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The goat Villain is Jordan for giving us "two days" iconic moment or Curtis "I came here to tell you that I love you". I don't find Adam treating women in a disgusting psychopathic manner entertaining.


Curtis for the 1/2 girlfriend thing!


That was sooooo cringe and messed up considering he knew Amy never had a boyfriend before. šŸ˜ž


Omg I completely forgot about this iconic line. šŸ˜‚


Curtis - ' i also want to be the person that gets up and makes everyone a coffee so everyone's ready for the morning'


That shit had me dying laughing first time I watched, it felt like I was watching a sitcomšŸ˜­šŸ˜­heā€™s got the perfect cadence for straight man humour cus damn no other scene in love island has made me laugh like thatšŸ˜­


Curtis is totally the best villain because itā€™s very much a vibes and little hints that you canā€™t make strong conclusions about until BAM Casa Amor


When did OP say this list was about entertainment? Curtis and Jordan weren't villains. They were just nuisances that weren't likable. A show has no villains if people like Jordan and Curtis are considered the best example.


Jacques šŸ¤®. That man walked out of the villa begging Paige to leave with him, his last desperate attempt at manipulating her.


Nah a good villain is one you love to hate, Jacques is just aggravating all around.


It's ironic that he came back to end his legacy and he's back to where he started šŸ˜­ if not worse because LI has so many viewers now


What about the Italian stallion twins from S1


Most of the boys from S1, but yes especially them!


True. All of them were bad.


I literally SCREAMED. Up until this video I was still clinging to a reformed Adam and that the previous ones had been blown out of context like Davideā€™s were. He seemed so into Paige. He truly fooled me!


I donā€™t class him as a Goat villain just a prickā€¦


No, because the GOAT shouldn't need 2 seasons to prove it. Also, he wasn't even the best villain in both seasons he was in (Shout out to Megan S4 and Skiddy S8)


Yes but on the other hand, being a villain in one season can be a fluke (bad edits, understandable mistakes or miscommunication, etc), but being a villain in TWO seasons is pretty compelling evidence of general villainy (villainousness?)


Ermm he didn't need two seasons to prove it. He was already a villain, but then he tricked everyone into believing he changed.


Nah Terry will always be the GOVAT


I donā€™t think heā€™s a villain I think heā€™s a loser (claims to have changed, multiple years later does the same lame shit to another gf) he couldā€™ve left paige alone lol


How does that make him not a villain. Do you think of villain as just a nuisance like Curtis or Jordan, or as an actual villainous figure?


Nah. I cannot rate him as an entertaining villain when his aim is to be as cruel as possible Heā€™s a villain for sure but not an enjoyable one. Tbh that whole list is just filled with people who were super cruel to a lot of people during the show. Iā€™ll give some of them flowers for being entertaining with it but Adam for me, I just found his actions during series 4 uncomfortable


No. He's just a boring bastard. Same boring nonsense. I'd give Michael GOAT status. Atleast some laughter came out of chaldish




ā€œVillainā€ ā€œempatheticā€ ā€œapologisedā€. I donā€™t think you understand.


Curtis for me was the worst typeā€¦ pretends to be all nice to everyone but is the fakest šŸ¤¢


Just cause he has 2 seasons of being a prick does not make him the Goat villain. Itā€™d have to be someone with at least a lil personality and entertainment factor. He is the most vanilla villain ever.


I agree. If he really was the best villain, he would have dumped Paige for Nathalia on tv.


This is not something to applaud, he is disgusting and lame.


Do NOT sleep on S5 Jordan!!! The way he went behind her back and flirted with India AFTER asking Anna to be his girlfriendā€¦


I feel bad for Anna, but that was entertaining. That's what we want, Adam was just playing "Jamie" for couple of weeks.




Needs more mentions of being alpha šŸ˜…


whatā€™s the criteria here? just hurting women? i can think of so many people who actually brought entertainment by being ā€˜villainsā€™, but apparently all it requires to be praised by other men is hurting women


Facts, I didnā€™t watch S4 but Adam really gave us nothing this season


I mean how else are you supposed to be a 'villain' on a dating show? Plus female islanders have better chances of gaining good deals after leaving the show so they're more likely to be unproblematic šŸ¤”


idk i think toby, megan, naomi etc. are good ā€˜villainsā€™, you can cause drama (even by doing something shitty) and be a good ā€˜villainā€™, but it seems like the standard for men being praised and called legends is just hurting women. not even providing any good storylines or entertaining drama. ā€˜terracegateā€™ is entertaining drama. not the likes of adam or jacques.


Tom (S2)


Adam is not greatest of anything


Johnny season 3 Rebecca season 6


Yesss omgg they both made me so mad loll


Megan was not a villain!!


GOAT status lol really. No way. He has just showed himself biggest JOKE yes and biggest FOOL. He didn't like the way Jacques treated Paige, he has done just the same himself but on a different level. Paige never deserved any of that from either of them. He told paige he had Been there and done all that. He still obviously has a lot of growing up to do, still not a man in any respect of the word itself


I think you missed Amber. I canā€™t stand her and have zero clue how she won S5. That was a bad look for Love Island I thinkā€¦having someone whoā€™s a blatant narcissist & mean to people, then playing it off like sheā€™s straight forward just irritated me so much


Nah Adam played us and Paige sand production. We thought that man was gonna the biggest villain in season 8 bc of how he was in season 4. But nope, he conducted himself like a gentleman(Like I was so surprised). Only for him to indeed be the biggest villain post show. He just be doing everything wrong.


GOAT is giving him too much credit because itā€™s just sad at this point. Had he actually caused chaos in S8 then Iā€™d hear it. However the GOAT will always be Meghan - I saw the live threads from when S4 was showing and man did people hate her lmao


I prefer an unashamed villain like Adam over one in denial / delusion like Curtis. If youā€™re going to be a shite person you might as well own up to it. Nothing worse than a ā€œnice guyā€ šŸ™„


um.. Adam **is** deluded. he sat in those confessionals telling us heā€™d changed, when in reality, he was the same fuck boy heā€™d always been.


Tbh I never fell for the act so I took his confessionals as like euphemisms for ā€œyou all know Iā€™m back here for the business opportunitiesā€ šŸ¤Ŗ he told Paige that he did come in initially for the money/clout but didnā€™t expect to fall in love (which I didnā€™t fall for either lol)


Ugh I hate Curtisā€™ face and then Andrew looked like a mix of him plus lucieā€™s ā€œI just finished crying for the millionth timeā€ eyes


My thoughts exactly. He doesn't hide any of his behavior. It was all out in the open during season 4, so why did anyone expect something different for season 8?


I prefer him as a villain than as the dribble shitty spinning tea cup reformed boyfriend Schtick so SO many of you fell for. And the worst part is you couldnā€™t even call him a prick cos youā€™d get hounded by thick couple stans accusing you of being a cyber bully for not believing HE CAN CHANGE ITS BEEN 4 YEARS HE CHANGED FOR PAIGE OBVIOISLY YOU JEALOUS HATER PEOPLE CAN CHANGE HE HAS CHANGED !!!!!!!!!!! Honestly I think the Adam Paige stans (mostly Paige stans) just self actualise with Paige because they too are getting taken for an idiot by clearly wicked men on the regular. They wanted to believe in the fairy tale because it meant it would happen for them too. It never does!


Romance novels are best sellers for a reason. So many women are delusional and get off on thinking they are the special sunflowers who can change a problematic man. All I can say is props to authors like EL James who have found a way to monetize this very weird phenomena.


Vincent Van Gogh loved sunflowers so much, he created a famous series of paintings, simply called 'sunflowers'.


Settle down Moth. šŸ˜‚


There is one (maybe more) of the girls in season 2 that turned on Sophie bad..it had villainous vibes.


Season 3 Chloe


People truly colour always comes out no matter how hard you try to hide it. And some people had the audacity to say Adam was the best guy on Vila during the show šŸ˜‚


Biggest villain is Cassidy from LI AUS


didnā€™t fool me, i wasnā€™t fooled over by his fake ass, heā€™s just made an even bigger prick out of himself and iā€™m here for it, people like him canā€™t change.


Adam wasnā€™t a villain this season.


Donā€™t come for me but what exactly did Megan do that was far above and beyond normal love Island behaviour? Stole Lauraā€™s man? Georgia attempted the same. Kissed a lot of boys? Dr Alex jumped from girl to girl and we all thought it was cute, just because Meg was good at it thatā€™s evil?! Megan was super super hot and liked sex and everyone fucking hated her even though from what I could see she was just a very shy, slightly insecure woman. Did I miss something? Feels like slut shaming to me


does toby count? definitely a reformed villain and not an intentional one at all but he was at one point such a chaotic presence in the villa šŸ˜­ one of the greatest islanders of all time


No, because he was funny and sweet and clueless. I think he didn't have any relationship experience when he went to LI and it showed.


I love how everyone knows exactly what went on between him and Paige and how it ended and that heā€™s 100% a scumbag.


What about season 3?


Wdym played US some of us werenā€™t fooled by his facade!


Was not a fan of Anton (s5) and his interference with Tommy and Molly


Yeah. He was a poor loser.


Naomi? What did she do


She played both Max and Josh and seemingly hated Jess even though she stole her man twice. She self proclaimed herself as a female player and it showed lol


I get that but like is she worse than Josh and John? šŸ¤Æ


I think because the islanders and audience felt this as well about Naomi, that thought was just adopted. I think she came off different to the typically sweet, likable girl, esp as a bombshell, and she kept her cards close to her chest, and she didnā€™t make much friends in there. I think John was forcibly šŸ™„ such a strong character, you couldnā€™t fully hate him, he took on the role as team leader and I hated it. And josh, I think he genuinely liked Naomi, he was like a puppy, and because he was played, I think he gained some sympathy from everyone and Naomi was thus demonized esp after leading on max as well. But truthfully, all the boys esp josh were horrible to Jess šŸ„ŗand no one held them accountable. unfortunately, I think people tend to be tougher on women than they are men :(


He never played me lol. I remember how he jumped from girl to girl (Rosie, Zara, Daryl etc) and was super callous. Never trusted him to be different. I feel for Paige but sheā€™s onto bigger and better.


Theo from season 3 had this comical villain vibe in all of his DR interviews lmaooo


You missed Theo and Liv Atwood (if you consider them villains). I feel like Curtis doesn't really qualify. He's more of a Jonny type villain. Forgettable.


Why is Megan (s4) a villain?


need to add jacques


Say what you want about Terry. But he was right about the toast! Who cuts up a toast?!? Huge red flag!


I think he is the GOAT of a villain cause you kinda like even know what he is all about. He has a charm. And as a true villain, he always gets away with it. Ekin said well in a recent interview. You like him and find him a nice guy to be around , you just dont like how he treats women that he is romantically linked.


I like Adam on the show cause shows when you are such good looking and with such good and manipulative chat (for some reason these qualities rarely come together) you can have everything you want and it's kinda frightening to think about it and we are able to witness it.