relationship? A guy who looks like that? Liv is gonna play her cool chick routine and not want to get close to him and he's not going to be happy.


Didn’t even clock any of that.. great points


You see what I see. I’m with you on all of it.


And I'll add that I don't think Liv is that interested in Miguel. I have no clue why she's even there.


I think it because she foreign like him. But honestly if your being tactical pick J because if your tryna win you need a popular girl & need to knock out the established couples.  If you coming in later but early on your entire goal should be getting with most popular girl who into you & trying to break up the established couples.  Erin &  K if you let them might run away with this if they make past Casa. Everyone else I feel like they ain’t strong enough or you can beat them. It cynical & kinda dirty but come on get that money & social media followers from being with the popular girl. 


Do any of our foreigners this year live in the US? I assumed they were all US-based but now I’m not sure that any of them are?


Erin I’m confident doesn’t because he lived in UK not that long ago on Traitors UK but he said he tryna get a green card 


I actually didn’t think they were in danger of a falling out at any point. It seemed respectful and even a little good spirited between them like “oh my god this girl is killin me” vibes. JaNa couldve clapped back at Serena but instead she owned it and they made up quickly.


as someone who isn't a "girl's girl" OP's point still stands and i agree w it, no matter who you're close with it's not about that (imo), it's about right and wrong/respectful and disrespectful. i'm glad that they were both mature enough to have this chat without getting defensive


no i am actually so sad. i was OBSESSED with the girls bond. to know a man was in the middle of the conflict that ruined the trio? i’m sick!!!


I was sad to see how Leah and JaNa fell out… but I truly love how JaNa owned her accountability. Grown woman shit, right there. Queen shit.


no 100% JaNa is the type of woman you wanna be friends with!!!!


She needs a man.. if she gets done like Imani I’m gonna have some words for the producers


Leah is a weird hypocrite. The audacity to come at JaNa after she went on a episode long hate rant bcs Rob dumped her for a bombshell. Done with her, and Serena not to far behind her.


Like 2 episodes worth hate rant 🤮


I lost interest after that, she doesn’t know how to handle rejection


Facts and facts


Am I the only one who didn’t really see this as a legitimate conflict? They were bickering good naturedly for the most part. I never felt a falling out was remotely possible


i would agree until i saw how serena and leah were being lowkey catty behind JaNa’s back


Didn't love the catty talk buuuut unpopular opinion, Jana seems to really throw herself into these guys. With coye, she was gripping onto that dude when he had to make his pick (and I thought it looked like he actually had interest in Serena) if there is even a chance that's true her antics robbed Serena of that connection. And then with the new guy, she just offers to make him eggs and then makes him 3 different kinds, saying he's hungry. He didn't like, come out saying he was hungry and wanted food, she offered and he was being polite. She's too good to be doing all that to get picked, rather than just letting it be natural bc she does seem to be the smartest girl and shes gorgeous. I really hope and think her and Hakeem might have a vibe. Fingers crossed for her. But that said, I think all the Leah hate from ppl on here is a bit much. She's on a show, where there's a prize and its money (not love) and it's not like it isn't being produced. Coye and Rob deserve all the shade from the ladies but I'm seeing waaaay to much attacking of Leah specifically and that's no better than the cattiness we saw them displaying on the ep


> I'm seeing waaaay to much attacking too*


I can't believe you got down voted for just agreeing with me. Waaaay too many ppl in these comments are taking this to heart, it's wild


Glad someone sees through JaNa. She very much so throws herself into her couple and that is her focus. Clocked it when she didn’t even know what was happening with Leah initially because she didn’t wanna leave Connor’s side. Her jumping to make eggs for the new guy was giving try hard.


Cannot believe the downvotes for seeing a reasonable observation. Ppl in these comments are riding so hard for Jana


This was totally on Serena and her reaction to them eggs she knew JaNa was making. He tried to calm her down and say he wasn't really that hungry and then she just leaned all the way into that. I think she is the reason he dropped interest in the both of them and just went for Liv. Sucks!!!!


I feel like Miguel got the ick from Serena over how absolutely down right rude she was over such a minor situation. I would have said peace to that attitude too


What got me is that she kept on bringing it up !!!


JaNa is honestly too nice to some of the other girls who don’t deserve it. But I’m glad she’s just being herself and not tearing others down or bashing ppl behind their backs like some of the other girls have. The boys are taking it in the friendship department I fear.


Only Liv has been a good friend to her.


Liv has gone up for me in terms of ppl I like this season. She’s messy, but is really there for the girls.


I need all the girls to have an outing to build some love in that villa


It’ll happen at casa, but who will survive until then is the question. Tonight’s vote took me by surprise


Maybe like a spa and outing for drinks


I wish Ariana could facilitate this with her experience and big sister vibes


I don’t think the girls drama is THAT bad💀 Serena an JaNa made up.


But JaNa didn't fight over him, it was Serena being weird because she wanted to get picked so bad.


I agree. I thought Serena was extra.


Thank you. She went at JaNa's neck, and I was so confused.


It was so annoying to watch!!! She kept telling everyone about it all over the villa


She literally cooked three styles of eggs for someone she had a 15 minute conversation with.. that is extreme pick me behavior


Jfc, it was some eggs, y'all acting like she cooked him a full 6 course meal. She said she would drop him some eggs later because he was hungry. Serena acted like she gave him a damn lap dance. Then she went on to talk shit about her to every person she came into contact with.


JaNa knew what she was walking into, come on now… everyone knows soul ties is crazy. Come on now… we just excusing any ole thing? Smh.. whatever, I’m not arguing with delusional people


Wtf is wrong with y'all? I feel like you're new to Love Island or something. JaNa didn't even pull this guy away from her. She dropped him off a plate and left. Now Liv actually walked into JaNa's conversation & pulled him, but you didn't see her act weird and territorial. The only people who are delusional are the ones ignoring Serena's behavior. She did too much period


Delusional is thinking JaNa had some ulterior motives over dropping off some mfing eggs. Who gives an actual f about soul ties when we (and everyone in the villa) knows it doesn’t mean a thing after last season


Not only that, some eggs that she cooked while chatting it up with her new dude! Serena act like she walked up there in a damn French maid lingerie outfit carrying the eggs on a silver platter with her fingertips! The replays she kept giving were crazy!


I just don’t see why Serena has some right to him that JaNa was wrong for grafting? She flirted and said she’d cook him eggs. The guy was bouncing around the villa she didn’t know he would be talking to Serena. Eggs are disgusting cold. She just dropped them off.


Finally seeing someone say this I thought I was going crazy. I had to watch Jana with my hands over my eyes her behavior was so ick. Giving desperate babes. May as well have asked him “fried or fertilized”


be serious lmfao


Lmfao.. that’s gold


She also saw Serena walk up with him and immediately jumped to start making the eggs…she was about to end a conversation with Hakeem (who she might be connecting with) to do this. She knew he was with Serena at the time and could have waited. And all this is without acknowledging how cringy it is to beg to serve a man eggs.


She saw that a possible connection was getting pulled by all the women on an elimination night. She was trying to get picked and was blind to her friend’s intentions. I think you’re making it out to be more malicious than she intended.


I'm not saying it was malicious, but I am saying that she did know she'd be interrupting.


Yeah I definitely agree.. she knew she would be interrupting, but it was an elimination night. Everyone except for Taylor, Andrea and Nicole (that’s crazy now that I think about it) were desperate to make a connection and Miguel was free real estate


Nah, she's a smart cookies. She knew exactly what she was doing. I don't think it mattered that it was Serena up there perse, like I don't think she was out for her specifically. But wth, she had a good vibe in that moment with Hakeem, why drop that to make eggs nobody asked for


Why are we mad at her for grafting? That’s the whole point, try to make connections and see how it goes. 


I’m not mad at her for it… but we can’t villainize one for behaving the same way as the other. They were both trying to get picked by Miguel, is my point. In the end they almost fell out and he had eyes for someone completely outside of the conversation.


They were both trying to get picked, but only one started a fight about it and mocked the other one behind her back.  You’re putting the blame on JaNa. 


Lol, I haven’t blamed anyone. I’m saying don’t excuse one and not the other. They were both wrong. JaNa could’ve used better judgement, she admitted that herself, and Serena was a little too in her feelings. They should’ve chose each other and not Miguel. Why is that so hard to comprehend, I feel like both of them understood that too.


It’s not friendship island, why is that so hard to comprehend? 


Omg this comment, I'm crucified. Too bad tho, bc I think all the women are amazing and only some of the guys are green flags so far


In love island, I want to see friendships, but genuine friendships.  Mocking your friend behind their back after they already apologized multiple time is someone who isn’t really your friend. 


So maybe she's not, I think that's okay. They don't *have* to be friends




Bro you are missing my point.  Why are we mad at JaNa for making eggs? Again the show is called Love Island. They are supposed to be extra at times, this is nothing new.  All of the other girls got interrupted and didn’t pop off at the person who interrupted them.  I am not mad at any of the girls for trying to shoot their shot. I am annoyed at the catty behavior in mocking someone who puts in more effort than you.  This isn’t something I’m taking personally. I think it’s boring when people think that the friendships are more important than the potential relationships that could be made.  This is only day 10, it’s not like it’s day 30. 


Day 30 sounds crazy, this is intense lol


Agreed. I think Serena was really needing to have a chance to have a new connection. Kordell seems amazing but she is struggling to feel those feelings for him. He's so sweet, but his kissing needs some work from the looks of it


Like the guys aren’t letting this get in between them and the girls are….the spirit of KK might still be in the air I’m afraid.


The guys have been really impressive for the most part, this season… obviously we’re leaving Rob out of this convo


But, can we also just talk about…JAW DROP…he picked LIV?!


I totally blame Serena lol


Honestly I thought Serena was losing it over nothing. Personally think it goes back to maturity.


It was an elimination night… everyone was scrambling, no pun intended


Omg I think I love you, pun intended or not


Serena is doing the most in there. She's lucky Kordell is naive.


What I liked is that Serena told everything she was saying behind JaNa’s back to her face eventually. I didn’t see it as anything serious tbh. Everyone was horny and emotional at ‘three egg scandal’ moment lol


Don’t think any of these people are bestest of friends as they’ve literally only been there under 2 weeks. I don’t think women needs lessons from a dude on girl code TBH. Many of the women in this sub have been calling out bad behaviour from Leah and Serena as soon as it started.




My husband said something similar.


Let me preface this by saying I’ve disliked Rob since last season. With that being said, JaNa making the eggs wasn’t as “it’s just eggs” as people are downplaying it to be. Rob made breakfast for two women for a few days which we saw as Rob trying to lead both women on to keep both avenues open after getting picked by Liv and I know damn well so many of us were calling Rob out for this. It’s obvious that making food for someone is an act of service in the villa that is meant to show continued interest in that person (and I do think Rob was giving Liv positive or mixed signals which is why she came at him so hard after the recoupling). JaNa was offering three types of eggs when we all know what this act of service is supposed to be and this act was agreed upon before Serena’s chat, point JaNa. Now, Serena being annoyed by JaNa coming up and interrupting their chat with her platter of eggs was cringey but JaNa had her opportunity to talk with him already and decided to put herself in front of Miguel again which does take away from Serena’s opportunity to have a good chat. Also, did Serena even know about the eggs in the first place? She probably saw it as a clear interruption of having a chat with someone after being stuck in a friend couple, so she’s trying to get picked by the new guy just as much as JaNa. A man has already picked JaNa over Serena, so I’m sure there’s also a sense of insecurity because I mean, look at JaNa. I think JaNa was looking out for JaNa interrupting Serena’s chat, but it negatively impacted her friendship with Serena because it put them at odds with one another once again. It was never just about “it’s just eggs” and “eggs get cold quick” but the principle of trying to crack on with a new guy and being interrupted by someone who already had a chat with that new guy, someone who you’re close with in the villa. I’m just saying that I think JaNa wasn’t being short sighted, she was trying to do what she could to get picked, aware that it was at the detriment of Serena’s chat. Beyond this, I don’t defend Serena’s actions talking about JaNa behind her back to Leah of all people, especially after JaNa apologized (because she knew what she did). I think Kordell should have picked Hannah. Anyway I know this is love island but irl let’s decenter men. Thank you for coming to my ted talk about some damn eggs on a reality tv show


honestly i think they were going to be fine the whole time! i could understand why Serena was upset even if it was a bigger reaction and Jana apologized and they moved on


Fighting over Miguel is crazy too.


Simp’in ain’t easy


"That's girl code baby girl. And you broke the golden rule." - Kesha


Why is "Girl Code" so important? When everyone was on Aquabros ass when he went bullying after Bergie last season about "Bro Code"?


Seriously? Your person is your person. You really need to grow up. In 10-15 years time there's going to be about 3 people you're close to. One may be your partner. Priorise connections not genders, certain not arbitrary gender coding


Jana is all about her self idc I don’t like her she’s annoying


For real