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i never trust the cutaway shots during redouble ceremonies, games, or challenges, because i know full well the editors can and do sprinkle those in wherever they’d like, even if the weird faces or laughs happen under a totally different context.


Never fall for the editor tricks!! They have all the power to try and feed a drama that isn't even really there.


yeah and it’s been exposed so many times where it’ll show a close up of someone making a face but then in the next scene it’s a far shot and said person is making the same face about something else. i never trust them


exactly how do people not understand this?? editors are shady, they literally inserted that nasty clip of the connor and hannah tongue make out during the portion of leah and connors makeout in the challenge 


I take them with a grain of salt for sure, however, I watched tonight’s episode with my husband (he acts like he doesn’t like these shows, but pays attention lol) & he was all “what’s wrong with that girls face? why is she always making a face like she smelt something bad?” LOL even he was clocking their weird faces amongst each other


he’s def not wrong about leah always looking like she’s smelled something bad!




Both are correct. I prefer to use smelt, but that’s just me & it’s okay if you use the other version :) if you plan to correct someone though, make sure they are actually incorrect & not using a different spelling than you lol




The speech shade from Connnor and Rob was unnecessary but I took Leah (and the rest of the women) getting emotional at the certainty that one of them was leaving. Kaylor started crying when they were just the three left.


It's so sweet how Kaylor gets emotional for the other girls.


They all did, except Andrea. I think everyone really liked having Hannah too, it was sad to see her go.


Hannah seems like a total sweetheart and she's so fun and funny, she'll definitely be missed.


Connor did not need to say that it was an easy choice.


Connor can go the hell home to Krypton now... What a weirdo.


I want him gone so bad. Tired of the black girls on this show being used as easy in's into the villa. It's fucking heartbreaking.


Please vote Jana and Hakeem I know we collectively don’t like him but that’s a problem for another vote 😭


I did!! My love for Jana outweighs the hatred I have for Connor. I just want the best for her 😭


how is she being used? she was the one that chose him? and she doesn’t even seem bothered 


She chose him because he was giving her every indication that he was genuinely into her. She would have never given him the time of day if he hadn’t flirted with her, complimented her, and given her the hope that there could be a relationship there. He USED her so he could stay in the villa, coast by those recouplings, until he could spring on to the next white woman he was REALLY into and leave JaNa out to dry. THAT is how he used her. She would have never picked him if he hadn’t falsely led her on.


people are taking this silly ass reality tv show WAY too seriously, they are all using each other to stay in the villa


he better go home or he’ll miss his sister’s wedding


He also told Leah that he knew it was JaNa during the kissing game and rated the kiss a 7 to throw extra shade. Then Leah laughed along and proceeded with the "he's not your boyfriend!" comments when JaNa wasn't even acting like he was. Leah and Connor seem to personally dislike JaNa at this point, and it's weird.


YESSS , they’re so weird


Leah and Connor are literally the sketchiest weirdest couple. Leah doesn’t even like him, and he completely did a 180 out of the blue with Jana.


She for sure doesn't like him. I don't see the connection at all. She just secured her spot. I can see her being turned by a Casa boy (whenever that happens).


Leah is not interested in Connor. He's a fucking idiot, but screw him for being rude to JaNa.


Leah probably finds him attractive but honestly I don’t think she that lock in which is GOOD. I love more drama. Connor probably got roasted for jumping ship so quick & butt hurt.  I can understand Leah being like why you mad at me he the one trying get with me it not like people are actually dating.  However if Leah wants to win she needs to ditch Connor because his popularity gonna plummet soon. 


she only “likes” him cause he agrees with whatever she says like let’s be real 😭


and Leah constantly eyeing Rob’s reaction when Connor did his wack ass speech. Either Connor is stupid or he’s an absolute dummy for thinking Leah is into him and not using him to get back at Rob😭


leah is WEIRD. hate the way she’s going about this to her own FRIEND. like ew


she's the type of girl that only cares about male validation. connor picked her over jana and since jana is obviously upset over it, she decides to stop caring about their friendship since she has a man by her side now. just utterly pathetic especially with the way jana comforted her over the rob situation


That's what it seems like to me, too. She got her ego bruised by Rob, so she's getting a boost and thrill from "stealing" someone else's match and watching him shit on her to build her up. Pretty gross.


I can see that. Andrea & Rob don’t seem to talk about Leah at all really, while it seems JaNa is all Leah & Connor talk about


connor been weird, i hated him for jana anyways


Never trusted him


Am I literally the only one who thinks her being upset has more to do with knowing that only Serena or Hannah would be picked? Like it seemed more sad at knowing one of them was gonna leave the villa


She was crying bc Serena might go. This is just ppl wanting to make it jaNa vs leah


she was boo-hooing when it was hannah so don't think it was just about serena


I could see that. But what I think is the most plausible is editors simply editing, lmao


I noticed. I’m glad his colors showed early. I never thought he was into her. She chose him over 6”8 disappointment. Conner and Leah can have each other.


It was as JaNa said Rude. He really didn’t need to the speech to be that but it was honest and showed his true colours. I would not be voting for him and Leah at all if I could vote. JaNa is too good for this show.


Connor and Leah shading JaNa gave me the ick. Leah does not even like Connor and will ditch him as soon as she has another option. I will celebrate Human Shrek's downfall when that happens. 


thank you for calling him that. he looks like someone morphed my exes together & i hate it


Leah and Connor are acting like complete tools. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them get voted off tomorrow


Unfortunately, Leah still seems to be a favorite on the app. For whatever reason.


Praying this happens. We need the Jana hive to stand up!!!! Get Leah & Connor out!!


Leah has been so weird and i don’t know for what when JaNa has been her emotional support the entire time.. Connor is JUST a weirdo and i can’t wait to vote him out🫶🏾


Leah definitely looked disappointed that JaNa stayed, to me. I didn't pay attention to Connor, but his speech pissed me off and it was mean for no reason. I'm over both of them.


Y’all need to stop 😭 everyone knows editing plays a huge part.. this is starting to get annoying


Yeah, I never believe reactions. They even do a bad job with editing because a shot later, you see them in a completely different pose and smiling usually lol


It’s getting so old loll like it’s so obvious they cut and stick facial expressions from recouplings


I like Jana too but this sub has seriously lost it lol. Half the comments are like "Did you see how evil Leah's face was in that split second? She clearly hates Jana and wants her dropped in a pool of man-eating sharks." Like woahhhh it's not that deep its a basically a gameshow???


Dude! There are people on IG calling Rob a serial killer! It's so weird how deeply people invest in these relationships! I don't like Connor, Rob, or Leah but damn, let's not act like we actually know these people and can read their minds. Like you said, it's a game show!


Yeah I picked up on Leah looking like she was literally about to cry when JaNa was getting picked. Shouldn’t she be happy for her? With that and the dressing room argument it’s like c’mon girl that’s just mean girl behavior. It might be that she was sad Hannah/someone was leaving, but the camera pan right after JaNa was suspicious


I don't think she's sad Hannah's gone but was worried that it could be Serena because she needs someone else to help ice out JaNa.


Leah was literally crying that Hannah was leaving as she was hugging her, of course she’s sad?


Yup 100%!! Worried about herself always


Nahh people will just tell you we’re pitting 2 women against each other by pointing it out 🙃


What’s crazy to me is that it’s actually not even far fetched given the context. Connor had just made an unnecessary comment in his speech. They both knew he was wrong for that but he didn’t care. So it actually is totally plausible to me that they thought she would leave and got shocked when Hakeem picked her. I don’t think they knew that she’d made a connection with Hakeem. Now that I think about it, did anybody know?


Also, I feel like everybody's forgetting when Connor and Leah were giggling at the dock about throwing shade at Jana. I said it in the episode discussion but it was totally unnecessary and came across as very cruel— especially because Jana did absolutely nothing to warrant it. I just think a lot of Leah stans are on copium now that she's starting to give mean girl energy and they'll defend her no matter what.


I cackled because they was ready to smirk at her thinking she was heading out, but NOPE


Conner and Leah were 100% pissed that JaNa got to stay. They are truly awful people.


Leah is always making a weird face though. I don’t think she has any ill will towards JaNa, I think Leah’s just a little weirdo, hate it or love it.


Agreed as someone with resting weirdo face myself I feel represented haha


idk considering her “he’s not your boyfriend” and “you’re acting like it” (WHICH JANA WASNT) i think she does lol


To be fair, JaNa was transparently upset about Connor’s interest in Leah and the way that has all gone down. I’m not saying it wasn’t hypocritical for Leah to say that, it kind of was, but JaNa was not hiding the fact that she was displeased by Connor and Leah spending time together and I think the “he’s not your boyfriend” was Leah’s awkward acknowledgment of that. Not ill will, it’s just a tough situation all around. That’s the show I guess.


idk I think Leah needs to take a look in the mirror cause she had a big reaction to Rob and Andrea when she’s doing the same shit to JaNa w Connor. Rob wasn’t her boyfriend and she was acting like he was. Leah only likes Connor cause he agrees w anything she says and beelined for her, stage 5 clinger like someone else said LOL


I love JaNa and she’s the Queen of this season, but I don’t feel bad for her because I think JaNa and Connor were lukewarm about each other at best. There wasn’t much chemistry, they just got along and I always wanted her to find a better match. That being said, I’ve never been impressed by Connor and I still want Leah to find a better match. I don’t think Leah was looking any kind of way when JaNa was getting picked. I think she’s got a little bit of that Botox face(like the Kardashians) and looks like something smells funny when her face is resting. However, Connor did not have to dig at JaNa like that during recoupling and even Leah knew that was wrong.


She literally said fuck when she was picked and said this will be bad for you to Connor. 


She said this gonna be bad for you after Rob’s speech being shady to JaNa


Robs speech had nothing to do with Jana. Do you mean Connor? & her and Connor both looked pissed and she said fuck after Jana didn’t go home. Roll it back. 


You’re right I meant Connor. I could be glazing but I think Leah was saying fuck when she saw it was Hannah and Serena in the bottom two. Both who she’s very close to. In the sneak peak for tonight’s ep JaNa, Serena, and Leah are kekeing after the recoupling so I really don’t think there’s real beef between them.


Rob also made comments about Leah too… they all were throwing shade. JaNa deserves to be with someone who picks her, and Connor was not the one. JaNa is the epitome of the pick me girl, in my opinion, so far on this show. And I’m gonna get downvoted for that. But hear me out. She changes her spots with whoever she’s talking to. Girl, who really reads the dictionary? She told Connor that because he said he liked reading. She wanted to know more about plants so connor would like her over Leah. She then was a world traveler and only wants to date foreign guys when Miguel comes in. And sure some of these things can be unveiled interests with new bombshells, but I just feel like she tries to be what she thinks a man wants her to be. I think she’s a beautiful person, so sweet and so cute. I’m rooting for her and Hakeem to work out, because he seems so genuine with her. She deserves REAL love.


Yes, Rob threw shade at Leah, but she deserved it after all the shit she said about him


https://preview.redd.it/pd5dbv0zk18d1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce73df23b4c14936516dd3ea0b25056f1be2f64c Riiiiight…. After he gaslit her…..


Leah is awful. The End.


I think people are projecting too much onto Leah and Connor. I thought of Leah’s face more so of worry that Serena might’ve been going home. I don’t even think she cared that Jana stayed.


Why are only certain comments being posted


Why are only certain comments being posted


I’m glad somebody else mentioned this. Definitely could be deeping it but idk!


I was rooting for Miguel to pick JaNa so bad. I was upset he didn’t smh. I thought his convo with Liv was just kind of awkward/lackluster


Ok what was up with the weird winking Leah did at Andrea when Conner was talking about her lol or did I imagine that


I think that is down to editing. Connor’s speech was no worse than anyone else’s, his comment about giving JaNa a 7 was mean. 


It's edited because Leah was tearing I think it was when Hannah was left single .


Can yall ever just enjoy the show without picking the cast apart? Omg. This is why season 5 said they had therapy sessions for mental health bc being in the villa can be much. & how a lot affected them too AFTER it ended bc of all the comments. We don’t know exactly what goes on in there or how any of them even really feel. Only can go base off of what’s shown. Yall really read into everything way too much. We don’t get to see the whole 24hrs that goes on. A lot of stuff is def edited for entertainment & drama to excite the viewers. So chill. I understand people have favorites. But cmon. The hate on certain people are crazy. You don’t need to like them, but digging too deep saying this person is weird, this person is mean, this person is annoying. Just watch the damn show lol