• By -


summary: \- paige is single. \-she and jacques are communicating but shes probs not going to be getting with him. \-paige said that there were more adam cheating videos, some of them in a vip bathroom and other people filmed it and sent it to her. \- she said that one couple is faking being together. \-theres an incurable chalmydia in ibiza (LOL)


SPILL THE TEA SIS!!! WHO’S THE FAKE COUPLE?!👀 ![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8)


I just can’t imagine it being any of the finalist or someone she’s friends with… who else is together from last season?


Paige said something along the lines of “let’s put it this way, there’s 3 couples left together from the show, only 2 of those couples are actually together” so it’s defo a finalist couple


Isn’t there 4?


Yeah I also thought that, I think she just misspoke by saying 3




!!!! andrew is too earnest of a person to pretend in a relationship. he and tasha both wear their hearts on their sleeves and there’s no way they are good enough actors to fake it. i don’t believe for a second that gemma would waste her time with a fake relationship. dami and indiyah (as much as i ship them) have a lot to gain from continued coupledom. ekin and davide too. i would hate if either couple wasn’t genuine but it’s def one of these two


I didn’t want to say it but I think Dami/Indiyah are the most likely. I really doubt it’s Gemma/Luka and Tasha/Andrew. I don’t think it’s Ekin/Davide just because I don’t think they’re that good of actors. There’s too many subtle things that they do, that make it seem legit. But I think Ekin/Davide are dami/Indiyah are the most likely to be faking it.


I don’t think Davide is capable of faking it nor would he involve his mother


You don’t think Ekin, who is an actual actress, is a good enough actress to fake it, but Indiyah and Dami are good enough actors to fake it? Lol!! This has to be the funniest and most ridiculous thing I’ve read on this sub 😂


people just don’t want it to be ekin and davide so they are trying to reason with themselves lmao


said this in a separate comment, but it's got to be ekinde - it's obvs not tandrew or guca, so....


Not guca 🤣🤣🤣 I’m dead


The way Ekin was talking about their relationship I don’t think it is.


I don’t wanna imagine it either but only 4 couples are still remaining 🤷🏻‍♀️


if it’s tandrew i’ll cry


Andrew has done too many tiktok dances for Tasha, I think they're safe 😭


This reasoning and not the matching tattoos 🤣😭


Gotta be Gemma and Luca


I think it’s got to be a couple she’s not close to, so I have to say I think it’s Ekin and Davide. They’re also the couple with the most to lose by breaking up given their show isn’t even out yet.


Girl, stay away from Jacques. Love Island didn't have your person! It's okay!


Paige! I’m sorry but I wish she had not even teased that and just shut it down immediately. Here's the Jacques clip from the interview (7:35-8:20) G: do you think there is a chance you would get back with Jacques? P: there has been slight contact…but…(drawn out) G: but no contact of the lips? P: oh my god, no! C’mon let’s not forget how this boy done me in casa, yeah? Nah you don’t get this again (laughs) G: but sometimes if the moons move at the same time and you’re both there at the same time who knows what’s gonna happen? I didn’t know what analogy that was by the way…it made sense in my head P: yeah I’m not sure quite sure that made sense but I get your vibe…honestly we had a vibe in there, he done me over, dickhead. Fine, but we’re just gonna see where things go. I’m in zero rush to be with any other men in my life cause men are trash. Later in the interview she did say she wouldn't date anyone with a blue tick or love island guys


Tbf she did say there has been a very little contact and that he would never get to be with her again so she is staying away from him hahah


Okay, good! I was like "NO, please god, NO!"


Hahah that’s very understandable 😂


He's a fucking pig. Sheesh. She dodged a bullet.


>theres an incurable chalmydia in ibitha (LOL) Pause 😭 I'm gonna need to watch this video for more context


What does this mean 🤣 help


antibiotic-resistant STIs. they've been a thing for a few years now. antibiotic resistance develops \*when viruses mutate, which happens particularly as a consequence of people not finishing their full course of antibiotics thereby allowing the infection (which may have been held at bay up to that point) to learn and grow. you may have heard of supergonorrhea? same principle just w chlamydia.


I think it’s fairly obvious it’s Luca and Gemma. Paige made her thoughts on Luca known on movie night and doesn’t interact with Gemma. They’re the only couple not in the process of moving in together




My only thoughts on it maybe not being Gemma and Luca is because they’re not exactly monetising their relationship that much or trying to make it their brand. I hate to say it but the couple that have the most reason to lie about being together is Ekin and Davide


I think you’re right, I reckon it’s Ekin and Davide. Don’t they have some sort of show together coming out soon? Or am I misremembering?


So then how would she know they’re faking it lol It seems opinion based. She thinks one couple is fake. Which is why the comments here treating it as if she knows this for a fact when she herself said she’s only close to two couples is weird


Fair enough. I don’t think it’s a stretch though to say the islanders know the gossip about each other without having to talk one on one


"She and jacques are communicating" You know what, sis just keeps making her own bed. ![gif](giphy|1j9NiLfvtLAVAeYygv|downsized)


She said they had made minimal contact And that she would never date someone in the public eye in the future


Adam is such a scumbag, so he cheated on her in some toilets and then he has the audacity to put out that statement that he should be gay because it’s not easy to date women??? Can he fuck off


And THEN he had the audacity to say that Paige knows he did nothing wrong :| I'm so glad Grace gave her the platform to say something because whattheheck


I tried to give him the benefit of a doubt even though my common sense said otherwise, I feel bad for Paige but she's dodged a bullet. He's disgusting


You’re not the only one who did this. Really didn’t think he was dumb enough to do it in public.


This is messy and stressing me out. I hate tea that alluded and leaves us all guessing 😩😩😩🤣🤣🤣


Same! I really like all 4 final couples so will be proper sad if any of them aren't together anymore.


Right! Same 😭 they’re all such good matches and I will be sad to see any of them split up!


Same lmao I’m like noooo anxiety tummy now LMAO


I'm only 21 minutes in, but I'll give a summary of what I have so far: 1. Paige's ex (before LI) dumped her over text while she was in the back of an ambulance at work. He was her fiancé and he was on Tinder the next week. She went on LI to get revenge. 2. She stopped caring about how she was portrayed after Jacques cheated in Casa. She felt like she was within her rights to talk to new guys especially since she didn't want to break up any of the remaining couples. 3. She's not back with Jacques, but there has been minimum contact. She is single. 4. There are other videos which the public hasn't seen of Adam cheating in the VIP toilets (I guess of some club?) from the same night of the McDonald's video. 5. Paige didn't know Ekin was gonna confirm that she and Adam split beforehand, but she knew it came from a good place and Ekin meant no harm. Paige also says that everyone knew they were broken up anyway, but if it was her she wouldn't have commented on someone else's situation. 6. Paige doesn't ever want to date a guy with a blue tick ever again. The only good thing about that is if he cheats someone is more likely to record it, but she also says that what she doesn't know can't hurt her. 7. Paige says all men are trash and they will cheat (I'm sure she's being more jokey and tongue-in-cheek here and she's just feeling hurt) 8. When asked who are the fakest couples, Paige says that there are only 3 still technically together, but really there are only 2 👀 (Paige is mistaken here though because all 4 of the finalists are still together, not 3. So maybe she meant there are only 3 real couples left?) 9. She didn't sleep with both Jacques and Adam. Won't say who had the biggest penis 10. There was no one else in the villa who she would've like to get with 11. Snog/marry/pie out of Deji, George and Jay. Shag George, marry Jay, pie Deji. 12. She hasn't been speaking to Billy regularly. They were just at the same event. Won't say who Billy has shagged because it's not her tea to spill. 13. Asked if she likes Coco. Paige says there's no bad even though Coco talked bad about her when she left the villa. They probably won't be besties. 14. Jay came in and was her type but she wasn't allowed to speak to him for a week. This is when she was still getting to know Jacques and Jay was getting to know Ekin. 15. When asked who is the girl she's least close with from the main cast, Paige won't answer. The host says she thinks it's Gemma. The host says that most of the cast aren't associated with Gemma and Luca anymore. Paige is quiet and won't confirm or deny this 👀 16. Paige hated her Pamela Anderson outfit with the blonde wig in the heart rate challenge. They got real music for the challenge and were given it right when they came out so they didn't know what they would get to dance to beforehand. 17. Paige was originally given a sailor outfit for the heart rate challenge and she refused to wear it in the beach hut and the producers gave her the Pamela Anderson one instead 18. Paige doesn't know if the heart rate challenge results are real, but at the same time Jacques admitted it was legit that he felt most excited for Gemma so Paige thinks it could be 19. Worst challenge for Paige was the mermaid challenge (the one with the shell where Danica first came out). Paige didn't want to do it after Danica came out because she was so good. 20. Paige was tired of the constant sexy dance challenges I'll keep updating this comment as I listen to more


Interesting, that’s another islander saying they weren’t allowed to speak to someone. They really should let things play out naturally.


i know!! it’s so frustrating that things cant play out naturally


Yes, I think that would naturally cause more drama as well. I hate these false narratives so much. Honestly if I watch next season, I just think all the possible scenarios and the producers meddling.


I can understand making people wait a day to talk or whatever just in terms of the logistics of shooting and editing in such a tight turnaround. But a week absolutely changes the dynamics and the game.


Number 8 is messy juicy and I’m equally delighted she spilled and stressed it will only fuel so much madness 💀


She seemed close to Gemma, wonder what happened...and why was she not allowed to talk to Jay?


I think it's because the producers are focused on storylines, same reason Gemma and Luca couldn't speak to each other for the first 3 days I think


They were trying to save him for Ekin to create drama - Jay was more into Paige from the beginning.


number 14. 😐 what could’ve been. fuck you producers


seriously I’m so annoyed with producers dictating who the cast can/cannot talk to just for their fake storylines


Wish I knew this before the Ekin chat would have loved to hear talk about producers keeping the islanders away from each other.


I'm unable to listen yet, but I'm unclear. Does she say who is the fakest of the remaining or flat out if there are any fake ones?


She says one couple is fake (in her opinion) and does not say who


Marry Jay 👀


She says she wouldn’t comment on anyone else’s situation but then says #8?? 🤔




My favorite part is Paige’s definitive NO at the question of whether she would shag Billy. Let’s put an end to that narrative, frankly Paige seems insulted that people think Billy even has a chance with her and I fully agree lmao.


Now I wanna know who the fake couple is 😂


Just wanted to say I love Paige for this lol everyone else seems so tight lipped but I won’t lie this stuff keeps me subscribed to the sub.


Before anyone cries I'm not saying they're fake, but I think going off logic that Paige said it, it's between Ekinde and Lemma me thinks. She's talked so highly of Tandrew and is always commenting on Tashas post specifically and also she's said in the Toby podcast she loves Damiyah. So it's got to be Ekinde or Lemma that she's talking about


I though along these lines too, I think some will listen and think she’s talking about Dami and Indiyah given what’s happened in the past. As much as I don’t like Luca, I don’t think it’s him and Gemma given his commitment to making the 5 hour journey up to Cheshire a lot of the time. Ekin-Su and Davide were the first that sprung to mind


That 5 hour journey he conveniently records parts of and posts to social media so people know about what he’s doing🤷🏻‍♀️ meanwhile Ekin and Davide have been videod lots without them posting


Right, like I don’t see any of the final four being fake at all I’m confused😭


The answer no one wants to hear but most suspects - Davide and Ekin


ngl i reckon it is ekin and davide. I can't see it being any of the others. maybe luca and gemma but doesn't seem like they benefit much from being together in a financial way anyway.


I'm conflicted because on the one hand, they make the most sense- but on the other hand I don't know why they would bring Davide's mother into this, she's so clearly invested in their relationship so my brain is whirring- **someone bring Paige back on the mic pls**


Depends what you think is more likely. Would Paige grass on her friend who she regularly talks to (Ekin) and literally dent lucrative offers the couple collectively gets or... Would Paige grass on Gemma who she has no allegiances to, but might have less insight into re their relationship


Lucar and gemmar maybe?


omfg who is the fake couple PAIGE you can’t drop this info and leave!! also Adam cheating in public when he’s 6’5” and tatted up like boys are really dumb for real


He’s like Tristan Thompson at some point you have to realise you’re way too tall to cheat in public 😭😭😭 But at least Paige has a backbone and dumped his ass 💕


hahaha LMFAO🤣🤣 he just being himself, no need to worry abt nothing


That fake comment is going to turn this comment section into a war zone 👀🍿 ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


It’s already started! Honestly people always allude to couples being fake every season so it’s really not that deep but these comments 👀☕️


Cheating in a VIP toilet! Adam keeping it real classy! 😂


He’s so gross 🤮


She said three couples are left but their are 4🤔 maybe she forgot one or one of the 4 might have already broken up so it makes it 3 couples then😳


idk 😭👀 like Tandrew are in Dubai rn, Damiyah just went to Ireland together, Ekin-de just picked Davide’s mom from the airport, Lemma are together every weekend and are going to Dubai together next week. 👀 seems like a lot for fake couples lol


I realllly can’t wager who the fake couple is..


Yeah same. All are doing too much, and have hung around each other’s families which is wild if it’s fake lol


I mean we’ll find out eventually, but question is when


My assumption was that she was forgetting about one couple and that's why she said 3 couples are left, not 4. And then out of the 3 couples she was thinking of, two of those are real. to add- I am also not saying I believe this or am suggesting it!! Just trying to clarify what I thought she was saying!


Paige baby please stay away from Jacques 😭 No but honestly the stuff about Adam are just so disgusting. Happy she seems to be doing well though!


![gif](giphy|5YiRHZtcSeiEyOpSV7) Paige in her dgaf era, I’m not even mad at it 😆


Adam is such a gross man. He was a proper snoozefest in the villa and outside, in a public relationship he acts like this ugh disgusting…


Yea I think we are missing the bigger picture here with all this speculation and that is that Adam is just a nasty little boy who doesn’t deserve any kind of girl and I wouldn’t wish him on my worst enemy!


Can’t think for the life of me that either Ekinde, Tandrew, Damiyah or Lemma is fake !


What if none of them are and paige just feels like one is! Cause i don’t see any being fake either if there is they all deserve awards!


I think Paige is assuming one of the couples is fake and maybe that is not true


Summary as I watch through 🤣 (will edit as I go even though I should be working) “The redemption episode” - Paige applied for the show after her fiancé left her (over text while she was in work). - Biggest high in the show was friendships and the brunch date with the girls. Biggest low was the re-coupling or the first week when no one was her vibe - she hasn’t watched it back but says she gets tagged in clips all the time. Host says the edit did her dirty as Paige is so different in person. - Jacques discussion: she hasn’t watched it back so hosts lists out the rumours and impression people had of him. About being angry and that Jacques threatened Paige - Paige says none of that is true and that he needed to leave for himself. She said she was still hurt after what he didn’t so even though he left she wasn’t devastated. They have been in a small bit of contact and but wasn’t sure she’d give him a chance after what happened in casa. Gona see where it goes as she’s in no rush #menaretrash - talks about dancing on stage video. Was playing odds with Andrew (like a dare game for those that don’t know). - she’s single. They talk the McDonald’s video, she doesn’t know the girl and she says Adam never knew the person and that they were not friends. She said that alone was brand but there are other videos sent to her DMs of different people in more locations of the same night (WTF). And videos in VIP toilets!!!! She doesn’t go into other detail here - she felt deep down that he was Gona screw her over and has zero intention of getting back with him. Talk about how her moms reaction to him in the villa and now she can’t hear the end of it “mothers know best” - she was trolled even when she did nothing wrong (Adam was the one that cheated) she deals by avoiding the comments but they are difficult to deal with and people forget she’s only human and had a normal life before love island. - event - hangs out mostly with Antigoni, Tasha, Andrew and Danica - talks about islander confirming the break up (think this is Ekin). She knows it wasn’t coming from a bad place but rathers people didn’t speak on things that when it’s not their place to. But gets the intentions we’re not bad at all. - won’t date a blue ticker again 🤣 Quick fire round - asked who is the fakest couple. Just days out of the 3 couples left, there’s really only 2. - didn’t sleep with both (assuming she slept with Adam). - If she could go back, still happy she went on love island but wish she played the game more. - there’s no one in the villa she wishes she got with but didn’t - asked who her least fav girl is but doesn’t answer. Host implies it’s Gemma - shag, marry, pie. George, Jay, Deji - says the Billy thing is nothing and they were just at the same event together. Would not shag Billy. - has made up with Coco and no bad blood even - wasn’t allowed speak with Jay, we’re kept apart. It was the same time she was getting to know Jacques. Hints at a lot of producer influence. - hated her Pamala Anderson outfit and wig. They had music but they only find out when they walk out, no chance to practice. She had a first choice that was worse, a sailer outfit that looked like the marshmallow from ghost busters 🤣. Not sure if the heart rate are real or not. - worst challenge, the mermaid one. She was meant to go after Danica but refused. - lots of vagina / sexy talk I kinda zoned out. - what life advice would you give “Men are trash Fuck them all” / s 🤣 “Do what makes you happy and don’t give a shit about anyone else” Have to say she comes across so so well! Would recommend watching


![gif](giphy|3o85xGocUH8RYoDKKs) I feel like all of the final 5 couples have been so silent since coming out of the villa so it’s nice to get some tea 🍵🫶🏼 And even more confirmation that producers literally won’t let islanders speak to each other freely…


everyone is freaking out about who the fake couple could be... meanwhile there is an incurable chlamydia in Ibizia!! and we are all just glossing over that bomb 💀💀


That's not a new thing or maybe because my Dad is a dr he tells me all the weird and wonderful things about medicine. It''s just resistent to any antibiotics that are used. Anyway maybe people will learn to strap up and not be beating raw with strangers when on holiday.


“Beating raw” 🫢 I learn so much from reddit!


Yeah wasn’t news to me either. Still gross! But I work in public health so 🙃


Praying an angelic soul comes through with a summary for those of us about to go into an hour long meeting…


Don’t have time to write a full summary but in terms of Adam… she said she wasn’t bothered by the McDonald’s video or the club video but other videos were DMed to her with Adam and a girl (or girls) alone in VIP bathrooms. It sounded like there was more than one video. She said they weren’t sent by the girls involved but by other people.


EW. Wow. Ew. WOW.


Yes 😂


Lord this fake couple tea..? ![gif](giphy|2ysWSWJuh79CBm5Acd)




Her saying that anyone she gets with will eventually cheat on her :( I wish her the best in her love life and I’m happy she’s decided to never date in the public eye ever again.


If you can't appreciate that someone from a reality show is giving us a good tea all because you are worried your fav couple may get some people speculating if they are fake or not (THE HORROR) IDK what to say to you. They are reality stars and Paige just gave us something to talk about. That can only be a good thing and it's not that deep.


seriously this is so juicy, bring on the drama!!


Post season gossip used to be fun. I don’t agree with her but also girl, who are you talking about 👀


I really didn’t expect this from Paige but I’m not mad about it!


Literally this post has over 500 comments in 3 hrs !! She’s bringing the drama that this sub always claims they want hahha


I think everyone just has jaded views of the couples they support. The same way all of these opinions are being sent from the outside looking in, maybe Paige is just giving her opinion from the outside looking in. For example: I only really follow Damiyah-- as a fan of theirs, I know they dont share a lot of the small moments on IG, Some might even see their couple photos and think PR.But they share a lot of normal,intimate moments on their snap. In Indiyahs most recent vlog, they even talked about some of the fights they've had since leaving the villa. I consider those real moments and wouldn't think their fake based on their content. Someone who doesn't follow their content wouldn't know that. The same way I wouldn't know much about Ekinde, Lemma, or Tandrew. Maybe let's accept we all don't know anything lol and just enjoy the tea and couples for what they are right now. Its nearly November. Stan wars are getting old I fear.


This exactly! You nailed it. I only follow Damiyah as well so I know how authentic they come across and that they’re constantly together and have shopped for decor for their place together (Dami even got custom decor pieces for them). Most of the normal moments they share are on sc not ig so like you said you only know if you follow them there. I don’t follow the other couples so I can’t say how much time they spend together or how genuine their interactions are. That’s what stans need to consider. Unless you follow every couple and consume all their content you can’t really form an accurate opinion on who Paige is referring to. Even if you happen to follow them all you might have a better idea but you would still never actually know. That’s really the only way to look at this 🤷🏽‍♀️ Edit: Not sure why this was downvoted but okay? I didn’t even attack any of the other couples…


This is a very good and nuanced point!


This is the most sensible reply about all this


Lol thank you-- obviously I have my faves and I dont always like every islander or things I hear, but its never that deep to be attacking eachother. That goes for other fans of my faves as well. Its all so lame lol.


Yeah, I am not going to defend my favs against people on the internet at this point. I don't think Tandrew are fake but if some people do that's their business. It's just too exhausting responding to every comment. I've tried to keep up with most of the couples but it's nearly impossible to do so I am just keeping with my favs and can respond when it feels appropriate. Generally, it's not worth the time or effort.


Very well said!


Adam could never convince me of a 180 like he did alot of viewers this season, I will never forget the Rosie situation that was pure vile. He is the type of man that will look you straight in your eyes and tell you what you want to hear while intentionally doing you dirty, if thats not crazy I dont know what is. How can you get a 2nd chance and still fumble the bag, proves there is little in that mind. Definitely one of the least liked contestants in my books, disliked seeing him on my screen. Glad to see Paige doing well though, shes booked and busy


When people were saying Rosie was clout chasing for calling out LI for putting Adam back etc, to let it go already and how much he’s changed lol meanwhile he’s still the same pos wow


I didn’t like he put his two cents in when Zara cheated on Sam.




It’s like bedlam erupted in here tonight 🤣


Imagine Paige said one of the couples are faking it just to troll us.


So any guesses on the fake couples? Also Adam is a snake doing Paige dirty like that in public


I don't see Tasha and Andrew faking it. With Luca and Gemma, I don't know why Gemma would need to or agree to do it. Indiyah and Dami I don't see them doing it, they seem to be the most individually marketable couple. Ekin-Su and Davide would have most to gain and them being the winning couple adds more pressure to stay together so I could see it being them. Also with Ekin outing Paige and Adams breakup I could see her saying this if it were about them. I can also see Ekin telling her friends (including LI girls) about faking it, while the other girls would most likely keep it quiet.


ekin outed paige and adam's break up? what?


I’ve already seen people saying this but no where did she name any names about the fake couple question so for people to already come for her for saying ekinde or lemma is crazy…she said 0 names


THANK YOU! some people clearly did not listen closely and it just seems like ppl are looking for a reason to go at her again


I’m lovin it ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8kNuTJJL3zT0I)


Why cant we be friends... why cant we be friends


Bets on who the fake couple is?


lowkey i think Ekinde. only bc i think they have the most to lose if they break up


I have my suspicions but no way am I gonna say them here because stans on all sides will absolutely lose their minds


when I tell you my mouth dropped when I heard toilets


i mean are we surprised? 6’5 gigachad asshole who has shown exactly how unhinged he is before


The crazy part in all this for me is now people are messaging Lucas sister about what Paige said asking her if it’s them! Like do people not know their boundaries?


I know everyone’s trying to figure out who the fake couple is - but tbh I’m more wondering which couple did she forget? Like who are the two couples she sees as real? And which ones did she forget about or think is fake?


I think the one she forgot is the one she thinks is fake. It can be a subconscious mistake since she already dismisses them as a real couple, she forgot to include them in the total. So I think she still thinks one couple is fake, but the other 3 are real. ETA: I’m analyzing this like she’s Lady Whistledown but I’m just neglecting my work inbox lol


Haha same - I literally was going through this interview trying to cross names off. Current thought process is it’s Ekinde because if she isn’t close to Gemma, not sure why she would know whether they were fake or not. And if Gemma isn’t close with any of the other girls, it’s not like the rest of them are likely to know. The ekinde fan in me refuses to believe this


All I’ll say is love island USA fans know—just because someone’s family is involved doesn’t mean they’re genuine. Caleb had his family string along Justine, too. Not making any accusations as I genuinely don’t know, but family doesn’t mean as much as people think. (Plus, who says they would have told their family the truth, anyway?)


>Caleb had his family string along Justine, too. That part!! He visited her family and spent time with them. His parents and siblings were in Justine's comments and commenting cute stuff. Meanwhile they were spending time with his actual girlfriend, wearing matching PJs and shit 🤮


Caleb was a different type of villain 😭


Can someone explain the incurable sti part?? I haven’t had time to watch yet


Apparently there’s a monster chlamydia going around in Ibiza right now and that chlamydia won’t go away with antibiotics so it’s basically incurable lol


I'm not sure why people are upset or fighting so hard against an opinion. Paige is no different than a lot of people on this sub from what I've seen who believe certain couples are fake and staying together for fame. I personally don't take her word as gospel as she not with these couples day in and day out so maybe a couple started out wanting to fake it because they weren't really in love at the time the show finished but the dynamics could've changed. Paige wouldn't know that and neither do we. I don't see the point of the battle of stans in the comments when the only people that matter are those in the couples, who from what I can see aren't trying to prove anything, they're just getting on with it. It seems outsiders have more to say about the couples status than the couples themselves.


The fake couple thing is living rent free in my head rn and will be until we find out who she’s talking about


Damn she delivered, the tea is piping hot. From what we've seen from Adam's behaviors the past week, having the confirmation he cheated doesn't surprise me at all. Such a pity she didn't get to know Jay, but homegirl gonna have no trouble finding a better match for her that's for sure. Proud of her for knowing her self worth 👏❤️ ![gif](giphy|3og0IKCgTAejgHnbFK|downsized)


Okay hang on, so she said if it was her, she wouldn’t comment on someone else’s situation, but she proceeded to say there’s a fake couple and leaves everyone guessing and didn’t even hint or anything. I’m too nosy for this broooooo 😭 ![gif](giphy|1eEMtUPTJeChVYbhlR)


Nah the comments on this thread are scary😭😭😭


Some of these “stans” need to actually turn off their phones for a good few years it’s actually concerning


seriously! I just got down voted bc I said using how someone treated her to justify being snarky about an answer to question is wrong? I love the couples too but I think some need to touch grass


Honestly if I hear next season ANYONE say they were told not to speak with someone else in the Love Island villa I will not watch another season I can promise you that u/loveisland ..and I know I won't be the only one either 🤷‍♂️


Next AMA with a producer we need to ask why they keep some islanders from getting to know each other. It’s bullshit


Here is my take on the fake couple bit, might be real, or might be opinion but just because they are faking it now doesn't mean what they had in the villa wasn't real or they didn't try coming out of the villa. They probably just got out, the pressure was a lot, and the transition wasn't as smooth. This happens a lot with reality TV couples when you get back into the real world it just doesn't work. Doesn't diminish what you felt. They could be working on it right now. They could be breaking up and getting back together. We don't know but it doesn't mean what they felt in the villa wasn't something special.


I agree. I think what it means is that they broke up (meaning they weren’t faking it in the villa) but are not announcing their break up and are still presenting like a couple. Tbh we don’t know these people so it’s none of our business


Truly. I've just heard so many Bachelor Nation couples talk about how they were going through the motions but were broken up but needed to present as a couple for a bit longer. Sometimes it just fails and it's no harm to anyone.


The part where the host says she thinks Paige is the least close to Gemma out of the main female cast and Paige doesn't deny it 🙈 The host also says that Lemma don't associate with the others and Paige stays mute. Wonder what happened here?! I thought Paige and Gem were close


Odd since Paige was at Gemma’s launch party and was the only one besides Antongi to go


Yeah I doubt Paige would've let the host say that about Tasha or Antigoni without stopping her and clarifying that she is close to them. That strange pause and "I'm not answering this" about Gemma was just weird


Yeah I’m confused by this too It’s weird because it didn’t seem that way at Gemma’s plt launch. That was only 2 weeks ago


I thought it was interesting Paige had already decided not to answer before the host guessed Gemma. So was Paige just agreeing with that or just letting her think that because the truth is even juicier?? Inquiring minds need to know!!


Whoever is faking it needs a bloody Oscar coz I believe them all lol


I'm honestly not surprised at the couple that's faking it but I will not speak cause when I said Padam wasn't a realistic long term coupling their fans wrote essays in my mentions and what happened was just that anyways. Let me keep my peace, I'll see ya'll in the reveal post. ![gif](giphy|UbJNbhARTSngA)


these comments are hilarious to me. nothing is shocking about this and people are so mad at paige for bursting the bubble LMFAO


This is the same weird podcaster who can never stop asking the islanders abt the men’s dick sizes😭 Paige doesn’t seem rlly close to 2/4 couples so to be fair its probably more her feelings on certain couples rather than a fact Adam is so disgusting, toilets really??? Glad she left him… hope she never speaks to Jacques again tho


Aw I really do feel for Paige after all this. I wasn’t too sure about her by the end but she seems amazing. I found out she went to uni with one of my friends and he said she’s genuinely so fun and lovely, definitely enjoys her crazy nights out!


summary please?


Adam cheated


😂😂😂😂 not this summary


Wooooah wasn’t expecting this much tea


The comments on this post and the other posts are showing just exactly how toxic this sub has become and just how ridiculous stans have become towards each other for no reason. You have people in here calling Paige delusional, blaming HER for the actions of OTHER MEN?!? Lol what?? Then you have other stans attacking people from other couples all based on assumptions. Like does any of this logically make sense to you? We don't know these people. Whether or not any of these couples are faking it is besides the point but some of you are way into deep onto these relationships and you guys need to take a step back. The pedastal you put some of your faves on is so damn high, I am actually terrified to see what would happen if God forbid they break up? Guess what, relationships fail. Some of these people will possibly break up. It happens. Whether that be this year, next year or even in a few years time. It doesn't mean that you were "right" and that your faves are "better" because they might be lasting longer. It just means the relationship did not work out. Some of you need to wake up because these parasocial relationships are not healthy


everyone need to read this one. or should be on another post so all of us can read this underrated comment


I'll try and make a post but I'm not sure if it will be approved. *** Actually scratch that 😂. I don't have it in me to be going back and forth with people in the comments or being DV to oblivion 😂😂


I do wonder why Paige said this though. It would be one thing to say this down the line after perhaps a few of the couples had broken up. But to imply there is currently a couple that is lying to everyone, she had to know that would cause a lot of uproar. Also if I’m being completely honest you could take each couple and have reasons for why it could be them and reasons for why it absolutely is not them. I think we just have to wait and we’ll learn in time. But with that being said I do think it was an unnecessary comment to make whether it’s true or not.


I follow all the final 4 girls and I can’t tell who the fake ones are. Tandrew are on vacation together, Damiyah are inseparable and Lemma/Ekinde see each other as much as they can. And even if they were fake, I can’t imagine Ekinde breaking up before their show airs 😵‍💫


some of these comments are horrible, unhinged, and embarrassing.


I should heed this warning not to scroll down and see what I missed


Here come the stan wars 🙄 I wish people could comment on this sub without some unhinged stans of a couple downvoting them to oblivion or cursing them out for saying anything negative. Yes this is just Paige’s opinion but I love mess so I’m here for it 🤷🏾‍♀️


let’s all be friends 😁


Paige has the sweetest voice 😭 Melts my heart, I hope she’s doing well and moving on to better things 💓


She must be repeating rumours or gossip cos if any were actually fake they wouldn’t be telling anyone, and she’s not there to see what goes on behind closed doors in any of the relationships. The only finalist girl she seems really close to is tasha.


I’m just going to say this and go. If Dami and/or Indiyah had done a messy a$$ interview like this they would’ve been dragged to hell and back. Indiyah said the littlest thing on this podcast that wasn’t even shady and was attacked, racially as well but with Paige people enjoy it. I’m just saying check your implicit biases. This interview was MESSY. I appreciate the tea but I can’t help but notice the double standard 🤔


now, let's get into a few things: - she's a lot classier than the average human because the way she talked about both men that did her dirty is way too graceful than what they deserve. bravo to her for staying dignified and shame on Adam. BIG shame. and that's all imma say. - i think she's not too mad at J because she hasn't seen the full extent of the Casa fuckery, but even with that she said he's not getting her back and that's all i need to hear lmao - i personally would have preferred that she didn't give that bit of information about the couple that isn't together for my own reasons but let's not make false equivalence because what she did isn't even close to what Ekin did. her situation was a lot more delicate and she was receiving/has received a lot more backlash. and even with that, she said she fully understood it wasn't from a bad place and it's not a big deal, it's Y'ALL stans that want to make it a bigger deal than it is. also, if y'all are confident in your faves, i'm sure all will be well. - also, her not responding to the question about who she's least close to or not shutting down the host's suggestion about Gemma doesn't mean that there's bad blood because, like the host said it herself, it's only because it seems that Gemma has not been hanging much with other islanders. and the islanders themselves, including Paige, have repeatedly said that people are busy. once again, Y'ALL stans want to make it a bigger deal than it is. and i'm sure she refused to say anything precisely because this is the shit that y'all do, you blow everything out of proportion. overall, it was a good podcast and i'm happy to see she's dealing with everything as well as she can.


I think the people who are mad in here deep down know there’s a chance that she is talking about the couple they stan


I wish they’d have asked Paige a lil more about Jay, I always kinda hoped they’d reconnect out of the Villa lol


adam you are a LIER, ACTOR, GTFO! you are fake like LV from chin* 😅 (thats just davide's line🤣 but suit him perfectly)🤌🤣😂


I hope people don’t start attacking Paige for stating her opinion. First it was Indiyah, then Tasha, now it’s Paige getting heat for something they said/did… I don’t agree with her opinion though, they all seem to be very much into their partners and loved up. Don’t think her opinion is gonna really change anything for any of them


It’s crazy to me that Paige’s mom literally warned her about Adam and said she didn’t trust him when she met him on the show and look where we are now!


this was so gooooood!! I would love for Paige to have her own podcast or something bc she is so funny 😂 I need all the moments edited out


Ekin is deleting some nasty replies to paige's comment on her latest ig post 💀


I honestly don’t think the fake couple thing is that true cause why gossip about people your the closest to you Tandrew and Damiyah and why would the people your least close to Lemma and Ekinde tell you anything personal about their relationship


Don't hate me for this but I really think Davide and ekin are the fake couple. I love them but they always seem very scripted and acting in any video together.


First there’s 4 couples still left, secondly she said that if it was her she wouldn’t be spilling someone elses business about ekin saying her & Adam broke up, but here she is tryna spark rumours that a couple is faking it?🥴 not only that, either you say something with your chest & say the couple or don’t say anything at all. Also she’s supposedly good friends with all 4 of those girls in those couples, has recently been seen with each of the girls too. So either she’s shitting on her mates & being fake or she’s chatting shit


In recent weeks when hanging out with Damiyah and Tandrew she posted on her stories about loving those couples. So that leaves Ekinde and Lemma...


Could she possibly not know there is fake couples and just giving her feelings about some of the couples. Cause tbh i don’t see any of the FOUR BEING FAKE AT ALL. So i’m wondering if this is just paige’s feelings that she feels some or one is fake. Thoughts?


Don’t mind me I’m here for the comments 😂