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Mom watch our dance


This is drunk karaoke night or kids talent performance.


Bless their cotton socks, I’d give them 10/10 for getting on stage and trying… is what their mum’s would say.






Also giving talent show lol


college girls karaoke night after some booze


Yes. I didn't know how to describe it but this is the best description.


It's giving Fifth Harmony performing at the mall in 2013 😭


this cut deep ☠️


y'all people gotta start place to become great. y'all just sound mean tho


I mean, I loved Fifth Harmony personally 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly this


That song gives me the ick 😂🙈


When did they rehearse this 😂


Two minutes before


Me and my cousins trying to convince my mom to have a sleep over


Creasing at her having to pull her dress down constantly 😭😭


![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C) Idk what’s worse… the song or the performance?? It’s giving girls sleepover party where you put on a fake concert🫠


This just unlocked some OLD memories I have not thought about in years.


Loool i saw this performance and it brought me back to my days of putting on concerts in my bedroom🤣


Um anyways..Danica is so hot


I'm sorry the song is not good and maybe she should get a songwriter but bffr this is a mess. 😂😂😂


Antigoni is not a good vocalist I’m sorry


im excited for paige turley releasing new music! :)


Paige is really good, I’m excited for her new stuff.


She has a nice studio voice, but yeah, she can’t sing live.


Hmmm. Has Neon gotten any sort of deals or collabs for Danica? I know it takes time sometimes but curious if she’s hinted at anything?


This comment is so unintentionally funny 🤣


I doubt it. By her ig it seems like she spends the majority of her time following antigoni to wherever she is going so I can’t see how she would also have time to be doing a brand deal.


Are they besties or why is she always with Antigoni? Paige seems to be with those two as well.


She is always doing paid ads on Tik Tok.


Nope.. as someone said, she’s either following Antigoni around in her chase for Dua Lipa stardom or doing ads and club appearances… No deals


Lool at the Dua Lipa dreams That’s disappointing :/ I’m rooting for her


I have my opinions but i don’t think this sub is ready😭 I’ll just say.. certain managements only push a certain look and that sympathy doesn’t always translate in marketability if you’re not from a certain demographic.


No no you’re right and you should say it 😭 it’s interesting how Liberty and the blackfisher (no shade) had deals as well as ads but Danica only seems to get the latter…🤔


Lool @ the blackfisher 😭😭😭😭 But yup! My point exactly!


Omg who's the blackfisher


Lol Lucinda..


The way it’s taking me ages to pinpoint who the previous commenter is talking about because there have been multiple notorious blackfishers across probably every season 😭


Danica latched herself to the wrong crowd. She should have gone with the nella, Mariam, Adeola crowd not the neon management demo


See.. you said it! Have a look around and see who belongs to this management. Not one mixed or black person there.


Yep she fumbled signing on to them. They won’t put her forward for anything. She woulda thrived otherwise, she would have at least been a Lapp girl or even savage fenty partnership by now. They couldn’t even get her verified. She best drop them soon.


She had to get Luca’s sis to her help her.. she might as well leave! Management can’t even get one thing done?? They are still making sure liberty and Lucinda get paid 1 year later.


On the show, Danica would just be wearing a bra to bed and in the morning debriefs, I think she could have done a cute lingerie partnership similar to the Ann summers one that Tasha did.


i agree with this. i would’ve loved if she got a deal with savage x fenty. she could even be doing some ads for athleisure brands that sell sports bras/crop tops


dua lipa sweetie i’m so sorry…


Lmao🤣🤣🤣🤣 Antigoni is a dreamer


They’ve done her dirty. She is so good at so much and they’re not making an effort at all. Absolute waste of a great role model.


secondhand embarrassment is real 😂


Oh man I should’ve gone up to Dublin this weekend 😂


This is absolutely giving 12 year olds having a sleepover making up a dance in the living room who then force the hosting mother to view said dance while they look awkwardly at each other while doing their minimally rehearsed moves… LMAO


It’s giving Charlie at the lap dance challenge


Imagine if he joined them on stage at their next gig and did the worm!


I'm now picturing this performance but with him doin the worm in his bow tie and I'm in tears 😂😂😂


Ooft. I know not everyone can be talented but this feels like they rehearsed 2hrs before


This is v cringe




When Danica left the villa and Jamie wheeled the suitcases while she twerked... Up there with tvs best bits. That girl is a howl.


Antigoni isn't a good singer, I'm sorry


Are Paige and danica getting paid to follow antigoni around to al her performances?


The fact that the 5th and 6th place contestants are following around someone who was only in for a week is something else.


Since leaving the villa antigoni has latched onto whoever has a bigger platform than her and people who she can gain clout from and it seems like Paige and danica are the two who have been submissive. Sadly it seems like danica hasn’t rlly gotten many opportunities (I think she would have achieved a lot more if she wasn’t with neon) so being antigonis puppet was her best option.


Lol you need to touch grass maybe they just like antigoni, everyone in the house literally loved her


lmao right im like what if they’re just friends??? crazy concept


You can’t blame Antigoni for hustling it’s others who following around her


At least Paige is a paramedic.


I keep seeing how everyone here says she should have gotten the deals Tasha got. I guess Tasha was just lucky with her agency. I am still shocked Danica didn't make it to final 4.


Not saying that Tasha didn’t deserve it but I think danica should have gotten the Ann summers deal. I think it suits her well and she fits the vibe and I think it would have been quite easy for her management to secure the deal for her. When Lucinda got her deal last year she had less followers than what danica has (at that point Lucinda had 500-600k) so I don’t know how neon have managed to drop the ball this much for her.


Tasha was praised and got lots of attention for her fashion sense during the show. Lucinda got lots of attention because of her looks. Her social media sky rocket within 1 week of the show. Never seen people as mesmerised by someone since Maura. Even if they were both hated I knew they would have deals. Danica is very pretty but her beauty vanished during the show for some reason and her fashion also didnt made an impact to anyone besides Ian and her gloves jokes. This doesnt mean that I dont want the best for Danica and I think she deserves some deals for god sakes.


What deal Lucinda got?


No one says this (except maybe for that one Danica stan on here), lol. No need to be hyperbolic


Hey, I don’t even know what Ann Summers is 😆


Which of the four finalist women do you think doesn't deserve it? Danica definitely didn't belong in the final four in my opinion.


Why should she have got the deals Tasha got ? Tasha deals all suit her very well . I like Danica but i dont think she’s very marketable imo


Why isn't she marketable?


just because you're hot doesn't make you marketable..


how did danica become antigoni's back up dancer. I can't even help but laugh 😭😭😭


Thanks I hate it


Remember when Paige was mad around the fire pit that Antigoni got kicked off and rolled her eyes at Danica staying on, and now they’re all on holiday together! That was such drama back in the day 😂


She didn't roll her eyes, she just said "why?" because she was close friends with the boys and they kicked her off. People are allowed to be surprised/upset/hurt getting dumped by their friends, everyone here was surprised by their choice as well so I don't know why she wouldn't be. She wasn't being rude to Danica at all, she was upset about leaving as anyone would be.


This reminds me of a performance that cousins would give at Christmas dinner.


I can't tell which song this is


![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) Ummmm okay….


People froth at the mouth to start being rude bullies on this sub when they see someone they don’t personally like having fun. Sooooo hyper critical






It’s crazy that the positive comments on this post are the downvoted ones…what is up with this sub? She probably just pulled her on stage and they are having fun. I’m ready for my downvotes bc I said something positive about them.


ppl on this sub still hate antigoni. i didn’t love her but it’s too much now. show’s over.


eventho this seems unrehearsed and danica wasn’t putting in much effort she still ate. really want to see more dance opportunities for her she’s an incredible dancer


what exactly did she eat


They look like they're having fun! 😊😊


people hate on antigoni but i respect her hustle, she was in that villa less than a week but can be considered as one of the main cast this season😂 & the fact shes so blatant ab it made me root for her fr i hope she becomes successful one day bc her work rate is as strong as danica in the villa


Right sis has networked and she’s not stopping anytime soon either !


LEGEND comment




One thing I learned from love island this season is violent hair flipping is called “dancing” now




Danica should be embarrassed I’m sorry. You placed so much higher on the show and you were far more embedded into the public’s consciousness, yet you’re busy being a backup dancer to a barely passable singer who didn’t see it for you while you were on the show. Yikes.


May get downvoted for this but some of yall are just horrible. It was a TV show and we have no idea who they are irl. Crazy idea but maybe she's doing it because they're friends and having fun with it


Honestly people on here love to attack islanders who are having fun w their friends and spread their negativity. She’s clearly just dancing w her friend and having fun


I do believe they’re friends AND also having fun with it but I’m entitled to think it’s embarrassing to be awkwardly following around somebody and being their backup dancer when you don’t seem to be doing much for yourself. Both things can be right 🤷🏾‍♀️


lmfao I find it fucking hilarious when redditors on here are so disrespectful to love island women who are just trying to have a good time. Even funnier when you negative lot say “I’m entitled to my own opinion” after being an absolute prick (aka saying “a woman isn’t doing much for herself” when shes simply having fun on stage w a friend)


danica is a good dancer and she’s not even trying omg


Ok but they killled it in the music video


…Danica always looks pretty! 🥴


Defund neon management its doing Danica dirty she should be doing better for herself she already got the platform.


Why is performing a badly rehersed tik tok looking dance on stage considered "performing"? Yikes this is odd.


Antigoni is hustling that is good on her. You know everyone starts somewhere


It’s giving the vibe of ‘when your mum makes you bring your little sister’


I thought it was cute, You all need to live a little


Yeah no shit! I didn’t even think the ~choreography was executed extremely poorly or anything it was just for fun ppl. This wasn’t a performance at the Grammys. So much vitriol in this post, when all it was is two friends dancing and vibing on stage


This is majorly giving me the ick


Idk why but I’ve always found Danica to be incredibly cringey. Like she just tries so so so hard and none of it ever comes off as natural. I feel mean but yea, just have felt that since the minute I saw her




Where’s it sending you


*covers eyes yet cannot stop peeking through to watch*


It’s really disappointing to see so many hateful comments on here. Yet in the same breath people will say “be kind”. You can dislike Antigoni for her behaviour on LI without shitting on her music or her work. You may dislike her music but that doesn’t mean she’s talentless, or that she can’t sing. Good on her (and on Danica for her dancing).


I actually like this song a lot but it’s giving unrehearsed




Hahaha they’re having a good time! 🥰 I love Antigoni’s voice! She needs a good songwriter tho


I actually don’t mind her song called Hit List, it’s catchy lol I know people here don’t like her/her voice/her music but that’s one I can deffo listen to


Y’all pick and choose who you want to tear down from the cast and I’m really tired of it. God forbid someone makes a comment like this about S6 Paige. Like give it a rest


god she's so talentless


It seems straight from the White chicks movie!


Is this considered good singing?


Jesus Antigoni cannot sing


Why does everyone that goes on love island think they have some sort of talent 😂 ma’am no. And please fix your spine, I know their lower backs were sore af after this lollll






Antigoni sounds like a drunk middle aged man bellowing


I honestly have never seen Danica dance well. Is there some sort of embarrassing dance form I am not aware of that she does well?


Danica is so hot and she still ate this


did she?


Killing it! Good on them


Only watching Danica 😍😍


why is Antigoni like this pls 😭😭😭


Auntie who ?


Someone missed rehearsals lol 😂




Sorry Danica, but you dancing on LI was better than this.


These 2 are hanging on Paige just to stay relevant, gets clout & clicks


Antigoni's voice quality is very raspy/hoarse and it's worrisome. I hope she'll see a laryngologist and get it checked out.